# ULX Changelog ## Upcoming - *(00/00/00)* * [FIX] XGUI: Server error if internal bandata endpoint is called with missing parameters. ## v3.81 - *(03/24/24)* * [ADD] Added chat commands to both banid and unban. (Thanks, TheByKotik) * [ADD] Added convar (ulx_motdDisabledMessage <0/1>) to disable the MOTD Disabled on server message if desired. * [ADD] XGUI: Support new sandbox and server settings in the Server and Sandbox settings tabs, removed deprecated settings. * [FIX] Recipient filter was not being used with vote confirmations. (Thanks, plally) * [FIX] ulx resettodefaults will now also reset bans and users in SQLite. * [FIX] Changed how the eye trace on the player for teleport is calculated to make it more accurate. * [FIX] On listen servers, using the slider on some gmod server settings would cause the setting to constantly jump around. * [FIX] XGUI: "Keep AI Ragdoll" setting replaced with "Keep Corpses", which should work now. * [FIX] XGUI: Sandbox "Persist" setting now supports setting the persistence file name. * [FIX] XGUI: Creating or editing adverts would cause server errors instead of showing the advert until mapchange. * [FIX] XLIB: Alpha slider bar no longer saves decimal, no longer backwards while typing in a value. * [CHANGE] Exposed ragdoll and unragdoll functions to the ulx table so they can be called externally. (Thanks, brandonsturgeon) * [CHANGE] XGUI: Update sandbox limit definitions and slider maximums, removed deprecated limits. * [ADD] XLIB: New helper element "Scrollable panel". * [ADD] XLIB: Some helper elements now suport DOCK layout. ## v3.80 - *(08/04/22)* * [CHANGE] Muted players can no longer use psay (thanks, PixeLInc). * [FIX] Don't respawn when done spectating if the user was not alive to start with (Thanks, PixeLInc). * [FIX] XGUI: Some CAMI-registered accesses may not have shown up in the menus. * [FIX] XGUI: Player list on the Cmds tab was not sorted alphabetically. * [FIX] XGUI: Server data was potentially being sent down twice to clients on join. ## v3.73 - *(03/21/17)* * [CHANGE] Setting an ULX cvar now no longer needless routes the cvar change through the console. ## v3.72 - *(03/19/17)* * [CHANGE] UTeam is now disabled for DarkRP gamemodes to prevent conflicts (Thanks, Bo98). * [CHANGE] "ulx bring" can now bring multiple targets (Thanks for the code, Timmy). * [CHANGE] Can no longer kick or ban (or use the vote variants) on the listen server host. * [FIX] More fixes for reading data from addon information (Thanks, Xylios). * [FIX] Server error when autorefreshing some XGUI server files (Thanks, Yupi2). * [FIX] Unexpected tags passed along in a log input (Thanks, mcNuggets1). * [FIX] Bad format spacing on UTF names for ulx who and and ulx debuginfo (Thanks for the code, toxsa). * [FIX] Potential persistence mechanism through ULX configs for rogue addons. ## v3.71 - *(05/22/16)* * [FIX] Reading information from corrupted addons (Thanks, Jindego). * [FIX] XGUI showing all commands if the UCL contained an empty string (Thanks, Steven). ## v3.70 - *(02/15/16)* * [ADD] XGUI: Ability to set the 'nextlevel' cvar from the maps tab, if you have access to "ulx map". * [ADD] Reason to votekick log (Thanks, CSchulz). * [ADD] Steam ID parameter to "ulx who" to lookup users by Steam ID. * [ADD] Cvar "ulx meChatEnabled" added to enable or disable the /me chat feature, or set it to Sandbox only. * [ADD] "ulx version" command for easily checking the version being run. * [ADD] New dynamic MOTD generator. * [ADD] Ban Message customization with XGUI editor * [ADD] XGUI: Added methods for developers to be able to open a specific client or server setting module. * [FIX] The usual random slew of Garry-breakages (Thanks, Fuzzik). * [FIX] Changing weapons while cloaked would keep them hidden when uncloaked. (Thanks, TheRealAyCe). * [FIX] XGUI: Error if the default settings/users.txt file was missing. * [FIX] Gamemode list includes workshop addons now (Thanks, jason2010). * [FIX] "ulx ent" parameter parsing (Thanks, Zombine). * [FIX] "ulx voteban" can now ban the user even if they disconnect after the vote starts. * [FIX] Vote commands now work properly from server console. * [FIX] XGUI: Numerous issues with selecting a custom Derma/GWEN skin. * [FIX] XGUI: Clientside settings would not save if the client's data/ulx folder did not exist. * [FIX] Improved how well ULX/XGUI files and XGUI clientside/serverside modules handle being autorefreshed. * [FIX] ulx.addToHelpManually now checks for and removes and previously added manual help entries with the same command name. * [FIX] XGUI: Bug where ulx_showMotd cvar would not be updated properly when changed by someone else. * [FIX] XGUI: Minor performance exploit involving serverside ban sorting. (Thanks, TomatoCo). * [FIX] Exploit involving gmod filesystem mounting. (Thanks, Willox). * [FIX] Minor issue where opposite commands might not be run due to case sensitivity. * [FIX] Duplicate help entries due to autorefresh and overriding commands. (Thanks iSnipeu). * [FIX] Ragdolled players were getting removed on map cleanup. * [FIX] XGUI: Server error in some cases when sorting bans by Unban Date after a new ban has been added. * [FIX] XGUI: Right-clicking an advert group and renaming it was broken. * [CHANGE] MOTD now uses DHTML (Awesomium framework). * [CHANGE] MOTD configuration changes and new "ulx_motdurl" CVAR. * [CHANGE] Data files are now injected from a Lua script rather than included directly, in order to be Workshop-friendly. * [CHANGE] Hook calls to match ULib's new format. * [CHANGE] ULX convar updates will now append an entry to data/config.txt if it is not defined in the file. Previously, these changes would not be saved. * [CHANGE] You can now spectate another player while spectating someone else. * [CHANGE] XGUI: Moved MOTD settings to their own section, updated to accomodate latest MOTD changes. * [CHANGE] XGUI: No longer autoexecutes skins to ensure they have been installed. * [CHANGE] XGUI: Added "name" parameter to xgui.hookEvent to prevent event duplication. (Aids with autorefresh, is backwards compatible with old XGUI modules) * [CHANGE] XGUI: Modules that no longer exist will be removed from the customizable sort order. * [CHANGE] XGUI: Sliders for arguments on the Cmds tab with a small min/max delta (e.g. from 0 to 1) will now allow up to 2 decimal places, if the arg does not have cmds.round flag. * [CHANGE] XLIB: Added ZPos support for most controls, ability to set font for buttons, ability to set multiline for textboxes, and added "DefaultLarge" font for more accurate ban message preview. ## v3.62 - *(03/09/15)* * [ADD] "ulx return" to return target to previous location they were in before a teleport command was used (Thanks for the idea, ludalex). * [ADD] Networked variables for gimp, mute, and gag (Thanks iSnipeu). * [ADD] XGUI: Added more sorting and filtering options for bans. * [ADD] "ulx stopvote" to stop a vote currently in progress (Thanks, LuaTenshi). * [ADD] XGUI: Added "onClose" event for modules that need it. (Suggested by arduinium). * [FIX] Ban reason and the person who started the voteban is now reported in "ulx voteban" bans (Thanks iSnipeu). * [FIX] An API change causing an error to be thrown at the end of "ulx maul" (Thanks Decicus). * [FIX] NULL entity error after votekick on a player that left the server, now sends message stating that votekicked player already left. * [FIX] PlayerDeath hook errors in certain gamemodes where invalid entites are sent as the killer or victim. (Thanks Mechanical Mind). * [FIX] JailTP command now saves last player position, now works with "ulx return". (Thanks jakej78b). * [FIX] XGUI: Slider label widths were extra large due to a slight change in default numslider behavior. (Thanks Fuzzik). * [FIX] Garry's Mod update caused users to be banned faster than expected, log then incorrectly stated that (Console) was banned. * [FIX] Garry's Mod update prevented votebans from working. * [FIX] Garry's Mod update caused server crash when kicking/banning yourself via chat command. * [FIX] Bug with spectate and respawning (Thanks Sjokomelk). * [FIX] Bug when changing weapons while cloaked, weapons would stay invisible after uncloaking. (Thanks Z0mb1n3). * [FIX] Could not assign BOTs to groups via ulx adduserid or XGUI. (Thanks RhapsodySL). * [FIX] Fixed bug where XGUI would not start on dev branch of Garry's Mod. Changed to init on ULib.HOOK_LOCALPLAYERREADY instead of ULib.HOOK_UCLAUTH. * [FIX] MOTD not enabled message would display for all players instead of the player who tried to open the motd. (Thanks TheClonker). * [CHANGE] "PlayerSay" hooks are now only called serverside. (Thanks NoBrainCZ). * [CHANGE] Logging now prints how long a user took to join the server. * [CHANGE] XGUI: Updated cvarlist for sandbox and wiremod limits. * [CHANGE] XGUI: Many Ban menu improvements. Entire banlist is no longer sent on join- data subset is now requested by the client and sent from the server. * [CHANGE] XGUI: Ban list is now paginated instead of a giant scrollable list. * [CHANGE] XGUI: ULX Bans and other (or "Source Bans") are no longer separated. * [CHANGE] ULX vote variable is now global so other addons can tell if a vote is in progress. ulx.doVote() also returns whether or not it actually started a vote (Thanks for the ideas, arduinium). * [CHANGE] XGUI: Changed gamemode dropdown on maps tab to honor player/group restrictions. (Thanks chaos12135). ## v3.61 - *(08/30/13)* * [ADD] cl_pickupplayers (defaults to 1) to allow an admin to disable the ability to pickup players (so they don't do it on accident). Done in collaboration with FPtje. * [ADD] %curmap% and %steamid% variables in "ulx showMotd" URL for custom-served MOTDs (Thanks Mors-Quaedam). * [ADD] XGUI: Bans are now searchable. (Thanks to iSnipeu for the code contribution!) * [FIX] "#" (Pound signs) removing content in ulx asay (Thanks bener180). * [FIX] Reserved slot mode 3 not kicking the shortest connected player as it is supposed to (Thanks monkstick). * [FIX] No longer able to physgun frozen players (Thanks ms333). * [FIX] XGUI: Added checks to prevent admins from being able to edit ban information past their restrictions (Thanks Zaph). * [FIX] XGUI: Infobar text no longer displaying. * [FIX] XGUI: Error caused when closing the fban window after the targeted player has left the server (Thanks nathan736). * [FIX] XGUI: Issues with handling min / max number restrictions. * [FIX] XGUI: Map icons not loading. * [FIX] XGUI: Ban menu bugfixes. * [CHANGE] Jail models. The jail is slightly bigger and can't be shot through anymore (Thanks Mors-Quaedam). * [CHANGE] Updated PvP damage cvar to reflect Garry's changes (Thanks Mors-Quadam). * [CHANGE] "ulx gag" now uses a server-side hook (much more robust). ## v3.60 - *(01/27/13)* * [ADD] "ulx jailtp" - A combination of tp and jail (Thanks HellFox). * [ADD] "ulx resettodefaults" - Resets ULX and ULib config to defaults. * [ADD] XGUI: Added ability to edit lower-level restrictions from a higher-level group. * [CHANGE] ULX ban now supports restricting of time/string formats. * [CHANGE] !teleport chat command is now also aliased as !tp. * [CHANGE] XGUI: Utilizes ULib's more robust ID Targeting system. * [CHANGE] XGUI: Controls added to utilize time/string formats and restrictions. * [CHANGE] XGUI: No longer duplicates ULX replicated cvars (ulx_cl_) due to ULib changes. Uses the regular ulx_ cvars directly. * [CHANGE] XGUI: Supports new values for sv_alltalk. * [CHANGE] XGUI: A few changes to update look and feel. Matches Derma/GWEN skin colors better in some areas. * [CHANGE] XGUI: No longer retrieves sandbox limits from the web. Included with download. * [FIX] Garry breakages in GM13. * [FIX] An exclusivity bug in "ulx freeze" (Thanks infinitywraith). * [FIX] A console bug when trying to ulx teleport another player (Thanks infinitywraith). * [FIX] "ulx gimp" not obeying chat anti-spam (Thanks ruok2bu). * [FIX] "ulx userdeny" not logging properly in some cases. * [FIX] An echo incorrectly going to all users for "ulx votekick" (Thanks JackYack13). * [FIX] Module cross-contamination in end.lua (Thanks Pon-3). * [FIX] Team vs public chat doing the opposite of what it should for logs and "/me" actions. Wonder how long ago Garry needlessly changed that API without us noticing. * [FIX] Promotion bug after using "ulx userallow" on a regular user. (Thanks JackYack13). * [FIX] Server crash when jail is placed inside trigger_remove brush. (Thanks HellFox). * [FIX] XGUI: Changed startup code to initialize faster, handle strange server load scenarios better. * [FIX] XGUI: BoolArgs in the Cmds tab now obey restrictions. ## v3.54 - *(04/27/12)* * [FIX] XGUI: Hard crash with the os.date function when bans have an extremely long unban time. ## v3.53 - *(01/01/12)* * [FIX] Garry breakages. ## v3.52 - *(09/22/11)* * [ADD] Support for "time strings" in ulx ban and ulx banid. EG, "5w4d3h2" would ban for 5 weeks, 4 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes (Thanks lavacano201014). * [ADD] XGUI: New customization options-- You can now change XGUI's position and the open/close animations. * [ADD] XGUI: Double-click a player on the commands tab to execute the command with the parameters on the right. * [ADD] XLIB: Additional layout for xlib.makecolorpicker with alphabar. * [FIX] No longer able to make a player invincible by freezing then mauling. * [FIX] XGUI: Selected svsetting/clsetting modules no longer close when XGUI modules get reprocessed. * [FIX] XGUI: Error caused when a bans unban time was changed, causing the ban to expire. * [FIX] XGUI: Adding details to SBans would throw an error on server, wouldn't refresh on clients properly. * [FIX] XGUI: Expired bans were not removing themselves from the client lists. * [FIX] XGUI: Somehow managed to duplicate the entire bans module code within the same file. X| * [FIX] XGUI: Rare error causing votemap settings to not load properly (which was previously fixable after a mapchange) * [FIX] XGUI: Non-harmful Lua error occuring during data transfer when running XGUI on a non-sandbox game mode. (Thanks Synergy Connections!) * [FIX] XGUI: The button for scrolling through tab names of settings modules (if there were too many) was being obscured by the close button. (Thanks [eVo]Lead4u!) * [FIX] XGUI: UTeam information would be lost when changing UTeam settings on non sandbox-derived gamemodes * [FIX] XGUI: DNumberWangs on color panels being extra long (due to garry update?) * [FIX] XGUI: ULib team data not sent after making changes to teams. * [FIX] XGUI: Users in the groups tab were not being updated when a group was removed and users in that group were moved to a new group. * [FIX] XGUI: Issue where a group's team wasn't getting unassigned when the unassigned team had no more groups associated with it. * [FIX] XGUI: Players' UTeam parameters update properly when their group is changed by addons that call ULib's addUser/removeUser functions directly. * [FIX] XGUI: In the groups menu, when selecting a player and clicking "change", the list of groups was not in inherited-based order. * [FIX] XGUI: Users table was pointlessly being sent when a groups inheritance was changed. * [CHANGE] "ulx gag" uses a slightly more robust method of gagging now. * [CHANGE] Using file.Append for logging now that it's available to us. * [CHANGE] XGUI: "XGUI module" is now the "Clientside Settings Module", which contains the XGUI settings. * [CHANGE] XGUI: Optimized sending of ULib users data-- Only sends the data when it needs to (no longer on UCLChanged), and when changed, only sends the updated info. * [CHANGE] XGUI: Optimized client-side processing of users data, how often it updated, and lowered priority of users data processing. * [CHANGE] XGUI: Added a data chunksize to users to help alleviate some major lag issues on servers with large users lists. * [CHANGE] XGUI: The Groups module shows some useful stuff in the event that it wasn't able to grab data from the server. * [CHANGE] XGUI: Modifying UTeam settings is now disabled on non sandbox-derived gamemodes. * [CHANGE] XGUI: Serverside xgui.removeData much more more robust. * [REMOVE] XGUI: xgui_oldcheck.lua (No longer checks for a pre-svn version of XGUI installed.) ## v3.51 - *(05/14/11)* * [FIX] XGUI: Votemaps and kick/ban reasons not getting refreshed properly. * [FIX] XGUI: Ban menu was incorrectly visible to everyone. ## v3.50 - *(05/13/11)* * [ADD] Autocomplete to ulx playsound. * [ADD] Hook, "ULXLoaded". * [ADD] Documentation for new keywords to "ulx help". Keywords for target self, target group, target picker, and negate. * [ADD] Ability to specify a URL in "ulx showMotd" to show a URL. * [ADD] ulx removeuserid, userallowid, userdenyid. * [ADD] Integrated UTeam. * [ADD] Colored action echoes. * [ADD] ulx logJoinLeaveEchoes to echo player steamid's to admins when players join and leave. * [FIX] Problem when ulx votemapMintime or votemapWaittime was more than 59 minutes (Thanks Stickly Man!). * [FIX] Improved error checking on "ulx ent" (Thanks Python1320). * [FIX] Error when running "ulx whip" from dedicated console (Thanks AtomicSpark). * [FIX] Can no longer use "ulx motd" if the server has motd disabled, made it so you can change "ulx showMotd" on-the-fly (Thanks AtomicSpark). * [FIX] "ulx groupallow" error when used from outside the server console (Thanks AtomicSpark). * [FIX] ULX done loading hook removal on listen servers (Thanks Stickly Man!). * [FIX] Fixed "ulx unspectate" not working in DarkRP (Thanks Ayran). * [FIX] Fixed "ulx unragdoll" not working in DarkRP (Thanks Ayran). * [FIX] Fixed an issue with dying while frozen (Thanks Stickly Man!). * [FIX] Can't repeatedly slay someone anymore. * [FIX] Can't attempt to ban a bot anymore (Thanks Stickly Man!). * [FIX] Asay being printed to console twice if the console used the command. * [FIX] Ragdolling a player with the Eli Vance model no longer throws an error (Thanks Insano-Man). * [FIX] Admin approval box timing out and not allowing any more votes to be taken (Thanks Rambomst). * [FIX] Various garry breakages. * [FIX] A bug with ulx whip where a timer would never be removed if the player left during whipping. * [FIX] Can no longer ragdoll a dead person (Thanks RiftNinja). * [FIX] Jails are much more robust (if you get out, it puts you back, and you can't get physgunned out) (Thanks RiftNinja). * [FIX] Can no longer slay frozen players (Thanks RiftNinja). * [FIX] Can no longer whip or slap frozen players, and freezing a whipped player stops the whip (Thanks Stickly Man!). * [CHANGE] Usermanagement commands, ulx who, and various other functions to better take advantage of the new UCL system * [CHANGE] ulx ignite no longer spreads. Spreading messed up UPS protection. * [CHANGE] Lots of various accessibility changes for XGUI. * [CHANGE] Lowered priority of gimp check, you can now ungimp yourself while gimped. * [CHANGE] Replaced cvar implementation for XGUI. Uses replicated cvars now for easy menu access. * [CHANGE] Errors now show in red. * [CHANGE] "ulx ent" can now be undone using garry's undo system. * [CHANGE] Dropped requirement to read usermanagementhelp before using those commands. * [CHANGE] Player isn't allowed to suicide while in a lot of the different ulx-states now. * [CHANGE] Lots of changes to support new command system. * [CHANGE] Moved config system to data folder, separated out some of the configs to separate files. * [CHANGE] Shortened maul time considerably. * [CHANGE] Added ability to get the return of ulx luarun by using '=', IE "ulx luarun =2+2" (also handles tables!). * [CHANGE] Added uid to debuginfo. * [CHANGE] tsay and csay now log who used the command. * [CHANGE] Can specify '-1' to ulx logSpawnsEcho to disable echoing to dedicated console. * [CHANGE] ulx adduser will use your existing id you're currently authed by if it exists, instead of always using steam id. * [REMOVE] ulx ghost, I was never happy with it. * [REMOVE] Old menus, uses XGUI now. ## v3.40 - *(06/20/09)* * [ADD] Alltalk to the admin menu * [FIX] Umsgs being sent too early in certain circumstances. * [FIX] The .ini files not loading properly on listen servers. * [FIX] Problems introduced by garry's changes in handling concommands * [FIX] Changed ULX_README.TXT file to point to proper instruction link for editing Gmod default users. * [FIX] Removed a patch for a garrysmod autocomplete bug that's now fixed. * [FIX] Maps not being sent correctly to the client. * [FIX] Can't create a vote twice anymore. * [FIX] A bug with loading the map list on listen server hosts. * [FIX] An unfreeze bug with the ulx jail walls. * [FIX] A caps bug with ulx adduserid. * [FIX] You can now unragdoll yourself even if a third party addon removes the ragdoll. * [FIX] Various formatting issues with ulx ban and ulx banid. * [CHANGE] ulx ragdoll and unragdoll now preserve angle and velocity. * [CHANGE] motdfile cvar now defaults to ulx_motd.txt. Sick of forcefully overriding other mod's motds. Renamed our motd to match. * [CHANGE] ulx slap, whip, hp to further prevent being "stuck in ground". * [CHANGE] Menus are derma'tized. * [CHANGE] Updated how it handles svn version information. ## v3.31 - *(06/08/08)* * [ADD] ulx adduserid - Add a user by steam id (ie STEAM_0:1:1234...) (Does not actually verify user validity) (Thanks Mr.President) * [FIX] Garry's 1/29/08 update breaking MOTD. * [FIX] Links not working on MOTD. * [FIX] Bug where you'd be stuck if someone disconnected while you were spectating them. * [FIX] TF2 motd showing by default. * [FIX] The usual assortment of small fixes not worth mentioning. * [CHANGE] Unignite help command changed to be more standardized with other help. * [CHANGE] Help indicates that multiple users can now also be command targeted using an asterisk "*". (ULib change added this) * [CHANGE] Miscellaneous spelling corrections. * [CHANGE] ulx chattime so that if your chat doesn't go through it is not counted towards your time. * [CHANGE] Can no longer set hp or armor to less than 0. * [REMOVE] ulx mingekick, useless now. ## v3.30 - *(01/26/08)* * [ADD] ulx strip - Strips player(s) weapons * [ADD] ulx armor - Sets player(s) armor * [ADD] We now log NPC spawns * [ADD] ulx unignite - Unignites individual player, players, or Any entity/player on fire. * [FIX] ulx ban requiring a reason. * [FIX] Added some more sanity checks to ulx maul. * [FIX] The usual assortment of small fixes not worth mentioning. * [FIX] ulx usermanagementhelp erroring out. * [FIX] .ini's not loading for listen servers. * [FIX] Case sensitivity problem with addgroup and removegroup. * [FIX] ulx ent incorrectly requiring at least one flag. * [FIX] All command inputs involving numbers should now be sanitized. * [FIX] Autocomplete send in a multi-layer authentication environment (probably doesn't affect anyone) * [CHANGE] The 0-255 scale for "ulx cloak" has been reversed. * [CHANGE] Model paths in logging is now standardized (linux notation, single slashes) * [CHANGE] The user initiating a silent logged command still sees the echo, even if they don't have access to see it normally. * [CHANGE] Various misc things for new engine compatibility (IE, ulx clientmenu got a major change and other menu changes) * [CHANGE] Removed all timers dealing with initialization and now rely on flags from the client. This makes the ULX initialization much more dependable. * [CHANGE] Name change watching is now taken care of by ULib. * [CHANGE] Converted all calls from ULib.consoleCommand( "exec ..." ) to ULib.execFile() to avoid running into the block on "exec" without our module. ## v3.20 - *(09/23/07)* * [ADD] ulx send - Allows admin to transport a player to another player (no more goto then bring!) * [ADD] ulx maul - Maul a player with fast zombies * [ADD] ulx gag - Silence individual player's microphone/sound input on voice enabled servers. * [ADD] New module system. It's now easier than ever to add, remove, or change ULX commands! * [ADD] ulx.addToMenu(). Use this function if you want a module to add something to any of the ULX menu. * [ADD] ulx debuginfo. Use this function to get information to give us when you're asking support questions. * [ADD] Votes now have a background behind them. * [ADD] ulx voteEcho. A config option to enable echo of votes. Does not apply to votemap. * [ADD] Maps menu now has option for gamemode. * [ADD] Ban menu to view and remove bans. * [ADD] ulx removeruser, addgroup, removegroup, groupallow, groupdeny, usermanagementhelp * [FIX] ulx whip - No longer allows multiple whip sessions of an individual player at same time. * [FIX] ulx adduser - You no longer have to reconnect to get given access. * [FIX] Vastly improved ulx send, goto, and teleport. You should never get stuck in anything ever again. * [FIX] Various initialization functions trying to access a disconnected player * [FIX] Vastly improved reserved slots * [FIX] Can't spawn junk or suicide while frozen now. * [FIX] Coming out of spectate keeps god mode (if the player was given god with "ulx god") * [FIX] Can't use "ulx hp" to give 100000+ hp anymore (crashes players with default HUD). * [FIX] If you're authed twice, you won't get duplicates in autocomplete * [FIX] ulx votemapmapmode and votemapaddmap not working * [CHANGE] /me can now be used in ulx asay/chat @ admin chat. "@ /me bashes spammer over the head" * [CHANGE] Commands that used player:spawn (ragdoll,spectate, more) now return player to health/armor they had previously. * [CHANGE] ulx teleport. Can now teleport a player to where you are looking. Logs it if a player is specified. * [CHANGE] You can now specify entire directories in ulx addForcedDownload * [CHANGE] A few internal changes to the ULX base to compliment the new ULib UCL access string system * [CHANGE] ULX echoes come after the command now. * [CHANGE] Configs are now under /cfg/* instead of /lua/ulx/configs/* * [CHANGE] bring goto and teleport now zero out your velocity after moving you. * [CHANGE] bring and goto can now still move you when you would get stuck if you're noclipped. * [CHANGE] A hidden echo that is still shown to admins is now clearly labeled as such. * [CHANGE] ulx cexec now takes multiple targets. (This was the intended behavior) * [CHANGE] Lots of minor tweaks that would take too long to list. ;) * [CHANGE] All say commands require spaces after them except the "@" commands. (IE, "!slapbob" no longer slaps bob) * [CHANGE] Access to physgun players now uses the access string "ulx physgunplayer" * [CHANGE] Access to reserved slots now uses the access string "ulx reservedslots" * [CHANGE] Complete rewrite of advert system. You probably won't notice any difference (except hostname fix), but the code is leaner and meaner. * [CHANGE] No interval option for ulx whip anymore, too easy to abuse. * [CHANGE] Menus now use derma * [CHANGE] The ULX configs should now really and truly load after the default configs * [CHANGE] Votemap, votekick, voteban now all require the approval of the admin that started the vote if it wins. * [CHANGE] Voteban can now receive a parameter for ban time. * [CHANGE] ulx map can now receive gamemode for a parameter. * [CHANGE] You can now use newlines in adverts. * [CHANGE] Dropped requirement of being at least an opper for userallow/deny * [CHANGE] ulx who has an updated format that includes custom groups. * [CHANGE] ulx help is now categorized. (Reserved slots, teleportation, chat, etc ) * [CHANGE] ulx thetime can now only be used once every minute (server wide) ## v3.11 - *(06/19/07)* * [FIX] ulx vote. No longer public, people can't vote more than once, won't continue to hog the binds. * [FIX] rslots will now set rslots on dedicated server start * [FIX] Bring/goto getting you stuck in player sometimes. * [FIX] Can't use vehicles from inside a jail now. * [CHANGE] bring and goto now place teleporting player behind target * [CHANGE] Upped votemapMinvotes to 3 (was 2). * [CHANGE] Player physgun now only works in sandbox, lower admins can't physgun immune admins, freezes player while held. * [CHANGE] Unblocked custom groups from ulx adduser. ## v3.10 - *(05/05/07)* * [ADD] Admins with slap access can move players now. * [ADD] Chat anti-spam * [ADD] ulx addForcedDownload for configs * [ADD] Per-gamemode config folder * [ADD] Voting! ulx vote, ulx votemap2, ulx voteban, ulx votekick * [ADD] Maps menu * [ADD] Lots more features to logging, like object spawn logging. * [ADD] Reserved slots * [FIX] Lots of minor insignificant bugs * [FIX] Jail issues * [FIX] Logging player connect on dedicated server issues * [FIX] Now takes advantage of fixed umsgs. Fixes rare crash. * [FIX] Can now psay immune players * [FIX] Minor bugs in logs * [CHANGE] Logs will now wrap to new date if server's on past midnight * [CHANGE] You can now use the admin menu in gamemodes derived from sandbox. * [CHANGE] Cleaned up now obsolete GetTable() calls * [CHANGE] Motd is now driven by lua. Much easier to deal with, fixes many problems. * [CHANGE] Can now use sv_cheats 1/0 from ulx rcon (dodges block) * [CHANGE] ulx lua_run is now ulx luarun to dodge another block * [CHANGE] Now in addon format * [CHANGE] ulx ignite will now last until you die and can spread. * [CHANGE] Global toolmode deny doesn't affect admins. ## v3.02 - *(01/10/07)* * [CHANGE] Admin menu won't spam console so bad now * [FIX] Some more command crossbreeding issues (IE ragdolling jailed player) * [FIX] Teleport commands able to put someone in a wall. This is still possible, but much less likely. * [ADD] Motd manipulation. Auto-shows on startup and !motd * [ADD] toolallow, tooldeny, tooluserallow, tooluserdeny. Works fine, but is EXPERIMENTAL! ## v3.01 - *(01/07/07)* * [ADD] ulx whip * [ADD] ulx adduser * [ADD] ulx userallow - Allow users access to commands * [ADD] ulx userdeny - Deny users access to commands * [ADD] ulx bring - Bring a user to you * [ADD] ulx goto - Goto a user * [ADD] ulx teleport - Teleport to where you're looking * [ADD] IRC-style "/me" command * [FIX] You can't use the adminmenu outside sandbox now * [FIX] Vastly improved "ulx jail" * [FIX] Improved "ulx ragdoll" * [FIX] pvp damage checkbox in adminmenu not working. * [FIX] Ban button * [FIX] Ban not kicking users * [FIX] Blinded users being able to see through the camera tool * [FIX] Admin menu not showing values on a dedicated server * [FIX] Admin menu checkboxes (which are now buttons!) * [FIX] Ulx commands much more usable from dedicated server console. * [FIX] Dedicated server spam (IsListenServerHost) * [FIX] Uncloak works properly now * [FIX] Various problems using commands on users in vehicles. (Thanks Jalit) ## v3.0 - *(01/01/07)* * Initial version for GM10