better method for damage filtering

This commit is contained in:
Blu 2020-03-30 16:11:44 +02:00
parent 13269d4ed1
commit 2f77361231

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@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ function simfphys.WeaponSystemRegister( vehicle )
local DMG_PROPEXPLOSION = 134217792 -- why didnt this dmg type exist on gmod wiki or valve wiki???
local DMG_LUABULLET = 8194 -- why didnt this dmg type exist on gmod wiki or valve wiki???
local DMG_PROPEXPLOSION = 134217792 -- should use CTakeDamageInfo:IsDamageType( number dmgType ) at some point
local DMG_LUABULLET = 8194
local DMGTypeException = {
@ -362,7 +362,11 @@ function simfphys.TankApplyDamage(ent, Damage, Type)
if Type == DMG_PROPEXPLOSION then Damage = Damage * 10 end
if IsValidDMGType[ Type ] or (DMGTypeException[ Type ] and Damage >= 500) then
if IsValidDMGType[ Type ] or (DMGTypeException[ Type ] and Damage > 100) then
if DMGTypeException[ Type ] then
Damage = Damage - 100
local MaxHealth = ent:GetMaxHealth()
local CurHealth = ent:GetCurHealth()