Added: Contents from addon "Modular Dungeons"

Fixed: E2 Pipe attachment interpolation angle being misaligned
This commit is contained in:
dvdvideo1234 2025-01-09 13:44:10 +02:00
parent e329f3912e
commit 77909cba18
5 changed files with 93 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -1,41 +1,56 @@
@name TA Pipe Generator
@model models/props_lab/huladoll.mdl
@persist [Scanner Pipe]:entity [F U R,C MP]:vector [TU TD TL TR]:ftrace
@persist [Delta Iter Raun]:number [ScanCenter SizeCenter]:vector2 MA:angle
@persist [Delta Iter Raun]:number [ScanCenter SizeCenter]:vector2 MA:angle OverZ:string
function rotNearest45DEG(E:entity)
if(E == noentity()) { return }
Ang = E:angles()
# angle = (math.Round(angle/45))*45
Ang = Ang:setPitch(45 * round(Ang:pitch() / 45))
Ang = Ang:setYaw(45 * round(Ang:yaw() / 45))
Ang = Ang:setRoll(45 * round(Ang:roll() / 45))
if(first() || dupefinished())
# Scan size. Most rails are more wider than higher
# For PHX two bean rails W > H
ScanR = 500 # Scan radius must be bigger then pipe radius
# Amount of iterations to lower delta
Iter = 10
# Rouding
Raun = 4
Raun = 2
# Override origin
OverZ = ""
# Align center to prop center
ScanCenter = vec2(0, 3)
SizeCenter = vec2(3, 3)
# How fast it will scan the piece edge
Delta = 1
# Local oriantation vectors
F = vec(1,0,0)
U = vec(0,0,1)
# Automatic stuff
Scanner = entity()
Pipe = noentity()
U = U:normalized()
R = F:cross(U)
MP = Scanner:pos()
MA = Scanner:angles()
C = U * ScanCenter:y() + R * ScanCenter:x()
holoCreate(1), holoColor(1,vec(255,0,0)), holoScale(1,0.1*vec(1,1,1)) holoModel(1,"cone")
holoCreate(2), holoColor(2,vec(0,0,255)), holoScale(2,0.1*vec(1,1,1)) holoModel(2,"cone")
holoCreate(3), holoColor(3,vec(255,255,0)), holoScale(3,0.1*vec(1,1,1)) holoModel(3,"cone")
@ -47,6 +62,13 @@ if(first() || dupefinished())
TD = Scanner:setFTrace(C - SizeCenter:x() * U, U, -ScanR):useArray():putArray(Scanner)
TR = Scanner:setFTrace(C + SizeCenter:y() * R, R, ScanR):useArray():putArray(Scanner)
TL = Scanner:setFTrace(C - SizeCenter:y() * R, R, -ScanR):useArray():putArray(Scanner)
holoPos(1, MP)
holoPos(2, MP)
holoPos(3, MP)
holoPos(4, MP)
holoPos(5, MP)
holoPos(6, MP)
function drawFTrace(T:ftrace, N:number)
@ -61,33 +83,32 @@ function drawFTrace(T:ftrace, N:number)
event tick()
holoPos(5, Scanner:toWorld(C))
drawFTrace(TU:smpLocal(), 1)
drawFTrace(TD:smpLocal(), 2)
drawFTrace(TR:smpLocal(), 3)
drawFTrace(TL:smpLocal(), 4)
if(Scanner != noentity())
if(TU:isHit() && TD:isHit() && TR:isHit() && TL:isHit())
holoPos(5, Scanner:toWorld(C))
VU = (TU:getFractionLen() - TD:getFractionLen())
VR = (TR:getFractionLen() - TL:getFractionLen())
DL = U * VU + R * VR
DL = U * VU + R * VR
MP = (TU:getPosWorld() + TD:getPosWorld() +
TR:getPosWorld() + TL:getPosWorld()) / 4
#print("Move:", DL)
holoPos(6, MP)
if(Pipe == noentity())
Pipe = TU:getEntity()
print("Pipe:", Pipe)
C = C + F * Delta
TU:rayMove(F + DL, Delta)
TD:rayMove(F + DL, Delta)
@ -95,10 +116,9 @@ event tick()
TL:rayMove(F + DL, Delta)
# print("Iteration:", Iter)
if(Iter <= 0)
Scanner = noentity()
C = C - F * Delta
@ -119,17 +139,20 @@ event tick()
OrX = toString(round(Or:x(), Raun))
OrY = toString(round(Or:y(), Raun))
OrZ = toString(round(Or:z(), Raun))
if(OverZ != ""){ OrZ = OverZ }
OrS = OrX+","+OrY+","+OrZ
An = Pipe:toLocal(MA)
AnP = toString(round(An:pitch(), Raun))
AnY = toString(round(An:yaw(), Raun))
AnR = toString(round(An:roll(), Raun))
AnS = AnP+","+AnY+","+AnR
if(OrS == "0,0,0") { OrS = "" }
if(AnS == "0,0,0") { AnS = "" } else { AnS = ", \""+AnS+"\"" }
print("PIECES:Record({\""+Mo+"\", \"#\", \"#\", 0, \"\", \""+OrS+"\""+AnS+"})")
print("Done ["+(Iter+1)+"] cycles: ",Pipe)
Pipe = noentity()

View File

@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ set emd_chew_dbase=%emd_chew_gmod%\garrysmod\data\trackassembly\exp\trackasmlib_
set emd_chew_skip=%emd_chew_repo%\data\trackassembly\tools\peaces_manager\models_ignored.txt
:: How many addons are to be processed
set emd_chew_addfrm=31
set emd_chew_addcnt=31
set emd_chew_addfrm=32
set emd_chew_addcnt=32
:: GMA addons to be processed
set emd_chew_addlst[1]=740453553
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ set emd_chew_addlst[28]=3071058065
set emd_chew_addlst[29]=3297918081
set emd_chew_addlst[30]=3314861708
set emd_chew_addlst[31]=2233731395
set emd_chew_addlst[32]=3302818415
:: Folder list for extraction and the directories they will be extracted
set emd_chew_adddir[1]=AlexCookie's 2ft track pack
@ -98,6 +99,7 @@ set emd_chew_adddir[28]=RockMan's Fortification
set emd_chew_adddir[29]=SligWolf's Suspension Train
set emd_chew_adddir[30]=Modular City Street
set emd_chew_adddir[31]=Scene Builder
set emd_chew_adddir[32]=Modular Dungeons
:: Show the current folder
echo Running in: %emd_chew_pathb%
@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ IF EXIST "%emd_chew_pathb%%emd_parm_manag%.txt" (
echo Chewing the paths uses base path relative to the executable.
call %emd_chew_pathb%peaces_manager.exe %emd_chew_pathb% %emd_chew_dbase% %emd_chew_skip% %emd_clog_lfile%
:: Terminate the flow as everyting is considered being extracted
echo Terminate the flow as everyting is considered being extracted.
echo Exit with success as everyting is considered extracted.
timeout 300
exit 0
) ELSE (

View File

@ -5665,3 +5665,6 @@ models/props_canal/canal_bridge_railing_lamps.mdl
# Modular City Street
# Modular Dungeons

View File

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ local asmlib = trackasmlib; if(not asmlib) then -- Module present
------------ CONFIGURE ASMLIB ------------
------------ CONFIGURE GLOBAL INIT OPVARS ------------
@ -558,6 +558,7 @@ if(CLIENT) then
asmlib.WorkshopID("SligWolf's Suspension Train" , "3297918081")
asmlib.WorkshopID("Modular City Street" , "3314861708")
asmlib.WorkshopID("Scene Builder" , "2233731395")
asmlib.WorkshopID("Modular Dungeons" , "3302818415")
asmlib.SetAction("CLEAR_GHOSTS" , function() asmlib.ClearGhosts() end)
asmlib.SetAction("CTXMENU_OPEN" , function() asmlib.IsFlag("tg_context_menu", true ) end)
@ -4907,6 +4908,39 @@ else
PIECES:Record({"models/scene_building/small_rooms/4door.mdl", "#", "#", 4, "", "0,-123,0", "0,-90,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/scene_building/small_rooms/stairs_straight.mdl", "#", "#", 1, "", "0,163,64", "0,90,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/scene_building/small_rooms/stairs_straight.mdl", "#", "#", 2, "", "0,-163,-64", "0,-90,0"})
asmlib.Categorize("Modular Dungeons",[[function(m)
local g = m:gsub("models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/","")
local r, n = g:gsub("%.mdl",""):lower(), nil
if(r:find("^combine")) then
n = r:gsub("^combine", ""); r = "combine"
else r, n = nil, nil end; return r, n end]])
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combinearmory.mdl", "#", "#", 1, "", "256,0,80"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combinecorridor.mdl", "#", "#", 1, "", "256,0,80"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combinecorridor.mdl", "#", "#", 2, "", "-256,0,80", "0,180,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combinecorridorend.mdl", "#", "#", 1, "", "256,0,80"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combinecorridorcross.mdl", "#", "#", 1, "", "256,0,80"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combinecorridorcross.mdl", "#", "#", 2, "", "0,256,80", "0,90,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combinecorridorcross.mdl", "#", "#", 3, "", "-256,0,80", "0,-180,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combinecorridorcross.mdl", "#", "#", 4, "", "0,-256,80", "0,-90,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combinecorridort.mdl", "#", "#", 1, "", "256,0,80"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combinecorridort.mdl", "#", "#", 2, "", "-256,0,80", "0,-180,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combinecorridort.mdl", "#", "#", 3, "", "0,-256,80", "0,-90,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combinecorridorturn.mdl", "#", "#", 1, "", "256,0,80"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combinecorridorturn.mdl", "#", "#", 2, "", "0,-256,80", "0,-90,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combineentry.mdl", "#", "#", 1, "", "256,0,80"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combineentry.mdl", "#", "#", 2, "", "0,256,80", "0,90,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combineentry.mdl", "#", "#", 3, "", "-256,0,80", "0,180,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combineentry.mdl", "#", "#", 4, "", "0,-256,80", "0,-90,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combineladder.mdl", "#", "#", 1, "", "256,0,80"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combineladder.mdl", "#", "#", 2, "", "-256,0,336", "0,180,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combineroom.mdl", "#", "#", 1, "", "256,0,80"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combineroom.mdl", "#", "#", 2, "", "-256,0,80", "0,180,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combineroom.mdl", "#", "#", 3, "", "0,-256,80", "0,-90,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combineroomend.mdl", "#", "#", 1, "", "0,-256,80", "0,90,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combineroomend.mdl", "#", "#", 2, "", "0,-256,80", "0,-90,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combineshaft.mdl", "#", "#", 1, "", "256,0,80"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combineshaftend.mdl", "#", "#", 1, "", "256,0,80"})
PIECES:Record({"models/coldsaturnight/dungeons/combinestart.mdl", "#", "#", 1, "", "256,0,80"})
if(gsMoDB == "SQL") then sqlCommit() end

View File

@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ anymore to maintain cetain track packs leading in **NO SUPPORT**, which is also
* [SligWolf's Suspension train]( [**(AUTHOR)**][ref-maintained]
* [Modular City Street](
* [Scene Builder](
* [Modular Dungeons](
#### Where are the trains/vehicles[,][ref-easter] are there any of these?
Dude seriously, make them yourself, what's the point of playing Gmod then ... xD