Fixed: Enable TVs to be spawned by admins

This commit is contained in:
Deyan Dobromirov 2021-10-08 12:56:16 +03:00
parent 7bad66400c
commit 2fed4f0aaf

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@ -6,17 +6,18 @@ DEFINE_BASECLASS( "mediaplayer_base" )
local function AddMediaPlayerModel( name, model, confug)
local spawnName = "../spawnicons/" .. model:sub(1, #model - 4)
list.Set( "SpawnableEntities", spawnName, {
PrintName = name,
ClassName = "mediaplayer_tv",
Category = "Media Player - Extended",
Type = "anim",
Base = "mediaplayer_base",
Author = "Physics Dude",
Spawnable = true,
DropToFloor = true,
KeyValues = { model = model },
Instructions = "Right click on the TV to see available Media Player options."
.." Alternatively, press E on the TV to turn it on."
PrintName = name,
Spawnable = true,
AdminSpawnable = true,
DropToFloor = true,
Type = "anim",
Author = "Physics Dude",
KeyValues = { model = model },
ClassName = "mediaplayer_tv",
Base = "mediaplayer_base",
Category = "Media Player - Extended",
Instructions = "Right click on the TV to see available Media Player options."
.." Alternatively, press E on the TV to turn it on."
} )
list.Set( "MediaPlayerModelConfigs", model, confug )