Deyan Dobromirov 2021-10-12 09:12:19 +03:00
parent 5028d15c56
commit e7bbe5be3e

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@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
TOOL.Category = "Construction"
TOOL.Name = "Screen Facer Tool"
TOOL.Command = nil
TOOL.ConfigName = nil
TOOL.LeftClickAutomatic = false
TOOL.RightClickAutomatic = false
TOOL.ClientConVar =
[ "position" ] = "",
[ "angle" ] = ""
local gsTool = "screenface"
if(CLIENT) then
language.Add("tool."..gsTool..".name", "Screen Facer Tool")
language.Add("tool."..gsTool..".desc", "Transfer the tcreen and make it face you!")
language.Add("tool."..gsTool..".0", "Left click to face the player, right to pick angle, right+shift to pick location")
local function GetOffsetUP(ent, dir)
if(not (ent and ent:IsValid())) then return end
local out = ent:OBBCenter()
local obb = ent:OBBMaxs(); obb:Sub(ent:OBBMins())
return math.abs(obb:Dot(dir) / 2)
local function SetFacePlayer(ply, pos, ent, nrm, ang)
if(not (ent and ent:IsValid())) then return end
local norm, epos = Vector(nrm), ent:GetPos()
norm:Normalize() -- Make sure it is normalized
local cang = (ang and Angle(ang) or Angle(0,0,0))
local righ = (pos - ply:GetPos()):Cross(norm)
local rang = norm:Cross(righ):AngleEx(norm)
local tang = ent:AlignAngles(ent:LocalToWorldAngles(cang), rang)
tang:Normalize(); tang:RotateAroundAxis(norm, 180)
ent:SetAngles(tang) -- Apply the angle as long as it is ready
local vobb = ent:OBBCenter(); vobb:Rotate(tang)
vobb.x, vobb.y = -vobb.x, -vobb.y -- Revert OBB to position
vobb.z = GetOffsetUP(ent, ent:WorldToLocal(norm + epos))
local tpos = Vector(vobb); tpos:Add(pos) -- Use OBB offset
ent:SetPos(tpos) -- Apply the calculated position
function TOOL:LeftClick(tr)
if(CLIENT) then return end
if(not tr) then return end
if(not tr.Hit) then return end
local vpos = Vector(self:GetClientInfo("position"))
local vang = Angle(self:GetClientInfo("angle"))
SetFacePlayer(self:GetOwner(), vpos, tr.Entity, Vector(0,0,1), vang)
return true
function TOOL:RightClick(tr)
if(CLIENT) then return end
if(not tr) then return end
if(not tr.Hit) then return end
local ply = self:GetOwner()
if(ply:KeyDown(IN_SPEED)) then
print("Position: "..tostring(tr.HitPos))
ply:ConCommand(gsTool.."_position \""..tostring(tr.HitPos).."\"\n")
local angle = tr.HitNormal:AngleEx(Vector(0,0,1))
local value = tr.Entity:WorldToLocalAngles(angle)
print("Custiom angle: " ..tostring(value))
ply:ConCommand(gsTool.."_angle \""..tostring(value).."\"\n")
return true
-- Enter `spawnmenu_reload` in the console to reload the panel
function TOOL.BuildCPanel(cPanel) local pItem, pComb, pText
cPanel:ClearControls(); cPanel:DockPadding(5, 0, 5, 10)
pItem = cPanel:SetName(language.GetPhrase("tool."..gsTool..".name"))
pItem = cPanel:Help (language.GetPhrase("tool."..gsTool..".desc"))