mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 03:13:32 -05:00
Fixed: Steventechno building having misaligned points
Fixed: Pre-commit hook handling UNIX format correctly Fixed: Sources in UNIX format Fixed: Correct number of kept records on timer attaching crash Added: Factory reset on the database and variables Renamed: GetPropBodyGrp to "Group" Divided: Error logs for InitAssembly() Updated: Track point exporter E2
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,14 +9,15 @@ interval(20)
function number isOuter(Lft, Rgh, Percent, MaxRange)
# print("isOuter "+Lft+" "+Rgh)
Rez = 0
T = abs(Lft-Rgh)
Pd = ((Percent / 100) * MaxRange)
Pu = MaxRange - Pd
if(T > Pd){ return 1 }
if(Lft > Pu){ return 1 }
if(Rgh > Pu){ return 1 }
return 0
if(T > Pd){ Rez = 1 }
if(Lft > Pu){ Rez = 1 }
if(Rgh > Pu){ Rez = 1 }
# print("isOuter "+Rez+" ["+round(T,2)+">"+round(Pd)+"] "+round(Lft,2)+">"+round(Pu)+" "+round(Rgh,2)+">"+round(Pu,2))
return Rez
function array clampTrace(Pos:vector,Width,Fwd:vector,Rgh:vector,Len,Holo1,Holo2)
@ -45,14 +46,14 @@ if(first() || dupefinished())
OutagePercentTolerance = 5
# Set this delta forward to slow fasten the process
DF = 0.3
DF = 0.5
# Track piece width
TrackPieceW = 120
TrackPieceH = 50
TrackPieceW = 1000
TrackPieceH = 500
#Generate the origin with an inset
TrackOriginInset = 0.0001
TrackOriginInset = 0.001
# Tolerance if the error gained when generating an actibe point
TrackOriginTolerance = 10^-12
@ -174,18 +175,32 @@ if(StraightUp != 0 && Interval == 0)
PosL = Cen - TrackPieceW * R
PosR = Cen + TrackPieceW * R
# holoPos(2,PosL), holoPos(3,PosR)
VRL = clampTrace(Cen,TrackPieceW,F,R,TrackRangerMaxW,0,0)
VR = VRL[1,number] , VL = VRL[2,number], VDM = VRL[3,number]
# DL = rangerOffset(TrackRangerMaxW,PosL, R):distance()
# DR = rangerOffset(TrackRangerMaxW,PosR, -R):distance()
VDP = clampTrace(Cen + Prg - TrackOriginInset * F,TrackPieceH,F,U,TrackRangerMaxH,5,6)
PU = VDP[1,number], PD = VDP[2,number], PDW = VDP[4,number]
VDC = clampTrace(Cen,TrackPieceH,F,U,TrackRangerMaxH,7,8)
# print(VDC[1,number],PU, ARC[1,number])
if((VDC[1,number] < ARC[1,number]) && (VDC[2,number] < ARC[2,number]))
PosU = Cen + TrackPieceH * U + Prg - TrackOriginInset * F
PosD = Cen - TrackPieceH * U + Prg - TrackOriginInset * F
holoPos(5,PosU), holoPos(6,PosD)
DU = rangerOffset(TrackRangerMaxH,PosU, -U):distance()
DD = rangerOffset(TrackRangerMaxH,PosD, U):distance()
Time = 100
@ -198,21 +213,28 @@ if(StraightUp != 0 && Interval == 0)
DF = DF * 1.7
DF = 0.5 * DF
# print(_HUD_PRINTTALK,"Switch!")
holoPos(1,Cen) holoColor(1,vec(0,255,255))
PRL = clampTrace(Cen - TrackOriginInset * F ,TrackPieceW,F,R,TrackRangerMaxW,3,4)
# BEGIN Defintition formulas
# BEGIN Definition formulas
# Use this 2 beam tracks outside
# PRL = clampTrace(Cen - TrackOriginInset * F ,TrackPieceW,F,R,TrackRangerMaxW,3,4)
# TrackExtraDepth = ((ARC[1,number] - PU) / 2) + PU
# TrackExtraSide = PRL[3,number]
# Use this for 2 beam tracks
# Use this for 2 beam tracks inside
PRL = clampTrace(Cen - TrackOriginInset * F ,0,F,R,TrackRangerMaxW,3,4)
TrackExtraDepth = ((ARC[1,number] - PU) / 2) + PU
TrackExtraSide = PRL[3,number]
#Use this for monorail
#Use ths for monorail
# PRL = clampTrace(Cen - TrackOriginInset * F ,TrackPieceW,F,R,TrackRangerMaxW,3,4)
# TrackExtraDepth = ARC[1,number] + ARC[4,number]
# TrackExtraSide = PRL[3,number]
# END Definition formulas
# END Defintition formulas
ORG = Cen + TrackPieceH * U
ORG = ORG - TrackExtraSide * R
@ -221,7 +243,8 @@ if(StraightUp != 0 && Interval == 0)
A = round(Base:toLocal((F):toAngle(U)))
S = toString(abs(DF)-abs(TrackOriginTolerance)):sub(1,1)
# print(S+" "+DF)
if(S == "-")
print("Origin: "+toString(O)+" Angle: "+toString(A)+" ["+toString(DF)+"]")
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ end
if(sEnd == "DOS") then sEnd = "\r\n" end
if(sEnd == "UNX") then sEnd = "\n" end
io.write("------------------ OPEN FILE ------------------\n")
local fOut = io.open(sOut,"w+")
local fInp = io.open(sInp,"r+")
local fOut = io.open(sOut,"wb")
local fInp = io.open(sInp,"rb")
if(not fOut) then
io.write("File "..sOut.." not found\n")
return false
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ while(sI) do
end; nL = nL + 1
sI = fInp:read()
io.write("------------------ FINISH ------------------\n")
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,324 +1,324 @@
----- Localizing the asmlib module
local asmlib = trackasmlib
----- Localizing needed functions
local Vector = Vector
local Angle = Angle
local Color = Color
local tonumber = tonumber
local tostring = tostring
local stringSub = string and string.sub
local stringUpper = string and string.upper
local stringLen = string and string.len
----- Get extension enabled flag
local enFlag = ((tonumber(asmlib.GetCoVar("enwiremod","INT")) or 0) ~= 0) and true or false
local anyTrue = 1
local anyFalse = 0
--------- Pieces ----------
e2function string entity:trackasmlibGenActivePointINS(entity ucsEnt, string sType, string sName, number nPoint, string sP)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return "" end
if(not (ucsEnt and ucsEnt:IsValid())) then return "" end
local C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("V")
local ucsPos = ucsEnt:GetPos()
local sO = tostring(ucsPos[C1])..","..tostring(ucsPos[C2])..","..tostring(ucsPos[C3])
C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("A")
local ucsAng = ucsEnt:GetAngles()
local sA = tostring(ucsAng[C1])..", "..tostring(ucsAng[C2])..", "..tostring(ucsAng[C3])
return "asmlib.InsertRecord({\""..this:GetModel().."\", \""..sType..
"\", \""..sName.."\", "..tostring(nPoint or 0)..", \""..sP..
"\", \""..sO.."\", \""..sA.."\"})"
e2function string entity:trackasmlibGenActivePointDSV(entity ucsEnt, string sType, string sName, number nPoint, string sP, string sDelim)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return "" end
if(not (ucsEnt and ucsEnt:IsValid())) then return "" end
local sDelim = stringSub(sDelim,1,1)
if(not (stringLen(sDelim) > 0)) then return "" end
local C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("V")
local ucsPos = ucsEnt:GetPos()
local sO = tostring(ucsPos[C1])..","..tostring(ucsPos[C2])..","..tostring(ucsPos[C3])
C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("A")
local ucsAng = ucsEnt:GetAngles()
local sA = tostring(ucsAng[C1])..","..tostring(ucsAng[C2])..","..tostring(ucsAng[C3])
return "TRACKASSEMBLY_PIECES"..sDelim.."\""..this:GetModel().."\""..sDelim.."\""..
sType.."\""..sDelim.."\""..sName.."\""..sDelim..tostring(nPoint or 0)..
e2function array entity:trackasmlibSnapEntity(vector trHitPos , string hdModel , number hdPointID,
number nActRadius, number enFlatten, number enIgnTyp ,
vector ucsOffPos , vector ucsOffAng)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return {} end
local stSpawn = asmlib.GetEntitySpawn(this,trHitPos,hdModel,hdPointID,
if(not stSpawn) then return {} end
return {stSpawn.SPos, stSpawn.SAng}
e2function array trackasmlibSnapNormal(vector ucsPos , angle ucsAng , string hdModel,
number hdPointID, vector ucsOffPos, vector ucsOffAng)
if(not enFlag) then return {} end
local stSpawn = asmlib.GetNormalSpawn(ucsPos,ucsAng,hdModel,hdPointID,
if(not stSpawn) then return {} end
return {stSpawn.SPos, stSpawn.SAng}
e2function number trackasmlibIsPiece(string sModel)
if(not enFlag) then return anyFalse end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(sModel)
if(stRecord) then return anyTrue else return anyFalse end
e2function number entity:trackasmlibIsPiece()
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return anyFalse end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(stRecord) then return anyTrue else return anyFalse end
e2function array trackasmlibGetOffset(string sModel, number nOffset, string sPOA)
if(not enFlag) then return {} end
local stPOA = asmlib.LocatePOA(asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(sModel),nOffset)
if(not stPOA) then return {} end
local sPOA = stringSub(stringUpper(tostring(sPOA)),1,1)
local arResult = {}
local C1, C2, C3, C4
if (sPOA == "P") then C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("V")
elseif(sPOA == "O") then C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("V")
elseif(sPOA == "A") then C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("A")
else return arResult end
arResult[1] = stPOA[sPOA][C1]
arResult[1] = stPOA[sPOA][C1]
arResult[2] = stPOA[sPOA][C2]
arResult[3] = stPOA[sPOA][C3]
C1, C2, C3, C4 = asmlib.GetIndexes("S")
arResult[4] = stPOA[sPOA][C1]
arResult[5] = stPOA[sPOA][C2]
arResult[6] = stPOA[sPOA][C3]
arResult[7] = stPOA[sPOA][C4] and 1 or 0
return arResult
e2function array entity:trackasmlibGetOffset(number nOffset, string sPOA)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return {} end
local stPOA = asmlib.LocatePOA(asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel()),nOffset)
if(not stPOA) then return {} end
local sPOA = stringSub(stringUpper(tostring(sPOA)),1,1)
local arResult = {}
local C1, C2, C3, C4
if (sPOA == "P") then C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("V")
elseif(sPOA == "O") then C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("V")
elseif(sPOA == "A") then C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("A")
else return arResult end
arResult[1] = stPOA[sPOA][C1]
arResult[2] = stPOA[sPOA][C2]
arResult[3] = stPOA[sPOA][C3]
C1, C2, C3, C4 = asmlib.GetIndexes("S")
arResult[4] = stPOA[sPOA][C1]
arResult[5] = stPOA[sPOA][C2]
arResult[6] = stPOA[sPOA][C3]
arResult[7] = stPOA[sPOA][C4] and 1 or 0
return arResult
e2function string trackasmlibGetType(string sModel)
if(not enFlag) then return "" end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(sModel)
if(stRecord and stRecord.Type) then return stRecord.Type else return "" end
e2function string entity:trackasmlibGetType()
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return "" end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(stRecord and stRecord.Type) then return stRecord.Type else return "" end
e2function string trackasmlibGetName(string sModel)
if(not enFlag) then return "" end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(sModel)
if(stRecord and stRecord.Name) then return stRecord.Name else return "" end
e2function string entity:trackasmlibGetName()
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return "" end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(stRecord and stRecord.Name) then return stRecord.Name else return "" end
e2function number trackasmlibGetPointsCount(string sModel)
if(not enFlag) then return 0 end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(sModel)
if(stRecord and stRecord.Kept) then return stRecord.Kept else return 0 end
e2function number entity:trackasmlibGetPointsCount()
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return 0 end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(stRecord and stRecord.Kept) then return stRecord.Kept else return 0 end
---------- Additions ------------
e2function number trackasmlibHasAdditions(string sModel)
if(not enFlag) then return anyFalse end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryAdditions(sModel)
if(stRecord) then return anyTrue else return anyFalse end
e2function number entity:trackasmlibHasAdditions()
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return anyFalse end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryAdditions(this:GetModel())
if(stRecord) then return anyTrue else return anyFalse end
e2function number trackasmlibGetAdditionsCount(string sModel)
if(not enFlag) then return 0 end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryAdditions(sModel)
if(stRecord and stRecord.Kept) then return stRecord.Kept else return 0 end
e2function number entity:trackasmlibGetAdditionsCount()
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return 0 end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryAdditions(this:GetModel())
if(stRecord and stRecord.Kept) then return stRecord.Kept else return 0 end
e2function array trackasmlibGetAdditionsLine(string sModel, number nLine)
if(not enFlag) then return {} end
local defAddit = asmlib.GetOpVar("DEFTABLE_ADDITIONS")
if(not defAddit) then
return asmlib.StatusLog({},"entity:trackasmlibGetAdditionLine(number): No table definition")
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryAdditions(sModel)
if(not stRecord) then return {} end
if(not stRecord[nLine]) then return {} end
stRecord = stRecord[nLine] -- Ordered by ID. Get the line per model
local cntField = 2 -- The model is missed by the main SELECT
local arAdditionsLine = {}
while(defAddit[cntField]) do
arAdditionsLine[cntField-1] = stRecord[defAddit[cntField][1]]
cntField = cntField + 1
return arAdditionsLine
e2function array entity:trackasmlibGetAdditionsLine(number nLine)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return {} end
local defAddit = asmlib.GetOpVar("DEFTABLE_ADDITIONS")
if(not defAddit) then
return asmlib.StatusLog({},"entity:trackasmlibGetAdditionLine(number): No table definition")
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryAdditions(this:GetModel())
if(not stRecord) then return {} end
if(not stRecord[nLine]) then return {} end
stRecord = stRecord[nLine] -- Ordered by ID. Get the line per model
local cntField = 2 -- The model is missed by the main SELECT
local arAdditionsLine = {}
while(defAddit[cntField]) do
arAdditionsLine[cntField-1] = stRecord[defAddit[cntField][1]]
cntField = cntField + 1
return arAdditionsLine
------------ PhysProperties ------------
e2function array trackasmlibGetProperty(string sType)
if(not enFlag) then return {} end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryProperty(sType)
if(not stRecord) then return {} end
return stRecord
e2function array trackasmlibGetProperty()
if(not enFlag) then return {} end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryProperty()
if(not stRecord) then return {} end
return stRecord
----------- Piece creator --------------
e2function entity trackasmlibMakePiece(string sModel, vector vPos, angle aAng, number nMass, string sBgpID, number nR, number nG, number nB, number nA)
if(not enFlag) then return nil end
return asmlib.MakePiece(sModel,Vector(vPos[1],vPos[2],vPos[3]),
Angle (aAng[1],aAng[2],aAng[3]),
nMass or 50000,sBgpID or "",
Color(nR or 255, nG or 255, nB or 255, nA or 255))
e2function entity entity:trackasmlibMakePiece(vector vPos, angle aAng)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return nil end
local phthis = this:GetPhysicsObject()
if(not (phthis and phthis:IsValid())) then return nil end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(not stRecord) then return nil end
local sBgpID = asmlib.GetPropBodyGrp(this)..
return asmlib.MakePiece(this:GetModel(),
Angle (aAng[1],aAng[2],aAng[3]),
e2function entity entity:trackasmlibApplyPhysicalAnchor(entity eBase, number nWe, number nNc)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return anyFalse end
if(not (eBase and eBase:IsValid())) then return anyFalse end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(not stRecord) then return anyFalse end
return asmlib.ApplyPhysicalAnchor(this,eBase,nWe,nNc) and anyTrue or anyFalse
e2function entity entity:trackasmlibApplyPhysicalSettings(number nPi, number nFr, number nGr, string sPh)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return anyFalse end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(not stRecord) then return anyFalse end
return asmlib.ApplyPhysicalSettings(this,nPi,nFr,nGr,sPh) and anyTrue or anyFalse
e2function number entity:trackasmlibAttachAdditions()
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return anyFalse end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryAdditions(this:GetModel())
if(not stRecord) then return 0 end
return asmlib.AttachAdditions(this) and anyTrue or anyFalse
e2function number entity:trackasmlibAttachBodyGroups(string sBgpID)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return 0 end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(not stRecord) then return 0 end
return asmlib.AttachBodyGroups(this, sBgpID) and anyTrue or anyFalse
----- Localizing the asmlib module
local asmlib = trackasmlib
----- Localizing needed functions
local Vector = Vector
local Angle = Angle
local Color = Color
local tonumber = tonumber
local tostring = tostring
local stringSub = string and string.sub
local stringUpper = string and string.upper
local stringLen = string and string.len
----- Get extension enabled flag
local enFlag = ((tonumber(asmlib.GetCoVar("enwiremod","INT")) or 0) ~= 0) and true or false
local anyTrue = 1
local anyFalse = 0
--------- Pieces ----------
e2function string entity:trackasmlibGenActivePointINS(entity ucsEnt, string sType, string sName, number nPoint, string sP)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return "" end
if(not (ucsEnt and ucsEnt:IsValid())) then return "" end
local C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("V")
local ucsPos = ucsEnt:GetPos()
local sO = tostring(ucsPos[C1])..","..tostring(ucsPos[C2])..","..tostring(ucsPos[C3])
C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("A")
local ucsAng = ucsEnt:GetAngles()
local sA = tostring(ucsAng[C1])..", "..tostring(ucsAng[C2])..", "..tostring(ucsAng[C3])
return "asmlib.InsertRecord({\""..this:GetModel().."\", \""..sType..
"\", \""..sName.."\", "..tostring(nPoint or 0)..", \""..sP..
"\", \""..sO.."\", \""..sA.."\"})"
e2function string entity:trackasmlibGenActivePointDSV(entity ucsEnt, string sType, string sName, number nPoint, string sP, string sDelim)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return "" end
if(not (ucsEnt and ucsEnt:IsValid())) then return "" end
local sDelim = stringSub(sDelim,1,1)
if(not (stringLen(sDelim) > 0)) then return "" end
local C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("V")
local ucsPos = ucsEnt:GetPos()
local sO = tostring(ucsPos[C1])..","..tostring(ucsPos[C2])..","..tostring(ucsPos[C3])
C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("A")
local ucsAng = ucsEnt:GetAngles()
local sA = tostring(ucsAng[C1])..","..tostring(ucsAng[C2])..","..tostring(ucsAng[C3])
return "TRACKASSEMBLY_PIECES"..sDelim.."\""..this:GetModel().."\""..sDelim.."\""..
sType.."\""..sDelim.."\""..sName.."\""..sDelim..tostring(nPoint or 0)..
e2function array entity:trackasmlibSnapEntity(vector trHitPos , string hdModel , number hdPointID,
number nActRadius, number enFlatten, number enIgnTyp ,
vector ucsOffPos , vector ucsOffAng)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return {} end
local stSpawn = asmlib.GetEntitySpawn(this,trHitPos,hdModel,hdPointID,
if(not stSpawn) then return {} end
return {stSpawn.SPos, stSpawn.SAng}
e2function array trackasmlibSnapNormal(vector ucsPos , angle ucsAng , string hdModel,
number hdPointID, vector ucsOffPos, vector ucsOffAng)
if(not enFlag) then return {} end
local stSpawn = asmlib.GetNormalSpawn(ucsPos,ucsAng,hdModel,hdPointID,
if(not stSpawn) then return {} end
return {stSpawn.SPos, stSpawn.SAng}
e2function number trackasmlibIsPiece(string sModel)
if(not enFlag) then return anyFalse end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(sModel)
if(stRecord) then return anyTrue else return anyFalse end
e2function number entity:trackasmlibIsPiece()
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return anyFalse end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(stRecord) then return anyTrue else return anyFalse end
e2function array trackasmlibGetOffset(string sModel, number nOffset, string sPOA)
if(not enFlag) then return {} end
local stPOA = asmlib.LocatePOA(asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(sModel),nOffset)
if(not stPOA) then return {} end
local sPOA = stringSub(stringUpper(tostring(sPOA)),1,1)
local arResult = {}
local C1, C2, C3, C4
if (sPOA == "P") then C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("V")
elseif(sPOA == "O") then C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("V")
elseif(sPOA == "A") then C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("A")
else return arResult end
arResult[1] = stPOA[sPOA][C1]
arResult[1] = stPOA[sPOA][C1]
arResult[2] = stPOA[sPOA][C2]
arResult[3] = stPOA[sPOA][C3]
C1, C2, C3, C4 = asmlib.GetIndexes("S")
arResult[4] = stPOA[sPOA][C1]
arResult[5] = stPOA[sPOA][C2]
arResult[6] = stPOA[sPOA][C3]
arResult[7] = stPOA[sPOA][C4] and 1 or 0
return arResult
e2function array entity:trackasmlibGetOffset(number nOffset, string sPOA)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return {} end
local stPOA = asmlib.LocatePOA(asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel()),nOffset)
if(not stPOA) then return {} end
local sPOA = stringSub(stringUpper(tostring(sPOA)),1,1)
local arResult = {}
local C1, C2, C3, C4
if (sPOA == "P") then C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("V")
elseif(sPOA == "O") then C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("V")
elseif(sPOA == "A") then C1, C2, C3 = asmlib.GetIndexes("A")
else return arResult end
arResult[1] = stPOA[sPOA][C1]
arResult[2] = stPOA[sPOA][C2]
arResult[3] = stPOA[sPOA][C3]
C1, C2, C3, C4 = asmlib.GetIndexes("S")
arResult[4] = stPOA[sPOA][C1]
arResult[5] = stPOA[sPOA][C2]
arResult[6] = stPOA[sPOA][C3]
arResult[7] = stPOA[sPOA][C4] and 1 or 0
return arResult
e2function string trackasmlibGetType(string sModel)
if(not enFlag) then return "" end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(sModel)
if(stRecord and stRecord.Type) then return stRecord.Type else return "" end
e2function string entity:trackasmlibGetType()
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return "" end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(stRecord and stRecord.Type) then return stRecord.Type else return "" end
e2function string trackasmlibGetName(string sModel)
if(not enFlag) then return "" end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(sModel)
if(stRecord and stRecord.Name) then return stRecord.Name else return "" end
e2function string entity:trackasmlibGetName()
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return "" end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(stRecord and stRecord.Name) then return stRecord.Name else return "" end
e2function number trackasmlibGetPointsCount(string sModel)
if(not enFlag) then return 0 end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(sModel)
if(stRecord and stRecord.Kept) then return stRecord.Kept else return 0 end
e2function number entity:trackasmlibGetPointsCount()
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return 0 end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(stRecord and stRecord.Kept) then return stRecord.Kept else return 0 end
---------- Additions ------------
e2function number trackasmlibHasAdditions(string sModel)
if(not enFlag) then return anyFalse end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryAdditions(sModel)
if(stRecord) then return anyTrue else return anyFalse end
e2function number entity:trackasmlibHasAdditions()
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return anyFalse end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryAdditions(this:GetModel())
if(stRecord) then return anyTrue else return anyFalse end
e2function number trackasmlibGetAdditionsCount(string sModel)
if(not enFlag) then return 0 end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryAdditions(sModel)
if(stRecord and stRecord.Kept) then return stRecord.Kept else return 0 end
e2function number entity:trackasmlibGetAdditionsCount()
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return 0 end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryAdditions(this:GetModel())
if(stRecord and stRecord.Kept) then return stRecord.Kept else return 0 end
e2function array trackasmlibGetAdditionsLine(string sModel, number nLine)
if(not enFlag) then return {} end
local defAddit = asmlib.GetOpVar("DEFTABLE_ADDITIONS")
if(not defAddit) then
return asmlib.StatusLog({},"entity:trackasmlibGetAdditionLine(number): No table definition")
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryAdditions(sModel)
if(not stRecord) then return {} end
if(not stRecord[nLine]) then return {} end
stRecord = stRecord[nLine] -- Ordered by ID. Get the line per model
local cntField = 2 -- The model is missed by the main SELECT
local arAdditionsLine = {}
while(defAddit[cntField]) do
arAdditionsLine[cntField-1] = stRecord[defAddit[cntField][1]]
cntField = cntField + 1
return arAdditionsLine
e2function array entity:trackasmlibGetAdditionsLine(number nLine)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return {} end
local defAddit = asmlib.GetOpVar("DEFTABLE_ADDITIONS")
if(not defAddit) then
return asmlib.StatusLog({},"entity:trackasmlibGetAdditionLine(number): No table definition")
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryAdditions(this:GetModel())
if(not stRecord) then return {} end
if(not stRecord[nLine]) then return {} end
stRecord = stRecord[nLine] -- Ordered by ID. Get the line per model
local cntField = 2 -- The model is missed by the main SELECT
local arAdditionsLine = {}
while(defAddit[cntField]) do
arAdditionsLine[cntField-1] = stRecord[defAddit[cntField][1]]
cntField = cntField + 1
return arAdditionsLine
------------ PhysProperties ------------
e2function array trackasmlibGetProperty(string sType)
if(not enFlag) then return {} end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryProperty(sType)
if(not stRecord) then return {} end
return stRecord
e2function array trackasmlibGetProperty()
if(not enFlag) then return {} end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryProperty()
if(not stRecord) then return {} end
return stRecord
----------- Piece creator --------------
e2function entity trackasmlibMakePiece(string sModel, vector vPos, angle aAng, number nMass, string sBgpID, number nR, number nG, number nB, number nA)
if(not enFlag) then return nil end
return asmlib.MakePiece(sModel,Vector(vPos[1],vPos[2],vPos[3]),
Angle (aAng[1],aAng[2],aAng[3]),
nMass or 50000,sBgpID or "",
Color(nR or 255, nG or 255, nB or 255, nA or 255))
e2function entity entity:trackasmlibMakePiece(vector vPos, angle aAng)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return nil end
local phthis = this:GetPhysicsObject()
if(not (phthis and phthis:IsValid())) then return nil end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(not stRecord) then return nil end
local sBgpID = asmlib.GetPropBodyGroup(this)..
return asmlib.MakePiece(this:GetModel(),
Angle (aAng[1],aAng[2],aAng[3]),
e2function entity entity:trackasmlibApplyPhysicalAnchor(entity eBase, number nWe, number nNc)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return anyFalse end
if(not (eBase and eBase:IsValid())) then return anyFalse end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(not stRecord) then return anyFalse end
return asmlib.ApplyPhysicalAnchor(this,eBase,nWe,nNc) and anyTrue or anyFalse
e2function entity entity:trackasmlibApplyPhysicalSettings(number nPi, number nFr, number nGr, string sPh)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return anyFalse end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(not stRecord) then return anyFalse end
return asmlib.ApplyPhysicalSettings(this,nPi,nFr,nGr,sPh) and anyTrue or anyFalse
e2function number entity:trackasmlibAttachAdditions()
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return anyFalse end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryAdditions(this:GetModel())
if(not stRecord) then return 0 end
return asmlib.AttachAdditions(this) and anyTrue or anyFalse
e2function number entity:trackasmlibAttachBodyGroups(string sBgpID)
if(not (this and this:IsValid() and enFlag)) then return 0 end
local stRecord = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(this:GetModel())
if(not stRecord) then return 0 end
return asmlib.AttachBodyGroups(this, sBgpID) and anyTrue or anyFalse
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ A: Here they are, with available status, why I did not do some of them ( in the
20) Mr. Train's G-Gauge rails
21) Ron's 56 gauge rails ( Removed by the add-on owner. Discontinued )
22) Ron's 2ft track pack
23) PHX Tubes ( In DEV 0% Done )
23) PHX Tubes
Q: Dude the rails are not showing in the menu, what should I do ?
@ -160,6 +160,17 @@ A: Remember when I got suggestions to do the switchers.
is chosen when stacking is in place. The end of the line with the green
circle points to the next active position that is chosen.
Q: Dude I've messed up my console variables, how can I factory-reset them ?
A: Easy. First you need to enable the developer mode via "trackassembly_devmode 1"
Then in the bodygroup/skin text box ( or "trackassembly_bgskids" variable ) enter:
"reset cvars":
reset all cvars to the factory default settings
followed by space for deleting the exported database without quitting
the game, followed by either "cl" or "sv" or both, separated by space
to delete the client or server or both instance generated databases
N: The console variables being set in this question will be reset also
Q: How can I control errors when the clients are flooding my server with rails,
and stacking/spawning outside of the map bounds?
A: Easy, :D Just set "trackassembly_bnderrmod" to one of the following values
Reference in New Issue
Block a user