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2015-12-16 20:10:47 -05:00
.git_hooks testing bringing in common hooks 2015-12-16 20:10:47 -05:00
lua/autorun Possible fix for http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,9165.msg46876/topicseen.html#msg46876 2015-12-16 19:42:02 -05:00
.gitmodules testing bringing in common hooks 2015-12-16 20:10:47 -05:00
addon.txt Possible fix for building UTime CP 2015-08-20 13:32:01 -04:00
readme.txt Possible fix for building UTime CP 2015-08-20 13:32:01 -04:00

Title: Utime Readme

*Utime v1.44 (released 00/00/00)*

Utime keeps track of session and total time for players. All the colors and positions are customizable by each client.

Visit our homepage at <http://ulyssesmod.net/>.

You can talk to us on our forums at <http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/> or on our steam community, ULX <http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ULX>.

Group: Authors

Utime is brought to you by..

* Brett "Megiddo" Smith - Contact: <megiddo@ulyssesmod.net>

Group: Requirements

Utime has no requirements.

Group: Installation

To install Utime, simply extract the files from the archive to your garrysmod/addons folder.
When you've done this, you should have a file structure like this--

Please note that installation is the same on dedicated servers.

You absolutely, positively have to do a full server restart after installing the files. A simple map
change will not cut it!

Group: Config

All client config is done in game under "utilities". To disable the welcome message, set utime_welcome to 0.

v1.44 - *(00/00/00)*
	* [FIX] UTime cpanel attempting to build before tool menu is populated.

v1.43 - *(05/06/15)*
	* [ADD] Player names are no longer shown when disguiser is enabled in TTT.
	* [FIX] Changes brought on by Garry-breakage (Thanks, GGG-KILLER).

v1.42 - *(01/27/13)*
	* [ADD] utime_welcome cvar to disable welcome message.
	* [FIX] Regular slew of bugs introduced by Garry (MAJOR thanks TweaK!).
	* [FIX] Time string calculations being incorrect (Thanks delagious).

v1.41 - *(08/06/10)*
	* [FIX] A a few bugs some people were getting preventing the GUI from showing correctly.

v1.40 - *(05/14/10)*
	* [FIX] A disconnect bug.
	* [FIX] Some bugs introduced by garry's updates.

v1.30 - *(05/16/08)*
	* [ADD] Some utility functions to make getting session and total times easier.
	* [FIX] A bug introduced by one of garry's updates.

v1.20 - *(01/03/08)*
	* [ADD] Client config to change colors and position of Utime HUD element, as well as the ability to disable it.

v1.10 - *(12/25/07)*
	* [CHANGE] UTime won't display with the gmod camera out

Group: Changelog
v1.00 - *(12/22/07)*
	* Initial version

Group: License

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to
Creative Commons
543 Howard Street
5th Floor
San Francisco, California 94105