Fixed: Catmoll-Rom tangent interpolator

Factorized: Start and end spline vectors
This commit is contained in:
dvdvideo1234 2020-01-17 13:22:45 +02:00
parent 8f67aec278
commit a15adb80be
3 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ local gtInitLogs = {"*Init", false, 0}
------ CONFIGURE ASMLIB ------
asmlib.SetIndexes("V" , "x", "y", "z")
asmlib.SetIndexes("A" ,"pitch","yaw","roll")

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@ -3999,7 +3999,7 @@ function GetLinearSpace(nBeg, nEnd, nAmt)
local function GetCatmullRomCurveTangent(cS, cE, nT, nA)
local vD = Vector(); vD:Set(cE); vD:Sub(cS)
local vD = Vector(); vD:(cE); vD:Sub(cS)
return ((vD:Length()^(tonumber(nA) or 0.5))+nT)
@ -4027,9 +4027,9 @@ function GetCatmullRomCurve(tV, nT, nA) if(not IsTable(tV)) then
LogInstance("Curve samples mismatch "..GetReport(nT)); return nil end
if(not (tV[1] and tV[2])) then LogInstance("Two vertices are needed"); return nil end
if(nA and not IsNumber(nA)) then LogInstance("Factor mismatch "..GetReport(nA)); return nil end
local vM, iC, tC = GetOpVar("EPSILON_ZERO"), 1, {}
local cS = Vector(); cS:Set(tV[ 1]); cS:Sub(tV[2]) ; cS:Normalize(); cS:Mul(vM); cS:Add(tV[1])
local cE = Vector(); cE:Set(tV[nV]); cE:Sub(tV[nV-1]); cE:Normalize(); cE:Mul(vM); cE:Add(tV[nV])
local vM, tC, iC, cS, cE = GetOpVar("EPSILON_ZERO"), {}, 1, Vector(), Vector()
cS:Set(tV[ 1]); cS:Sub(tV[2]) ; cS:Normalize(); cS:Mul(vM); cS:Add(tV[1])
cE:Set(tV[nV]); cE:Sub(tV[nV-1]); cE:Normalize(); cE:Mul(vM); cE:Add(tV[nV])
tableInsert(tV, 1, cS); tableInsert(tV, cE); nV = (nV + 2);
for iD = 1, (nV-3) do
local cA, cB, cC, cD = tV[iD], tV[iD+1], tV[iD+2], tV[iD+3]

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@ -1184,8 +1184,8 @@ function TOOL:DrawToolScreen(w, h)
scrTool:DrawText("Holds Model: Valid","g")
scrTool:DrawTextAdd(" ["..gsModeDataB.."]","db")
local workmode = self:GetWorkingMode()
local trEnt = stTrace.Entity
local workmode = self:GetWorkingMode()
local actrad = self:GetActiveRadius()
local pointid, pnextid = self:GetPointID()
local trMaxCN, trModel, trOID, trRLen