fix wheels not transmissing damage

This commit is contained in:
Luna 2024-09-09 16:14:26 +02:00
parent 6b8a50025c
commit 7e98e1a472
2 changed files with 44 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -84,9 +84,16 @@ end
function ENT:ExplodeVehicle()
if not IsValid( self ) then return end
if self.destroyed then return end
self.destroyed = true
local Attacker = self.LastAttacker
if IsValid( Attacker ) and Attacker:IsPlayer() and LVS then
net.Start( "lvs_killmarker" )
net.Send( Attacker )
local ply = self.EntityOwner
local skin = self:GetSkin()
local Col = self:GetColor()
@ -237,25 +244,46 @@ end
function ENT:OnTakeDamage( dmginfo )
if not self:IsInitialized() then return end
if hook.Run( "simfphysOnTakeDamage", self, dmginfo ) then return end
local Damage = dmginfo:GetDamage()
local DamagePos = dmginfo:GetDamagePosition()
local Type = dmginfo:GetDamageType()
local Driver = self:GetDriver()
self.LastAttacker = dmginfo:GetAttacker()
self.LastInflictor = dmginfo:GetInflictor()
if simfphys.DamageEnabled then
net.Start( "simfphys_spritedamage" )
net.WriteEntity( self )
net.WriteVector( self:WorldToLocal( DamagePos ) )
net.WriteBool( false )
if LVS and Type == DMG_AIRBOAT then
Damage = Damage * 5
local oldHP = self:GetCurHealth()
self:ApplyDamage( Damage, Type )
local newHP = self:GetCurHealth()
if not LVS then return end
if oldHP ~= newHP then
local IsFireDamage = dmginfo:IsDamageType( DMG_BURN )
if IsValid( self.LastAttacker ) and self.LastAttacker:IsPlayer() and not IsFireDamage then
net.Start( "lvs_hitmarker" )
net.WriteBool( CriticalHit )
net.Send( self.LastAttacker )

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@ -447,19 +447,23 @@ if SERVER then
function ENT:OnTakeDamage( dmginfo )
self:TakePhysicsDamage( dmginfo )
if self:GetDamaged() or not simfphys.DamageEnabled then return end
local Damage = dmginfo:GetDamage()
local DamagePos = dmginfo:GetDamagePosition()
local Type = dmginfo:GetDamageType()
local BaseEnt = self:GetBaseEnt()
if TYPE == DMG_BLAST then return end -- no tirepopping on explosions
if IsValid(BaseEnt) then
if BaseEnt:GetBulletProofTires() then return end
if BaseEnt:GetBulletProofTires() then
BaseEnt:OnTakeDamage( dmginfo )
if Damage > 1 then
if not self.PreBreak then
self.PreBreak = CreateSound(self, "ambient/gas/cannister_loop.wav")