Fixed: Attachment points extraction failing resulting in 0,0,0 present only

Fixed: SQL mode cache navigation timer mark is not available in every level
Added: Attachment points extraction support for `function` and `table`
Removed: Timer marks on `RegisterPOA`. Lua mode need to insert the value in prior
This commit is contained in:
dvdvideo1234 2025-01-02 12:57:21 +02:00
parent a1a491048d
commit 9660cb2e38
2 changed files with 69 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ local asmlib = trackasmlib; if(not asmlib) then -- Module present
------------ CONFIGURE ASMLIB ------------
------------ CONFIGURE GLOBAL INIT OPVARS ------------

View File

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ local isstring = isstring
local isvector = isvector
local isangle = isangle
local ismatrix = ismatrix
local isentity = isentity
local isfunction = isfunction
local Vector = Vector
local Matrix = Matrix
@ -2253,12 +2254,28 @@ function GetAttachmentByID(vSrc, sID)
LogInstance("Entity invalid [N] "..GetReport(sID, eSrc)); return nil, sSrc end
eBase, sSrc = eSrc, eSrc:GetModel(); if(not isstring(sID)) then
LogInstance("Index mismatch [N] "..GetReport(sID, sSrc)); return nil, sSrc end
else -- Assume the source is an entity already spawned use it instead
elseif(isentity(vSrc)) then -- Assume the source is an entity already spawned use it instead
if(not (vSrc and vSrc:IsValid())) then
LogInstance("Entity invalid [E] "..GetReport(sID, vSrc)); return nil, sSrc end
eBase, sSrc = vSrc, vSrc:GetModel(); if(not isstring(sID)) then
LogInstance("Index mismatch [E] "..GetReport(sID, sSrc)); return nil, sSrc end
elseif(isfunction(vSrc)) then
local bS, fSrc, fID = pcall(vSrc, sID); if(not vS) then
LogInstance("Routine invalid [F] "..GetReport(sID, sSrc, vO)); return nil, sSrc end
if(not IsHere(vO)) then -- There is nothing to extract from an empty value
LogInstance("Results missing [F] "..GetReport(sID, sSrc)); return nil, sSrc end
return GetAttachmentByID(fSrc, (IsHere(fID) and fID or sID))
elseif(istable(vSrc)) then local tSrc, tID = vSrc[1], vSrc[2] -- Try the array keys
-- Handle various table key here. Use for whatever. Extract and valide the index
tSrc, tID = (IsHere(tSrc) and tSrc or vSrc.SRC) , ((IsHere(tID) and isstring(tID)) and tID or vSrc.ID)
tSrc, tID = (IsHere(tSrc) and tSrc or vSrc.Source), ((IsHere(tID) and isstring(tID)) and tID or vSrc.Index)
tSrc, tID = (IsHere(tSrc) and tSrc or vSrc.Entity), ((IsHere(tID) and isstring(tID)) and tID or vSrc.Point)
-- Make sure to validate the index before passing to the next stage
tID = ((IsHere(tID) and isstring(tID)) and tID or nil)
return GetAttachmentByID(tSrc, (IsHere(fID) and fID or sID))
else -- Assume the source is not supported when it is not explicitly developed
LogInstance("Source invalid [X] "..GetReport(vSrc, sID)); return nil, sSrc
end -- When there is no need for recursive source extraction calls return current
local mID = eBase:LookupAttachment(sID); if(not isnumber(mID)) then
LogInstance("Attachment invalid ID "..GetReport(sID, sSrc)); return nil, sSrc end
local mTOA = eBase:GetAttachment(mID); if(not IsHere(mTOA)) then
@ -2289,9 +2306,9 @@ function LocatePOA(oRec, ivPoID)
local tPOA = tOffs[ID] -- Extract current offset and localize raw values
local oP, oO, oA = tPOA.P, tPOA.O, tPOA.A -- POA object pointers
local sP, sO, sA = oP:Raw(), oO:Raw(), oA:Raw() -- POA raw values
if(sO) then tPOA.O:Decode(sO, sM, "Pos") end -- Process origin
if(sA) then tPOA.A:Decode(sA, sM, "Ang") end -- Process angle
if(sP) then tPOA.P:Decode(sP, sM, "Pos", tPOA.O:Get()) end
if(sO) then tPOA.O:Decode(sO, sMo, "Pos") end -- Process origin
if(sA) then tPOA.A:Decode(sA, sMo, "Ang") end -- Process angle
if(sP) then tPOA.P:Decode(sP, sMo, "Pos", tPOA.O:Get()) end
LogInstance("Spawn "..GetReport(ID, tPOA.P:String(), tPOA.O:String(), tPOA.A:String()))
end -- Loop and transform all the POA configuration at once. Game model slot will be taken
end; return stPOA, iPoID
@ -2312,7 +2329,6 @@ function RegisterPOA(stData, ivID, sP, sO, sA)
if(not stData.Offs) then if(iID ~= 1) then
LogInstance("Mismatch ID "..GetReport(iID, stData.Slot)); return nil end
stData.Offs = {}; stData.Post = true -- Mark post-process on spawn
if(not IsHere(stData.Used)) then stData.Used = 0 end
local tOffs = stData.Offs; if(tOffs[iID]) then
LogInstance("Exists ID "..GetReport(iID)); return tOffs
@ -2773,104 +2789,90 @@ function NewTable(sTable,defTab,bDelete,bReload)
-- Navigates the reference in the cache
function self:GetNavigate(...)
local tKey = {...}; if(not IsHere(tKey[1])) then
LogInstance("Missing keys",tabDef.Nick); return nil end
local oSpot, kKey, iCnt = libCache, tKey[1], 1
while(tKey[iCnt]) do kKey = tKey[iCnt]; iCnt = iCnt + 1
if(tKey[iCnt]) then oSpot = oSpot[kKey]; if(not IsHere(oSpot)) then
LogTable(tKey,"Diverge("..tostring(kKey)..")",tabDef.Nick); return nil
end; end; end; if(not oSpot[kKey]) then
LogTable(tKey,"Missing",tabDef.Nick); return nil end
return oSpot, kKey, tKey
LogInstance("Missing keys", tabDef.Nick); return nil end
local oSpot, vKey, iCnt = libCache, tKey[1], 1
while(tKey[iCnt]) do vKey = tKey[iCnt]; iCnt = iCnt + 1
if(tKey[iCnt]) then oSpot = oSpot[vKey]; if(not IsHere(oSpot)) then
LogTable(tKey, "Diverge("..tostring(vKey)..")", tabDef.Nick); return nil
end; end; end; if(not oSpot[vKey]) then
LogTable(tKey, "Missing", tabDef.Nick); return nil end
return oSpot, vKey, tKey
-- Attaches timer to a record related in the table cache
function self:TimerAttach(vMsg, ...)
local oSpot, kKey, tKey = self:GetNavigate(...)
if(not (IsHere(oSpot) and IsHere(kKey))) then
local oSpot, vKey, tKey = self:GetNavigate(...)
if(not (IsHere(oSpot) and IsHere(vKey))) then
LogInstance("Navigation miss "..GetReport(unpack(tKey)),tabDef.Nick)
LogTable(oSpot, "Navigation", tabDef.Nick); return nil
end -- Navigated to the last table node and returned the value key
local sDiv, nNow = GetOpVar("OPSYM_DIVIDER"), Time()
local sMoDB, iCnt = GetOpVar("MODE_DATABASE"), select("#", ...)
LogInstance("Called by "..GetReport(vMsg, kKey),tabDef.Nick)
oSpot[kKey].Used = nNow -- Make the first selected deleteable to avoid phantom records
LogInstance("Called by "..GetReport(vMsg, vKey), tabDef.Nick)
oSpot[vKey].Used = nNow -- Make the first selected deleteable to avoid phantom records
if(sMoDB == "SQL") then local qtCmd = self:GetCommand() -- Read the command and current time
local tTim = qtCmd.Timer; if(not IsHere(tTim)) then
LogInstance("Missing timer settings",tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[kKey] end
LogInstance("Missing timer settings", tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[vKey] end
local smTM, tmLif, tmDie, tmCol = tTim[1], tTim[2], tTim[3], tTim[4]; if(tmLif <= 0) then
LogInstance("Timer attachment ignored",tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[kKey] end
LogInstance("Timer attachment ignored",tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[vKey] end
LogInstance("Stats "..GetReport(iCnt, smTM, tmLif, tmDie, tmCol), tabDef.Nick)
if(smTM == "CQT") then
if(iCnt > 1) then -- Record in the placeholder must be cleared
for key, rec in pairs(oSpot) do -- Check other items that qualify
if(not rec.Used) then -- Used time is updated correctly. Report it
LogInstance("Navigation error "..GetReport(iCnt, unpack(tKey)),tabDef.Nick)
LogInstance("Navigation key "..GetReport(kKey, key),tabDef.Nick)
LogTable(rec, "Navigation", tabDef.Nick)
else -- Used time is updated correctly. Try to do some work
local vDif = (nNow - rec.Used) -- Calculate time difference
if(IsHere(rec.Used) and (vDif > tmLif)) then -- Check the deletion
LogInstance("Qualify "..GetReport(vDif, tmLif), tabDef.Nick)
if(tmDie) then oSpot[key] = nil; LogInstance("Clear "..GetReport(key),tabDef.Nick) end
end -- Clear one item that qualifies for deletion and time frame is present
end -- Clear all the items that qualified for deletion
else -- The whole cache placeholder must be deleted. Identifier is at base pointer
local key, rec = kKey, oSpot[kKey] -- Index placeholder
if(not rec.Used) then -- Used time is updated correctly. Report it
LogInstance("Navigation error "..GetReport(iCnt, unpack(tKey)),tabDef.Nick)
LogInstance("Navigation key "..GetReport(kKey, key),tabDef.Nick)
LogTable(rec, "Navigation", tabDef.Nick)
else -- Used time is updated correctly. Try to do some work
LogInstance("Navigation key "..GetReport(iCnt, unpack(tKey)), tabDef.Nick)
LogTable(oSpot, "Navigation", tabDef.Nick)
for key, rec in pairs(oSpot) do -- Check other items that qualify
if(rec.Used) then -- Used time is updated on this level
local vDif = (nNow - rec.Used) -- Calculate time difference
if(IsHere(rec.Used) and (vDif > tmLif)) then -- Check the deletion
LogInstance("Qualify "..GetReport(vDif, tmLif), tabDef.Nick)
if(tmDie) then oSpot[key] = nil; LogInstance("Clear "..GetReport(key),tabDef.Nick) end
end -- Clear the placeholder that qualifies for deletion and time frame is present
if(tmCol) then collectgarbage(); LogInstance("Garbage collected",tabDef.Nick) end
LogInstance("Finish "..GetReport(kKey, nNow), tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[kKey]
if(tmDie) then oSpot[key] = nil; LogInstance("Clear "..GetReport(key), tabDef.Nick) end
end -- Clear one item that qualifies for deletion and time frame is present
else -- Used time is missing on this key on this level. Report record.
LogInstance("Spot keyhash "..GetReport(iCnt, unpack(tKey)), tabDef.Nick)
LogInstance("Spot skipped "..GetReport(key, vKey), tabDef.Nick)
end -- Not every key is cached on the same level but some may use the same table
end -- Clear all the items that qualified for deletion
if(tmCol) then collectgarbage(); LogInstance("Garbage collected", tabDef.Nick) end
LogInstance("Finish "..GetReport(vKey, nNow), tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[vKey]
elseif(smTM == "OBJ") then
local tmID = tableConcat(tKey, sDiv)
LogInstance("Timer ID "..GetReport(tmID), tabDef.Nick)
if(timerExists(tmID)) then LogInstance("Timer exists",tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[kKey] end
if(timerExists(tmID)) then LogInstance("Timer exists", tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[vKey] end
timerCreate(tmID, tmLif, 1, function()
LogInstance("Qualify "..GetReport(tmID, tmLif), tabDef.Nick)
if(tmDie) then oSpot[kKey] = nil; LogInstance("Clear "..GetReport(kKey),tabDef.Nick) end
if(tmDie) then oSpot[vKey] = nil; LogInstance("Clear "..GetReport(vKey), tabDef.Nick) end
timerStop(tmID); timerRemove(tmID)
if(tmCol) then collectgarbage(); LogInstance("Garbage collected",tabDef.Nick) end
end); timerStart(tmID); return oSpot[kKey]
else LogInstance("Unsupported mode "..GetReport(smTM),tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[kKey] end
if(tmCol) then collectgarbage(); LogInstance("Garbage collected", tabDef.Nick) end
end); timerStart(tmID); return oSpot[vKey]
else LogInstance("Unsupported mode "..GetReport(smTM), tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[vKey] end
elseif(sMoDB == "LUA") then
LogInstance("Memory manager skip",tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[kKey]
else LogInstance("Unsupported mode "..GetReport(sMoDB),tabDef.Nick); return nil end
LogInstance("Memory manager skip", tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[vKey]
else LogInstance("Unsupported mode "..GetReport(sMoDB), tabDef.Nick); return nil end
-- Restarts timer to a record related in the table cache
function self:TimerRestart(vMsg, ...)
local oSpot, kKey, tKey = self:GetNavigate(...)
if(not (IsHere(oSpot) and IsHere(kKey))) then
LogInstance("Navigation miss "..GetReport(unpack(tKey)),tabDef.Nick)
local oSpot, vKey, tKey = self:GetNavigate(...)
if(not (IsHere(oSpot) and IsHere(vKey))) then
LogInstance("Navigation miss "..GetReport(unpack(tKey)), tabDef.Nick)
LogTable(oSpot, "Navigation", tabDef.Nick); return nil
end -- Navigated to the last table node and returned the value key
local sMoDB = GetOpVar("MODE_DATABASE")
local sDiv, nNow = GetOpVar("OPSYM_DIVIDER"), Time()
LogInstance("Called by "..GetReport(vMsg, kKey),tabDef.Nick)
oSpot[kKey].Used = nNow -- Mark the current caching time stamp
LogInstance("Called by "..GetReport(vMsg, vKey), tabDef.Nick)
oSpot[vKey].Used = nNow -- Mark the current caching time stamp
if(sMoDB == "SQL") then local qtCmd = self:GetCommand()
local tTim = qtCmd.Timer; if(not IsHere(tTim)) then
LogInstance("Missing timer settings",tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[kKey] end
LogInstance("Missing timer settings", tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[vKey] end
local smTM, tmLif = tTim[1], tTim[2]; if(tmLif <= 0) then
LogInstance("Timer life ignored",tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[kKey] end
LogInstance("Timer life ignored", tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[vKey] end
if(smTM == "CQT") then smTM = "CQT" -- Cache query timer does nothing
elseif(smTM == "OBJ") then -- Just for something to do here for mode CQT
local tmID = tableConcat(tKey, sDiv); if(not timerExists(tmID)) then
LogInstance("Timer missing "..GetReport(tmID),tabDef.Nick); return nil end
LogInstance("Timer missing "..GetReport(tmID), tabDef.Nick); return nil end
else LogInstance("Mode mismatch "..GetReport(smTM),tabDef.Nick); return nil end
else LogInstance("Mode mismatch "..GetReport(smTM), tabDef.Nick); return nil end
elseif(sMoDB == "LUA") then
LogInstance("Memory manager skip",tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[kKey]
else LogInstance("Unsupported mode "..GetReport(sMoDB),tabDef.Nick); return nil end
return oSpot[kKey]
LogInstance("Memory manager skip",tabDef.Nick); return oSpot[vKey]
else LogInstance("Unsupported mode "..GetReport(sMoDB), tabDef.Nick); return nil end
return oSpot[vKey]
-- Object internal data validation
function self:IsValid() local bStat = true