Commit Graph

  • cd770bf974
    Bumped the copyright year of the project. master v3.1.0.5 atom0s 2024-03-29 22:13:07 -0700
  • a571eeb560
    Bumped the version information for affected binaries. atom0s 2024-03-29 22:05:38 -0700
  • a278875e1c
    Unpacker: (variant31.x86) Fixed AES decryption not properly handling the code section, leading to junk data being copied into unpacked file. Unpacker: (variant31.x86) Fixed AES decryption not properly preserving non-encrypted data. atom0s 2024-03-29 22:04:56 -0700
  • 4c2c218a72
    Unpacker: (variant21.x86) Fixed AES decryption not properly handling the code section, leading to junk data being copied into unpacked file. Unpacker: (variant21.x86) Fixed AES decryption not properly preserving non-encrypted data. atom0s 2024-03-29 22:04:12 -0700
  • c58518a65f
    API: Changed the AES buffer size from 2048 to 16 to correct block size alignment issues. atom0s 2024-03-29 22:01:56 -0700
  • 6d8c8e0ec9
    Update copyright year to 2024. hir0xygen 2024-01-08 23:51:51 +0100
  • 1350d3db74
    Merge pull request #1 from atom0s/master 周晋平 2023-06-02 16:16:00 +0800
  • 87732ea284
    Update atom0s 2023-05-28 02:57:18 -0700
  • 976b194522
    Add repo files. atom0s 2023-05-28 02:49:31 -0700
  • 0fd49fe42c
    Update copyright year to 2023. atom0s 2023-05-28 02:14:43 -0700
  • 97db6cb6de
    Bump the main executable version. atom0s 2023-05-28 02:09:30 -0700
  • 2a63293807
    Plugin: (AutomaticPlugin) Add additional error messages for when failing to parse a valid PE file and when an exception happens during parsing. atom0s 2023-05-28 02:08:05 -0700
  • 4c3c6e757c
    API: (PE32) Adjusted 'Parse' method to exit early if the DOS stub is invalid. (Avoids attempting to read an invalid NT header block.) API: (PE64) Adjusted 'Parse' method to exit early if the DOS stub is invalid. (Avoids attempting to read an invalid NT header block.) atom0s 2023-05-28 02:07:05 -0700
  • 7f92aded2c
    API: (PE32) Changed IMAGE_DOS_HEADER structure field 'Signature' to be a full type (ushort) instead of an array. API: (PE64) Changed IMAGE_DOS_HEADER structure field 'Signature' to be a full type (ushort) instead of an array. API: (PE32) Changed IMAGE_NT_HEADERS structure field 'Signature' to be a full type (uint) instead of an array. API: (PE64) Changed IMAGE_NT_HEADERS structure field 'Signature' to be a full type (uint) instead of an array. API: (PE32) Fixed IMAGE_DOS_HEADER helper property 'IsValid' to use the standard 'IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE' value. API: (PE64) Fixed IMAGE_NT_HEADERS helper property 'IsValid' to use the standard 'IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE' value. atom0s 2023-05-28 01:48:40 -0700
  • b25caa30eb Fixed compatibility with Wine Lennard Fonteijn 2023-03-25 22:53:03 +0100
  • 640e57e148
    Unpacker 2.0 (x86) - Add support for additional samples. (Header size: 884) Bump version. v3.1.0.3 atom0s 2022-09-26 02:30:40 -0700
  • fa0d8319f3
    Bump version. v3.1.0.2 atom0s 2022-09-23 16:04:00 -0700
  • 65b5644afe
    Unpacker v2.0 (x86) - Add support for multiple variants of the header. Unpacker v2.0 (x86) - Fix and rename some of the fields of the stub header. Unpacker v2.0 (x86) - Add error message for unsupported header sizes to help collect samples. atom0s 2022-09-23 16:00:33 -0700
  • 411f4f711c
    PE32: Replace manual PE checksum calculations with Win32 API call instead. PE64: Replace manual PE checksum calculations with Win32 API call instead. atom0s 2022-09-23 15:57:55 -0700
  • 51be8ca795
    API: Add import for MapFileAndCheckSum. atom0s 2022-09-23 15:54:19 -0700
  • b6d445fda4
    AutomaticPlugin - Added support for logging service usage. AutomaticPlugin - Added detection and logging output to mention if a file is most likely not packed with SteamStub. Core - Fixed issue with AutomaticPlugin not properly initializing. Unpacker v2.0 (x86) - Adjusted how the code section RVA is determined. (Moved a second check to 'optional feature' state for now.) v3.1.0.1 atom0s 2022-09-21 18:55:29 -0700
  • 1bdd96e657
    * Unpacker v2.1 (x86) - Updated the header to handle the StubData more correctly. atom0s 2022-04-24 21:34:23 -0700
  • 0b67eab1d1
    Unpacker v2.1 (x86) - Updated the header information based on new sample info. atom0s 2022-04-15 19:28:59 -0700
  • 2023853b31
    Small cleanup. v3.1.0.0 atom0s 2022-04-04 22:03:28 -0700
  • 700425f68a
    CLI: Remove .pdb generation on Release mode. Unpacker: Variant v10x86 - Fix incorrect output path when compiled for Release mode. atom0s 2022-04-04 21:59:42 -0700
  • c2719b776d
    CLI: Fix issues where Steamless.API.dll was required to be in the same folder as the CLI executable. CLI: Fix Steamless.API.dll reference being copied to main output folder. atom0s 2022-04-04 21:55:49 -0700
  • 0a38c2476c
    Bump version number. atom0s 2022-04-04 21:40:50 -0700
  • 25f3584e39
    Core: fix release mode output folder for new CLI version. atom0s 2022-04-04 21:39:00 -0700
  • 62ffbe6732
    Core: Added Steamless.CLI to run Steamless from the command line. Core: Bumped version to atom0s 2022-04-04 21:37:35 -0700
  • 9adc76d6da
    Bump version. atom0s 2022-03-27 00:20:44 -0700
  • 6b7fa1d977
    Updated the project Updated the AboutView. atom0s 2022-03-27 00:19:57 -0700
  • d97e1a4426
    Add Patreon link to FUNDING.yml atom0s 2022-03-26 02:52:24 -0700
  • 540b4b067f
    API: PE64 - Add new functionality to Pe64Helpers to recalculate a PE file checksum. Unpackers: (x64) Ensure all unpacked files default to a checksum of 0. Unpackers: (x64) Add support for new RecalculateFileChecksum setting. v3.0.0.13 atom0s 2022-03-26 02:38:35 -0700
  • 2380a4bd8a
    Unpackers: (x86) - Ensure all unpacked files default to a checksum of 0. atom0s 2022-03-26 02:25:36 -0700
  • 7cb8eaf613
    Core: Fix typo with new ZeroDosStubData option checkbox using wrong field bool. API: Add new option RecalculateFileChecksum to allow unpacked files to have their PE checksum recalculated. API: PE32 - Add new functionality to Pe32Helpers to recalculate a PE file checksum. Unpackers: (x86) Add support for new RecalculateFileChecksum setting. atom0s 2022-03-26 02:23:03 -0700
  • 12c312b4db
    API: Add new option to zero the DOS stub data when unpacking. Core: Add UI option to enable/disable the new zero DOS stub data option. Unpackers: Add support for new zero DOS stub data option. API: DontRealignSections and ZeroDosStubData are now default enabled as this is the general 'correct' way to handle most files. (Some files do require the section alignment to happen and some files may use the DOS stub for self-validation and such. Adjust accordingly when using Steamless.) atom0s 2022-03-25 20:09:21 -0700
  • 18c389ce3c
    Unpacker: v10.x86 - Finish implementing SteamStub variant v1.0 (x86) unpacker. (Fixes #22) atom0s 2022-03-25 19:33:17 -0700
  • 39ad5a2631
    Update project information copyrights. atom0s 2022-03-25 18:53:29 -0700
  • 5c2c32cab4
    Begin variant v1.0 x86 plugin support. atom0s 2022-03-25 18:52:33 -0700
  • 9c16bcc8a5
    API: PE32 Adjusted FindPattern to return a long instead of uint. Default return is now -1. API: PE36 Adjusted FindPattern to return a long instead of uint. Default return is now -1. Unpackers: Updated all usages of FindPattern to reflect new API change. atom0s 2022-03-25 18:49:50 -0700
  • d3a9dad663
    Bump version number. atom0s 2022-03-25 16:49:01 -0700
  • b97f148945
    Unpacker: v30.x64 - Renamed header field Unknown0003 to HasTlsCallback. Unpacker: v30.x64 - Add support for handling files packed with TlsCallback overrides. atom0s 2022-03-25 16:46:38 -0700
  • 0ad40aeabd
    API: PE32 - Fix SizeOfImage alignment. API: PE64 - Fix SizeOfImage alignment. Unpacker: v20.x86 - Fix SizeOfImage alignment. Unpacker: v21.x86 - Fix SizeOfImage alignment. Unpacker: v30.x64 - Fix incorrect TlsOepRva being stored and used. Unpacker: v30.x64 - Fix incorrect TlsOepRva calculations when reading payload and SteamDRMP.dll. Unpacker: v31.x64 - Fix incorrect TlsOepRva being stored and used. Unpacker: v31.x64 - Fix incorrect TlsOepRva calculations when reading payload and SteamDRMP.dll. atom0s 2022-03-24 00:58:32 -0700
  • 079a086129
    API: Add new option to allow disabling of section realignment. Core: Add support for new disable section realignment option. Unpacker: v20.x86 - Add support for new disable section realignment option. Unpacker: v21.x86 - Add support for new disable section realignment option. Unpacker: v30.x86 - Add support for new disable section realignment option. Unpacker: v30.x64 - Add support for new disable section realignment option. Unpacker: v31.x86 - Add support for new disable section realignment option. Unpacker: v31.x64 - Add support for new disable section realignment option. atom0s 2022-03-23 00:26:02 -0700
  • 75afb9e425
    Unpacker: v31.x64 - Bump unpacker version. Previous commit fixes #65 atom0s 2022-03-22 14:46:24 -0700
  • f83d140ebf
    API: Add ToString overrides to the section entries to allow easier debugging. Unpacker: v31.x64 - Remove code section size check. (Some virtualized files will have an empty code section.) Unpacker: v31.x64 - Allow empty code section files to still unpack by skipping decryption step. atom0s 2022-03-22 14:44:49 -0700
  • 5b02106fca
    Bump version numbers. atom0s 2022-03-22 03:47:51 -0700
  • d3423cde0e
    API: PE64 - Add check for TlsDirectory.AddressOfCallBacks == 0 to prevent attempting to reference invalid data. Unpacker: v31.x64 - Adjust size of data searched when determining the variant version. Fixes #56 Misc: Update project copyrights. Misc: Remove some unused/dead code from the UI. atom0s 2022-03-22 03:46:48 -0700
  • b31c7a1884
    Fixed 2.1 (x86) unpacker using the wrong encryption size when the .text section is encrypted. (Fixes #57) v3.0.0.12 atom0s 2021-09-23 22:51:31 -0700
  • 2a10df60c1
    Update README. atom0s 2020-12-18 02:31:35 -0800
  • 6b06ba9902
    File version bump for release. v3.0.0.11 atom0s 2020-12-18 02:24:32 -0800
  • 769232fc65
    Add support for the real stub 2.0 variant. (This is a first-go at this version. I only have 1 sample with this version of the stub so it is solely based on this one exe. The full stub has been reversed for this file though. You can find more about that in issue #37) atom0s 2020-12-18 02:10:09 -0800
  • 82d763940a
    Fix a few more renames. atom0s 2020-12-17 23:39:35 -0800
  • 69b2053f57
    Finish 2.0 to 2.1 renaming. atom0s 2020-12-17 23:19:02 -0800
  • 5b286530a4
    Renamed SteamStub variant 2.0 to 2.1. This is a major change due to a file being presented that looks to be an earlier version of the 2.x variant. This new (older) file presents like 2.x however, it predates some more common features such as the XTEA encryption seen in 2.1 and newer. This version seems less feature-rich and thus I feel it's actually 2.0. atom0s 2020-12-17 23:16:20 -0800
  • 869b893ac3
    Update more copyrights to 2020. Update Paypal links to use newer format. Fix issue with structure size casting that can cause an exception when trying to read a stub header structure. Fix typo's on some spelling. atom0s 2020-12-17 23:10:04 -0800
  • 0b6374e497 Merge branch 'master' of v3.0.0.10 atom0s 2020-08-17 01:52:40 -0700
  • 676c863b08 Updated copyright date ranges. Fixed issue with memory errors due to incorrect structure mapping handling. atom0s 2020-08-17 01:52:21 -0700
  • 0725ed3c25
    Create FUNDING.yml atom0s 2020-04-29 18:09:53 -0700
  • 8aa889274f Fix warning when building on Linux Martin T. H. Sandsmark 2020-04-15 07:41:16 +0200
  • 04a215c8ae Add instructions for linux in readme Martin T. H. Sandsmark 2020-04-15 07:41:09 +0200
  • 0a2540cc40 add separate .sln for Linux-only builds, which only includes the command line application Martin T. H. Sandsmark 2020-04-15 07:40:56 +0200
  • aeb86be257 Print why the file is not valid Martin T. H. Sandsmark 2020-03-29 17:16:37 +0200
  • 1964ac2a89 don't completely ignore exceptions completely, print them to log Martin T. H. Sandsmark 2020-03-29 17:09:34 +0200
  • 050a3b784b fix crashing when running with mono Martin T. H. Sandsmark 2020-03-29 17:07:05 +0200
  • 569b17e3db add CLI application Martin T. H. Sandsmark 2020-03-29 15:48:42 +0200
  • 8945bf2bf1 Move UI code from API project to GUI application project Martin T. H. Sandsmark 2020-03-29 15:47:42 +0200
  • d8d86b6f85
    Merge pull request #5 from lKobi/update Emanon 2020-02-23 19:29:04 +0000
  • 0f29328aaf
    Updated copyright date ranges to include 2020 across the project Emanon 2020-02-23 19:25:25 +0000
  • b34d6a0c79
    Merge pull request #3 from atom0s/master Emanon 2020-02-23 03:06:11 +0000
  • 795b158ef6 Update .gitignore Pinya 2020-02-18 16:56:06 +0300
  • 8d911528cd
    Merge pull request #32 from pengc99/patch-1 atom0s 2020-02-16 19:24:48 -0800
  • 270de3ca6d
    Update Andrew Peng 2020-02-16 19:55:05 -0600
  • 2bd292d2c8
    Update Pe64File.cs Yuji Saeki 2019-09-26 21:17:25 -0400
  • fa0835f58d
    Update Pe32File.cs Yuji Saeki 2019-09-26 21:16:51 -0400
  • aa6c25e6da
    Update Pe64File.cs Yuji Saeki 2019-09-26 20:25:37 -0400
  • 8062135c7a
    Update Pe64File.cs Yuji Saeki 2019-09-26 20:25:19 -0400
  • 506c1ab851
    Update Pe32File.cs Yuji Saeki 2019-09-26 20:23:46 -0400
  • 3d77e00bc9
    Fix SizeOfImage alignment to SectionAlignment Yuji Saeki 2019-09-26 19:52:18 -0400
  • e5e38a6be1
    Fix SizeOfImage alignment to SectionAlignment Yuji Saeki 2019-09-26 19:51:45 -0400
  • 8037eb0936
    Add files via upload Yuji Saeki 2019-09-26 16:59:33 -0400
  • 32f34bcd28
    Add files via upload Yuji Saeki 2019-09-26 16:58:59 -0400
  • 7a9d7fd515
    Add files via upload Yuji Saeki 2019-09-26 16:58:34 -0400
  • dc5d7206a8
    Update SteamlessOptions.cs Yuji Saeki 2019-09-26 16:58:10 -0400
  • 96ace852ef
    Add files via upload Yuji Saeki 2019-09-26 16:57:48 -0400
  • 23255985c2
    Add files via upload Yuji Saeki 2019-09-26 16:57:17 -0400
  • e154032ddf
    Update Steamless.API.csproj Yuji Saeki 2019-09-26 16:56:39 -0400
  • c2d54fa717 Bump the version number of the main app. v3.0.0.9 atom0s 2019-05-28 19:13:41 -0700
  • e90195a0ec Merge branch 'master' of atom0s 2019-05-28 19:11:43 -0700
  • 5a10c527e2 Fixed a small bug with TLS callback parsing in the 64bit PE parser. Added TLS callback support for the 3.0 64bit unpacker. atom0s 2019-05-28 19:11:29 -0700
  • 9765d3e5b3 More code cleanup. (Adjusted some properties and other data to newer C# standards.) v3.0.0.8 atom0s 2019-03-30 01:34:22 -0700
  • e54c95bea3 Updated copyright date ranges to include 2019 across the project. Added new UseExperimentalFeatures option. Added new dynamic offset reader for v2 stub parser to better support more files. (experimental feature) General code cleanup. atom0s 2019-03-30 01:23:48 -0700
  • 5a42c95116
    Merge pull request #2 from atom0s/master Emanon 2018-09-02 05:07:06 +0100
  • a0f856a050 Added support for an unknown variant of v2. atom0s 2018-07-20 19:02:26 -0700
  • aed8a86020 Added SteamStub 2.x variant D0 (header size) support. Fixed some issues with the 2.x disassembler using incorrect types. Updated the SharpDisasm.dll file to latest version. v3.0.0.7 atom0s 2018-06-25 12:15:38 -0700
  • cdd3f56996 Updated the list of supported versions. atom0s 2018-04-15 23:00:09 -0700
  • 168c75dc58 Bumped main executable version. Updated all copyrights to include 2018. v3.0.0.6 atom0s 2018-04-15 22:49:12 -0700
  • 14c1ad2d0b Added support for new SteamStub v3.1.2 variant. (x64) Updated all plugins to make use of reflection to get their versions from their assembly info. Added ignore for Windows image cache file. (Thumbs.db) atom0s 2018-04-15 22:47:13 -0700
  • 287c5e9ba6
    Fork Update #1 Emanon 2018-04-08 12:13:04 +0100
  • f5ee84e58b Merge 48f0c8a265 into 34afbba437 mizaru 2018-01-27 17:12:01 +0000