mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 03:13:32 -05:00
Improved: Spelling in some areas
This commit is contained in:
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ local asmlib = trackasmlib; if(not asmlib) then -- Module present
------------ CONFIGURE ASMLIB ------------
asmlib.SetIndexes("V" ,1,2,3)
asmlib.SetIndexes("A" ,1,2,3)
@ -422,22 +422,22 @@ if(CLIENT) then
weight = 600
-- Listen for changes to the localify language and reload the tool's menu to update the localizations
-- Listen for changes of the language and reload the tool's menu to update the localizations
cvarsRemoveChangeCallback(varLanguage:GetName(), gsToolPrefL.."lang")
cvarsAddChangeCallback(varLanguage:GetName(), function(sNam, vO, vN)
local sLog, bS, vOut, fUser, fAdmn = "*UPDATE_CONTROL_PANEL("..vO.."/"..vN..")"
local oTool = asmlib.GetOpVar("STORE_TOOLOBJ"); if(not asmlib.IsHere(oTool)) then
asmlib.LogInstance("Tool object missing", sLog); return end
-- Retrieve the control panel from the tool main tab
local fCont = oTool.BuildCPanel -- Function is the tool populator
local fCont = oTool.BuildCPanel -- Function to populate the tool
local pCont = controlpanelGet(gsToolNameL); if(not IsValid(pCont)) then
asmlib.LogInstance("Control invalid", sLog); return end
-- Retrieve the utilities user preferencies panel
-- Retrieve the utilities user preferences panel
bS, vOut = asmlib.DoAction("TWEAK_PANEL", "Utilities", "User"); if(not bS) then
asmlib.LogInstance("User miss: "..vOut, sLog); return end; fUser = vOut
local pUser = controlpanelGet(gsToolNameL.."_utilities_user"); if(not IsValid(pUser)) then
asmlib.LogInstance("User invalid", sLog); return end
-- Retrieve the utilities admin preferencies panel
-- Retrieve the utilities admin preferences panel
bS, vOut = asmlib.DoAction("TWEAK_PANEL", "Utilities", "Admin"); if(not bS) then
asmlib.LogInstance("Admin miss: "..vOut, sLog); return end; fAdmn = vOut
local pAdmn = controlpanelGet(gsToolNameL.."_utilities_admin"); if(not IsValid(pAdmn)) then
@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ if(CLIENT) then
local aW = mathAtan2(vA.y, vA.x) -- Read wiper angle and normalize the value
aW = ((aW < 0) and (aW + nMr) or aW) -- Convert [0;+pi;-pi;0] to [0;2pi]
local iW = mathFloor(((aW / nMr) * nN) + 1) -- Calculate fraction ID for working mode
local dA = (nMr / (nK * nN)) -- Two times smaller step to hangle centers as well
local dA = (nMr / (nK * nN)) -- Two times smaller step to handle centers as well
asmlib.SetXY(vA, vF); asmlib.NegY(vA); asmlib.AddXY(vA, vA, vCn); asmlib.SetXY(tP[4], vA)
asmlib.SetXY(vA, vN); asmlib.NegY(vA); asmlib.AddXY(vA, vA, vCn); asmlib.SetXY(tP[3], vA)
local nT, nB = mathCeil((nK - 1) / 2) + 1, mathFloor((nK - 1) / 2) + 1
@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ if(CLIENT) then
else -- Even. Use the rod middle point of the two vertexes
if(nB == iK) then asmlib.MidXY(vTx, vA, vB) end
end -- Otherwise calculation is not triggered and does nothing
end -- One segment for woring mode selection is drawn
end -- One segment for working mode selection is drawn
actMonitor:SetTextStart(vTx.x, vTx.y):DrawText(sW, "k", "SURF", {"Trebuchet24", true})
end; asmlib.SetAsmConvar(oPly, "workmode", iW); return true
@ -755,9 +755,9 @@ if(CLIENT) then
pnListView:AddColumn(languageGetPhrase("tool."..gsToolNameL..".pn_ext_dsv_2")):SetFixedWidth(wUse - wSrc)
-- Rext entry to inport/export to list view
-- Next entry to import/export to list view
xyPos.y = xyPos.y + xySiz.y + xyDsz.y
xySiz.y = nB -- Genral Y-size of elements
xySiz.y = nB -- General Y-size of elements
local tpText = {Size = #pnListView.Columns}
for iC = 1, tpText.Size do
local pC = pnListView.Columns[iC]
@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ if(CLIENT) then
end; oDSV:Close()
end; pnImport:DoClick()
-- Expot button. When clicked loads contents into the file
-- Export button. When clicked loads contents into the file
local pnExport = vguiCreate("DButton")
if(not IsValid(pnExport)) then pnFrame:Close()
asmlib.LogInstance("Export button invalid", sLog); return nil end
@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ if(CLIENT) then
if(not asmlib.UpdateListView(pnListView,frUsed,nCount)) then
asmlib.LogInstance("Populate the list view failed",sLog); return nil end
-- The button dababase export by type uses the current active type in the ListView line
-- The button database export by type uses the current active type in the ListView line
pnButton.DoClick = function(pnSelf)
asmlib.LogInstance("Click "..asmlib.GetReport(pnSelf:GetText()), sLog..".Button")
if(asmlib.GetAsmConvar("exportdb", "BUL")) then
@ -1551,7 +1551,7 @@ if(SERVER) then
if(cTim > pTim[2]) then
asmlib.Notify(oPly,"Do not rush the context menu!","UNDO")
pTim[2] = (cTim + nDel) -- For given amont of seconds
pTim[2] = (cTim + nDel) -- For given amount of seconds
@ -1847,8 +1847,8 @@ if(CLIENT) then
else asmlib.LogInstance("DB CATEGORY from LUA",gtInitLogs) end
--[[ Track pieces parametrization legend
* Utilizing a trasnform attacment is done by using "OPSYM_ENTPOSANG"
--[[ Track pieces parameterization legend
* Utilizing a transform attachment is done by using "OPSYM_ENTPOSANG"
* Disabling a component is preformed by using "OPSYM_DISABLE"
* Active points data are strings of floats delimited by "OPSYM_SEPARATOR"
* Disabling P - The ID search point is treated as taking the origin
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ if(not asmlib) then myThrowError("Failed loading the required module!"); return
* sDelim > The delimiter used by the server/client ( default is a tab symbol )
local function mySyncTable(sName, tData, bRepl)
if(not asmlib.IsEmpty(tData)) then -- Somrting to be processed. Do stuff when the table is not empty
if(not asmlib.IsEmpty(tData)) then -- Something to be processed. Do stuff when the table is not empty
asmlib.LogInstance("SynchronizeDSV START <"..myPrefix..">") -- Signal start synchronization
if(not asmlib.SynchronizeDSV(sName, tData, bRepl, myPrefix)) then -- Attempt to synchronize
myThrowError("Failed to synchronize: "..sName) -- Raise error when fails to sync tracks data
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ asmlib.LogInstance(">>> "..myScript.." ("..tostring(myFlag).."): {"..myAddon..",
-- Register the addon to the workshop ID list
asmlib.WorkshopID(myAddon, "326640186")
-- Register the addon to the pluggable DSV list
-- Register the addon to the plugable DSV list
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ local myCategory = {
-- Register the addon category to the pluggable DSV list
-- Register the addon category to the plugable DSV list
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ local myPieces = {
-- Register the addon PIECES to the pluggable DSV list
-- Register the addon PIECES to the plugable DSV list
mySyncTable("PIECES", myPieces, true)
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ local myAdditions = {
-- Register the addon ADDITIONS to the pluggable DSV list
-- Register the addon ADDITIONS to the plugable DSV list
mySyncTable("ADDITIONS", myAdditions, true)
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ mySyncTable("ADDITIONS", myAdditions, true)
local myPhysproperties = {}
-- Register the addon PHYSPROPERTIES to the pluggable DSV list
-- Register the addon PHYSPROPERTIES to the plugable DSV list
mySyncTable("PHYSPROPERTIES", myPhysproperties, true)
asmlib.LogInstance("<<< "..myScript)
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ local gsDSV = "TRACKASSEMBLY_PIECES\t\"%s\"\t\"%s\"\t\"%s\"\t%d\t\"%s\"\t\"%s\"\
--[[ **************************** CALLBACKS **************************** ]]
local gsVarName -- This stores current variable name
local gsCbcHash = "_wire" -- This keeps suffix realted to the file
local gsCbcHash = "_wire" -- This keeps suffix related to the file
gsVarName = asmlib.GetAsmConvar("enwiremod", "NAM")
cvarsRemoveChangeCallback(gsVarName, gsVarName..gsCbcHash)
@ -281,11 +281,11 @@ local function makePiece(oPly, oEnt, sModel, vPos, aAng, nMass, sBgpID, nR, nG,
if(not nMs and oEnt and oEnt:IsValid()) then local oPhy = oEnt:GetPhysicsObject()
if(not (oPhy and oPhy:IsValid())) then return nil end; nMs = oPhy:GetMass() end
if(not sBsID) then local sDir = asmlib.GetOpVar("OPSYM_DIRECTORY")
if(not (oEnt and oEnt:IsValid())) then sBsID = "0/0" else -- Use bodygrup and skin
if(not (oEnt and oEnt:IsValid())) then sBsID = "0/0" else -- Use bodygroup and skin
sBsID = asmlib.GetPropBodyGroup(oEnt)..sDir..asmlib.GetPropSkin(oEnt) end
end -- Color handling. Apply color based on the conditions
if(asmlib.IsNumber(oCol)) then -- Color specifier is a number
oCol = asmlib.GetColor(nR,nG,nB,nA) -- Trat last 4 arguments as numbers
oCol = asmlib.GetColor(nR,nG,nB,nA) -- Try last 4 arguments as numbers
elseif(asmlib.IsTable(oCol)) then -- Attempt to extract keys information from the table
oCol = asmlib.GetColor((oCol[1] or oCol["r"]), -- Numerical indices are with priority to hash
(oCol[2] or oCol["g"]), -- Numerical indices are with priority to hash
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ function GetOwner(oEnt)
ows = oEnt.player; if(IsPlayer(ows)) then return ows else ows = nil end
ows = oEnt.Owner; if(IsPlayer(ows)) then return ows else ows = nil end
ows = oEnt.owner; if(IsPlayer(ows)) then return ows else ows = nil end
if(set) then -- Duplicatior die functions are registered
if(set) then -- Duplicator die functions are registered
set = set.GetCountUpdate; ows = (set.Args and set.Args[1] or nil)
if(IsPlayer(ows)) then return ows else ows = nil end
set = set.undo1; ows = (set.Args and set.Args[1] or nil)
@ -457,14 +457,14 @@ end
vMsg > Message being displayed
vSrc > Name of the sub-routine call (string) or parameter stack (table)
bCon > Force output in console flag
iDbg > Debug table overrive depth
tDbg > Debug table overrive
iDbg > Debug table override depth
tDbg > Debug table override
function LogInstance(vMsg, vSrc, bCon, iDbg, tDbg)
local nMax = (tonumber(GetOpVar("LOG_MAXLOGS")) or 0)
if(nMax and (nMax <= 0)) then return end
local vSrc, bCon, iDbg, tDbg = vSrc, bCon, iDbg, tDbg
if(vSrc and IsTable(vSrc)) then -- Recieve the stack as table
if(vSrc and IsTable(vSrc)) then -- Receive the stack as table
vSrc, bCon, iDbg, tDbg = vSrc[1], vSrc[2], vSrc[3], vSrc[4] end
iDbg = mathFloor(tonumber(iDbg) or 0); iDbg = ((iDbg > 0) and iDbg or nil)
local tInfo = (iDbg and debugGetinfo(iDbg) or nil) -- Pass stack index
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ end
function LogTable(tT, sS, vSrc, bCon, iDbg, tDbg)
local vSrc, bCon, iDbg, tDbg = vSrc, bCon, iDbg, tDbg
if(vSrc and IsTable(vSrc)) then -- Recieve the stack as table
if(vSrc and IsTable(vSrc)) then -- Receive the stack as table
vSrc, bCon, iDbg, tDbg = vSrc[1], vSrc[2], vSrc[3], vSrc[4] end
local tP = {vSrc, bCon, iDbg, tDbg} -- Normalize parameters
tP[1], tP[2] = tostring(vSrc or ""), tobool(bCon)
@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ end
* pFile > The file to read the line of characters from
* bCons > Keeps data consistency. Enable to skip trim
* sChar > Custom pattern to be used when trimming
* Reurns line contents and reaching EOF flag
* Returns line contents and reaching EOF flag
* sLine > The line being read from the file
* isEOF > Flag indicating pointer reached EOF
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ function WorkshopID(sKey, sID)
end -- Report overwrite value is present in the list
else -- The number does not meet the format
LogInstance("("..sKey..") Mismatch "..GetReport2(sWS, sID))
end -- Rerurn the current value under the specified key
end -- Return the current value under the specified key
end; return sWS
@ -1058,7 +1058,7 @@ function GetQueue(sKey)
return mHash[mKey] end
local self, mBusy, mS, mE = {}, {}, nil, nil
-- Returns the queue mamber key
-- Returns the queue member key
function self:GetKey() return mKey end
-- Returns the last item in the queue
function self:GetHead() return mS end
@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ function GetContainer(sKey, sDef)
local mData, mID, self = {}, {}, {}
local mDef = sDef or GetOpVar("KEY_DEFAULT")
local miTop, miAll, mhCnt = 0, 0, 0
-- Returns the container iser information
-- Returns the container name information
function self:GetKey() return mKey end
-- Returns the largest index in the array part
function self:GetSize() return miTop end
@ -1179,9 +1179,9 @@ function GetContainer(sKey, sDef)
function self:GetData() return mData end
-- Returns the container hash ID reference
function self:GetHashID() return mID end
-- Calls a manual collet garbage
-- Calls a manual collect garbage
function self:Collect() collectgarbage(); return self end
-- Checkes whenever there are wholes in the array part
-- Checks whenever there are wholes in the array part
function self:IsRagged() return (miAll ~= miTop) end
-- Reads the data from the container
function self:Select(nsKey)
@ -1912,7 +1912,8 @@ function SetCheckBox(cPanel, sVar)
pItem:SetTooltip(sTtip); return pItem
function SetCenter(oEnt, vPos, aAng, nX, nY, nZ) -- Set the ENT's Angles first!
-- Set the ENT's Angles first!
function SetCenter(oEnt, vPos, aAng, nX, nY, nZ)
if(not (oEnt and oEnt:IsValid())) then
LogInstance("Entity Invalid"); return Vector(0,0,0) end
oEnt:SetPos(vPos); oEnt:SetAngles(aAng)
@ -2186,7 +2187,7 @@ function RegisterPOA(stData, ivID, sP, sO, sA)
LogInstance("Exists ID #"..tostring(iID)); return nil
if((iID > 1) and (not tOffs[iID - 1])) then
LogInstance("Desynchronized ID #"..tostring(iID)); return nil end
LogInstance("Scatter ID #"..tostring(iID)); return nil end
tOffs[iID] = {}; tOffs[iID].P = {}; tOffs[iID].O = {}; tOffs[iID].A = {}; tOffs = tOffs[iID]
end; local sE, sD = GetOpVar("OPSYM_ENTPOSANG"), GetOpVar("OPSYM_DISABLE")
---------- Origin ----------
@ -2262,7 +2263,7 @@ end
------------- VARIABLE INTERFACES --------------
* Returns a string term whrever it is is missing or disabled
* Returns a string term whenever it is is missing or disabled
* If these conditions are not met the function returns missing token
* sBas > The string to check whenever it is disabled or missing
* vDef > The default value to return when base is not string
@ -2383,7 +2384,7 @@ end
* Used for scaling hit position circle
* pPly > Player the radius is scaled for
* vHit > Hit position circle to be scaled
* nSca > Radius multiplier scaler
* nSca > Radius multiplier value
function GetCacheRadius(pPly, vHit, nSca)
local stSpot = GetPlayerSpot(pPly); if(not IsHere(stSpot)) then
@ -2432,12 +2433,12 @@ function GetCacheCurve(pPly)
stData.Info = {} -- This holds various vectors and angles and other data
stData.Rays = {} -- Holds hashes whenever given node is an active point
stData.Info.Pos = {Vector(), Vector()} -- Start and end positions of active points
stData.Info.Ang = {Angle (), Angle ()} -- Start and end anngles of active points
stData.Info.Ang = {Angle (), Angle ()} -- Start and end angles of active points
stData.Info.UCS = {Vector(), Vector()} -- Origin and normal vector for the iteration
stData.Snap = {} -- Contains array of position and angle snap information
stData.Node = {} -- Contains array of node positions for the curve caculation
stData.Norm = {} -- Contains array of normal vector for the curve caculation
stData.Base = {} -- Contains array of hit positions for the curve caculation
stData.Node = {} -- Contains array of node positions for the curve calculation
stData.Norm = {} -- Contains array of normal vector for the curve calculation
stData.Base = {} -- Contains array of hit positions for the curve calculation
stData.CNode = {} -- The place where the curve nodes are stored
stData.CNorm = {} -- The place where the curve normals are stored
stData.Size = 0 -- The amount of points for the primary node array
@ -2618,7 +2619,7 @@ function CreateTable(sTable,defTab,bDelete,bReload)
if(sMoDB == "SQL") then local qtCmd = self:GetCommand() -- Read the command and current time
local nNow, tTim = Time(), qtCmd.Timer; if(not IsHere(tTim)) then
LogInstance("Missing timer settings",tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[kKey] end
oSpot[kKey].Used = nNow -- Make the first selected deletable to avoid phantom records
oSpot[kKey].Used = nNow -- Make the first selected deleteable to avoid phantom records
local smTM, tmLif, tmDie, tmCol = tTim[1], tTim[2], tTim[3], tTim[4]; if(tmLif <= 0) then
LogInstance("Timer attachment ignored",tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[kKey] end
LogInstance("["..smTM.."] ("..tmLif..") "..tostring(tmDie)..", "..tostring(tmCol),tabDef.Nick)
@ -2694,7 +2695,7 @@ function CreateTable(sTable,defTab,bDelete,bReload)
LogInstance("Mismatch ctrl ["..iD.."]",tabDef.Nick); bStat = false end
if(tCol[4] and not IsString(tCol[4])) then
LogInstance("Mismatch conv ["..iD.."]",tabDef.Nick); bStat = false end
end; return bStat -- Succesfully validated the builder table
end; return bStat -- Successfully validated the builder table
-- Creates table column list as string
function self:GetColumnList(sD)
@ -2746,7 +2747,7 @@ function CreateTable(sTable,defTab,bDelete,bReload)
else LogInstance("Invalid column type <"..tyCol..">",tabDef.Nick); return nil
end; return snOut
-- Build drop statment
-- Build drop statement
function self:Drop()
local qtDef = self:GetDefinition()
local qtCmd = self:GetCommand(); qtCmd.STMT = "Drop"
@ -2755,7 +2756,7 @@ function CreateTable(sTable,defTab,bDelete,bReload)
if(not sStmt) then sStmt = CacheStmt(qsKey, "DROP TABLE %s;", qtDef.Name) end
qtCmd[qtCmd.STMT] = sStmt; return self
-- Build delete statment
-- Build delete statement
function self:Delete()
local qtDef = self:GetDefinition()
local qtCmd = self:GetCommand(); qtCmd.STMT = "Delete"
@ -2774,7 +2775,7 @@ function CreateTable(sTable,defTab,bDelete,bReload)
local qtCmd = self:GetCommand()
qtCmd.Commit = "COMMIT;"; return self
-- Build create/drop/delete statment table of statemenrts
-- Build create/drop/delete statement table of statemenrts
function self:Create()
local qtDef = self:GetDefinition()
local qtCmd, iInd = self:GetCommand(), 1; qtCmd.STMT = "Create"
@ -2999,10 +3000,10 @@ function CacheBoxLayout(oEnt,nCamX,nCamZ)
local oRec = CacheQueryPiece(sMod); if(not IsHere(oRec)) then
LogInstance("Record invalid <"..sMod..">"); return nil end
local stBox = oRec.Layout; if(not IsHere(stBox)) then
oRec.Layout = {}; stBox = oRec.Layout -- Allocated chace layout
oRec.Layout = {}; stBox = oRec.Layout -- Allocated chance layout
stBox.Cen, stBox.Ang = oEnt:OBBCenter(), Angle() -- Layout position and angle
stBox.Eye = oEnt:LocalToWorld(stBox.Cen) -- Layout camera eye
stBox.Len = oEnt:BoundingRadius() -- Use bounding radius as enity size
stBox.Len = oEnt:BoundingRadius() -- Use bounding radius as entity size
stBox.Cam = Vector(stBox.Eye) -- Layout camera position
local nX = stBox.Len * (tonumber(nCamX) or 0) -- Calculate camera X
local nZ = stBox.Len * (tonumber(nCamZ) or 0) -- Calculate camera Z
@ -3119,7 +3120,7 @@ end
----------------------- PANEL QUERY -------------------------------
* Exports panel indormation to dedicated DB file
* Exports panel information to dedicated DB file
* stPanel > The actual panel information to export
* bExp > Export panel data into a DB file
* makTab > Table maker object
@ -3289,12 +3290,12 @@ function ExportPOA(stPOA,sOut)
sO = (stPOA.O.Slot and stPOA.O.Slot or sO)
local sA = (IsZeroPOA(stPOA.A, "A") and sE or StringPOA(stPOA.A, "A"))
sA = (stPOA.A.Slot and stPOA.A.Slot or sA)
return sP, sO, sA -- Recieve three strings as POA exports
return sP, sO, sA -- Return three strings as POA exports
* Save/Load the category generation
* vEq > Amount of intenal comment depth
* vEq > Amount of internal comment depth
* tData > The local data table to be exported ( if given )
* sPref > Prefix used on exporting ( if not uses instance prefix )
@ -3510,7 +3511,7 @@ function SynchronizeDSV(sTable, tData, bRepl, sPref, sDelim)
local fRec, vID, nID = fData[vK], tLine[iD+1]; nID = (tonumber(vID) or 0)
if((fRec.Size < 0) or (nID <= fRec.Size) or ((nID - fRec.Size) ~= 1)) then
I:Close(); LogInstance("("..fPref.."@"..sTable..") Read line ID #"..
tostring(vID).." desynchronized <"..tostring(vK)..">"); return false end
tostring(vID).." scatter <"..tostring(vK)..">"); return false end
fRec.Size = nID; fRec[nID] = {}; local fRow = fRec[nID] -- Regster the new line
for iCnt = 3, nL do fRow[iCnt-2] = tLine[iCnt] end -- Transfer the extracted data
else I:Close()
@ -3532,14 +3533,14 @@ function SynchronizeDSV(sTable, tData, bRepl, sPref, sDelim)
-- Where the line ID must be read from. Skip the key itself and convert the disabled value
if(iCnt ~= nID) then -- Validate the line ID being in proper borders abd sequential
LogInstance("("..fPref.."@"..sTable.."@"..sKey..") Sync point ["
..tostring(iCnt).."] ID desynchronized "..GetReport3(vID, nID, sID))
..tostring(iCnt).."] ID scatter "..GetReport3(vID, nID, sID))
return false end; tRow[iD-1] = nID
for nCnt = 1, #tRow do -- Do a value matching without quotes
local vM = makTab:Match(tRow[nCnt],nCnt+1,false,"",true,true); if(not IsHere(vM)) then
LogInstance("("..fPref.."@"..sTable.."@"..sKey..") Sync matching failed <"
..tostring(tRow[nCnt]).."> to <"..tostring(nCnt+1).." # "..defTab[nCnt+1][1]..">"); return false
end; tRow[nCnt] = vM -- Store the matched value in the same place as the original
end -- Check whenerver triggers are available. Run them if present
end -- Check whenever triggers are available. Run them if present
if(IsTable(defTab.Trigs)) then tableInsert(tRow, 1, vK) -- Apply trigger format
local bS, sR = pcall(defTab.Trigs["Record"], tRow, sFunc); if(not bS) then
LogInstance("("..fPref.."@"..sTable..") Trigger "..GetReport2(nID, vK).." error: "..sR); return false end
@ -3734,9 +3735,9 @@ end
* This function adds the extracted addition for given model to a list
* sModel > The model to be checked for addotions
* makTab > Reference to addotions table builder
* qList > The list to insert the found addotions
* sModel > The model to be checked for additions
* makTab > Reference to additions table builder
* qList > The list to insert the found additions
local function SetAdditionsAR(sModel, makTab, qList)
if(not IsHere(makTab)) then return end
@ -3836,9 +3837,9 @@ end
* This function extracts some track type from the database and creates
* desicated autorin control script files adding the given type argument
* to the database by using external pluggable DSV prefix list
* sType > Track type the autorun file is creaded for
* dedicated autorun control script files adding the given type argument
* to the database by using external plugable DSV prefix list
* sType > Track type the autorun file is created for
function ExportTypeAR(sType)
if(SERVER) then return nil end
@ -4044,9 +4045,9 @@ end
* ucsPos > Forced base UCS position when available
* ucsAng > Forced base UCS angle when available
* shdModel > Tool holder active model as string
* ivhdPoID > Requested point ID recieved from client
* ucsPos(X,Y,Z) > Offset position additianl translation from user
* ucsAng(P,Y,R) > Offset angle additianl rotation from user
* ivhdPoID > Requested point ID received from client
* ucsPos(X,Y,Z) > Offset position additional translation from user
* ucsAng(P,Y,R) > Offset angle additional rotation from user
* stData > When provided defines where to put the spawn data
function GetNormalSpawn(oPly,ucsPos,ucsAng,shdModel,ivhdPoID,
@ -4111,8 +4112,8 @@ end
* shdModel > Spawn data will be obtained for this model
* ivhdPoID > Active point ID selected via Right click ...
* nvActRadius > Minimal radius to get an active point from the client
* ucsPos(X,Y,Z) > Offset position additianl translation from user
* ucsAng(P,Y,R) > Offset angle additianl rotation from user
* ucsPos(X,Y,Z) > Offset position additional translation from user
* ucsAng(P,Y,R) > Offset angle additional rotation from user
* stData > When provided defines where to put the spawn data
function GetEntitySpawn(oPly,trEnt,trHitPos,shdModel,ivhdPoID,
@ -4236,7 +4237,7 @@ end
* f2 > Intersection fraction of the second ray
* x1 > Pillar intersection projection for first ray
* x2 > Pillar intersection projection for second ray
* xx > Actual clacualted pillar intersectoion point
* xx > Actual calculated pillar intersection point
local function IntersectRay(vO1, vD1, vO2, vD2)
if(vD1:LengthSqr() == 0) then
@ -4547,7 +4548,7 @@ function SetPosBound(ePiece,vPos,oPly,sMode)
* Checks whenever the spawned piece is inside the previos spawn margin
* Checks whenever the spawned piece is inside the previous spawn margin
function InSpawnMargin(oRec,vPos,aAng)
local nMarg = GetOpVar("SPAWN_MARGIN")
@ -4561,7 +4562,7 @@ function InSpawnMargin(oRec,vPos,aAng)
if(nMarg < 0) then return true end -- Negative checks position
local nMray = (1 - (nMpow * GetOpVar("EPSILON_ZERO")))
local nBray = oRec.Mray:Dot(aAng:Forward())
if(nBray >= nMray) then -- Positive shecks position and direction
if(nBray >= nMray) then -- Positive checks position and direction
LogInstance("Spawn ray ["..nBray.."]["..nMray.."]"); return true
end -- Piece angles will not align when spawned
end -- Piece will be spawned outside of spawn margin
@ -4662,13 +4663,13 @@ function ApplyPhysicalSettings(ePiece,bPi,bFr,bGr,sPh)
* Creates anchor constraints between the pice and the base prop
* Creates anchor constraints between the piece and the base prop
* ePiece > The piece entity to be attached
* eBase > Base enity the piece is attached to
* eBase > Base entity the piece is attached to
* bWe > Weld constraint flag ( Weld )
* bNc > NoCollide constraint flag ( NoCollide )
* bNw > NoCollideWorld constraint flag ( AdvBallsocket )
* nFm > Force limit of the contraint created. Defaults to never break
* nFm > Force limit of the constraint created. Defaults to never break
function ApplyPhysicalAnchor(ePiece,eBase,bWe,bNc,bNw,nFm)
if(CLIENT) then LogInstance("Working on client"); return true end
@ -4678,7 +4679,7 @@ function ApplyPhysicalAnchor(ePiece,eBase,bWe,bNc,bNw,nFm)
local sPr, cnW, cnN, cnG = GetOpVar("TOOLNAME_PL") -- Create local references for constraints
if(not (ePiece and ePiece:IsValid())) then
LogInstance("Piece invalid "..GetReport(ePiece)); return false, cnW, cnN, cnG end
if(constraintCanConstrain(ePiece, 0)) then -- Check piece for contrainability
if(constraintCanConstrain(ePiece, 0)) then -- Check piece for constraints
-- Weld on pieces between each other
if(bWe) then -- Weld using force limit given here
if(eBase and (eBase:IsValid() or eBase:IsWorld())) then
@ -4800,8 +4801,8 @@ end
* Registers constraint information for flip over mode
* tC > The genaral constrain information table
* vK > Key ( entity ID ) to store the flipped etity for
* tC > The general constrain information table
* vK > Key ( entity ID ) to store the flipped entity for
* oEnt > The entity to be stored
function RegConstraintOver(tC, vK, oEnt)
@ -5064,8 +5065,8 @@ end
* Creates a linear set of numbers with borders and given amount
* nBeg > The numbert to start from ( BEGIN )
* nEnd > The numbert to end with ( END )
* nBeg > The number to start from ( BEGIN )
* nEnd > The number to end with ( END )
* nAmt > Amount of middle points to be generated
* Returns table with the numbers
@ -5130,7 +5131,7 @@ end
* Calculates a full Catmull-Rom curve when there are no repeating points
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centripetal_Catmull%E2%80%93Rom_spline
* tV > A table containg the curve control points ( KNOTS )
* tV > A table containing the curve control points ( KNOTS )
* nT > Amount of points to be calculated between the control points
* nA > Parametric constant curve factor [0 ; 1]
* Returns a table containing the generated curve including the control points
@ -5158,7 +5159,7 @@ end
* Calculates a full Catmull-Rom curve when there are repeating points present
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centripetal_Catmull%E2%80%93Rom_spline
* tV > A table containg the curve control points ( KNOTS )
* tV > A table containing the curve control points ( KNOTS )
* nT > Amount of points to be calculated between the control points
* nA > Parametric constant curve factor [0 ; 1]
* Returns a table containing the generated curve including the control points
@ -5228,7 +5229,7 @@ end
* vO > The point position vector
* vS > Line start point vector
* vE > Line end point vector
* Returns bolean if the condition is present
* Returns boolean if the condition is present
local function IsAmongLine(vO, vS, vE)
local nE = GetOpVar("EPSILON_ZERO")
@ -5244,7 +5245,7 @@ end
* Populates one track location in the snapping stack
* and prepares the coordiante location to be moved
* and prepares the coordinate location to be moved
* iD > The current snap ID being populated
* vvS > Start location vector
* vnS > Start normal vector
@ -5271,12 +5272,12 @@ local function UpdateCurveNormUCS(oPly, vvS, vnS, vvE, vnE, vO, nD)
local xP, xM = IntersectLineSphere(vvS, vvE, vO, nD)
local bOn = IsAmongLine(xP, vvS, vvE)
local xXX = (bOn and xP or xM) -- The nearest point has more weight
local nF1 = xXX:Distance(vvS) -- Start point fracttion
local nF2 = xXX:Distance(vvE) -- End point fracttion
local nF1 = xXX:Distance(vvS) -- Start point fraction
local nF2 = xXX:Distance(vvE) -- End point fraction
local vF1 = Vector(vnS); vF1:Mul(1 - (nF1 / nR))
local vF2 = Vector(vnE); vF2:Mul(1 - (nF2 / nR))
local xNN = Vector(vF1); xNN:Add(vF2); xNN:Normalize()
local vF, vU = (xXX - vP), (vN + xNN) -- Spwan angle as FU
local vF, vU = (xXX - vP), (vN + xNN) -- Spawn angle as FU
local tS, tO = tC.Snap[tC.SSize], {Vector(vP), vF:AngleEx(vU)}
tS.Size, tC.SKept = (tS.Size + 1), (tC.SKept + 1) -- Update snap and nodes
tS[tS.Size] = tO; vP:Set(xXX); vN:Set(xNN) -- Update the new origin point
@ -5332,7 +5333,7 @@ function GetTurningFactor(oPly, tS, iD)
local tP = tS[iD - 1]; if(not IsHere(tP)) then
tP = tC.Snap[tS.ID - 1]; tP = (tP and tP[tP.Size] or nil)
end -- When a previous entry is not located return nothing
if(not IsHere(tP)) then -- Previos entry being validated
if(not IsHere(tP)) then -- Previous entry being validated
LogInstance("Prev mismatch "..GetReport(tP)); return nil end
local nF = tV[2]:Forward():Dot(tP[2]:Forward())
local nU = tV[2]:Up():Dot(tP[2]:Up())
@ -5387,7 +5388,7 @@ end
* Bezier curve calculator
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_curve
* tV > Array of bezier control nodes
* tV > Array of Bezier control nodes
* nT > Amount of samples between both ends
* tO > When provided it is filled with the curve
* Returns the table array of the calculated curve
@ -5400,7 +5401,7 @@ function GetBezierCurve(tV, nT, tO)
LogInstance("Samples mismatch "..GetReport1(nT)); return nil end
local iD, cT, dT, tB = 1, 0, (1 / nT), (tO or {})
tB[iD], cT, iD = Vector(tV[iD]), (cT + dT), (iD + 1)
while(cT < 1) do -- Recursively populate ann the node segments
while(cT < 1) do -- Recursively populate all the node segments
tB[iD] = GetBezierCurveVertex(cT, tV) -- Recursive calculation
cT, iD = (cT + dT), (iD + 1) -- Prepare for next segment
end; tB[iD] = Vector(tV[nV]) -- Bezier must include both ends
@ -5443,7 +5444,7 @@ function GetToolInformation()
for iW = 1, nWM do
iO = iO + 1; tO[iO] = tableCopy(tH)
for k, v in pairs(vD) do tO[iO][k] = v end
tO[iO].op = iW -- Transfer madatory values
tO[iO].op = iW -- Transfer mandatory values
tO[iO].name = tO[iO].name.."."..tostring(iW)
if(vD.name == "workmode") then
local sW = tostring(cWM:Select(iW) or snAV):lower()
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