remove broken server CanProperty and move client one to shared

This commit is contained in:
Luna 2023-10-19 01:07:48 +02:00
parent 6223ed402d
commit 696a718bdf

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@ -94,6 +94,12 @@ hook.Add( "InitPostEntity", "!!!simfphyscheckupdates", function()
end )
hook.Add( "CanProperty", "!!!!simfphysEditPropertiesDisabler", function( ply, property, ent )
if not IsValid( ent ) or ent:GetClass() ~= "gmod_sent_vehicle_fphysics_base" then return end
if not ply:IsAdmin() and property == "editentity" then return false end
end )
function simfphys.IsCar( ent )
if not IsValid( ent ) then return false end
@ -421,23 +427,9 @@ if SERVER then
hook.Add( "CanProperty", "!!!!simfphysEditPropertiesDisabler", function( ply, property, ent )
if not IsValid( ent ) or ent:GetClass() ~= "gmod_sent_vehicle_fphysics_base" then return end
if not ply:IsAdmin() and property == "editentity" then
if (GetConVar("sv_simfphys_devmode"):GetInt() or 1) < 1 then return false end
end )
if CLIENT then
hook.Add( "CanProperty", "!!!!simfphysEditPropertiesDisabler", function( ply, property, ent )
if not IsValid( ent ) or ent:GetClass() ~= "gmod_sent_vehicle_fphysics_base" then return end
if not ply:IsAdmin() and property == "editentity" then return false end
end )
net.Receive( "simfphys_plyrequestinfo", function( length )
local ent = net.ReadEntity()