Add wiremod support

This commit is contained in:
StyledStrike 2023-11-23 14:55:48 -03:00
parent 586d3a7b73
commit 3dddac0e36
2 changed files with 105 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -40,6 +40,27 @@ function ENT:Initialize()
local phys = self:GetPhysicsObject()
if IsValid( phys ) then phys:Wake() end
if WireLib then
WireLib.CreateSpecialOutputs( self, { "NotePlayed" }, { "ARRAY" }, {
[[Triggered when the user played a note.
This array contains:
[1] Note number,
[2] Note velocity
[3] Instrument index (The number near each name on the instruments list)]]
} )
WireLib.CreateSpecialInputs( self, { "PlayNote" }, { "ARRAY" }, {
[[Changing this input will play a note.
The array should contain:
[1] Note number (1-127)
[2] Note velocity (1-127)
[3] Instrument index (The number near each name on the instruments list)]]
} )
self.reproduceQueue = {}
self.transmitQueue = {}
function ENT:Use( ply )
@ -65,3 +86,85 @@ function ENT:RemovePlayer()
self.Ply = nil
if not WireLib then
function ENT:OnReceiveNotes() end
local function ValidateNumber( v, default, min, max )
return math.Clamp( math.Round( tonumber( v ) or default ), min, max )
function ENT:TriggerInput( name, value )
if name ~= "PlayNote" then return end
if not isnumber( value[1] ) then return end
local note = ValidateNumber( value[1], 0, 0, 127 )
if note == 0 then return end
local velocity = ValidateNumber( value[2], 127, 1, 127 )
local instrument = ValidateNumber( value[3], 1, 1, 127 ) -- Max. value is based on net.WriteUInt( 7 )
local queue = self.transmitQueue
-- Remember when we started putting notes
-- on the queue, and when we should send them
local t = SysTime()
if not self.queueTimer then
self.queueTimer = t + 0.4
self.queueStart = t
-- Add notes to the queue unless the limit was reached
local noteCount = #queue
if noteCount < MKeyboard.NET_MAX_NOTES then
queue[noteCount + 1] = {
note, velocity, instrument, t - self.queueStart
local SysTime = SysTime
function ENT:OnReceiveNotes( notes )
local t = SysTime()
local queue = self.reproduceQueue
for i, n in ipairs( notes ) do
-- i * 0.01 to prevent overriding stuff already on the queue
queue[t + n[4] + ( i * 0.01 )] = { n[1], n[2], n[3] }
local GetKeys = table.GetKeys
function ENT:Think()
self:NextThink( CurTime() )
local now = SysTime()
-- If the queued notes are ready to be sent...
if self.queueTimer and now > self.queueTimer then
MKeyboard.BroadcastNotes( self.transmitQueue, self, true )
table.Empty( self.transmitQueue )
self.queueTimer = nil
-- Trigger the wire outputs while taking the time offsets into account
local queue = self.reproduceQueue
local timestamps = GetKeys( queue )
for _, t in ipairs( timestamps ) do
if now > t then
local n = queue[t]
WireLib.TriggerOutput( self, "NotePlayed", { n[1], n[2], n[3] } )
queue[t] = nil
return true

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@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ net.Receive( "mkeyboard.notes", function( _, ply )
ent:OnReceiveNotes( notes )
-- Then broadcast those notes
BroadcastNotes( notes, ent, automated, ply )
end )