This commit is contained in:
Xerasin 2022-06-09 11:17:36 -07:00
parent a6aeb604d0
commit 19aea18694

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ end)
if SERVER then
local AllowGroundSit = CreateConVar("sitting_allow_ground_sit", "1", {FCVAR_ARCHIVE}, "Toggle ground sitting for the server", 0, 1)
local AllowGroundSit = CreateConVar("sitting_allow_ground_sit", "1", {FCVAR_ARCHIVE}, "Toggle ground sitting for the entire server", 0, 1)
hook.Add("HandleSit", "GroundSit", function(ply, dists, EyeTrace)
if #dists == 0 and ply:GetInfoNum("sitting_ground_sit", 1) == 1 and AllowGroundSit:GetBool() and ply:EyeAngles().p > 80 then
local t = hook.Run("OnGroundSit", ply, EyeTrace)