* [FIX] Exploit where users could come through the bottom of props by moving slowly.
v1.20 - *(12/12/10)*
* [ADD] uclip_ignore_admins cvar.
* [FIX] Added a workaround for garry's broken movement system. This was added by Ryno-SauruS. Give him many thanks!
* [REMOVE] Hacks for hooking into (now way outdated) prop protectors. CPPI is adequate for our purposes.
v1.13 - *(04/21/08)*
* [ADD] Support for CPPI
v1.12 - *(12/04/07)*
* [FIX] +moveup/+movedown exploit
v1.11 - *(12/04/07)*
* [CHANGE] Wall slide calculation is now much faster
* [ADD] sbox_noclip 2 will now enables global "regular" noclip
v1.10 - *(08/27/07)*
* [ADD] Support for EPS and Simple Prop Protection
* [FIX] Now treats all prop_dynamic's like a wall. This means you won't be able to go through any door made by door mod. (Sorry! Gmod problem forced our hand.)
v1.00 - *(08/08/07)*
* Initial version
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