Forgot to adjust the reset bone to work with a little bit redone bone list

This commit is contained in:
penolakushari 2021-11-01 08:52:49 +03:00
parent d88d126a33
commit afbbcfe3e0

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@ -526,13 +526,11 @@ end
local function RGMResetButton(cpanel)
local pl = LocalPlayer()
if !pl.rgm then return end
local ent = pl.rgm.Entity
if !IsValid(ent) then return end
local butt = vgui.Create("DButton", cpanel)
butt:SetText("Reset Non-Physics Bone")
function butt:DoClick()
if !IsValid(ent) then return end
if not pl.rgm then return end
if not IsValid(pl.rgm.Entity) then return end
RunConsoleCommand("ragdollmover_resetbone", 1)