Shotguns do not do full damage with each pellet

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Haodong Mo 2021-02-25 14:42:36 +11:00
parent d238f65ad5
commit 9f6d4c7235
2 changed files with 11 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ function ArcCW:GetRicochetChance(penleft, tr)
local c = Lerp(degree, math.min(penleft * ricmult * 2, 45), 0)
-- c = c * GetConVar("arccw_ricochet_mult"):GetFloat()
-- c = 100
return math.Clamp(c, 0, 100)

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@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ end
function ArcCW:ShootPhysBullet(wep, pos, vel, prof)
local pbi = wep:GetBuff_Override("Override_PhysBulletImpact")
local num = wep:GetBuff_Override("Override_Num") or wep.Num
local bullet = {
DamageMax = wep:GetDamage(0),
DamageMin = wep:GetDamage(wep:GetBuff("Range")),
DamageMax = wep:GetDamage(0) / num,
DamageMin = wep:GetDamage(wep:GetBuff("Range")) / num,
Range = wep:GetBuff("Range"),
DamageType = wep:GetBuff_Override("Override_DamageType") or wep.DamageType,
Penleft = wep:GetBuff("Penetration"),
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ function ArcCW:ShootPhysBullet(wep, pos, vel, prof)
ImpactDecal = wep:GetBuff_Override("Override_ImpactDecal") or wep.ImpactDecal,
PhysBulletImpact = pbi == nil and true or pbi,
Gravity = wep:GetBuff("PhysBulletGravity"),
Num = wep:GetBuff_Override("Override_Num") or wep.Num,
Num = num,
Pos = pos,
Vel = vel,
Drag = wep:GetBuff("PhysBulletDrag"),
@ -399,6 +400,8 @@ function ArcCW:DrawPhysBullets()
size = size * math.log(EyePos():DistToSqr(i.Pos) - math.pow(256, 2))
-- print(size)
size = math.Clamp(size, 0, math.huge)
local delta = (EyePos():DistToSqr(i.Pos) / math.pow(20000, 2))
@ -417,7 +420,7 @@ function ArcCW:DrawPhysBullets()
render.DrawSprite(i.Pos, size, size, col)
render.DrawBeam(i.Pos, i.Pos - (i.Vel:GetNormalized() * 256), size * 0.75, 0, 1, col)
render.DrawBeam(i.Pos, i.Pos - i.Vel:GetNormalized() * math.min(i.Vel:Length() * 0.02, 512), size * 0.75, 0, 1, col)
-- cam.End3D()