mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 03:13:36 -05:00
Added prop protection support, seems like performance got a bit lower
This commit is contained in:
@ -127,6 +127,18 @@ local function rgmGetBone(pl, ent, bone)
local function rgmCanTool(ent, pl)
local cantool
if CPPI and ent.CPPICanTool then
cantool = ent:CPPICanTool(pl, "ragdollmover")
cantool = true
return cantool
local function rgmFindEntityChildren(parent)
local children = {}
@ -283,11 +295,15 @@ ConstrainedAllowed = CreateConVar("sv_ragdollmover_allow_constrained_locking", 1
net.Receive("rgmAskForPhysbones", function(len, pl)
local entcount = net.ReadUInt(13)
local ents = {}
local cancel
for i = 1, entcount do
ents[i] = net.ReadEntity()
if not rgmCanTool(ents[i], pl) then cancel = true end
if cancel then return end
if not next(ents) then return end
local sendents = {}
@ -326,11 +342,15 @@ net.Receive("rgmAskForNodeUpdatePhysics", function(len, pl)
local isphys = net.ReadBool()
local entcount = net.ReadUInt(13)
local reents, ents = {}, {}
local cancel
for i = 1, entcount do
reents[i] = net.ReadEntity()
if not rgmCanTool(reents[i], pl) then cancel = true end
if cancel then return end
local validcount = 0
for i, ent in ipairs(reents) do
if not IsValid(ent) then continue end
@ -363,11 +383,15 @@ end)
net.Receive("rgmAskForParented", function(len, pl)
local entcount = net.ReadUInt(13)
local ents = {}
local cancel
for i = 1, entcount do
ents[i] = net.ReadEntity()
if not rgmCanTool(ents[i], pl) then cancel = true end
if cancel then return end
local parented = {}
local pcount = 0
@ -414,6 +438,8 @@ net.Receive("rgmSelectBone", function(len, pl)
local ent = net.ReadEntity()
local bone = net.ReadUInt(10)
if not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
pl.rgm.BoneToResetTo = (ent:GetClass() == "prop_ragdoll") and ent:TranslatePhysBoneToBone(0) or 0
pl.rgm.Entity = ent
pl.rgm.Axis.EntAdvMerged = false
@ -434,6 +460,7 @@ net.Receive("rgmLockBone", function(len, pl)
local physbone = bone
local boneid
if not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
if not IsValid(ent) or ent:TranslateBoneToPhysBone(physbone) == -1 then return end
if ent:GetClass() ~= "prop_ragdoll" and not ent.rgmPRenttoid and mode ~= 3 then return end
@ -480,6 +507,7 @@ net.Receive("rgmBoneFreezer", function(len, pl)
local bone = net.ReadUInt(10)
local boneid
if not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
if not IsValid(ent) or ent:TranslateBoneToPhysBone(bone) == -1 then return end
if ent:GetClass() == "prop_ragdoll" then
@ -535,6 +563,7 @@ net.Receive("rgmLockToBone", function(len, pl)
local originent = net.ReadEntity()
local lockorigin = net.ReadUInt(10)
if not rgmCanTool(lockent, pl) or not rgmCanTool(originent, pl) then return end
if not IsValid(lockent) or not IsValid(originent) or not ((lockent:GetClass() == "prop_ragdoll") or (lockent:GetClass() == "prop_physics")) or not ((originent:GetClass() == "prop_ragdoll") or (originent:GetClass() == "prop_physics")) then return end
if lockent.rgmPRenttoid then
lockedbone = lockent.rgmPRenttoid[lockent]
@ -597,6 +626,8 @@ net.Receive("rgmUnlockToBone", function(len, pl)
local unlockbone = net.ReadUInt(10)
local bone = rgm.BoneToPhysBone(ent, unlockbone)
if not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
if ent.rgmPRenttoid then
bone = ent.rgmPRenttoid[ent]
@ -614,6 +645,8 @@ net.Receive("rgmLockConstrained", function(len, pl)
local lockent = net.ReadEntity()
local physbone = 0
if not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
local convar = ConstrainedAllowed:GetBool()
if not convar then
@ -653,6 +686,7 @@ net.Receive("rgmUnlockConstrained", function(len, pl)
local lockent = net.ReadEntity()
if not IsValid(lockent) then return end
if not rgmCanTool(lockent, pl) then return end
pl.rgmEntLocks[lockent] = nil
@ -668,6 +702,8 @@ net.Receive("rgmSelectEntity", function(len, pl)
local tool = pl:GetTool("ragdollmover")
if not tool then return end
if not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
if tool:GetClientNumber("lockselected") ~= 0 then
@ -926,6 +962,8 @@ end
net.Receive("rgmResetAllBones", function(len, pl)
local ent = net.ReadEntity()
if not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
for i = 0, ent:GetBoneCount() - 1 do
local pos, ang, scale = ent:GetManipulateBonePosition(i), ent:GetManipulateBoneAngles(i), ent:GetManipulateBoneScale(i) -- Grabbing existing vectors as to not create new ones, in case ManipulateBone functions were overriden by something like Advanced Bonemerge
@ -952,6 +990,7 @@ net.Receive("rgmResetAll", function(len, pl)
local children = net.ReadBool()
if not IsValid(ent) then return end
if not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
if children then
RecursiveBoneFunc(bone, ent, function(bon)
@ -990,6 +1029,7 @@ net.Receive("rgmResetPos", function(len, pl)
local bone = net.ReadUInt(10)
if not IsValid(ent) then return end
if not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
if children then
RecursiveBoneFunc(bone, ent, function(bon)
@ -1019,6 +1059,8 @@ net.Receive("rgmResetAng", function(len, pl)
local children = net.ReadBool()
local bone = net.ReadUInt(10)
if not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
if children then
RecursiveBoneFunc(bone, ent, function(bon)
local ang = ent:GetManipulateBoneAngles(bon)
@ -1047,6 +1089,8 @@ net.Receive("rgmResetScale", function(len, pl)
local children = net.ReadBool()
local bone = net.ReadUInt(10)
if not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
if children then
RecursiveBoneFunc(bone, ent, function(bon)
local scale = ent:GetManipulateBoneScale(bon)
@ -1077,6 +1121,8 @@ net.Receive("rgmScaleZero", function(len, pl)
local children = net.ReadBool()
local bone = net.ReadUInt(10)
if not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
if children then
RecursiveBoneFunc(bone, ent, function(bon)
local scale = ent:GetManipulateBoneScale(bon)
@ -1110,6 +1156,9 @@ net.Receive("rgmPrepareOffsets", function(len, pl)
local ent, axis = pl.rgm.Entity, pl.rgm.Axis
local bone = pl.rgm.Bone
if not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
pl.rgm.UIMoving = true
pl.rgm.NPhysBonePos = ent:GetManipulateBonePosition(bone)
@ -1146,6 +1195,8 @@ net.Receive("rgmClearOffsets", function(len, pl)
if not tool then return end
local ent = pl.rgm.Entity
if not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
pl.rgm.UIMoving = false
if pl.rgm.IsPhysBone or (pl.rgm.physmove ~= 0 and pl.rgm.NextPhysBone) then
@ -1179,7 +1230,7 @@ net.Receive("rgmAdjustBone", function(len, pl)
local ent = pl.rgm.Entity
local childbones = pl.rgmBoneChildren
local physmove = pl.rgm.physmove ~= 0
if not IsValid(ent) then net.ReadInt(3) net.ReadInt(3) net.ReadFloat() return end
if not IsValid(ent) or not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then net.ReadInt(3) net.ReadInt(3) net.ReadFloat() return end
local rgmaxis = pl.rgm.Axis
manipulate_bone[1] = function(axis, value)
@ -1479,6 +1530,9 @@ net.Receive("rgmUpdateCCVar", function(len, pl)
axis[vars[var]] = (tool:GetClientNumber(vars[var], 1) ~= 0)
pl.rgm[vars[var]] = tool:GetClientNumber(vars[var], 1)
if var == 10 then
pl.rgm.snapamount = pl.rgm.snapamount < 1 and 1 or pl.rgm.snapamount
@ -1611,14 +1665,11 @@ function TOOL:LeftClick(tr)
pl.rgm.Axis = axis
return false
if not axis.Axises then
local collision = axis:TestCollision(pl, self:GetClientNumber("scale", 10))
local ent = pl.rgm.Entity
local collision = axis:TestCollision(pl, self:GetClientNumber("scale", 10))
if collision and IsValid(ent) then
if collision and IsValid(ent) and rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then
if _G["physundo"] and _G["physundo"].Create then
_G["physundo"].Create(ent, pl)
@ -1703,7 +1754,7 @@ function TOOL:LeftClick(tr)
return false
elseif IsValid(tr.Entity) and EntityFilter(tr.Entity, self) then
elseif IsValid(tr.Entity) and EntityFilter(tr.Entity, self) and rgmCanTool(tr.Entity, pl) then
local entity = tr.Entity
@ -1904,8 +1955,9 @@ if SERVER then
local rotate = pl.rgm.Rotate or false
local scale = pl.rgm.Scale or false
local physmove = pl.rgm.physmove ~= 0
if moving then
if not pl:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK) then
if not pl:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK) or not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then
if pl.rgm.IsPhysBone or (physmove and pl.rgm.NextPhysBone) then
if (pl.rgm.unfreeze or 1) ~= 0 then
@ -1951,12 +2003,6 @@ if SERVER then
local snapamount = 0
if (pl.rgm.snapenable or 0) ~= 0 then
snapamount = pl.rgm.snapamount or 1
snapamount = snapamount < 1 and 1 or snapamount
local tracepos = nil
if pl:KeyDown(IN_SPEED) then
local tr = util.TraceLine({
@ -1967,6 +2013,11 @@ if SERVER then
tracepos = tr.HitPos
local snapamount = 0
if pl.rgm.snapenable ~= 0 then
snapamount = pl.rgm.snapamount
local physbonecount = ent:GetBoneCount() - 1
if physbonecount == nil then return end
@ -35,6 +35,18 @@ local function PrettifyMDLName(name)
return name
local function rgmCanTool(ent, pl)
local cantool
if CPPI and ent.CPPICanTool then
cantool = ent:CPPICanTool(pl, "ragmover_ikchains")
cantool = true
return cantool
local function rgmSendNotif(message, pl)
net.WriteUInt(message, 5)
@ -118,7 +130,8 @@ net.Receive("rgmikRequestSave", function(len, pl)
if not tool then return end
local ent = tool.SelectedSaveEnt
if not ent or not ent.rgmIKChains then rgmSendNotif(6, pl) return end
if not IsValid(ent) or not ent.rgmIKChains then rgmSendNotif(6, pl) return end
if not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
local ispropragdoll = ent.rgmPRidtoent and true or false
@ -183,7 +196,7 @@ net.Receive("rgmikLoad", function(len, pl)
if not tool then return end
local ent = tool.SelectedSaveEnt
if not ent then return end
if not IsValid(ent) or not rgmCanTool(ent, pl) then return end
if not ispropragdoll then
ent.rgmIKChains = {}
@ -211,7 +224,7 @@ end
function TOOL:LeftClick(tr)
local ent = tr.Entity
if not IsValid(ent) or (ent:GetClass() ~= "prop_ragdoll" and not ent.rgmPRenttoid) or not tr.PhysicsBone then return false end
if not IsValid(ent) or not rgmCanTool(ent, self:GetOwner()) or (ent:GetClass() ~= "prop_ragdoll" and not ent.rgmPRenttoid) or not tr.PhysicsBone then return false end
local stage = self:GetStage()
if stage == 0 then
@ -305,6 +318,8 @@ end
function TOOL:RightClick(tr)
local ent = tr.Entity
if not rgmCanTool(ent, self:GetOwner()) then return end
if ent:GetClass() == "prop_ragdoll" or (ent:GetClass() == "prop_physics" and ent.rgmPRidtoent) then
if SERVER then
if self.SelectedSaveEnt == ent then return false end
@ -34,6 +34,18 @@ local function ClearPropRagdoll(ent)
duplicator.ClearEntityModifier(ent, "Ragdoll Mover Prop Ragdoll")
local function rgmCanTool(ent, pl)
local cantool
if CPPI and ent.CPPICanTool then
cantool = ent:CPPICanTool(pl, "ragmover_propragdoll")
cantool = true
return cantool
local function SendNotification(pl, id)
net.WriteUInt(id, 3)
@ -110,6 +122,7 @@ net.Receive("rgmprApplySkeleton", function(len, pl)
local count = net.ReadUInt(13)
local ents, filter = {}, {}
local fail = false
local cancel = false
for i = 0, count - 1 do
ents[i] = {}
@ -126,8 +139,12 @@ net.Receive("rgmprApplySkeleton", function(len, pl)
ents[i].offset = net.ReadVector()
ents[i].aoffset = net.ReadAngle()
if not rgmCanTool(ents[i], pl) then cancel = true end
if cancel then return end
if fail or count > CVMaxPRBones:GetInt() then
if fail then
SendNotification(pl, APPLY_FAILED)
@ -186,7 +203,7 @@ function TOOL:LeftClick(tr)
local pl = self:GetOwner()
local ent = tr.Entity
if IsValid(ent) then
if IsValid(ent) and rgmCanTool(ent, self:GetOwner()) then
if SERVER then
@ -208,7 +225,7 @@ function TOOL:RightClick(tr)
local conents = {}
local count = 0
if IsValid(ent) and ent:GetClass("prop_physics") then
if IsValid(ent) and rgmCanTool(ent, self:GetOwner()) and ent:GetClass("prop_physics") then
doweusethis = true
local ents = constraint.GetAllConstrainedEntities(ent)
for ent, _ in pairs(ents) do
@ -236,7 +253,7 @@ end
function TOOL:Reload(tr)
local ent = tr.Entity
if not IsValid(ent) or not ent.rgmPRidtoent then return false end
if not IsValid(ent) or not rgmCanTool(ent, self:GetOwner()) or not ent.rgmPRidtoent then return false end
if SERVER then
local pl = self:GetOwner()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user