mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 03:13:17 -05:00
SDK 1.52
This commit is contained in:
@ -184,8 +184,16 @@ inline std::wstring utf8_decode(const std::string &str)
#define DEFAULT_NAME "Goldberg"
#define PROGRAM_NAME "Goldberg SteamEmu"
#define DEFAULT_NAME "Noob"
#define PROGRAM_NAME_1 "Go"
#define PROGRAM_NAME_2 "ld"
#define PROGRAM_NAME_3 "be"
#define PROGRAM_NAME_4 "rg "
#define PROGRAM_NAME_5 "St"
#define PROGRAM_NAME_6 "ea"
#define PROGRAM_NAME_7 "mE"
#define PROGRAM_NAME_8 "mu"
#define DEFAULT_LANGUAGE "english"
#define LOBBY_CONNECT_APPID ((uint32)-2)
@ -242,6 +242,16 @@ STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamUser_TerminateGameConnection( ISteamUser* self,
return (get_steam_client()->steam_user)->TerminateGameConnection(unIPServer, usPortServer);
STEAMAPI_API int SteamAPI_ISteamUser_InitiateGameConnection_DEPRECATED( ISteamUser* self, void * pAuthBlob, int cbMaxAuthBlob, uint64_steamid steamIDGameServer, uint32 unIPServer, uint16 usPortServer, bool bSecure )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_user)->InitiateGameConnection(pAuthBlob, cbMaxAuthBlob, steamIDGameServer, unIPServer, usPortServer, bSecure);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamUser_TerminateGameConnection_DEPRECATED( ISteamUser* self, uint32 unIPServer, uint16 usPortServer )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_user)->TerminateGameConnection(unIPServer, usPortServer);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamUser_TrackAppUsageEvent( ISteamUser* self, uint64_gameid gameID, int eAppUsageEvent, const char * pchExtraInfo )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_user)->TrackAppUsageEvent(CGameID(gameID), eAppUsageEvent, pchExtraInfo);
@ -1180,6 +1190,44 @@ STEAMAPI_API ESteamIPv6ConnectivityState SteamAPI_ISteamUtils_GetIPv6Connectivit
return (ptr)->GetIPv6ConnectivityState(eProtocol);
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamUtils_IsSteamRunningOnSteamDeck( ISteamUtils* self )
int test1 = ((char *)self - (char*)get_steam_client()->steam_utils);
int test2 = ((char *)self - (char*)get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver_utils);
auto ptr = get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver_utils;
if (test1 >= 0 && (test2 < 0 || test1 < test2)) {
ptr = get_steam_client()->steam_utils;
return (ptr)->IsSteamRunningOnSteamDeck();
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamUtils_ShowModalGamepadTextInput( ISteamUtils* self, EGamepadTextInputLineMode eLineInputMode )
int test1 = ((char *)self - (char*)get_steam_client()->steam_utils);
int test2 = ((char *)self - (char*)get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver_utils);
auto ptr = get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver_utils;
if (test1 >= 0 && (test2 < 0 || test1 < test2)) {
ptr = get_steam_client()->steam_utils;
//flat vs normal api mismatch
return (ptr)->ShowFloatingGamepadTextInput((EFloatingGamepadTextInputMode)eLineInputMode, 0, 0, 0, 0);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamUtils_SetGameLauncherMode( ISteamUtils* self, bool bLauncherMode )
int test1 = ((char *)self - (char*)get_steam_client()->steam_utils);
int test2 = ((char *)self - (char*)get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver_utils);
auto ptr = get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver_utils;
if (test1 >= 0 && (test2 < 0 || test1 < test2)) {
ptr = get_steam_client()->steam_utils;
return (ptr)->SetGameLauncherMode(bLauncherMode);
STEAMAPI_API ISteamMatchmaking *SteamAPI_SteamMatchmaking_v009()
return get_steam_client()->GetISteamMatchmaking(flat_hsteamuser(), flat_hsteampipe(), "SteamMatchMaking009");
@ -1665,6 +1713,11 @@ STEAMAPI_API ISteamRemoteStorage *SteamAPI_SteamRemoteStorage_v014()
return get_steam_client()->GetISteamRemoteStorage(flat_hsteamuser(), flat_hsteampipe(), "STEAMREMOTESTORAGE_INTERFACE_VERSION014");
STEAMAPI_API ISteamRemoteStorage *SteamAPI_SteamRemoteStorage_v016()
return get_steam_client()->GetISteamRemoteStorage(flat_hsteamuser(), flat_hsteampipe(), "STEAMREMOTESTORAGE_INTERFACE_VERSION016");
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_FileWrite( ISteamRemoteStorage* self, const char * pchFile, const void * pvData, int32 cubData )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_remote_storage)->FileWrite(pchFile, pvData, cubData);
@ -1940,6 +1993,26 @@ STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCDownloadToLocation(
return (get_steam_client()->steam_remote_storage)->UGCDownloadToLocation(hContent, pchLocation, unPriority);
STEAMAPI_API int32 SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetLocalFileChangeCount( ISteamRemoteStorage* self )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_remote_storage)->GetLocalFileChangeCount();
STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetLocalFileChange( ISteamRemoteStorage* self, int iFile, ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange * pEChangeType, ERemoteStorageFilePathType * pEFilePathType )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_remote_storage)->GetLocalFileChange(iFile, pEChangeType, pEFilePathType);
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_BeginFileWriteBatch( ISteamRemoteStorage* self )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_remote_storage)->BeginFileWriteBatch();
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_EndFileWriteBatch( ISteamRemoteStorage* self )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_remote_storage)->EndFileWriteBatch();
STEAMAPI_API ISteamUserStats *SteamAPI_SteamUserStats_v012()
return get_steam_client()->GetISteamUserStats(flat_hsteamuser(), flat_hsteampipe(), "STEAMUSERSTATS_INTERFACE_VERSION012");
@ -2910,9 +2983,14 @@ STEAMAPI_API ISteamInput *SteamAPI_SteamInput_v002()
return get_steam_client()->GetISteamInput(flat_hsteamuser(), flat_hsteampipe(), "SteamInput002");
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_Init( ISteamInput* self )
STEAMAPI_API ISteamInput *SteamAPI_SteamInput_v005()
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->Init();
return get_steam_client()->GetISteamInput(flat_hsteamuser(), flat_hsteampipe(), "SteamInput005");
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_Init( ISteamInput* self, bool bExplicitlyCallRunFrame )
return self->Init(bExplicitlyCallRunFrame);
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_Shutdown( ISteamInput* self )
@ -2920,9 +2998,24 @@ STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_Shutdown( ISteamInput* self )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->Shutdown();
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_RunFrame( ISteamInput* self )
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_SetInputActionManifestFilePath( ISteamInput* self, const char * pchInputActionManifestAbsolutePath )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->RunFrame();
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->SetInputActionManifestFilePath(pchInputActionManifestAbsolutePath);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_RunFrame( ISteamInput* self, bool bReservedValue )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->RunFrame(bReservedValue);
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_BWaitForData( ISteamInput* self, bool bWaitForever, uint32 unTimeout )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->BWaitForData(bWaitForever, unTimeout);
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_BNewDataAvailable( ISteamInput* self )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->BNewDataAvailable();
STEAMAPI_API int SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetConnectedControllers( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t * handlesOut )
@ -2930,6 +3023,16 @@ STEAMAPI_API int SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetConnectedControllers( ISteamInput* self
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->GetConnectedControllers(handlesOut);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_EnableDeviceCallbacks( ISteamInput* self )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->EnableDeviceCallbacks();
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_EnableActionEventCallbacks( ISteamInput* self, SteamInputActionEventCallbackPointer pCallback )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->EnableActionEventCallbacks(pCallback);
STEAMAPI_API InputActionSetHandle_t SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetActionSetHandle( ISteamInput* self, const char * pszActionSetName )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->GetActionSetHandle(pszActionSetName);
@ -2980,6 +3083,11 @@ STEAMAPI_API int SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetDigitalActionOrigins( ISteamInput* self
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->GetDigitalActionOrigins(inputHandle, actionSetHandle, digitalActionHandle, originsOut);
STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetStringForDigitalActionName( ISteamInput* self, InputDigitalActionHandle_t eActionHandle )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->GetStringForDigitalActionName(eActionHandle);
STEAMAPI_API InputAnalogActionHandle_t SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetAnalogActionHandle( ISteamInput* self, const char * pszActionName )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->GetAnalogActionHandle(pszActionName);
@ -3000,11 +3108,31 @@ STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetGlyphForActionOrigin( ISteamIn
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->GetGlyphForActionOrigin(eOrigin);
STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetGlyphPNGForActionOrigin( ISteamInput* self, EInputActionOrigin eOrigin, ESteamInputGlyphSize eSize, uint32 unFlags )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->GetGlyphPNGForActionOrigin(eOrigin, eSize, unFlags);
STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetGlyphSVGForActionOrigin( ISteamInput* self, EInputActionOrigin eOrigin, uint32 unFlags )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->GetGlyphSVGForActionOrigin(eOrigin, unFlags);
STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetGlyphForActionOrigin_Legacy( ISteamInput* self, EInputActionOrigin eOrigin )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->GetGlyphForActionOrigin_Legacy(eOrigin);
STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetStringForActionOrigin( ISteamInput* self, EInputActionOrigin eOrigin )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->GetStringForActionOrigin(eOrigin);
STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetStringForAnalogActionName( ISteamInput* self, InputAnalogActionHandle_t eActionHandle )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->GetStringForAnalogActionName(eActionHandle);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_StopAnalogActionMomentum( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputAnalogActionHandle_t eAction )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->StopAnalogActionMomentum(inputHandle, eAction);
@ -3020,6 +3148,16 @@ STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_TriggerVibration( ISteamInput* self, Inpu
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->TriggerVibration(inputHandle, usLeftSpeed, usRightSpeed);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_TriggerVibrationExtended( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, unsigned short usLeftSpeed, unsigned short usRightSpeed, unsigned short usLeftTriggerSpeed, unsigned short usRightTriggerSpeed )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->TriggerVibrationExtended(inputHandle, usLeftSpeed, usRightSpeed, usLeftTriggerSpeed, usRightTriggerSpeed);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_TriggerSimpleHapticEvent( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, EControllerHapticLocation eHapticLocation, uint8 nIntensity, char nGainDB, uint8 nOtherIntensity, char nOtherGainDB )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->TriggerSimpleHapticEvent(inputHandle, eHapticLocation, nIntensity, nGainDB, nOtherIntensity, nOtherGainDB);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_SetLEDColor( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, uint8 nColorR, uint8 nColorG, uint8 nColorB, unsigned int nFlags )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->SetLEDColor(inputHandle, nColorR, nColorG, nColorB, nFlags);
@ -3035,6 +3173,16 @@ STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse( ISteamInput*
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse(inputHandle, eTargetPad, usDurationMicroSec, usOffMicroSec, unRepeat, nFlags);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_Legacy_TriggerHapticPulse( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->Legacy_TriggerHapticPulse(inputHandle, eTargetPad, usDurationMicroSec);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_Legacy_TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec, unsigned short usOffMicroSec, unsigned short unRepeat, unsigned int nFlags )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->Legacy_TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse(inputHandle, eTargetPad, usDurationMicroSec, usOffMicroSec, unRepeat, nFlags);
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_ShowBindingPanel( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->ShowBindingPanel(inputHandle);
@ -3085,6 +3233,11 @@ STEAMAPI_API uint32 SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetRemotePlaySessionID( ISteamInput* se
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->GetRemotePlaySessionID(inputHandle);
STEAMAPI_API uint16 SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetSessionInputConfigurationSettings( ISteamInput* self )
return (get_steam_client()->steam_controller)->GetSessionInputConfigurationSettings();
STEAMAPI_API ISteamController *SteamAPI_SteamController_v007()
return get_steam_client()->GetISteamController(flat_hsteamuser(), flat_hsteampipe(), "SteamController007");
@ -4305,6 +4458,31 @@ STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_DeleteItem( ISteamUGC* self, Publ
return (ptr)->DeleteItem(nPublishedFileID);
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_ShowWorkshopEULA( ISteamUGC* self )
int test1 = ((char *)self - (char*)get_steam_client()->steam_ugc);
int test2 = ((char *)self - (char*)get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver_ugc);
auto ptr = get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver_ugc;
if (test1 >= 0 && (test2 < 0 || test1 < test2)) {
ptr = get_steam_client()->steam_ugc;
return (ptr)->ShowWorkshopEULA();
STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_GetWorkshopEULAStatus( ISteamUGC* self )
int test1 = ((char *)self - (char*)get_steam_client()->steam_ugc);
int test2 = ((char *)self - (char*)get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver_ugc);
auto ptr = get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver_ugc;
if (test1 >= 0 && (test2 < 0 || test1 < test2)) {
ptr = get_steam_client()->steam_ugc;
return (ptr)->GetWorkshopEULAStatus();
STEAMAPI_API ISteamAppList *SteamAPI_SteamAppList_v001()
return get_steam_client()->GetISteamAppList(flat_hsteamuser(), flat_hsteampipe(), "STEAMAPPLIST_INTERFACE_VERSION001");
@ -5234,6 +5412,16 @@ STEAMAPI_API ESteamNetworkingConnectionState SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingMessages_G
return self->GetSessionConnectionInfo(identityRemote, pConnectionInfo, pQuickStatus);
STEAMAPI_API ISteamNetworkingSockets *SteamAPI_SteamNetworkingSockets_SteamAPI_v011()
return (ISteamNetworkingSockets *)get_steam_client()->GetISteamGenericInterface(flat_hsteamuser(), flat_hsteampipe(), "SteamNetworkingSockets011");
STEAMAPI_API ISteamNetworkingSockets *SteamAPI_SteamGameServerNetworkingSockets_SteamAPI_v011()
return (ISteamNetworkingSockets *)get_steam_client()->GetISteamGenericInterface(flat_gs_hsteamuser(), flat_gs_hsteampipe(), "SteamNetworkingSockets011");
STEAMAPI_API ISteamNetworkingSockets *SteamAPI_SteamNetworkingSockets_SteamAPI_v009()
return (ISteamNetworkingSockets *)get_steam_client()->GetISteamGenericInterface(flat_hsteamuser(), flat_hsteampipe(), "SteamNetworkingSockets009");
@ -5459,6 +5647,11 @@ STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_SetCertificate( ISteamNetwork
return self->SetCertificate(pCertificate, cbCertificate, errMsg);
// STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_ResetIdentity( ISteamNetworkingSockets* self, const SteamNetworkingIdentity * pIdentity )
// {
// return self->ResetIdentity(pIdentity);
// }
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_RunCallbacks( ISteamNetworkingSockets* self )
return self->RunCallbacks();
@ -5489,6 +5682,11 @@ STEAMAPI_API ISteamNetworkingUtils *SteamAPI_SteamNetworkingUtils_SteamAPI_v003(
return (ISteamNetworkingUtils *)get_steam_client()->GetISteamGenericInterface(flat_hsteamuser(), flat_hsteampipe(), "SteamNetworkingUtils003");
STEAMAPI_API ISteamNetworkingUtils *SteamAPI_SteamNetworkingUtils_SteamAPI_v004()
return (ISteamNetworkingUtils *)get_steam_client()->GetISteamGenericInterface(flat_hsteamuser(), flat_hsteampipe(), "SteamNetworkingUtils004");
STEAMAPI_API ISteamNetworkingUtils *SteamAPI_SteamNetworkingUtils_v003()
return (ISteamNetworkingUtils *)get_steam_client()->GetISteamGenericInterface(flat_hsteamuser(), flat_hsteampipe(), "SteamNetworkingUtils003");
@ -5649,6 +5847,11 @@ STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_GetConfigValueInfo( ISteamNetwo
return self->GetConfigValueInfo(eValue, pOutName, pOutDataType, pOutScope, pOutNextValue);
// STEAMAPI_API ESteamNetworkingConfigValue SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_IterateGenericEditableConfigValues( ISteamNetworkingUtils* self, ESteamNetworkingConfigValue eCurrent, bool bEnumerateDevVars )
// {
// return self->GetConfigValueInfo(eValue, pOutName, pOutDataType, pOutScope, pOutNextValue);
// }
STEAMAPI_API ESteamNetworkingConfigValue SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_GetFirstConfigValue( ISteamNetworkingUtils* self )
return self->GetFirstConfigValue();
@ -5679,6 +5882,11 @@ STEAMAPI_API ISteamGameServer *SteamAPI_SteamGameServer_v013()
return get_steam_client()->GetISteamGameServer(flat_gs_hsteamuser(), flat_gs_hsteampipe(), "SteamGameServer013");
STEAMAPI_API ISteamGameServer *SteamAPI_SteamGameServer_v014()
return get_steam_client()->GetISteamGameServer(flat_gs_hsteamuser(), flat_gs_hsteampipe(), "SteamGameServer014");
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_InitGameServer(intptr_t instancePtr, uint32 unIP, uint16 usGamePort, uint16 usQueryPort, uint32 unFlags, AppId_t nGameAppId, const char * pchVersionString)
return ((ISteamGameServer *)instancePtr)->InitGameServer(unIP, usGamePort, usQueryPort, unFlags, nGameAppId, pchVersionString);
@ -5686,177 +5894,192 @@ STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_InitGameServer(intptr_t instancePtr,
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetProduct( ISteamGameServer* self, const char * pszProduct )
return self->SetProduct(pszProduct);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetProduct(pszProduct);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetGameDescription( ISteamGameServer* self, const char * pszGameDescription )
return self->SetGameDescription(pszGameDescription);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetGameDescription(pszGameDescription);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetModDir( ISteamGameServer* self, const char * pszModDir )
return self->SetModDir(pszModDir);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetModDir(pszModDir);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetDedicatedServer( ISteamGameServer* self, bool bDedicated )
return self->SetDedicatedServer(bDedicated);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetDedicatedServer(bDedicated);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_LogOn( ISteamGameServer* self, const char * pszToken )
return self->LogOn(pszToken);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->LogOn(pszToken);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_LogOnAnonymous( ISteamGameServer* self )
return self->LogOnAnonymous();
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->LogOnAnonymous();
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_LogOff( ISteamGameServer* self )
return self->LogOff();
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->LogOff();
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_BLoggedOn( ISteamGameServer* self )
return self->BLoggedOn();
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->BLoggedOn();
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_BSecure( ISteamGameServer* self )
return self->BSecure();
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->BSecure();
STEAMAPI_API uint64_steamid SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_GetSteamID( ISteamGameServer* self )
return self->GetSteamID().ConvertToUint64();
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->GetSteamID().ConvertToUint64();
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_WasRestartRequested( ISteamGameServer* self )
return self->WasRestartRequested();
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->WasRestartRequested();
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetMaxPlayerCount( ISteamGameServer* self, int cPlayersMax )
return self->SetMaxPlayerCount(cPlayersMax);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetMaxPlayerCount(cPlayersMax);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetBotPlayerCount( ISteamGameServer* self, int cBotplayers )
return self->SetBotPlayerCount(cBotplayers);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetBotPlayerCount(cBotplayers);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetServerName( ISteamGameServer* self, const char * pszServerName )
return self->SetServerName(pszServerName);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetServerName(pszServerName);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetMapName( ISteamGameServer* self, const char * pszMapName )
return self->SetMapName(pszMapName);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetMapName(pszMapName);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetPasswordProtected( ISteamGameServer* self, bool bPasswordProtected )
return self->SetPasswordProtected(bPasswordProtected);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetPasswordProtected(bPasswordProtected);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetSpectatorPort( ISteamGameServer* self, uint16 unSpectatorPort )
return self->SetSpectatorPort(unSpectatorPort);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetSpectatorPort(unSpectatorPort);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetSpectatorServerName( ISteamGameServer* self, const char * pszSpectatorServerName )
return self->SetSpectatorServerName(pszSpectatorServerName);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetSpectatorServerName(pszSpectatorServerName);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_ClearAllKeyValues( ISteamGameServer* self )
return self->ClearAllKeyValues();
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->ClearAllKeyValues();
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetKeyValue( ISteamGameServer* self, const char * pKey, const char * pValue )
return self->SetKeyValue(pKey, pValue);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetKeyValue(pKey, pValue);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetGameTags( ISteamGameServer* self, const char * pchGameTags )
return self->SetGameTags(pchGameTags);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetGameTags(pchGameTags);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetGameData( ISteamGameServer* self, const char * pchGameData )
return self->SetGameData(pchGameData);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetGameData(pchGameData);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetRegion( ISteamGameServer* self, const char * pszRegion )
return self->SetRegion(pszRegion);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetRegion(pszRegion);
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate( ISteamGameServer* self, uint32 unIPClient, const void * pvAuthBlob, uint32 cubAuthBlobSize, CSteamID * pSteamIDUser )
return self->SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate(unIPClient, pvAuthBlob, cubAuthBlobSize, pSteamIDUser);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate(unIPClient, pvAuthBlob, cubAuthBlobSize, pSteamIDUser);
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate_DEPRECATED( ISteamGameServer* self, uint32 unIPClient, const void * pvAuthBlob, uint32 cubAuthBlobSize, CSteamID * pSteamIDUser )
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate(unIPClient, pvAuthBlob, cubAuthBlobSize, pSteamIDUser);
STEAMAPI_API uint64_steamid SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_CreateUnauthenticatedUserConnection( ISteamGameServer* self )
return self->CreateUnauthenticatedUserConnection().ConvertToUint64();
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->CreateUnauthenticatedUserConnection().ConvertToUint64();
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SendUserDisconnect( ISteamGameServer* self, uint64_steamid steamIDUser )
return self->SendUserDisconnect(steamIDUser);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SendUserDisconnect(steamIDUser);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SendUserDisconnect_DEPRECATED( ISteamGameServer* self, uint64_steamid steamIDUser )
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SendUserDisconnect(steamIDUser);
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_BUpdateUserData( ISteamGameServer* self, uint64_steamid steamIDUser, const char * pchPlayerName, uint32 uScore )
return self->BUpdateUserData(steamIDUser, pchPlayerName, uScore);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->BUpdateUserData(steamIDUser, pchPlayerName, uScore);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetAdvertiseServerActive( ISteamGameServer* self, bool bActive )
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetAdvertiseServerActive(bActive);
STEAMAPI_API HAuthTicket SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_GetAuthSessionTicket( ISteamGameServer* self, void * pTicket, int cbMaxTicket, uint32 * pcbTicket )
return self->GetAuthSessionTicket(pTicket, cbMaxTicket, pcbTicket);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->GetAuthSessionTicket(pTicket, cbMaxTicket, pcbTicket);
STEAMAPI_API EBeginAuthSessionResult SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_BeginAuthSession( ISteamGameServer* self, const void * pAuthTicket, int cbAuthTicket, uint64_steamid steamID )
return self->BeginAuthSession(pAuthTicket, cbAuthTicket, steamID);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->BeginAuthSession(pAuthTicket, cbAuthTicket, steamID);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_EndAuthSession( ISteamGameServer* self, uint64_steamid steamID )
return self->EndAuthSession(steamID);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->EndAuthSession(steamID);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_CancelAuthTicket( ISteamGameServer* self, HAuthTicket hAuthTicket )
return self->CancelAuthTicket(hAuthTicket);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->CancelAuthTicket(hAuthTicket);
STEAMAPI_API EUserHasLicenseForAppResult SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_UserHasLicenseForApp( ISteamGameServer* self, uint64_steamid steamID, AppId_t appID )
return self->UserHasLicenseForApp(steamID, appID);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->UserHasLicenseForApp(steamID, appID);
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_RequestUserGroupStatus( ISteamGameServer* self, uint64_steamid steamIDUser, uint64_steamid steamIDGroup )
return self->RequestUserGroupStatus(steamIDUser, steamIDGroup);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->RequestUserGroupStatus(steamIDUser, steamIDGroup);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_GetGameplayStats( ISteamGameServer* self )
return self->GetGameplayStats();
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->GetGameplayStats();
STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_GetServerReputation( ISteamGameServer* self )
return self->GetServerReputation();
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->GetServerReputation();
STEAMAPI_API void *SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_GetPublicIP( intptr_t instancePtr, void *instancePtr_possible )
@ -5872,37 +6095,37 @@ STEAMAPI_API void *SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_GetPublicIP( intptr_t instancePtr,
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_HandleIncomingPacket( ISteamGameServer* self, const void * pData, int cbData, uint32 srcIP, uint16 srcPort )
return self->HandleIncomingPacket(pData, cbData, srcIP, srcPort);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->HandleIncomingPacket(pData, cbData, srcIP, srcPort);
STEAMAPI_API int SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_GetNextOutgoingPacket( ISteamGameServer* self, void * pOut, int cbMaxOut, uint32 * pNetAdr, uint16 * pPort )
return self->GetNextOutgoingPacket(pOut, cbMaxOut, pNetAdr, pPort);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->GetNextOutgoingPacket(pOut, cbMaxOut, pNetAdr, pPort);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_EnableHeartbeats( ISteamGameServer* self, bool bActive )
return self->EnableHeartbeats(bActive);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->EnableHeartbeats(bActive);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetHeartbeatInterval( ISteamGameServer* self, int iHeartbeatInterval )
return self->SetHeartbeatInterval(iHeartbeatInterval);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->SetHeartbeatInterval(iHeartbeatInterval);
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_ForceHeartbeat( ISteamGameServer* self )
return self->ForceHeartbeat();
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->ForceHeartbeat();
STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_AssociateWithClan( ISteamGameServer* self, uint64_steamid steamIDClan )
return self->AssociateWithClan(steamIDClan);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->AssociateWithClan(steamIDClan);
STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_ComputeNewPlayerCompatibility( ISteamGameServer* self, uint64_steamid steamIDNewPlayer )
return self->ComputeNewPlayerCompatibility(steamIDNewPlayer);
return get_steam_client()->steam_gameserver->ComputeNewPlayerCompatibility(steamIDNewPlayer);
STEAMAPI_API ISteamGameServerStats *SteamAPI_SteamGameServerStats_v001()
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ std::string Local_Storage::get_user_appdata_path()
return user_appdata_path.append(PATH_SEPARATOR).append(PROGRAM_NAME).append(" Saves");
return user_appdata_path.append(PATH_SEPARATOR).append(PROGRAM_NAME_1).append(PROGRAM_NAME_2).append(PROGRAM_NAME_3).append(PROGRAM_NAME_4).append(PROGRAM_NAME_5).append(PROGRAM_NAME_6).append(PROGRAM_NAME_7).append(PROGRAM_NAME_8).append(" Saves");
static std::string replace_with(std::string s, std::string const &old, const char *new_str)
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@ ISteamGameServer *Steam_Client::GetISteamGameServer( HSteamUser hSteamUser, HSte
return (ISteamGameServer *)(void *)(ISteamGameServer011 *)steam_gameserver;
} else if (strcmp(pchVersion, "SteamGameServer012") == 0) {
return (ISteamGameServer *)(void *)(ISteamGameServer012 *)steam_gameserver;
} else if (strcmp(pchVersion, "SteamGameServer013") == 0) {
return (ISteamGameServer *)(void *)(ISteamGameServer013 *)steam_gameserver;
} else if (strcmp(pchVersion, STEAMGAMESERVER_INTERFACE_VERSION) == 0) {
gameserver_has_ipv6_functions = true;
return (ISteamGameServer *)(void *)(ISteamGameServer *)steam_gameserver;
@ -481,8 +483,10 @@ void *Steam_Client::GetISteamGenericInterface( HSteamUser hSteamUser, HSteamPipe
return (void *)(ISteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized003 *)steam_networking_sockets_serialized_temp;
} else if (strcmp(pchVersion, "SteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized004") == 0) {
return (void *)(ISteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized004 *)steam_networking_sockets_serialized_temp;
} else if (strcmp(pchVersion, "SteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized005") == 0) {
return (void *)(ISteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized005 *)steam_networking_sockets_serialized_temp;
} else {
return (void *)(ISteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized004 *)steam_networking_sockets_serialized_temp;
return (void *)(ISteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized005 *)steam_networking_sockets_serialized_temp;
} else if (strstr(pchVersion, "SteamNetworkingSockets") == pchVersion) {
Steam_Networking_Sockets *steam_networking_sockets_temp;
@ -504,6 +508,8 @@ void *Steam_Client::GetISteamGenericInterface( HSteamUser hSteamUser, HSteamPipe
return (void *)(ISteamNetworkingSockets006 *) steam_networking_sockets_temp;
} else if (strcmp(pchVersion, "SteamNetworkingSockets008") == 0) {
return (void *)(ISteamNetworkingSockets008 *) steam_networking_sockets_temp;
} else if (strcmp(pchVersion, "SteamNetworkingSockets009") == 0) {
return (void *)(ISteamNetworkingSockets009 *) steam_networking_sockets_temp;
} else {
return (void *)(ISteamNetworkingSockets *) steam_networking_sockets_temp;
@ -746,6 +752,8 @@ ISteamRemoteStorage *Steam_Client::GetISteamRemoteStorage( HSteamUser hSteamuser
return (ISteamRemoteStorage *)(void *)(ISteamRemoteStorage012 *)steam_remote_storage;
} else if (strcmp(pchVersion, "STEAMREMOTESTORAGE_INTERFACE_VERSION013") == 0) {
return (ISteamRemoteStorage *)(void *)(ISteamRemoteStorage013 *)steam_remote_storage;
} else if (strcmp(pchVersion, "STEAMREMOTESTORAGE_INTERFACE_VERSION014") == 0) {
return (ISteamRemoteStorage *)(void *)(ISteamRemoteStorage014 *)steam_remote_storage;
} else if (strcmp(pchVersion, STEAMREMOTESTORAGE_INTERFACE_VERSION) == 0) {
return (ISteamRemoteStorage *)(void *)(ISteamRemoteStorage *)steam_remote_storage;
} else {
@ -1086,6 +1094,8 @@ ISteamInput *Steam_Client::GetISteamInput( HSteamUser hSteamUser, HSteamPipe hSt
if (strcmp(pchVersion, "SteamInput001") == 0) {
return (ISteamInput *)(void *)(ISteamInput001 *)steam_controller;
} else if (strcmp(pchVersion, "SteamInput002") == 0) {
return (ISteamInput *)(void *)(ISteamInput002 *)steam_controller;
} else if (strcmp(pchVersion, STEAMINPUT_INTERFACE_VERSION) == 0) {
return (ISteamInput *)(void *)(ISteamInput *)steam_controller;
} else {
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ public ISteamController006,
public ISteamController007,
public ISteamController,
public ISteamInput001,
public ISteamInput002,
public ISteamInput
class Settings *settings;
@ -164,6 +165,7 @@ public ISteamInput
bool disabled;
bool initialized;
bool explicitly_call_run_frame;
void set_handles(std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::set<std::string>, std::string>>> action_sets) {
uint64 handle_num = 1;
@ -316,9 +318,9 @@ Steam_Controller(class Settings *settings, class SteamCallResults *callback_resu
// Init and Shutdown must be called when starting/ending use of this interface
bool Init()
bool Init(bool bExplicitlyCallRunFrame)
PRINT_DEBUG("Steam_Controller::Init() %u\n", bExplicitlyCallRunFrame);
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(global_mutex);
if (disabled || initialized) {
return true;
@ -342,6 +344,7 @@ bool Init()
background_rumble_thread = std::thread(background_rumble, rumble_thread_data);
initialized = true;
explicitly_call_run_frame = bExplicitlyCallRunFrame;
return true;
@ -351,6 +354,11 @@ bool Init( const char *pchAbsolutePathToControllerConfigVDF )
return Init();
bool Init()
return Init(true);
bool Shutdown()
@ -374,10 +382,57 @@ void SetOverrideMode( const char *pchMode )
// Set the absolute path to the Input Action Manifest file containing the in-game actions
// and file paths to the official configurations. Used in games that bundle Steam Input
// configurations inside of the game depot instead of using the Steam Workshop
bool SetInputActionManifestFilePath( const char *pchInputActionManifestAbsolutePath )
//TODO SteamInput005
return false;
bool BWaitForData( bool bWaitForever, uint32 unTimeout )
//TODO SteamInput005
return false;
// Returns true if new data has been received since the last time action data was accessed
// via GetDigitalActionData or GetAnalogActionData. The game will still need to call
// SteamInput()->RunFrame() or SteamAPI_RunCallbacks() before this to update the data stream
bool BNewDataAvailable()
//TODO SteamInput005
return false;
// Enable SteamInputDeviceConnected_t and SteamInputDeviceDisconnected_t callbacks.
// Each controller that is already connected will generate a device connected
// callback when you enable them
void EnableDeviceCallbacks()
//TODO SteamInput005
// Enable SteamInputActionEvent_t callbacks. Directly calls your callback function
// for lower latency than standard Steam callbacks. Supports one callback at a time.
// Note: this is called within either SteamInput()->RunFrame or by SteamAPI_RunCallbacks
void EnableActionEventCallbacks( SteamInputActionEventCallbackPointer pCallback )
//TODO SteamInput005
// Synchronize API state with the latest Steam Controller inputs available. This
// is performed automatically by SteamAPI_RunCallbacks, but for the absolute lowest
// possible latency, you call this directly before reading controller state.
void RunFrame()
void RunFrame(bool bReservedValue)
if (disabled || !initialized) {
@ -387,6 +442,11 @@ void RunFrame()
void RunFrame()
bool GetControllerState( uint32 unControllerIndex, SteamControllerState001_t *pState )
@ -686,6 +746,14 @@ int GetDigitalActionOrigins( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputActionSetHandle_t a
return count;
// Returns a localized string (from Steam's language setting) for the user-facing action name corresponding to the specified handle
const char *GetStringForDigitalActionName( InputDigitalActionHandle_t eActionHandle )
//TODO SteamInput005
return "Button String";
// Lookup the handle for an analog action. Best to do this once on startup, and store the handles for all future API calls.
ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t GetAnalogActionHandle( const char *pszActionName )
@ -824,6 +892,13 @@ void TriggerHapticPulse( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, ESteamControllerPa
// Trigger a haptic pulse on a controller
void Legacy_TriggerHapticPulse( InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec )
TriggerHapticPulse(inputHandle, eTargetPad, usDurationMicroSec );
void TriggerHapticPulse( uint32 unControllerIndex, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec )
PRINT_DEBUG("Steam_Controller::TriggerHapticPulse old\n");
@ -837,6 +912,18 @@ void TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, ESteamCont
void Legacy_TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse( InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec, unsigned short usOffMicroSec, unsigned short unRepeat, unsigned int nFlags )
TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse(inputHandle, eTargetPad, usDurationMicroSec, usOffMicroSec, unRepeat, nFlags);
// Send a haptic pulse, works on Steam Deck and Steam Controller devices
void TriggerSimpleHapticEvent( InputHandle_t inputHandle, EControllerHapticLocation eHapticLocation, uint8 nIntensity, char nGainDB, uint8 nOtherIntensity, char nOtherGainDB )
// Tigger a vibration event on supported controllers.
void TriggerVibration( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, unsigned short usLeftSpeed, unsigned short usRightSpeed )
@ -862,6 +949,13 @@ void TriggerVibration( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, unsigned short usLef
// Trigger a vibration event on supported controllers including Xbox trigger impulse rumble - Steam will translate these commands into haptic pulses for Steam Controllers
void TriggerVibrationExtended( InputHandle_t inputHandle, unsigned short usLeftSpeed, unsigned short usRightSpeed, unsigned short usLeftTriggerSpeed, unsigned short usRightTriggerSpeed )
TriggerVibration(inputHandle, usLeftSpeed, usRightSpeed);
//TODO trigger impulse rumbles
// Set the controller LED color on supported controllers.
void SetLEDColor( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, uint8 nColorR, uint8 nColorG, uint8 nColorB, unsigned int nFlags )
@ -929,6 +1023,13 @@ const char *GetStringForActionOrigin( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin )
return "Button String";
// Returns a localized string (from Steam's language setting) for the user-facing action name corresponding to the specified handle
const char *GetStringForAnalogActionName( InputAnalogActionHandle_t eActionHandle )
//TODO SteamInput005
return "Button String";
// Get a local path to art for on-screen glyph for a particular origin
const char *GetGlyphForActionOrigin( EControllerActionOrigin eOrigin )
@ -1015,6 +1116,29 @@ const char *GetGlyphForActionOrigin( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin )
return glyph->second.c_str();
// Get a local path to a PNG file for the provided origin's glyph.
const char *GetGlyphPNGForActionOrigin( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin, ESteamInputGlyphSize eSize, uint32 unFlags )
//TODO SteamInput005
return "";
// Get a local path to a SVG file for the provided origin's glyph.
const char *GetGlyphSVGForActionOrigin( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin, uint32 unFlags )
//TODO SteamInput005
return "";
// Get a local path to an older, Big Picture Mode-style PNG file for a particular origin
const char *GetGlyphForActionOrigin_Legacy( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin )
return GetGlyphForActionOrigin(eOrigin);
// Returns the input type for a particular handle
ESteamInputType GetInputTypeForHandle( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle )
@ -1078,9 +1202,19 @@ uint32 GetRemotePlaySessionID( InputHandle_t inputHandle )
return 0;
// Get a bitmask of the Steam Input Configuration types opted in for the current session. Returns ESteamInputConfigurationEnableType values.?
// Note: user can override the settings from the Steamworks Partner site so the returned values may not exactly match your default configuration
uint16 GetSessionInputConfigurationSettings()
return 0;
void RunCallbacks()
if (explicitly_call_run_frame) {
@ -618,6 +618,19 @@ void Steam_GameServer::EnableHeartbeats( bool bActive )
/// Indicate whether you wish to be listed on the master server list
/// and/or respond to server browser / LAN discovery packets.
/// The server starts with this value set to false. You should set all
/// relevant server parameters before enabling advertisement on the server.
/// (This function used to be named EnableHeartbeats, so if you are wondering
/// where that function went, it's right here. It does the same thing as before,
/// the old name was just confusing.)
void Steam_GameServer::SetAdvertiseServerActive( bool bActive )
// You usually don't need to modify this.
// Pass -1 to use the default value for iHeartbeatInterval.
@ -627,6 +640,11 @@ void Steam_GameServer::SetHeartbeatInterval( int iHeartbeatInterval )
void Steam_GameServer::SetMasterServerHeartbeatInterval_DEPRECATED( int iHeartbeatInterval )
// Force a heartbeat to steam at the next opportunity
void Steam_GameServer::ForceHeartbeat()
@ -634,6 +652,11 @@ void Steam_GameServer::ForceHeartbeat()
void Steam_GameServer::ForceMasterServerHeartbeat_DEPRECATED()
// associate this game server with this clan for the purposes of computing player compat
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( AssociateWithClanResult_t )
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ public ISteamGameServer009,
public ISteamGameServer010,
public ISteamGameServer011,
public ISteamGameServer012,
public ISteamGameServer013,
public ISteamGameServer
class Settings *settings;
@ -311,6 +312,16 @@ public:
// you want it to be active (default: off).
void EnableHeartbeats( bool bActive );
/// Indicate whether you wish to be listed on the master server list
/// and/or respond to server browser / LAN discovery packets.
/// The server starts with this value set to false. You should set all
/// relevant server parameters before enabling advertisement on the server.
/// (This function used to be named EnableHeartbeats, so if you are wondering
/// where that function went, it's right here. It does the same thing as before,
/// the old name was just confusing.)
void SetAdvertiseServerActive( bool bActive );
// You usually don't need to modify this.
// Pass -1 to use the default value for iHeartbeatInterval.
// Some mods change this.
@ -319,6 +330,9 @@ public:
// Force a heartbeat to steam at the next opportunity
void ForceHeartbeat();
void SetMasterServerHeartbeatInterval_DEPRECATED( int iHeartbeatInterval );
void ForceMasterServerHeartbeat_DEPRECATED();
// associate this game server with this clan for the purposes of computing player compat
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( AssociateWithClanResult_t )
SteamAPICall_t AssociateWithClan( CSteamID steamIDClan );
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ public ISteamNetworkingSockets003,
public ISteamNetworkingSockets004,
public ISteamNetworkingSockets006,
public ISteamNetworkingSockets008,
public ISteamNetworkingSockets009,
public ISteamNetworkingSockets
class Settings *settings;
@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
class Steam_Networking_Sockets_Serialized :
public ISteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized002,
public ISteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized003,
public ISteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized004
public ISteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized004,
public ISteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized005
class Settings *settings;
class Networking *network;
@ -129,6 +130,12 @@ bool BAllowDirectConnectToPeer(SteamNetworkingIdentity const &identity)
return true;
int BeginAsyncRequestFakeIP(int a)
return true;
void RunCallbacks()
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ public ISteamRemoteStorage010,
public ISteamRemoteStorage011,
public ISteamRemoteStorage012,
public ISteamRemoteStorage013,
public ISteamRemoteStorage014,
public ISteamRemoteStorage
@ -761,4 +762,32 @@ SteamAPICall_t UGCDownloadToLocation( UGCHandle_t hContent, const char *pchLocat
return 0;
// Cloud dynamic state change notification
int32 GetLocalFileChangeCount()
return 0;
const char *GetLocalFileChange( int iFile, ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange *pEChangeType, ERemoteStorageFilePathType *pEFilePathType )
return "";
// Indicate to Steam the beginning / end of a set of local file
// operations - for example, writing a game save that requires updating two files.
bool BeginFileWriteBatch()
return true;
bool EndFileWriteBatch()
return true;
@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ bool GetQueryUGCTagDisplayName( UGCQueryHandle_t handle, uint32 index, uint32 in
bool GetQueryUGCPreviewURL( UGCQueryHandle_t handle, uint32 index, STEAM_OUT_STRING_COUNT(cchURLSize) char *pchURL, uint32 cchURLSize )
//TODO: escape simulator tries downloading this url and unsubscribes if it fails
return false;
@ -856,4 +857,20 @@ SteamAPICall_t DeleteItem( PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID )
return 0;
// Show the app's latest Workshop EULA to the user in an overlay window, where they can accept it or not
bool ShowWorkshopEULA()
return false;
// Retrieve information related to the user's acceptance or not of the app's specific Workshop EULA
SteamAPICall_t GetWorkshopEULAStatus()
return 0;
@ -405,4 +405,31 @@ ESteamIPv6ConnectivityState GetIPv6ConnectivityState( ESteamIPv6ConnectivityProt
return k_ESteamIPv6ConnectivityState_Unknown;
// returns true if currently running on the Steam Deck device
bool IsSteamRunningOnSteamDeck()
return false;
// Opens a floating keyboard over the game content and sends OS keyboard keys directly to the game.
// The text field position is specified in pixels relative the origin of the game window and is used to position the floating keyboard in a way that doesn't cover the text field
bool ShowFloatingGamepadTextInput( EFloatingGamepadTextInputMode eKeyboardMode, int nTextFieldXPosition, int nTextFieldYPosition, int nTextFieldWidth, int nTextFieldHeight )
return false;
// In game launchers that don't have controller support you can call this to have Steam Input translate the controller input into mouse/kb to navigate the launcher
void SetGameLauncherMode( bool bLauncherMode )
bool DismissFloatingGamepadTextInput()
return true;
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
#include "steam_api_common.h"
#include "steamtypes.h"
// Purpose: This is a restricted interface that can only be used by previously approved apps,
// Purpose: Sent when a new app is installed
STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( SteamAppInstalled_t, k_iSteamAppListCallbacks + 1 )
STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, AppId_t, m_nAppID ) // ID of the app that installs
STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, AppId_t, m_nAppID ) // ID of the app that installs
STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, int, m_iInstallFolderIndex ) // library folder the app is installed
// Purpose: Sent when an app is uninstalled
STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( SteamAppUninstalled_t, k_iSteamAppListCallbacks + 2 )
STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, AppId_t, m_nAppID ) // ID of the app that installs
STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 0, AppId_t, m_nAppID ) // ID of the app that installs
STEAM_CALLBACK_MEMBER( 1, int, m_iInstallFolderIndex ) // library folder the app was installed
#pragma pack( pop )
@ -410,6 +410,11 @@ enum EControllerActionOrigin
k_EControllerActionOrigin_Count, // If Steam has added support for new controllers origins will go here.
k_EControllerActionOrigin_MaximumPossibleValue = 32767, // Origins are currently a maximum of 16 bits.
@ -635,7 +640,7 @@ public:
virtual void SetLEDColor( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, uint8 nColorR, uint8 nColorG, uint8 nColorB, unsigned int nFlags ) = 0;
// Utility functions availible without using the rest of Steam Input API
// Utility functions available without using the rest of Steam Input API
// Invokes the Steam overlay and brings up the binding screen if the user is using Big Picture Mode
@ -91,14 +91,23 @@ public:
/// Set name of map to report in the server browser
/// @see k_cbMaxGameServerName
/// @see k_cbMaxGameServerMapName
virtual void SetMapName( const char *pszMapName ) = 0;
/// Let people know if your server will require a password
virtual void SetPasswordProtected( bool bPasswordProtected ) = 0;
/// Spectator server. The default value is zero, meaning the service
/// is not used.
/// Spectator server port to advertise. The default value is zero, meaning the
/// service is not used. If your server receives any info requests on the LAN,
/// this is the value that will be placed into the reply for such local queries.
/// This is also the value that will be advertised by the master server.
/// The only exception is if your server is using a FakeIP. Then then the second
/// fake port number (index 1) assigned to your server will be listed on the master
/// server as the spectator port, if you set this value to any nonzero value.
/// This function merely controls the values that are advertised -- it's up to you to
/// configure the server to actually listen on this port and handle any spectator traffic
virtual void SetSpectatorPort( uint16 unSpectatorPort ) = 0;
/// Name of the spectator server. (Only used if spectator port is nonzero.)
@ -120,8 +129,6 @@ public:
/// Sets a string defining the "gamedata" for this server, this is optional, but if it is set
/// it allows users to filter in the matchmaking/server-browser interfaces based on the value
/// don't set this unless it actually changes, its only uploaded to the master once (when
/// acknowledged)
/// @see k_cbMaxGameServerGameData
virtual void SetGameData( const char *pchGameData ) = 0;
@ -129,42 +136,20 @@ public:
/// Region identifier. This is an optional field, the default value is empty, meaning the "world" region
virtual void SetRegion( const char *pszRegion ) = 0;
/// Indicate whether you wish to be listed on the master server list
/// and/or respond to server browser / LAN discovery packets.
/// The server starts with this value set to false. You should set all
/// relevant server parameters before enabling advertisement on the server.
/// (This function used to be named EnableHeartbeats, so if you are wondering
/// where that function went, it's right here. It does the same thing as before,
/// the old name was just confusing.)
virtual void SetAdvertiseServerActive( bool bActive ) = 0;
// Player list management / authentication
// Player list management / authentication.
// Handles receiving a new connection from a Steam user. This call will ask the Steam
// servers to validate the users identity, app ownership, and VAC status. If the Steam servers
// are off-line, then it will validate the cached ticket itself which will validate app ownership
// and identity. The AuthBlob here should be acquired on the game client using SteamUser()->InitiateGameConnection()
// and must then be sent up to the game server for authentication.
// Return Value: returns true if the users ticket passes basic checks. pSteamIDUser will contain the Steam ID of this user. pSteamIDUser must NOT be NULL
// If the call succeeds then you should expect a GSClientApprove_t or GSClientDeny_t callback which will tell you whether authentication
// for the user has succeeded or failed (the steamid in the callback will match the one returned by this call)
virtual bool SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate( uint32 unIPClient, const void *pvAuthBlob, uint32 cubAuthBlobSize, CSteamID *pSteamIDUser ) = 0;
// Creates a fake user (ie, a bot) which will be listed as playing on the server, but skips validation.
// Return Value: Returns a SteamID for the user to be tracked with, you should call HandleUserDisconnect()
// when this user leaves the server just like you would for a real user.
virtual CSteamID CreateUnauthenticatedUserConnection() = 0;
// Should be called whenever a user leaves our game server, this lets Steam internally
// track which users are currently on which servers for the purposes of preventing a single
// account being logged into multiple servers, showing who is currently on a server, etc.
virtual void SendUserDisconnect( CSteamID steamIDUser ) = 0;
// Update the data to be displayed in the server browser and matchmaking interfaces for a user
// currently connected to the server. For regular users you must call this after you receive a
// GSUserValidationSuccess callback.
// Return Value: true if successful, false if failure (ie, steamIDUser wasn't for an active player)
virtual bool BUpdateUserData( CSteamID steamIDUser, const char *pchPlayerName, uint32 uScore ) = 0;
// New auth system APIs - do not mix with the old auth system APIs.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve ticket to be sent to the entity who wishes to authenticate you ( using BeginAuthSession API ).
// pcbTicket retrieves the length of the actual ticket.
virtual HAuthTicket GetAuthSessionTicket( void *pTicket, int cbMaxTicket, uint32 *pcbTicket ) = 0;
@ -199,13 +184,10 @@ public:
// connect to
virtual SteamIPAddress_t GetPublicIP() = 0;
// These are in GameSocketShare mode, where instead of ISteamGameServer creating its own
// socket to talk to the master server on, it lets the game use its socket to forward messages
// back and forth. This prevents us from requiring server ops to open up yet another port
// in their firewalls.
// the IP address and port should be in host order, i.e == 0x7f000001
// Server browser related query packet processing for shared socket mode. These are used
// when you pass STEAMGAMESERVER_QUERY_PORT_SHARED as the query port to SteamGameServer_Init.
// IP address and port are in host order, i.e == 0x7f000001
// These are used when you've elected to multiplex the game server's UDP socket
// rather than having the master server updater use its own sockets.
@ -223,21 +205,9 @@ public:
virtual int GetNextOutgoingPacket( void *pOut, int cbMaxOut, uint32 *pNetAdr, uint16 *pPort ) = 0;
// Control heartbeats / advertisement with master server
// Server clan association
// Call this as often as you like to tell the master server updater whether or not
// you want it to be active (default: off).
virtual void EnableHeartbeats( bool bActive ) = 0;
// You usually don't need to modify this.
// Pass -1 to use the default value for iHeartbeatInterval.
// Some mods change this.
virtual void SetHeartbeatInterval( int iHeartbeatInterval ) = 0;
// Force a heartbeat to steam at the next opportunity
virtual void ForceHeartbeat() = 0;
// associate this game server with this clan for the purposes of computing player compat
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( AssociateWithClanResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t AssociateWithClan( CSteamID steamIDClan ) = 0;
@ -246,9 +216,57 @@ public:
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( ComputeNewPlayerCompatibilityResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t ComputeNewPlayerCompatibility( CSteamID steamIDNewPlayer ) = 0;
// Handles receiving a new connection from a Steam user. This call will ask the Steam
// servers to validate the users identity, app ownership, and VAC status. If the Steam servers
// are off-line, then it will validate the cached ticket itself which will validate app ownership
// and identity. The AuthBlob here should be acquired on the game client using SteamUser()->InitiateGameConnection()
// and must then be sent up to the game server for authentication.
// Return Value: returns true if the users ticket passes basic checks. pSteamIDUser will contain the Steam ID of this user. pSteamIDUser must NOT be NULL
// If the call succeeds then you should expect a GSClientApprove_t or GSClientDeny_t callback which will tell you whether authentication
// for the user has succeeded or failed (the steamid in the callback will match the one returned by this call)
// DEPRECATED! This function will be removed from the SDK in an upcoming version.
// Please migrate to BeginAuthSession and related functions.
//virtual bool SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate_DEPRECATED( uint32 unIPClient, const void *pvAuthBlob, uint32 cubAuthBlobSize, CSteamID *pSteamIDUser ) = 0;
virtual bool SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate( uint32 unIPClient, const void *pvAuthBlob, uint32 cubAuthBlobSize, CSteamID *pSteamIDUser ) = 0;
// Creates a fake user (ie, a bot) which will be listed as playing on the server, but skips validation.
// Return Value: Returns a SteamID for the user to be tracked with, you should call EndAuthSession()
// when this user leaves the server just like you would for a real user.
virtual CSteamID CreateUnauthenticatedUserConnection() = 0;
// Should be called whenever a user leaves our game server, this lets Steam internally
// track which users are currently on which servers for the purposes of preventing a single
// account being logged into multiple servers, showing who is currently on a server, etc.
// DEPRECATED! This function will be removed from the SDK in an upcoming version.
// Please migrate to BeginAuthSession and related functions.
//virtual void SendUserDisconnect_DEPRECATED( CSteamID steamIDUser ) = 0;
virtual void SendUserDisconnect( CSteamID steamIDUser ) = 0;
// Update the data to be displayed in the server browser and matchmaking interfaces for a user
// currently connected to the server. For regular users you must call this after you receive a
// GSUserValidationSuccess callback.
// Return Value: true if successful, false if failure (ie, steamIDUser wasn't for an active player)
virtual bool BUpdateUserData( CSteamID steamIDUser, const char *pchPlayerName, uint32 uScore ) = 0;
// Deprecated functions. These will be removed in a future version of the SDK.
// If you really need these, please contact us and help us understand what you are
// using them for.
virtual void SetMasterServerHeartbeatInterval_DEPRECATED( int iHeartbeatInterval ) = 0;
virtual void ForceMasterServerHeartbeat_DEPRECATED() = 0;
// Global accessor
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
#ifdef STEAM_WIN32
#pragma once
class ISteamGameServer013
// Basic server data. These properties, if set, must be set before before calling LogOn. They
// may not be changed after logged in.
/// This is called by SteamGameServer_Init, and you will usually not need to call it directly
STEAM_PRIVATE_API( virtual bool InitGameServer( uint32 unIP, uint16 usGamePort, uint16 usQueryPort, uint32 unFlags, AppId_t nGameAppId, const char *pchVersionString ) = 0; )
/// Game product identifier. This is currently used by the master server for version checking purposes.
/// It's a required field, but will eventually will go away, and the AppID will be used for this purpose.
virtual void SetProduct( const char *pszProduct ) = 0;
/// Description of the game. This is a required field and is displayed in the steam server browser....for now.
/// This is a required field, but it will go away eventually, as the data should be determined from the AppID.
virtual void SetGameDescription( const char *pszGameDescription ) = 0;
/// If your game is a "mod," pass the string that identifies it. The default is an empty string, meaning
/// this application is the original game, not a mod.
/// @see k_cbMaxGameServerGameDir
virtual void SetModDir( const char *pszModDir ) = 0;
/// Is this is a dedicated server? The default value is false.
virtual void SetDedicatedServer( bool bDedicated ) = 0;
// Login
/// Begin process to login to a persistent game server account
/// You need to register for callbacks to determine the result of this operation.
/// @see SteamServersConnected_t
/// @see SteamServerConnectFailure_t
/// @see SteamServersDisconnected_t
virtual void LogOn( const char *pszToken ) = 0;
/// Login to a generic, anonymous account.
/// Note: in previous versions of the SDK, this was automatically called within SteamGameServer_Init,
/// but this is no longer the case.
virtual void LogOnAnonymous() = 0;
/// Begin process of logging game server out of steam
virtual void LogOff() = 0;
// status functions
virtual bool BLoggedOn() = 0;
virtual bool BSecure() = 0;
virtual CSteamID GetSteamID() = 0;
/// Returns true if the master server has requested a restart.
/// Only returns true once per request.
virtual bool WasRestartRequested() = 0;
// Server state. These properties may be changed at any time.
/// Max player count that will be reported to server browser and client queries
virtual void SetMaxPlayerCount( int cPlayersMax ) = 0;
/// Number of bots. Default value is zero
virtual void SetBotPlayerCount( int cBotplayers ) = 0;
/// Set the name of server as it will appear in the server browser
/// @see k_cbMaxGameServerName
virtual void SetServerName( const char *pszServerName ) = 0;
/// Set name of map to report in the server browser
/// @see k_cbMaxGameServerName
virtual void SetMapName( const char *pszMapName ) = 0;
/// Let people know if your server will require a password
virtual void SetPasswordProtected( bool bPasswordProtected ) = 0;
/// Spectator server. The default value is zero, meaning the service
/// is not used.
virtual void SetSpectatorPort( uint16 unSpectatorPort ) = 0;
/// Name of the spectator server. (Only used if spectator port is nonzero.)
/// @see k_cbMaxGameServerMapName
virtual void SetSpectatorServerName( const char *pszSpectatorServerName ) = 0;
/// Call this to clear the whole list of key/values that are sent in rules queries.
virtual void ClearAllKeyValues() = 0;
/// Call this to add/update a key/value pair.
virtual void SetKeyValue( const char *pKey, const char *pValue ) = 0;
/// Sets a string defining the "gametags" for this server, this is optional, but if it is set
/// it allows users to filter in the matchmaking/server-browser interfaces based on the value
/// @see k_cbMaxGameServerTags
virtual void SetGameTags( const char *pchGameTags ) = 0;
/// Sets a string defining the "gamedata" for this server, this is optional, but if it is set
/// it allows users to filter in the matchmaking/server-browser interfaces based on the value
/// don't set this unless it actually changes, its only uploaded to the master once (when
/// acknowledged)
/// @see k_cbMaxGameServerGameData
virtual void SetGameData( const char *pchGameData ) = 0;
/// Region identifier. This is an optional field, the default value is empty, meaning the "world" region
virtual void SetRegion( const char *pszRegion ) = 0;
// Player list management / authentication
// Handles receiving a new connection from a Steam user. This call will ask the Steam
// servers to validate the users identity, app ownership, and VAC status. If the Steam servers
// are off-line, then it will validate the cached ticket itself which will validate app ownership
// and identity. The AuthBlob here should be acquired on the game client using SteamUser()->InitiateGameConnection()
// and must then be sent up to the game server for authentication.
// Return Value: returns true if the users ticket passes basic checks. pSteamIDUser will contain the Steam ID of this user. pSteamIDUser must NOT be NULL
// If the call succeeds then you should expect a GSClientApprove_t or GSClientDeny_t callback which will tell you whether authentication
// for the user has succeeded or failed (the steamid in the callback will match the one returned by this call)
virtual bool SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate( uint32 unIPClient, const void *pvAuthBlob, uint32 cubAuthBlobSize, CSteamID *pSteamIDUser ) = 0;
// Creates a fake user (ie, a bot) which will be listed as playing on the server, but skips validation.
// Return Value: Returns a SteamID for the user to be tracked with, you should call HandleUserDisconnect()
// when this user leaves the server just like you would for a real user.
virtual CSteamID CreateUnauthenticatedUserConnection() = 0;
// Should be called whenever a user leaves our game server, this lets Steam internally
// track which users are currently on which servers for the purposes of preventing a single
// account being logged into multiple servers, showing who is currently on a server, etc.
virtual void SendUserDisconnect( CSteamID steamIDUser ) = 0;
// Update the data to be displayed in the server browser and matchmaking interfaces for a user
// currently connected to the server. For regular users you must call this after you receive a
// GSUserValidationSuccess callback.
// Return Value: true if successful, false if failure (ie, steamIDUser wasn't for an active player)
virtual bool BUpdateUserData( CSteamID steamIDUser, const char *pchPlayerName, uint32 uScore ) = 0;
// New auth system APIs - do not mix with the old auth system APIs.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve ticket to be sent to the entity who wishes to authenticate you ( using BeginAuthSession API ).
// pcbTicket retrieves the length of the actual ticket.
virtual HAuthTicket GetAuthSessionTicket( void *pTicket, int cbMaxTicket, uint32 *pcbTicket ) = 0;
// Authenticate ticket ( from GetAuthSessionTicket ) from entity steamID to be sure it is valid and isnt reused
// Registers for callbacks if the entity goes offline or cancels the ticket ( see ValidateAuthTicketResponse_t callback and EAuthSessionResponse )
virtual EBeginAuthSessionResult BeginAuthSession( const void *pAuthTicket, int cbAuthTicket, CSteamID steamID ) = 0;
// Stop tracking started by BeginAuthSession - called when no longer playing game with this entity
virtual void EndAuthSession( CSteamID steamID ) = 0;
// Cancel auth ticket from GetAuthSessionTicket, called when no longer playing game with the entity you gave the ticket to
virtual void CancelAuthTicket( HAuthTicket hAuthTicket ) = 0;
// After receiving a user's authentication data, and passing it to SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate, use this function
// to determine if the user owns downloadable content specified by the provided AppID.
virtual EUserHasLicenseForAppResult UserHasLicenseForApp( CSteamID steamID, AppId_t appID ) = 0;
// Ask if a user in in the specified group, results returns async by GSUserGroupStatus_t
// returns false if we're not connected to the steam servers and thus cannot ask
virtual bool RequestUserGroupStatus( CSteamID steamIDUser, CSteamID steamIDGroup ) = 0;
// these two functions s are deprecated, and will not return results
// they will be removed in a future version of the SDK
virtual void GetGameplayStats( ) = 0;
virtual SteamAPICall_t GetServerReputation() = 0;
// Returns the public IP of the server according to Steam, useful when the server is
// behind NAT and you want to advertise its IP in a lobby for other clients to directly
// connect to
virtual SteamIPAddress_t GetPublicIP() = 0;
// These are in GameSocketShare mode, where instead of ISteamGameServer creating its own
// socket to talk to the master server on, it lets the game use its socket to forward messages
// back and forth. This prevents us from requiring server ops to open up yet another port
// in their firewalls.
// the IP address and port should be in host order, i.e == 0x7f000001
// These are used when you've elected to multiplex the game server's UDP socket
// rather than having the master server updater use its own sockets.
// Source games use this to simplify the job of the server admins, so they
// don't have to open up more ports on their firewalls.
// Call this when a packet that starts with 0xFFFFFFFF comes in. That means
// it's for us.
virtual bool HandleIncomingPacket( const void *pData, int cbData, uint32 srcIP, uint16 srcPort ) = 0;
// AFTER calling HandleIncomingPacket for any packets that came in that frame, call this.
// This gets a packet that the master server updater needs to send out on UDP.
// It returns the length of the packet it wants to send, or 0 if there are no more packets to send.
// Call this each frame until it returns 0.
virtual int GetNextOutgoingPacket( void *pOut, int cbMaxOut, uint32 *pNetAdr, uint16 *pPort ) = 0;
// Control heartbeats / advertisement with master server
// Call this as often as you like to tell the master server updater whether or not
// you want it to be active (default: off).
virtual void EnableHeartbeats( bool bActive ) = 0;
// You usually don't need to modify this.
// Pass -1 to use the default value for iHeartbeatInterval.
// Some mods change this.
virtual void SetHeartbeatInterval( int iHeartbeatInterval ) = 0;
// Force a heartbeat to steam at the next opportunity
virtual void ForceHeartbeat() = 0;
// associate this game server with this clan for the purposes of computing player compat
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( AssociateWithClanResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t AssociateWithClan( CSteamID steamIDClan ) = 0;
// ask if any of the current players dont want to play with this new player - or vice versa
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( ComputeNewPlayerCompatibilityResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t ComputeNewPlayerCompatibility( CSteamID steamIDNewPlayer ) = 0;
@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ public:
virtual void JSDialogResponse( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, bool bResult ) = 0;
// You MUST call this in response to a HTML_FileOpenDialog_t callback
virtual void FileLoadDialogResponse( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, const char **pchSelectedFiles ) = 0;
@ -228,11 +228,11 @@ enum EInputActionOrigin
k_EInputActionOrigin_XBoxOne_Share, // Xbox Series X controllers only
@ -472,6 +472,20 @@ enum ESteamControllerPad
enum EControllerHapticLocation
k_EControllerHapticLocation_Left = ( 1 << k_ESteamControllerPad_Left ),
k_EControllerHapticLocation_Right = ( 1 << k_ESteamControllerPad_Right ),
k_EControllerHapticLocation_Both = ( 1 << k_ESteamControllerPad_Left | 1 << k_ESteamControllerPad_Right ),
enum EControllerHapticType
enum ESteamInputType
@ -492,6 +506,16 @@ enum ESteamInputType
k_ESteamInputType_MaximumPossibleValue = 255,
// Individual values are used by the GetSessionInputConfigurationSettings bitmask
enum ESteamInputConfigurationEnableType
k_ESteamInputConfigurationEnableType_None = 0x0000,
k_ESteamInputConfigurationEnableType_Playstation = 0x0001,
k_ESteamInputConfigurationEnableType_Xbox = 0x0002,
k_ESteamInputConfigurationEnableType_Generic = 0x0004,
k_ESteamInputConfigurationEnableType_Switch = 0x0008,
// These values are passed into SetLEDColor
enum ESteamInputLEDFlag
@ -501,11 +525,24 @@ enum ESteamInputLEDFlag
// These values are passed into GetGlyphPNGForActionOrigin
enum ESteamInputGlyphSize
enum ESteamInputActionEventType
// InputHandle_t is used to refer to a specific controller.
// This handle will consistently identify a controller, even if it is disconnected and re-connected
typedef uint64 InputHandle_t;
// These handles are used to refer to a specific in-game action or action set
// All action handles should be queried during initialization for performance reasons
typedef uint64 InputActionSetHandle_t;
@ -554,8 +591,29 @@ struct InputMotionData_t
float rotVelZ;
// Purpose: when callbacks are enabled this fires each time a controller action
// state changes
struct SteamInputActionEvent_t
InputHandle_t controllerHandle;
ESteamInputActionEventType eEventType;
union {
struct {
InputAnalogActionHandle_t actionHandle;
InputAnalogActionData_t analogActionData;
} analogAction;
struct {
InputDigitalActionHandle_t actionHandle;
InputDigitalActionData_t digitalActionData;
} digitalAction;
#pragma pack( pop )
typedef void ( *SteamInputActionEventCallbackPointer )( SteamInputActionEvent_t * );
// Purpose: Steam Input API
@ -564,15 +622,33 @@ class ISteamInput
// Init and Shutdown must be called when starting/ending use of this interface
virtual bool Init() = 0;
// Init and Shutdown must be called when starting/ending use of this interface.
// if bExplicitlyCallRunFrame is called then you will need to manually call RunFrame
// each frame, otherwise Steam Input will updated when SteamAPI_RunCallbacks() is called
virtual bool Init( bool bExplicitlyCallRunFrame ) = 0;
virtual bool Shutdown() = 0;
// Synchronize API state with the latest Steam Controller inputs available. This
// Set the absolute path to the Input Action Manifest file containing the in-game actions
// and file paths to the official configurations. Used in games that bundle Steam Input
// configurations inside of the game depot instead of using the Steam Workshop
virtual bool SetInputActionManifestFilePath( const char *pchInputActionManifestAbsolutePath ) = 0;
// Synchronize API state with the latest Steam Input action data available. This
// is performed automatically by SteamAPI_RunCallbacks, but for the absolute lowest
// possible latency, you call this directly before reading controller state. This must
// be called from somewhere before GetConnectedControllers will return any handles
virtual void RunFrame() = 0;
// possible latency, you call this directly before reading controller state.
// Note: This must be called from somewhere before GetConnectedControllers will
// return any handles
virtual void RunFrame( bool bReservedValue = true ) = 0;
// Waits on an IPC event from Steam sent when there is new data to be fetched from
// the data drop. Returns true when data was recievied before the timeout expires.
// Useful for games with a dedicated input thread
virtual bool BWaitForData( bool bWaitForever, uint32 unTimeout ) = 0;
// Returns true if new data has been received since the last time action data was accessed
// via GetDigitalActionData or GetAnalogActionData. The game will still need to call
// SteamInput()->RunFrame() or SteamAPI_RunCallbacks() before this to update the data stream
virtual bool BNewDataAvailable() = 0;
// Enumerate currently connected Steam Input enabled devices - developers can opt in controller by type (ex: Xbox/Playstation/etc) via
// the Steam Input settings in the Steamworks site or users can opt-in in their controller settings in Steam.
@ -580,6 +656,32 @@ public:
// Returns the number of handles written to handlesOut
virtual int GetConnectedControllers( STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT( STEAM_INPUT_MAX_COUNT, Receives list of connected controllers ) InputHandle_t *handlesOut ) = 0;
// Controller configuration loaded - these callbacks will always fire if you have
// a handler. Note: this is called within either SteamInput()->RunFrame or by SteamAPI_RunCallbacks
STEAM_CALL_BACK( SteamInputConfigurationLoaded_t )
// Enable SteamInputDeviceConnected_t and SteamInputDeviceDisconnected_t callbacks.
// Each controller that is already connected will generate a device connected
// callback when you enable them
virtual void EnableDeviceCallbacks() = 0;
// Controller Connected - provides info about a single newly connected controller
// Note: this is called within either SteamInput()->RunFrame or by SteamAPI_RunCallbacks
STEAM_CALL_BACK( SteamInputDeviceConnected_t )
// Controller Disconnected - provides info about a single disconnected controller
// Note: this is called within either SteamInput()->RunFrame or by SteamAPI_RunCallbacks
STEAM_CALL_BACK( SteamInputDeviceDisconnected_t )
// Enable SteamInputActionEvent_t callbacks. Directly calls your callback function
// for lower latency than standard Steam callbacks. Supports one callback at a time.
// Note: this is called within either SteamInput()->RunFrame or by SteamAPI_RunCallbacks
virtual void EnableActionEventCallbacks( SteamInputActionEventCallbackPointer pCallback ) = 0;
@ -597,8 +699,9 @@ public:
virtual void ActivateActionSetLayer( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputActionSetHandle_t actionSetLayerHandle ) = 0;
virtual void DeactivateActionSetLayer( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputActionSetHandle_t actionSetLayerHandle ) = 0;
virtual void DeactivateAllActionSetLayers( InputHandle_t inputHandle ) = 0;
// Enumerate currently active layers.
// handlesOut should point to a STEAM_INPUT_MAX_ACTIVE_LAYERS sized array of ControllerActionSetHandle_t handles
// handlesOut should point to a STEAM_INPUT_MAX_ACTIVE_LAYERS sized array of InputActionSetHandle_t handles
// Returns the number of handles written to handlesOut
virtual int GetActiveActionSetLayers( InputHandle_t inputHandle, STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT( STEAM_INPUT_MAX_ACTIVE_LAYERS, Receives list of active layers ) InputActionSetHandle_t *handlesOut ) = 0;
@ -617,6 +720,9 @@ public:
// the Steam client and will exceed the values from this header, please check bounds if you are using a look up table.
virtual int GetDigitalActionOrigins( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle, InputDigitalActionHandle_t digitalActionHandle, STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT( STEAM_INPUT_MAX_ORIGINS, Receives list of action origins ) EInputActionOrigin *originsOut ) = 0;
// Returns a localized string (from Steam's language setting) for the user-facing action name corresponding to the specified handle
virtual const char *GetStringForDigitalActionName( InputDigitalActionHandle_t eActionHandle ) = 0;
// Lookup the handle for an analog action. Best to do this once on startup, and store the handles for all future API calls.
virtual InputAnalogActionHandle_t GetAnalogActionHandle( const char *pszActionName ) = 0;
@ -627,13 +733,22 @@ public:
// originsOut should point to a STEAM_INPUT_MAX_ORIGINS sized array of EInputActionOrigin handles. The EInputActionOrigin enum will get extended as support for new controller controllers gets added to
// the Steam client and will exceed the values from this header, please check bounds if you are using a look up table.
virtual int GetAnalogActionOrigins( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle, InputAnalogActionHandle_t analogActionHandle, STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT( STEAM_INPUT_MAX_ORIGINS, Receives list of action origins ) EInputActionOrigin *originsOut ) = 0;
// Get a local path to art for on-screen glyph for a particular origin
virtual const char *GetGlyphForActionOrigin( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin ) = 0;
// Get a local path to a PNG file for the provided origin's glyph.
virtual const char *GetGlyphPNGForActionOrigin( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin, ESteamInputGlyphSize eSize, uint32 unFlags ) = 0;
// Get a local path to a SVG file for the provided origin's glyph.
virtual const char *GetGlyphSVGForActionOrigin( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin, uint32 unFlags ) = 0;
// Get a local path to an older, Big Picture Mode-style PNG file for a particular origin
virtual const char *GetGlyphForActionOrigin_Legacy( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin ) = 0;
// Returns a localized string (from Steam's language setting) for the specified origin.
virtual const char *GetStringForActionOrigin( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin ) = 0;
// Returns a localized string (from Steam's language setting) for the user-facing action name corresponding to the specified handle
virtual const char *GetStringForAnalogActionName( InputAnalogActionHandle_t eActionHandle ) = 0;
// Stop analog momentum for the action if it is a mouse action in trackball mode
virtual void StopAnalogActionMomentum( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputAnalogActionHandle_t eAction ) = 0;
@ -647,20 +762,26 @@ public:
// Trigger a vibration event on supported controllers - Steam will translate these commands into haptic pulses for Steam Controllers
virtual void TriggerVibration( InputHandle_t inputHandle, unsigned short usLeftSpeed, unsigned short usRightSpeed ) = 0;
// Trigger a vibration event on supported controllers including Xbox trigger impulse rumble - Steam will translate these commands into haptic pulses for Steam Controllers
virtual void TriggerVibrationExtended( InputHandle_t inputHandle, unsigned short usLeftSpeed, unsigned short usRightSpeed, unsigned short usLeftTriggerSpeed, unsigned short usRightTriggerSpeed ) = 0;
// Send a haptic pulse, works on Steam Deck and Steam Controller devices
virtual void TriggerSimpleHapticEvent( InputHandle_t inputHandle, EControllerHapticLocation eHapticLocation, uint8 nIntensity, char nGainDB, uint8 nOtherIntensity, char nOtherGainDB ) = 0;
// Set the controller LED color on supported controllers. nFlags is a bitmask of values from ESteamInputLEDFlag - 0 will default to setting a color. Steam will handle
// the behavior on exit of your program so you don't need to try restore the default as you are shutting down
virtual void SetLEDColor( InputHandle_t inputHandle, uint8 nColorR, uint8 nColorG, uint8 nColorB, unsigned int nFlags ) = 0;
// Trigger a haptic pulse on a Steam Controller - if you are approximating rumble you may want to use TriggerVibration instead.
// Good uses for Haptic pulses include chimes, noises, or directional gameplay feedback (taking damage, footstep locations, etc).
virtual void TriggerHapticPulse( InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec ) = 0;
virtual void Legacy_TriggerHapticPulse( InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec ) = 0;
// Trigger a haptic pulse with a duty cycle of usDurationMicroSec / usOffMicroSec, unRepeat times. If you are approximating rumble you may want to use TriggerVibration instead.
// nFlags is currently unused and reserved for future use.
virtual void TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse( InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec, unsigned short usOffMicroSec, unsigned short unRepeat, unsigned int nFlags ) = 0;
virtual void Legacy_TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse( InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec, unsigned short usOffMicroSec, unsigned short unRepeat, unsigned int nFlags ) = 0;
// Utility functions availible without using the rest of Steam Input API
// Utility functions available without using the rest of Steam Input API
// Invokes the Steam overlay and brings up the binding screen if the user is using Big Picture Mode
@ -699,12 +820,64 @@ public:
// Get the Steam Remote Play session ID associated with a device, or 0 if there is no session associated with it
// See isteamremoteplay.h for more information on Steam Remote Play sessions
virtual uint32 GetRemotePlaySessionID( InputHandle_t inputHandle ) = 0;
// Get a bitmask of the Steam Input Configuration types opted in for the current session. Returns ESteamInputConfigurationEnableType values.?
// Note: user can override the settings from the Steamworks Partner site so the returned values may not exactly match your default configuration
virtual uint16 GetSessionInputConfigurationSettings() = 0;
// Global interface accessor
inline ISteamInput *SteamInput();
#pragma pack( push, 4 )
#pragma pack( push, 8 )
#error steam_api_common.h should define VALVE_CALLBACK_PACK_xxx
// Purpose: called when a new controller has been connected, will fire once
// per controller if multiple new controllers connect in the same frame
struct SteamInputDeviceConnected_t
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamControllerCallbacks + 1 };
InputHandle_t m_ulConnectedDeviceHandle; // Handle for device
// Purpose: called when a new controller has been connected, will fire once
// per controller if multiple new controllers connect in the same frame
struct SteamInputDeviceDisconnected_t
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamControllerCallbacks + 2 };
InputHandle_t m_ulDisconnectedDeviceHandle; // Handle for device
// Purpose: called when a controller configuration has been loaded, will fire once
// per controller per focus change for Steam Input enabled controllers
struct SteamInputConfigurationLoaded_t
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamControllerCallbacks + 3 };
AppId_t m_unAppID;
InputHandle_t m_ulDeviceHandle; // Handle for device
CSteamID m_ulMappingCreator; // May differ from local user when using
// an unmodified community or official config
uint32 m_unMajorRevision; // Binding revision from In-game Action File.
// Same value as queried by GetDeviceBindingRevision
uint32 m_unMinorRevision;
bool m_bUsesSteamInputAPI; // Does the configuration contain any Analog/Digital actions?
bool m_bUsesGamepadAPI; // Does the configuration contain any Xinput bindings?
#pragma pack( pop )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
#ifndef ISTEAMINPUT002_H
#define ISTEAMINPUT002_H
#ifdef STEAM_WIN32
#pragma once
class ISteamInput002
// Init and Shutdown must be called when starting/ending use of this interface
virtual bool Init() = 0;
virtual bool Shutdown() = 0;
// Synchronize API state with the latest Steam Controller inputs available. This
// is performed automatically by SteamAPI_RunCallbacks, but for the absolute lowest
// possible latency, you call this directly before reading controller state. This must
// be called from somewhere before GetConnectedControllers will return any handles
virtual void RunFrame() = 0;
// Enumerate currently connected Steam Input enabled devices - developers can opt in controller by type (ex: Xbox/Playstation/etc) via
// the Steam Input settings in the Steamworks site or users can opt-in in their controller settings in Steam.
// handlesOut should point to a STEAM_INPUT_MAX_COUNT sized array of InputHandle_t handles
// Returns the number of handles written to handlesOut
virtual int GetConnectedControllers( STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT( STEAM_INPUT_MAX_COUNT, Receives list of connected controllers ) InputHandle_t *handlesOut ) = 0;
// Lookup the handle for an Action Set. Best to do this once on startup, and store the handles for all future API calls.
virtual InputActionSetHandle_t GetActionSetHandle( const char *pszActionSetName ) = 0;
// Reconfigure the controller to use the specified action set (ie 'Menu', 'Walk' or 'Drive')
// This is cheap, and can be safely called repeatedly. It's often easier to repeatedly call it in
// your state loops, instead of trying to place it in all of your state transitions.
virtual void ActivateActionSet( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle ) = 0;
virtual InputActionSetHandle_t GetCurrentActionSet( InputHandle_t inputHandle ) = 0;
virtual void ActivateActionSetLayer( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputActionSetHandle_t actionSetLayerHandle ) = 0;
virtual void DeactivateActionSetLayer( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputActionSetHandle_t actionSetLayerHandle ) = 0;
virtual void DeactivateAllActionSetLayers( InputHandle_t inputHandle ) = 0;
// Enumerate currently active layers.
// handlesOut should point to a STEAM_INPUT_MAX_ACTIVE_LAYERS sized array of ControllerActionSetHandle_t handles
// Returns the number of handles written to handlesOut
virtual int GetActiveActionSetLayers( InputHandle_t inputHandle, STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT( STEAM_INPUT_MAX_ACTIVE_LAYERS, Receives list of active layers ) InputActionSetHandle_t *handlesOut ) = 0;
// Lookup the handle for a digital action. Best to do this once on startup, and store the handles for all future API calls.
virtual InputDigitalActionHandle_t GetDigitalActionHandle( const char *pszActionName ) = 0;
// Returns the current state of the supplied digital game action
virtual InputDigitalActionData_t GetDigitalActionData( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputDigitalActionHandle_t digitalActionHandle ) = 0;
// Get the origin(s) for a digital action within an action set. Returns the number of origins supplied in originsOut. Use this to display the appropriate on-screen prompt for the action.
// originsOut should point to a STEAM_INPUT_MAX_ORIGINS sized array of EInputActionOrigin handles. The EInputActionOrigin enum will get extended as support for new controller controllers gets added to
// the Steam client and will exceed the values from this header, please check bounds if you are using a look up table.
virtual int GetDigitalActionOrigins( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle, InputDigitalActionHandle_t digitalActionHandle, STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT( STEAM_INPUT_MAX_ORIGINS, Receives list of action origins ) EInputActionOrigin *originsOut ) = 0;
// Lookup the handle for an analog action. Best to do this once on startup, and store the handles for all future API calls.
virtual InputAnalogActionHandle_t GetAnalogActionHandle( const char *pszActionName ) = 0;
// Returns the current state of these supplied analog game action
virtual InputAnalogActionData_t GetAnalogActionData( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputAnalogActionHandle_t analogActionHandle ) = 0;
// Get the origin(s) for an analog action within an action set. Returns the number of origins supplied in originsOut. Use this to display the appropriate on-screen prompt for the action.
// originsOut should point to a STEAM_INPUT_MAX_ORIGINS sized array of EInputActionOrigin handles. The EInputActionOrigin enum will get extended as support for new controller controllers gets added to
// the Steam client and will exceed the values from this header, please check bounds if you are using a look up table.
virtual int GetAnalogActionOrigins( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle, InputAnalogActionHandle_t analogActionHandle, STEAM_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT( STEAM_INPUT_MAX_ORIGINS, Receives list of action origins ) EInputActionOrigin *originsOut ) = 0;
// Get a local path to art for on-screen glyph for a particular origin
virtual const char *GetGlyphForActionOrigin( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin ) = 0;
// Returns a localized string (from Steam's language setting) for the specified origin.
virtual const char *GetStringForActionOrigin( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin ) = 0;
// Stop analog momentum for the action if it is a mouse action in trackball mode
virtual void StopAnalogActionMomentum( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputAnalogActionHandle_t eAction ) = 0;
// Returns raw motion data from the specified device
virtual InputMotionData_t GetMotionData( InputHandle_t inputHandle ) = 0;
// Trigger a vibration event on supported controllers - Steam will translate these commands into haptic pulses for Steam Controllers
virtual void TriggerVibration( InputHandle_t inputHandle, unsigned short usLeftSpeed, unsigned short usRightSpeed ) = 0;
// Set the controller LED color on supported controllers. nFlags is a bitmask of values from ESteamInputLEDFlag - 0 will default to setting a color. Steam will handle
// the behavior on exit of your program so you don't need to try restore the default as you are shutting down
virtual void SetLEDColor( InputHandle_t inputHandle, uint8 nColorR, uint8 nColorG, uint8 nColorB, unsigned int nFlags ) = 0;
// Trigger a haptic pulse on a Steam Controller - if you are approximating rumble you may want to use TriggerVibration instead.
// Good uses for Haptic pulses include chimes, noises, or directional gameplay feedback (taking damage, footstep locations, etc).
virtual void TriggerHapticPulse( InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec ) = 0;
// Trigger a haptic pulse with a duty cycle of usDurationMicroSec / usOffMicroSec, unRepeat times. If you are approximating rumble you may want to use TriggerVibration instead.
// nFlags is currently unused and reserved for future use.
virtual void TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse( InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec, unsigned short usOffMicroSec, unsigned short unRepeat, unsigned int nFlags ) = 0;
// Utility functions availible without using the rest of Steam Input API
// Invokes the Steam overlay and brings up the binding screen if the user is using Big Picture Mode
// If the user is not in Big Picture Mode it will open up the binding in a new window
virtual bool ShowBindingPanel( InputHandle_t inputHandle ) = 0;
// Returns the input type for a particular handle - unlike EInputActionOrigin which update with Steam and may return unrecognized values
// ESteamInputType will remain static and only return valid values from your SDK version
virtual ESteamInputType GetInputTypeForHandle( InputHandle_t inputHandle ) = 0;
// Returns the associated controller handle for the specified emulated gamepad - can be used with the above 2 functions
// to identify controllers presented to your game over Xinput. Returns 0 if the Xinput index isn't associated with Steam Input
virtual InputHandle_t GetControllerForGamepadIndex( int nIndex ) = 0;
// Returns the associated gamepad index for the specified controller, if emulating a gamepad or -1 if not associated with an Xinput index
virtual int GetGamepadIndexForController( InputHandle_t ulinputHandle ) = 0;
// Returns a localized string (from Steam's language setting) for the specified Xbox controller origin.
virtual const char *GetStringForXboxOrigin( EXboxOrigin eOrigin ) = 0;
// Get a local path to art for on-screen glyph for a particular Xbox controller origin
virtual const char *GetGlyphForXboxOrigin( EXboxOrigin eOrigin ) = 0;
// Get the equivalent ActionOrigin for a given Xbox controller origin this can be chained with GetGlyphForActionOrigin to provide future proof glyphs for
// non-Steam Input API action games. Note - this only translates the buttons directly and doesn't take into account any remapping a user has made in their configuration
virtual EInputActionOrigin GetActionOriginFromXboxOrigin( InputHandle_t inputHandle, EXboxOrigin eOrigin ) = 0;
// Convert an origin to another controller type - for inputs not present on the other controller type this will return k_EInputActionOrigin_None
// When a new input type is added you will be able to pass in k_ESteamInputType_Unknown and the closest origin that your version of the SDK recognized will be returned
// ex: if a Playstation 5 controller was released this function would return Playstation 4 origins.
virtual EInputActionOrigin TranslateActionOrigin( ESteamInputType eDestinationInputType, EInputActionOrigin eSourceOrigin ) = 0;
// Get the binding revision for a given device. Returns false if the handle was not valid or if a mapping is not yet loaded for the device
virtual bool GetDeviceBindingRevision( InputHandle_t inputHandle, int *pMajor, int *pMinor ) = 0;
// Get the Steam Remote Play session ID associated with a device, or 0 if there is no session associated with it
// See isteamremoteplay.h for more information on Steam Remote Play sessions
virtual uint32 GetRemotePlaySessionID( InputHandle_t inputHandle ) = 0;
#endif //ISTEAMINPUT002_H
@ -19,10 +19,13 @@ class ISteamNetworkingSignalingRecvContext;
/// Lower level networking API.
/// - Connection-oriented API (like TCP, not UDP). When sending and receiving
/// messages, a connection handle is used. (For a UDP-style interface, see
/// ISteamNetworkingMessages.) In this TCP-style interface, the "server" will
/// "listen" on a "listen socket." A "client" will "connect" to the server,
/// and the server will "accept" the connection.
/// messages, a connection handle is used. (For a UDP-style interface, where
/// the peer is identified by their address with each send/recv call, see
/// ISteamNetworkingMessages.) The typical pattern is for a "server" to "listen"
/// on a "listen socket." A "client" will "connect" to the server, and the
/// server will "accept" the connection. If you have a symmetric situation
/// where either peer may initiate the connection and server/client roles are
/// not clearly defined, check out k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SymmetricConnect.
/// - But unlike TCP, it's message-oriented, not stream-oriented.
/// - Mix of reliable and unreliable messages
/// - Fragmentation and reassembly
@ -196,7 +199,23 @@ public:
/// Set connection user data. the data is returned in the following places
/// - You can query it using GetConnectionUserData.
/// - The SteamNetworkingmessage_t structure.
/// - The SteamNetConnectionInfo_t structure. (Which is a member of SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t.)
/// - The SteamNetConnectionInfo_t structure.
/// (Which is a member of SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t -- but see WARNINGS below!!!!)
/// Do you need to set this atomically when the connection is created?
/// See k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_ConnectionUserData.
/// WARNING: Be *very careful* when using the value provided in callbacks structs.
/// Callbacks are queued, and the value that you will receive in your
/// callback is the userdata that was effective at the time the callback
/// was queued. There are subtle race conditions that can happen if you
/// don't understand this!
/// If any incoming messages for this connection are queued, the userdata
/// field is updated, so that when when you receive messages (e.g. with
/// ReceiveMessagesOnConnection), they will always have the very latest
/// userdata. So the tricky race conditions that can happen with callbacks
/// do not apply to retrieving messages.
/// Returns false if the handle is invalid.
virtual bool SetConnectionUserData( HSteamNetConnection hPeer, int64 nUserData ) = 0;
@ -262,7 +281,7 @@ public:
/// m_pData at your buffer and set the callback to the appropriate function
/// to free it. Note that if you use your own buffer, it MUST remain valid
/// until the callback is executed. And also note that your callback can be
/// invoked at ant time from any thread (perhaps even before SendMessages
/// invoked at any time from any thread (perhaps even before SendMessages
/// returns!), so it MUST be fast and threadsafe.
/// You MUST also fill in:
@ -658,15 +677,15 @@ public:
/// to call ISteamNetworkingUtils::InitRelayNetworkAccess() when your app initializes
virtual bool ReceivedP2PCustomSignal( const void *pMsg, int cbMsg, ISteamNetworkingCustomSignalingRecvContext *pContext ) = 0;
// Certificate provision by the application. On Steam, we normally handle all this automatically
// and you will not need to use these advanced functions.
// Certificate provision by the application. On Steam, we normally handle all this automatically
// and you will not need to use these advanced functions.
/// Get blob that describes a certificate request. You can send this to your game coordinator.
/// Upon entry, *pcbBlob should contain the size of the buffer. On successful exit, it will
/// return the number of bytes that were populated. You can pass pBlob=NULL to query for the required
/// size. (256 bytes is a very conservative estimate.)
/// size. (512 bytes is a conservative estimate.)
/// Pass this blob to your game coordinator and call SteamDatagram_CreateCert.
virtual bool GetCertificateRequest( int *pcbBlob, void *pBlob, SteamNetworkingErrMsg &errMsg ) = 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
class ISteamNetworkingSockets009
/// Creates a "server" socket that listens for clients to connect to by
/// calling ConnectByIPAddress, over ordinary UDP (IPv4 or IPv6)
/// You must select a specific local port to listen on and set it
/// the port field of the local address.
/// Usually you will set the IP portion of the address to zero (SteamNetworkingIPAddr::Clear()).
/// This means that you will not bind to any particular local interface (i.e. the same
/// as INADDR_ANY in plain socket code). Furthermore, if possible the socket will be bound
/// in "dual stack" mode, which means that it can accept both IPv4 and IPv6 client connections.
/// If you really do wish to bind a particular interface, then set the local address to the
/// appropriate IPv4 or IPv6 IP.
/// If you need to set any initial config options, pass them here. See
/// SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t for more about why this is preferable to
/// setting the options "immediately" after creation.
/// When a client attempts to connect, a SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t
/// will be posted. The connection will be in the connecting state.
virtual HSteamListenSocket CreateListenSocketIP( const SteamNetworkingIPAddr &localAddress, int nOptions, const SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t *pOptions ) = 0;
/// Creates a connection and begins talking to a "server" over UDP at the
/// given IPv4 or IPv6 address. The remote host must be listening with a
/// matching call to CreateListenSocketIP on the specified port.
/// A SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t callback will be triggered when we start
/// connecting, and then another one on either timeout or successful connection.
/// If the server does not have any identity configured, then their network address
/// will be the only identity in use. Or, the network host may provide a platform-specific
/// identity with or without a valid certificate to authenticate that identity. (These
/// details will be contained in the SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t.) It's
/// up to your application to decide whether to allow the connection.
/// By default, all connections will get basic encryption sufficient to prevent
/// casual eavesdropping. But note that without certificates (or a shared secret
/// distributed through some other out-of-band mechanism), you don't have any
/// way of knowing who is actually on the other end, and thus are vulnerable to
/// man-in-the-middle attacks.
/// If you need to set any initial config options, pass them here. See
/// SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t for more about why this is preferable to
/// setting the options "immediately" after creation.
virtual HSteamNetConnection ConnectByIPAddress( const SteamNetworkingIPAddr &address, int nOptions, const SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t *pOptions ) = 0;
/// Like CreateListenSocketIP, but clients will connect using ConnectP2P.
/// nLocalVirtualPort specifies how clients can connect to this socket using
/// ConnectP2P. It's very common for applications to only have one listening socket;
/// in that case, use zero. If you need to open multiple listen sockets and have clients
/// be able to connect to one or the other, then nLocalVirtualPort should be a small
/// integer (<1000) unique to each listen socket you create.
/// If you use this, you probably want to call ISteamNetworkingUtils::InitRelayNetworkAccess()
/// when your app initializes.
/// If you are listening on a dedicated servers in known data center,
/// then you can listen using this function instead of CreateHostedDedicatedServerListenSocket,
/// to allow clients to connect without a ticket. Any user that owns
/// the app and is signed into Steam will be able to attempt to connect to
/// your server. Also, a connection attempt may require the client to
/// be connected to Steam, which is one more moving part that may fail. When
/// tickets are used, then once a ticket is obtained, a client can connect to
/// your server even if they got disconnected from Steam or Steam is offline.
/// If you need to set any initial config options, pass them here. See
/// SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t for more about why this is preferable to
/// setting the options "immediately" after creation.
virtual HSteamListenSocket CreateListenSocketP2P( int nLocalVirtualPort, int nOptions, const SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t *pOptions ) = 0;
/// Begin connecting to a peer that is identified using a platform-specific identifier.
/// This uses the default rendezvous service, which depends on the platform and library
/// configuration. (E.g. on Steam, it goes through the steam backend.)
/// If you need to set any initial config options, pass them here. See
/// SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t for more about why this is preferable to
/// setting the options "immediately" after creation.
/// To use your own signaling service, see:
/// - ConnectP2PCustomSignaling
/// - k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_CreateConnectionSignaling
virtual HSteamNetConnection ConnectP2P( const SteamNetworkingIdentity &identityRemote, int nRemoteVirtualPort, int nOptions, const SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t *pOptions ) = 0;
/// Accept an incoming connection that has been received on a listen socket.
/// When a connection attempt is received (perhaps after a few basic handshake
/// packets have been exchanged to prevent trivial spoofing), a connection interface
/// object is created in the k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connecting state
/// and a SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t is posted. At this point, your
/// application MUST either accept or close the connection. (It may not ignore it.)
/// Accepting the connection will transition it either into the connected state,
/// or the finding route state, depending on the connection type.
/// You should take action within a second or two, because accepting the connection is
/// what actually sends the reply notifying the client that they are connected. If you
/// delay taking action, from the client's perspective it is the same as the network
/// being unresponsive, and the client may timeout the connection attempt. In other
/// words, the client cannot distinguish between a delay caused by network problems
/// and a delay caused by the application.
/// This means that if your application goes for more than a few seconds without
/// processing callbacks (for example, while loading a map), then there is a chance
/// that a client may attempt to connect in that interval and fail due to timeout.
/// If the application does not respond to the connection attempt in a timely manner,
/// and we stop receiving communication from the client, the connection attempt will
/// be timed out locally, transitioning the connection to the
/// k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ProblemDetectedLocally state. The client may also
/// close the connection before it is accepted, and a transition to the
/// k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer is also possible depending the exact
/// sequence of events.
/// Returns k_EResultInvalidParam if the handle is invalid.
/// Returns k_EResultInvalidState if the connection is not in the appropriate state.
/// (Remember that the connection state could change in between the time that the
/// notification being posted to the queue and when it is received by the application.)
/// A note about connection configuration options. If you need to set any configuration
/// options that are common to all connections accepted through a particular listen
/// socket, consider setting the options on the listen socket, since such options are
/// inherited automatically. If you really do need to set options that are connection
/// specific, it is safe to set them on the connection before accepting the connection.
virtual EResult AcceptConnection( HSteamNetConnection hConn ) = 0;
/// Disconnects from the remote host and invalidates the connection handle.
/// Any unread data on the connection is discarded.
/// nReason is an application defined code that will be received on the other
/// end and recorded (when possible) in backend analytics. The value should
/// come from a restricted range. (See ESteamNetConnectionEnd.) If you don't need
/// to communicate any information to the remote host, and do not want analytics to
/// be able to distinguish "normal" connection terminations from "exceptional" ones,
/// You may pass zero, in which case the generic value of
/// k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_App_Generic will be used.
/// pszDebug is an optional human-readable diagnostic string that will be received
/// by the remote host and recorded (when possible) in backend analytics.
/// If you wish to put the socket into a "linger" state, where an attempt is made to
/// flush any remaining sent data, use bEnableLinger=true. Otherwise reliable data
/// is not flushed.
/// If the connection has already ended and you are just freeing up the
/// connection interface, the reason code, debug string, and linger flag are
/// ignored.
virtual bool CloseConnection( HSteamNetConnection hPeer, int nReason, const char *pszDebug, bool bEnableLinger ) = 0;
/// Destroy a listen socket. All the connections that were accepting on the listen
/// socket are closed ungracefully.
virtual bool CloseListenSocket( HSteamListenSocket hSocket ) = 0;
/// Set connection user data. the data is returned in the following places
/// - You can query it using GetConnectionUserData.
/// - The SteamNetworkingmessage_t structure.
/// - The SteamNetConnectionInfo_t structure. (Which is a member of SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t.)
/// Returns false if the handle is invalid.
virtual bool SetConnectionUserData( HSteamNetConnection hPeer, int64 nUserData ) = 0;
/// Fetch connection user data. Returns -1 if handle is invalid
/// or if you haven't set any userdata on the connection.
virtual int64 GetConnectionUserData( HSteamNetConnection hPeer ) = 0;
/// Set a name for the connection, used mostly for debugging
virtual void SetConnectionName( HSteamNetConnection hPeer, const char *pszName ) = 0;
/// Fetch connection name. Returns false if handle is invalid
virtual bool GetConnectionName( HSteamNetConnection hPeer, char *pszName, int nMaxLen ) = 0;
/// Send a message to the remote host on the specified connection.
/// nSendFlags determines the delivery guarantees that will be provided,
/// when data should be buffered, etc. E.g. k_nSteamNetworkingSend_Unreliable
/// Note that the semantics we use for messages are not precisely
/// the same as the semantics of a standard "stream" socket.
/// (SOCK_STREAM) For an ordinary stream socket, the boundaries
/// between chunks are not considered relevant, and the sizes of
/// the chunks of data written will not necessarily match up to
/// the sizes of the chunks that are returned by the reads on
/// the other end. The remote host might read a partial chunk,
/// or chunks might be coalesced. For the message semantics
/// used here, however, the sizes WILL match. Each send call
/// will match a successful read call on the remote host
/// one-for-one. If you are porting existing stream-oriented
/// code to the semantics of reliable messages, your code should
/// work the same, since reliable message semantics are more
/// strict than stream semantics. The only caveat is related to
/// performance: there is per-message overhead to retain the
/// message sizes, and so if your code sends many small chunks
/// of data, performance will suffer. Any code based on stream
/// sockets that does not write excessively small chunks will
/// work without any changes.
/// The pOutMessageNumber is an optional pointer to receive the
/// message number assigned to the message, if sending was successful.
/// Returns:
/// - k_EResultInvalidParam: invalid connection handle, or the individual message is too big.
/// (See k_cbMaxSteamNetworkingSocketsMessageSizeSend)
/// - k_EResultInvalidState: connection is in an invalid state
/// - k_EResultNoConnection: connection has ended
/// - k_EResultIgnored: You used k_nSteamNetworkingSend_NoDelay, and the message was dropped because
/// we were not ready to send it.
/// - k_EResultLimitExceeded: there was already too much data queued to be sent.
/// (See k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SendBufferSize)
virtual EResult SendMessageToConnection( HSteamNetConnection hConn, const void *pData, uint32 cbData, int nSendFlags, int64 *pOutMessageNumber ) = 0;
/// Send one or more messages without copying the message payload.
/// This is the most efficient way to send messages. To use this
/// function, you must first allocate a message object using
/// ISteamNetworkingUtils::AllocateMessage. (Do not declare one
/// on the stack or allocate your own.)
/// You should fill in the message payload. You can either let
/// it allocate the buffer for you and then fill in the payload,
/// or if you already have a buffer allocated, you can just point
/// m_pData at your buffer and set the callback to the appropriate function
/// to free it. Note that if you use your own buffer, it MUST remain valid
/// until the callback is executed. And also note that your callback can be
/// invoked at ant time from any thread (perhaps even before SendMessages
/// returns!), so it MUST be fast and threadsafe.
/// You MUST also fill in:
/// - m_conn - the handle of the connection to send the message to
/// - m_nFlags - bitmask of k_nSteamNetworkingSend_xxx flags.
/// All other fields are currently reserved and should not be modified.
/// The library will take ownership of the message structures. They may
/// be modified or become invalid at any time, so you must not read them
/// after passing them to this function.
/// pOutMessageNumberOrResult is an optional array that will receive,
/// for each message, the message number that was assigned to the message
/// if sending was successful. If sending failed, then a negative EResult
/// value is placed into the array. For example, the array will hold
/// -k_EResultInvalidState if the connection was in an invalid state.
/// See ISteamNetworkingSockets::SendMessageToConnection for possible
/// failure codes.
virtual void SendMessages( int nMessages, SteamNetworkingMessage_t *const *pMessages, int64 *pOutMessageNumberOrResult ) = 0;
/// Flush any messages waiting on the Nagle timer and send them
/// at the next transmission opportunity (often that means right now).
/// If Nagle is enabled (it's on by default) then when calling
/// SendMessageToConnection the message will be buffered, up to the Nagle time
/// before being sent, to merge small messages into the same packet.
/// (See k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_NagleTime)
/// Returns:
/// k_EResultInvalidParam: invalid connection handle
/// k_EResultInvalidState: connection is in an invalid state
/// k_EResultNoConnection: connection has ended
/// k_EResultIgnored: We weren't (yet) connected, so this operation has no effect.
virtual EResult FlushMessagesOnConnection( HSteamNetConnection hConn ) = 0;
/// Fetch the next available message(s) from the connection, if any.
/// Returns the number of messages returned into your array, up to nMaxMessages.
/// If the connection handle is invalid, -1 is returned.
/// The order of the messages returned in the array is relevant.
/// Reliable messages will be received in the order they were sent (and with the
/// same sizes --- see SendMessageToConnection for on this subtle difference from a stream socket).
/// Unreliable messages may be dropped, or delivered out of order with respect to
/// each other or with respect to reliable messages. The same unreliable message
/// may be received multiple times.
/// If any messages are returned, you MUST call SteamNetworkingMessage_t::Release() on each
/// of them free up resources after you are done. It is safe to keep the object alive for
/// a little while (put it into some queue, etc), and you may call Release() from any thread.
virtual int ReceiveMessagesOnConnection( HSteamNetConnection hConn, SteamNetworkingMessage_t **ppOutMessages, int nMaxMessages ) = 0;
/// Returns basic information about the high-level state of the connection.
virtual bool GetConnectionInfo( HSteamNetConnection hConn, SteamNetConnectionInfo_t *pInfo ) = 0;
/// Returns a small set of information about the real-time state of the connection
/// Returns false if the connection handle is invalid, or the connection has ended.
virtual bool GetQuickConnectionStatus( HSteamNetConnection hConn, SteamNetworkingQuickConnectionStatus *pStats ) = 0;
/// Returns detailed connection stats in text format. Useful
/// for dumping to a log, etc.
/// Returns:
/// -1 failure (bad connection handle)
/// 0 OK, your buffer was filled in and '\0'-terminated
/// >0 Your buffer was either nullptr, or it was too small and the text got truncated.
/// Try again with a buffer of at least N bytes.
virtual int GetDetailedConnectionStatus( HSteamNetConnection hConn, char *pszBuf, int cbBuf ) = 0;
/// Returns local IP and port that a listen socket created using CreateListenSocketIP is bound to.
/// An IPv6 address of ::0 means "any IPv4 or IPv6"
/// An IPv6 address of ::ffff:0000:0000 means "any IPv4"
virtual bool GetListenSocketAddress( HSteamListenSocket hSocket, SteamNetworkingIPAddr *address ) = 0;
/// Create a pair of connections that are talking to each other, e.g. a loopback connection.
/// This is very useful for testing, or so that your client/server code can work the same
/// even when you are running a local "server".
/// The two connections will immediately be placed into the connected state, and no callbacks
/// will be posted immediately. After this, if you close either connection, the other connection
/// will receive a callback, exactly as if they were communicating over the network. You must
/// close *both* sides in order to fully clean up the resources!
/// By default, internal buffers are used, completely bypassing the network, the chopping up of
/// messages into packets, encryption, copying the payload, etc. This means that loopback
/// packets, by default, will not simulate lag or loss. Passing true for bUseNetworkLoopback will
/// cause the socket pair to send packets through the local network loopback device (
/// on ephemeral ports. Fake lag and loss are supported in this case, and CPU time is expended
/// to encrypt and decrypt.
/// If you wish to assign a specific identity to either connection, you may pass a particular
/// identity. Otherwise, if you pass nullptr, the respective connection will assume a generic
/// "localhost" identity. If you use real network loopback, this might be translated to the
/// actual bound loopback port. Otherwise, the port will be zero.
virtual bool CreateSocketPair( HSteamNetConnection *pOutConnection1, HSteamNetConnection *pOutConnection2, bool bUseNetworkLoopback, const SteamNetworkingIdentity *pIdentity1, const SteamNetworkingIdentity *pIdentity2 ) = 0;
/// Get the identity assigned to this interface.
/// E.g. on Steam, this is the user's SteamID, or for the gameserver interface, the SteamID assigned
/// to the gameserver. Returns false and sets the result to an invalid identity if we don't know
/// our identity yet. (E.g. GameServer has not logged in. On Steam, the user will know their SteamID
/// even if they are not signed into Steam.)
virtual bool GetIdentity( SteamNetworkingIdentity *pIdentity ) = 0;
/// Indicate our desire to be ready participate in authenticated communications.
/// If we are currently not ready, then steps will be taken to obtain the necessary
/// certificates. (This includes a certificate for us, as well as any CA certificates
/// needed to authenticate peers.)
/// You can call this at program init time if you know that you are going to
/// be making authenticated connections, so that we will be ready immediately when
/// those connections are attempted. (Note that essentially all connections require
/// authentication, with the exception of ordinary UDP connections with authentication
/// disabled using k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_IP_AllowWithoutAuth.) If you don't call
/// this function, we will wait until a feature is utilized that that necessitates
/// these resources.
/// You can also call this function to force a retry, if failure has occurred.
/// Once we make an attempt and fail, we will not automatically retry.
/// In this respect, the behavior of the system after trying and failing is the same
/// as before the first attempt: attempting authenticated communication or calling
/// this function will call the system to attempt to acquire the necessary resources.
/// You can use GetAuthenticationStatus or listen for SteamNetAuthenticationStatus_t
/// to monitor the status.
/// Returns the current value that would be returned from GetAuthenticationStatus.
virtual ESteamNetworkingAvailability InitAuthentication() = 0;
/// Query our readiness to participate in authenticated communications. A
/// SteamNetAuthenticationStatus_t callback is posted any time this status changes,
/// but you can use this function to query it at any time.
/// The value of SteamNetAuthenticationStatus_t::m_eAvail is returned. If you only
/// want this high level status, you can pass NULL for pDetails. If you want further
/// details, pass non-NULL to receive them.
virtual ESteamNetworkingAvailability GetAuthenticationStatus( SteamNetAuthenticationStatus_t *pDetails ) = 0;
// Poll groups. A poll group is a set of connections that can be polled efficiently.
// (In our API, to "poll" a connection means to retrieve all pending messages. We
// actually don't have an API to "poll" the connection *state*, like BSD sockets.)
/// Create a new poll group.
/// You should destroy the poll group when you are done using DestroyPollGroup
virtual HSteamNetPollGroup CreatePollGroup() = 0;
/// Destroy a poll group created with CreatePollGroup().
/// If there are any connections in the poll group, they are removed from the group,
/// and left in a state where they are not part of any poll group.
/// Returns false if passed an invalid poll group handle.
virtual bool DestroyPollGroup( HSteamNetPollGroup hPollGroup ) = 0;
/// Assign a connection to a poll group. Note that a connection may only belong to a
/// single poll group. Adding a connection to a poll group implicitly removes it from
/// any other poll group it is in.
/// You can pass k_HSteamNetPollGroup_Invalid to remove a connection from its current
/// poll group without adding it to a new poll group.
/// If there are received messages currently pending on the connection, an attempt
/// is made to add them to the queue of messages for the poll group in approximately
/// the order that would have applied if the connection was already part of the poll
/// group at the time that the messages were received.
/// Returns false if the connection handle is invalid, or if the poll group handle
/// is invalid (and not k_HSteamNetPollGroup_Invalid).
virtual bool SetConnectionPollGroup( HSteamNetConnection hConn, HSteamNetPollGroup hPollGroup ) = 0;
/// Same as ReceiveMessagesOnConnection, but will return the next messages available
/// on any connection in the poll group. Examine SteamNetworkingMessage_t::m_conn
/// to know which connection. (SteamNetworkingMessage_t::m_nConnUserData might also
/// be useful.)
/// Delivery order of messages among different connections will usually match the
/// order that the last packet was received which completed the message. But this
/// is not a strong guarantee, especially for packets received right as a connection
/// is being assigned to poll group.
/// Delivery order of messages on the same connection is well defined and the
/// same guarantees are present as mentioned in ReceiveMessagesOnConnection.
/// (But the messages are not grouped by connection, so they will not necessarily
/// appear consecutively in the list; they may be interleaved with messages for
/// other connections.)
virtual int ReceiveMessagesOnPollGroup( HSteamNetPollGroup hPollGroup, SteamNetworkingMessage_t **ppOutMessages, int nMaxMessages ) = 0;
// Clients connecting to dedicated servers hosted in a data center,
// using tickets issued by your game coordinator. If you are not
// issuing your own tickets to restrict who can attempt to connect
// to your server, then you won't use these functions.
/// Call this when you receive a ticket from your backend / matchmaking system. Puts the
/// ticket into a persistent cache, and optionally returns the parsed ticket.
/// See stamdatagram_ticketgen.h for more details.
virtual bool ReceivedRelayAuthTicket( const void *pvTicket, int cbTicket, SteamDatagramRelayAuthTicket *pOutParsedTicket ) = 0;
/// Search cache for a ticket to talk to the server on the specified virtual port.
/// If found, returns the number of seconds until the ticket expires, and optionally
/// the complete cracked ticket. Returns 0 if we don't have a ticket.
/// Typically this is useful just to confirm that you have a ticket, before you
/// call ConnectToHostedDedicatedServer to connect to the server.
virtual int FindRelayAuthTicketForServer( const SteamNetworkingIdentity &identityGameServer, int nRemoteVirtualPort, SteamDatagramRelayAuthTicket *pOutParsedTicket ) = 0;
/// Client call to connect to a server hosted in a Valve data center, on the specified virtual
/// port. You must have placed a ticket for this server into the cache, or else this connect
/// attempt will fail! If you are not issuing your own tickets, then to connect to a dedicated
/// server via SDR in auto-ticket mode, use ConnectP2P. (The server must be configured to allow
/// this type of connection by listening using CreateListenSocketP2P.)
/// You may wonder why tickets are stored in a cache, instead of simply being passed as an argument
/// here. The reason is to make reconnection to a gameserver robust, even if the client computer loses
/// connection to Steam or the central backend, or the app is restarted or crashes, etc.
/// If you use this, you probably want to call ISteamNetworkingUtils::InitRelayNetworkAccess()
/// when your app initializes
/// If you need to set any initial config options, pass them here. See
/// SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t for more about why this is preferable to
/// setting the options "immediately" after creation.
virtual HSteamNetConnection ConnectToHostedDedicatedServer( const SteamNetworkingIdentity &identityTarget, int nRemoteVirtualPort, int nOptions, const SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t *pOptions ) = 0;
// Servers hosted in data centers known to the Valve relay network
/// Returns the value of the SDR_LISTEN_PORT environment variable. This
/// is the UDP server your server will be listening on. This will
/// configured automatically for you in production environments.
/// In development, you'll need to set it yourself. See
/// https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/api/ISteamNetworkingSockets
/// for more information on how to configure dev environments.
virtual uint16 GetHostedDedicatedServerPort() = 0;
/// Returns 0 if SDR_LISTEN_PORT is not set. Otherwise, returns the data center the server
/// is running in. This will be k_SteamDatagramPOPID_dev in non-production environment.
virtual SteamNetworkingPOPID GetHostedDedicatedServerPOPID() = 0;
/// Return info about the hosted server. This contains the PoPID of the server,
/// and opaque routing information that can be used by the relays to send traffic
/// to your server.
/// You will need to send this information to your backend, and put it in tickets,
/// so that the relays will know how to forward traffic from
/// clients to your server. See SteamDatagramRelayAuthTicket for more info.
/// Also, note that the routing information is contained in SteamDatagramGameCoordinatorServerLogin,
/// so if possible, it's preferred to use GetGameCoordinatorServerLogin to send this info
/// to your game coordinator service, and also login securely at the same time.
/// On a successful exit, k_EResultOK is returned
/// Unsuccessful exit:
/// - Something other than k_EResultOK is returned.
/// - k_EResultInvalidState: We are not configured to listen for SDR (SDR_LISTEN_SOCKET
/// is not set.)
/// - k_EResultPending: we do not (yet) have the authentication information needed.
/// (See GetAuthenticationStatus.) If you use environment variables to pre-fetch
/// the network config, this data should always be available immediately.
/// - A non-localized diagnostic debug message will be placed in m_data that describes
/// the cause of the failure.
/// NOTE: The returned blob is not encrypted. Send it to your backend, but don't
/// directly share it with clients.
virtual EResult GetHostedDedicatedServerAddress( SteamDatagramHostedAddress *pRouting ) = 0;
/// Create a listen socket on the specified virtual port. The physical UDP port to use
/// will be determined by the SDR_LISTEN_PORT environment variable. If a UDP port is not
/// configured, this call will fail.
/// This call MUST be made through the SteamGameServerNetworkingSockets() interface.
/// This function should be used when you are using the ticket generator library
/// to issue your own tickets. Clients connecting to the server on this virtual
/// port will need a ticket, and they must connect using ConnectToHostedDedicatedServer.
/// If you need to set any initial config options, pass them here. See
/// SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t for more about why this is preferable to
/// setting the options "immediately" after creation.
virtual HSteamListenSocket CreateHostedDedicatedServerListenSocket( int nLocalVirtualPort, int nOptions, const SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t *pOptions ) = 0;
/// Generate an authentication blob that can be used to securely login with
/// your backend, using SteamDatagram_ParseHostedServerLogin. (See
/// steamdatagram_gamecoordinator.h)
/// Before calling the function:
/// - Populate the app data in pLoginInfo (m_cbAppData and m_appData). You can leave
/// all other fields uninitialized.
/// - *pcbSignedBlob contains the size of the buffer at pBlob. (It should be
/// at least k_cbMaxSteamDatagramGameCoordinatorServerLoginSerialized.)
/// On a successful exit:
/// - k_EResultOK is returned
/// - All of the remaining fields of pLoginInfo will be filled out.
/// - *pcbSignedBlob contains the size of the serialized blob that has been
/// placed into pBlob.
/// Unsuccessful exit:
/// - Something other than k_EResultOK is returned.
/// - k_EResultNotLoggedOn: you are not logged in (yet)
/// - See GetHostedDedicatedServerAddress for more potential failure return values.
/// - A non-localized diagnostic debug message will be placed in pBlob that describes
/// the cause of the failure.
/// This works by signing the contents of the SteamDatagramGameCoordinatorServerLogin
/// with the cert that is issued to this server. In dev environments, it's OK if you do
/// not have a cert. (You will need to enable insecure dev login in SteamDatagram_ParseHostedServerLogin.)
/// Otherwise, you will need a signed cert.
/// NOTE: The routing blob returned here is not encrypted. Send it to your backend
/// and don't share it directly with clients.
virtual EResult GetGameCoordinatorServerLogin( SteamDatagramGameCoordinatorServerLogin *pLoginInfo, int *pcbSignedBlob, void *pBlob ) = 0;
// Relayed connections using custom signaling protocol
// This is used if you have your own method of sending out-of-band
// signaling / rendezvous messages through a mutually trusted channel.
/// Create a P2P "client" connection that does signaling over a custom
/// rendezvous/signaling channel.
/// pSignaling points to a new object that you create just for this connection.
/// It must stay valid until Release() is called. Once you pass the
/// object to this function, it assumes ownership. Release() will be called
/// from within the function call if the call fails. Furthermore, until Release()
/// is called, you should be prepared for methods to be invoked on your
/// object from any thread! You need to make sure your object is threadsafe!
/// Furthermore, you should make sure that dispatching the methods is done
/// as quickly as possible.
/// This function will immediately construct a connection in the "connecting"
/// state. Soon after (perhaps before this function returns, perhaps in another thread),
/// the connection will begin sending signaling messages by calling
/// ISteamNetworkingConnectionSignaling::SendSignal.
/// When the remote peer accepts the connection (See
/// ISteamNetworkingSignalingRecvContext::OnConnectRequest),
/// it will begin sending signaling messages. When these messages are received,
/// you can pass them to the connection using ReceivedP2PCustomSignal.
/// If you know the identity of the peer that you expect to be on the other end,
/// you can pass their identity to improve debug output or just detect bugs.
/// If you don't know their identity yet, you can pass NULL, and their
/// identity will be established in the connection handshake.
/// If you use this, you probably want to call ISteamNetworkingUtils::InitRelayNetworkAccess()
/// when your app initializes
/// If you need to set any initial config options, pass them here. See
/// SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t for more about why this is preferable to
/// setting the options "immediately" after creation.
virtual HSteamNetConnection ConnectP2PCustomSignaling( ISteamNetworkingConnectionCustomSignaling *pSignaling, const SteamNetworkingIdentity *pPeerIdentity, int nRemoteVirtualPort, int nOptions, const SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t *pOptions ) = 0;
/// Called when custom signaling has received a message. When your
/// signaling channel receives a message, it should save off whatever
/// routing information was in the envelope into the context object,
/// and then pass the payload to this function.
/// A few different things can happen next, depending on the message:
/// - If the signal is associated with existing connection, it is dealt
/// with immediately. If any replies need to be sent, they will be
/// dispatched using the ISteamNetworkingConnectionSignaling
/// associated with the connection.
/// - If the message represents a connection request (and the request
/// is not redundant for an existing connection), a new connection
/// will be created, and ReceivedConnectRequest will be called on your
/// context object to determine how to proceed.
/// - Otherwise, the message is for a connection that does not
/// exist (anymore). In this case, we *may* call SendRejectionReply
/// on your context object.
/// In any case, we will not save off pContext or access it after this
/// function returns.
/// Returns true if the message was parsed and dispatched without anything
/// unusual or suspicious happening. Returns false if there was some problem
/// with the message that prevented ordinary handling. (Debug output will
/// usually have more information.)
/// If you expect to be using relayed connections, then you probably want
/// to call ISteamNetworkingUtils::InitRelayNetworkAccess() when your app initializes
virtual bool ReceivedP2PCustomSignal( const void *pMsg, int cbMsg, ISteamNetworkingCustomSignalingRecvContext *pContext ) = 0;
// Certificate provision by the application. On Steam, we normally handle all this automatically
// and you will not need to use these advanced functions.
/// Get blob that describes a certificate request. You can send this to your game coordinator.
/// Upon entry, *pcbBlob should contain the size of the buffer. On successful exit, it will
/// return the number of bytes that were populated. You can pass pBlob=NULL to query for the required
/// size. (256 bytes is a very conservative estimate.)
/// Pass this blob to your game coordinator and call SteamDatagram_CreateCert.
virtual bool GetCertificateRequest( int *pcbBlob, void *pBlob, SteamNetworkingErrMsg &errMsg ) = 0;
/// Set the certificate. The certificate blob should be the output of
/// SteamDatagram_CreateCert.
virtual bool SetCertificate( const void *pCertificate, int cbCertificate, SteamNetworkingErrMsg &errMsg ) = 0;
/// Invoke all callback functions queued for this interface.
/// See k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_ConnectionStatusChanged, etc
/// You don't need to call this if you are using Steam's callback dispatch
/// mechanism (SteamAPI_RunCallbacks and SteamGameserver_RunCallbacks).
virtual void RunCallbacks() = 0;
// ~ISteamNetworkingSockets(); // Silence some warnings
@ -46,6 +46,22 @@ public:
virtual bool BAllowDirectConnectToPeer(SteamNetworkingIdentity const &identity) = 0;
class ISteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized005
virtual void SendP2PRendezvous( CSteamID steamIDRemote, uint32 unConnectionIDSrc, const void *pMsgRendezvous, uint32 cbRendezvous ) = 0;
virtual void SendP2PConnectionFailure( CSteamID steamIDRemote, uint32 unConnectionIDDest, uint32 nReason, const char *pszReason ) = 0;
virtual SteamAPICall_t GetCertAsync() = 0;
virtual int GetNetworkConfigJSON( void *buf, uint32 cbBuf, const char *pszLauncherPartner ) = 0;
virtual void CacheRelayTicket( const void *pTicket, uint32 cbTicket ) = 0;
virtual uint32 GetCachedRelayTicketCount() = 0;
virtual int GetCachedRelayTicket( uint32 idxTicket, void *buf, uint32 cbBuf ) = 0;
virtual void PostConnectionStateMsg( const void *pMsg, uint32 cbMsg ) = 0;
virtual bool GetSTUNServer(int dont_know, char *buf, unsigned int len) = 0;
virtual bool BAllowDirectConnectToPeer(SteamNetworkingIdentity const &identity) = 0;
virtual int BeginAsyncRequestFakeIP(int a) = 0; //not sure if the right return type
struct SteamNetworkingSocketsConfigUpdated_t
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamNetworkingCallbacks + 95 };
@ -156,6 +156,28 @@ enum EUGCReadAction
k_EUGCRead_Close = 2,
enum ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange
k_ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange_Invalid = 0,
// The file was updated from another device
k_ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange_FileUpdated = 1,
// The file was deleted by another device
k_ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange_FileDeleted = 2,
enum ERemoteStorageFilePathType
k_ERemoteStorageFilePathType_Invalid = 0,
// The file is directly accessed by the game and this is the full path
k_ERemoteStorageFilePathType_Absolute = 1,
// The file is accessed via the ISteamRemoteStorage API and this is the filename
k_ERemoteStorageFilePathType_APIFilename = 2,
// Purpose: Functions for accessing, reading and writing files stored remotely
@ -238,24 +260,6 @@ class ISteamRemoteStorage
virtual int32 GetCachedUGCCount() = 0;
virtual UGCHandle_t GetCachedUGCHandle( int32 iCachedContent ) = 0;
// The following functions are only necessary on the Playstation 3. On PC & Mac, the Steam client will handle these operations for you
// On Playstation 3, the game controls which files are stored in the cloud, via FilePersist, FileFetch, and FileForget.
#if defined(_SERVER)
// Connect to Steam and get a list of files in the Cloud - results in a RemoteStorageAppSyncStatusCheck_t callback
virtual void GetFileListFromServer() = 0;
// Indicate this file should be downloaded in the next sync
virtual bool FileFetch( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
// Indicate this file should be persisted in the next sync
virtual bool FilePersist( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
// Pull any requested files down from the Cloud - results in a RemoteStorageAppSyncedClient_t callback
virtual bool SynchronizeToClient() = 0;
// Upload any requested files to the Cloud - results in a RemoteStorageAppSyncedServer_t callback
virtual bool SynchronizeToServer() = 0;
// Reset any fetch/persist/etc requests
virtual bool ResetFileRequestState() = 0;
// publishing UGC
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStoragePublishFileProgress_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t PublishWorkshopFile( const char *pchFile, const char *pchPreviewFile, AppId_t nConsumerAppId, const char *pchTitle, const char *pchDescription, ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility eVisibility, SteamParamStringArray_t *pTags, EWorkshopFileType eWorkshopFileType ) = 0;
@ -305,9 +309,18 @@ class ISteamRemoteStorage
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageDownloadUGCResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t UGCDownloadToLocation( UGCHandle_t hContent, const char *pchLocation, uint32 unPriority ) = 0;
// Cloud dynamic state change notification
virtual int32 GetLocalFileChangeCount() = 0;
virtual const char *GetLocalFileChange( int iFile, ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange *pEChangeType, ERemoteStorageFilePathType *pEFilePathType ) = 0;
// Indicate to Steam the beginning / end of a set of local file
// operations - for example, writing a game save that requires updating two files.
virtual bool BeginFileWriteBatch() = 0;
virtual bool EndFileWriteBatch() = 0;
// Global interface accessor
@ -324,61 +337,13 @@ STEAM_DEFINE_USER_INTERFACE_ACCESSOR( ISteamRemoteStorage *, SteamRemoteStorage,
#error steam_api_common.h should define VALVE_CALLBACK_PACK_xxx
// Purpose: sent when the local file cache is fully synced with the server for an app
// That means that an application can be started and has all latest files
struct RemoteStorageAppSyncedClient_t
enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 1 };
AppId_t m_nAppID;
EResult m_eResult;
int m_unNumDownloads;
// Purpose: sent when the server is fully synced with the local file cache for an app
// That means that we can shutdown Steam and our data is stored on the server
struct RemoteStorageAppSyncedServer_t
enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 2 };
AppId_t m_nAppID;
EResult m_eResult;
int m_unNumUploads;
// Purpose: Status of up and downloads during a sync session
struct RemoteStorageAppSyncProgress_t
enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 3 };
char m_rgchCurrentFile[k_cchFilenameMax]; // Current file being transferred
AppId_t m_nAppID; // App this info relates to
uint32 m_uBytesTransferredThisChunk; // Bytes transferred this chunk
double m_dAppPercentComplete; // Percent complete that this app's transfers are
bool m_bUploading; // if false, downloading
// IMPORTANT! k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 4 is used, see iclientremotestorage.h
// IMPORTANT! k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks 1 through 6 are used, see iclientremotestorage.h
// Purpose: Sent after we've determined the list of files that are out of sync
// with the server.
struct RemoteStorageAppSyncStatusCheck_t
enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 5 };
AppId_t m_nAppID;
EResult m_eResult;
// Purpose: The result of a call to FileShare()
@ -405,6 +370,9 @@ struct RemoteStoragePublishFileResult_t
bool m_bUserNeedsToAcceptWorkshopLegalAgreement;
// k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 10 is deprecated! Do not reuse
// Purpose: The result of a call to DeletePublishedFile()
@ -684,6 +652,14 @@ struct RemoteStorageFileReadAsyncComplete_t
uint32 m_cubRead; // amount read - will the <= the amount requested
// Purpose: one or more files for this app have changed locally after syncing
// to remote session changes
// Note: only posted if this happens DURING the local app session
STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( RemoteStorageLocalFileChange_t, k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 33 )
#pragma pack( pop )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
#ifdef STEAM_WIN32
#pragma once
// Purpose: Functions for accessing, reading and writing files stored remotely
// and cached locally
class ISteamRemoteStorage014
// Filenames are case-insensitive, and will be converted to lowercase automatically.
// So "foo.bar" and "Foo.bar" are the same file, and if you write "Foo.bar" then
// iterate the files, the filename returned will be "foo.bar".
// file operations
virtual bool FileWrite( const char *pchFile, const void *pvData, int32 cubData ) = 0;
virtual int32 FileRead( const char *pchFile, void *pvData, int32 cubDataToRead ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageFileWriteAsyncComplete_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t FileWriteAsync( const char *pchFile, const void *pvData, uint32 cubData ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageFileReadAsyncComplete_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t FileReadAsync( const char *pchFile, uint32 nOffset, uint32 cubToRead ) = 0;
virtual bool FileReadAsyncComplete( SteamAPICall_t hReadCall, void *pvBuffer, uint32 cubToRead ) = 0;
virtual bool FileForget( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
virtual bool FileDelete( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageFileShareResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t FileShare( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
virtual bool SetSyncPlatforms( const char *pchFile, ERemoteStoragePlatform eRemoteStoragePlatform ) = 0;
// file operations that cause network IO
virtual UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t FileWriteStreamOpen( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
virtual bool FileWriteStreamWriteChunk( UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t writeHandle, const void *pvData, int32 cubData ) = 0;
virtual bool FileWriteStreamClose( UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t writeHandle ) = 0;
virtual bool FileWriteStreamCancel( UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t writeHandle ) = 0;
// file information
virtual bool FileExists( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
virtual bool FilePersisted( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
virtual int32 GetFileSize( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
virtual int64 GetFileTimestamp( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
virtual ERemoteStoragePlatform GetSyncPlatforms( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
// iteration
virtual int32 GetFileCount() = 0;
virtual const char *GetFileNameAndSize( int iFile, int32 *pnFileSizeInBytes ) = 0;
// configuration management
virtual bool GetQuota( uint64 *pnTotalBytes, uint64 *puAvailableBytes ) = 0;
virtual bool IsCloudEnabledForAccount() = 0;
virtual bool IsCloudEnabledForApp() = 0;
virtual void SetCloudEnabledForApp( bool bEnabled ) = 0;
// user generated content
// Downloads a UGC file. A priority value of 0 will download the file immediately,
// otherwise it will wait to download the file until all downloads with a lower priority
// value are completed. Downloads with equal priority will occur simultaneously.
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageDownloadUGCResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t UGCDownload( UGCHandle_t hContent, uint32 unPriority ) = 0;
// Gets the amount of data downloaded so far for a piece of content. pnBytesExpected can be 0 if function returns false
// or if the transfer hasn't started yet, so be careful to check for that before dividing to get a percentage
virtual bool GetUGCDownloadProgress( UGCHandle_t hContent, int32 *pnBytesDownloaded, int32 *pnBytesExpected ) = 0;
// Gets metadata for a file after it has been downloaded. This is the same metadata given in the RemoteStorageDownloadUGCResult_t call result
virtual bool GetUGCDetails( UGCHandle_t hContent, AppId_t *pnAppID, STEAM_OUT_STRING() char **ppchName, int32 *pnFileSizeInBytes, STEAM_OUT_STRUCT() CSteamID *pSteamIDOwner ) = 0;
// After download, gets the content of the file.
// Small files can be read all at once by calling this function with an offset of 0 and cubDataToRead equal to the size of the file.
// Larger files can be read in chunks to reduce memory usage (since both sides of the IPC client and the game itself must allocate
// enough memory for each chunk). Once the last byte is read, the file is implicitly closed and further calls to UGCRead will fail
// unless UGCDownload is called again.
// For especially large files (anything over 100MB) it is a requirement that the file is read in chunks.
virtual int32 UGCRead( UGCHandle_t hContent, void *pvData, int32 cubDataToRead, uint32 cOffset, EUGCReadAction eAction ) = 0;
// Functions to iterate through UGC that has finished downloading but has not yet been read via UGCRead()
virtual int32 GetCachedUGCCount() = 0;
virtual UGCHandle_t GetCachedUGCHandle( int32 iCachedContent ) = 0;
// The following functions are only necessary on the Playstation 3. On PC & Mac, the Steam client will handle these operations for you
// On Playstation 3, the game controls which files are stored in the cloud, via FilePersist, FileFetch, and FileForget.
#if defined(_SERVER)
// Connect to Steam and get a list of files in the Cloud - results in a RemoteStorageAppSyncStatusCheck_t callback
virtual void GetFileListFromServer() = 0;
// Indicate this file should be downloaded in the next sync
virtual bool FileFetch( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
// Indicate this file should be persisted in the next sync
virtual bool FilePersist( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
// Pull any requested files down from the Cloud - results in a RemoteStorageAppSyncedClient_t callback
virtual bool SynchronizeToClient() = 0;
// Upload any requested files to the Cloud - results in a RemoteStorageAppSyncedServer_t callback
virtual bool SynchronizeToServer() = 0;
// Reset any fetch/persist/etc requests
virtual bool ResetFileRequestState() = 0;
// publishing UGC
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStoragePublishFileProgress_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t PublishWorkshopFile( const char *pchFile, const char *pchPreviewFile, AppId_t nConsumerAppId, const char *pchTitle, const char *pchDescription, ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility eVisibility, SteamParamStringArray_t *pTags, EWorkshopFileType eWorkshopFileType ) = 0;
virtual PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t CreatePublishedFileUpdateRequest( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId ) = 0;
virtual bool UpdatePublishedFileFile( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle, const char *pchFile ) = 0;
virtual bool UpdatePublishedFilePreviewFile( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle, const char *pchPreviewFile ) = 0;
virtual bool UpdatePublishedFileTitle( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle, const char *pchTitle ) = 0;
virtual bool UpdatePublishedFileDescription( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle, const char *pchDescription ) = 0;
virtual bool UpdatePublishedFileVisibility( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle, ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility eVisibility ) = 0;
virtual bool UpdatePublishedFileTags( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle, SteamParamStringArray_t *pTags ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageUpdatePublishedFileResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t CommitPublishedFileUpdate( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle ) = 0;
// Gets published file details for the given publishedfileid. If unMaxSecondsOld is greater than 0,
// cached data may be returned, depending on how long ago it was cached. A value of 0 will force a refresh.
// A value of k_WorkshopForceLoadPublishedFileDetailsFromCache will use cached data if it exists, no matter how old it is.
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageGetPublishedFileDetailsResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t GetPublishedFileDetails( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId, uint32 unMaxSecondsOld ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageDeletePublishedFileResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t DeletePublishedFile( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId ) = 0;
// enumerate the files that the current user published with this app
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageEnumerateUserPublishedFilesResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t EnumerateUserPublishedFiles( uint32 unStartIndex ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageSubscribePublishedFileResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t SubscribePublishedFile( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t EnumerateUserSubscribedFiles( uint32 unStartIndex ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageUnsubscribePublishedFileResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t UnsubscribePublishedFile( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId ) = 0;
virtual bool UpdatePublishedFileSetChangeDescription( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle, const char *pchChangeDescription ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageGetPublishedItemVoteDetailsResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t GetPublishedItemVoteDetails( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageUpdateUserPublishedItemVoteResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t UpdateUserPublishedItemVote( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId, bool bVoteUp ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageGetPublishedItemVoteDetailsResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t GetUserPublishedItemVoteDetails( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageEnumerateUserPublishedFilesResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t EnumerateUserSharedWorkshopFiles( CSteamID steamId, uint32 unStartIndex, SteamParamStringArray_t *pRequiredTags, SteamParamStringArray_t *pExcludedTags ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStoragePublishFileProgress_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t PublishVideo( EWorkshopVideoProvider eVideoProvider, const char *pchVideoAccount, const char *pchVideoIdentifier, const char *pchPreviewFile, AppId_t nConsumerAppId, const char *pchTitle, const char *pchDescription, ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility eVisibility, SteamParamStringArray_t *pTags ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageSetUserPublishedFileActionResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t SetUserPublishedFileAction( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId, EWorkshopFileAction eAction ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserActionResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t EnumeratePublishedFilesByUserAction( EWorkshopFileAction eAction, uint32 unStartIndex ) = 0;
// this method enumerates the public view of workshop files
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageEnumerateWorkshopFilesResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t EnumeratePublishedWorkshopFiles( EWorkshopEnumerationType eEnumerationType, uint32 unStartIndex, uint32 unCount, uint32 unDays, SteamParamStringArray_t *pTags, SteamParamStringArray_t *pUserTags ) = 0;
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( RemoteStorageDownloadUGCResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t UGCDownloadToLocation( UGCHandle_t hContent, const char *pchLocation, uint32 unPriority ) = 0;
// Purpose: sent when the local file cache is fully synced with the server for an app
// That means that an application can be started and has all latest files
struct RemoteStorageAppSyncedClient_t
enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 1 };
AppId_t m_nAppID;
EResult m_eResult;
int m_unNumDownloads;
// Purpose: sent when the server is fully synced with the local file cache for an app
// That means that we can shutdown Steam and our data is stored on the server
struct RemoteStorageAppSyncedServer_t
enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 2 };
AppId_t m_nAppID;
EResult m_eResult;
int m_unNumUploads;
// Purpose: Status of up and downloads during a sync session
struct RemoteStorageAppSyncProgress_t
enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 3 };
char m_rgchCurrentFile[k_cchFilenameMax]; // Current file being transferred
AppId_t m_nAppID; // App this info relates to
uint32 m_uBytesTransferredThisChunk; // Bytes transferred this chunk
double m_dAppPercentComplete; // Percent complete that this app's transfers are
bool m_bUploading; // if false, downloading
// IMPORTANT! k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 4 is used, see iclientremotestorage.h
// Purpose: Sent after we've determined the list of files that are out of sync
// with the server.
struct RemoteStorageAppSyncStatusCheck_t
enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 5 };
AppId_t m_nAppID;
EResult m_eResult;
@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ enum EUGCQuery
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByLifetimeAveragePlaytime = 16,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByPlaytimeSessionsTrend = 17,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByLifetimePlaytimeSessions = 18,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByLastUpdatedDate = 19,
enum EItemUpdateStatus
@ -360,6 +361,12 @@ public:
// delete the item without prompting the user
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( DeleteItemResult_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t DeleteItem( PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID ) = 0;
// Show the app's latest Workshop EULA to the user in an overlay window, where they can accept it or not
virtual bool ShowWorkshopEULA() = 0;
// Retrieve information related to the user's acceptance or not of the app's specific Workshop EULA
virtual SteamAPICall_t GetWorkshopEULAStatus() = 0;
@ -568,6 +575,31 @@ struct DeleteItemResult_t
PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
// Purpose: signal that the list of subscribed items changed
struct UserSubscribedItemsListChanged_t
enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 18 };
AppId_t m_nAppID;
// Purpose: Status of the user's acceptable/rejection of the app's specific Workshop EULA
struct WorkshopEULAStatus_t
enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 20 };
EResult m_eResult;
AppId_t m_nAppID;
uint32 m_unVersion;
RTime32 m_rtAction;
bool m_bAccepted;
bool m_bNeedsAction;
#pragma pack( pop )
#endif // ISTEAMUGC_H
@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ enum EGamepadTextInputLineMode
k_EGamepadTextInputLineModeMultipleLines = 1
enum EFloatingGamepadTextInputMode
k_EFloatingGamepadTextInputModeModeSingleLine = 0, // Enter dismisses the keyboard
k_EFloatingGamepadTextInputModeModeMultipleLines = 1, // User needs to explictly close the keyboard
k_EFloatingGamepadTextInputModeModeEmail = 2,
k_EFloatingGamepadTextInputModeModeNumeric = 3,
// The context where text filtering is being done
enum ETextFilteringContext
@ -86,8 +94,8 @@ public:
// the destination buffer size should be 4 * height * width * sizeof(char)
virtual bool GetImageRGBA( int iImage, uint8 *pubDest, int nDestBufferSize ) = 0;
// returns the IP of the reporting server for valve - currently only used in Source engine games
virtual bool GetCSERIPPort( uint32 *unIP, uint16 *usPort ) = 0;
// Deprecated. Do not call this.
STEAM_PRIVATE_API( virtual bool GetCSERIPPort( uint32 *unIP, uint16 *usPort ) = 0; )
// return the amount of battery power left in the current system in % [0..100], 255 for being on AC power
virtual uint8 GetCurrentBatteryPower() = 0;
@ -146,7 +154,7 @@ public:
STEAM_CALL_RESULT( CheckFileSignature_t )
virtual SteamAPICall_t CheckFileSignature( const char *szFileName ) = 0;
// Activates the Big Picture text input dialog which only supports gamepad input
// Activates the full-screen text input dialog which takes a initial text string and returns the text the user has typed
virtual bool ShowGamepadTextInput( EGamepadTextInputMode eInputMode, EGamepadTextInputLineMode eLineInputMode, const char *pchDescription, uint32 unCharMax, const char *pchExistingText ) = 0;
// Returns previously entered text & length
@ -203,6 +211,19 @@ public:
// Return what we believe your current ipv6 connectivity to "the internet" is on the specified protocol.
// This does NOT tell you if the Steam client is currently connected to Steam via ipv6.
virtual ESteamIPv6ConnectivityState GetIPv6ConnectivityState( ESteamIPv6ConnectivityProtocol eProtocol ) = 0;
// returns true if currently running on the Steam Deck device
virtual bool IsSteamRunningOnSteamDeck() = 0;
// Opens a floating keyboard over the game content and sends OS keyboard keys directly to the game.
// The text field position is specified in pixels relative the origin of the game window and is used to position the floating keyboard in a way that doesn't cover the text field
virtual bool ShowFloatingGamepadTextInput( EFloatingGamepadTextInputMode eKeyboardMode, int nTextFieldXPosition, int nTextFieldYPosition, int nTextFieldWidth, int nTextFieldHeight ) = 0;
// In game launchers that don't have controller support you can call this to have Steam Input translate the controller input into mouse/kb to navigate the launcher
virtual void SetGameLauncherMode( bool bLauncherMode ) = 0;
// Dismisses the floating keyboard.
virtual bool DismissFloatingGamepadTextInput() = 0;
@ -291,7 +312,7 @@ struct CheckFileSignature_t
// Big Picture gamepad text input has been closed
// Full Screen gamepad text input has been closed
struct GamepadTextInputDismissed_t
@ -300,7 +321,20 @@ struct GamepadTextInputDismissed_t
uint32 m_unSubmittedText;
// k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 15 is taken
// k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 15 through 35 are taken
STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN( AppResumingFromSuspend_t, k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 36 )
// k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 37 is taken
// The floating on-screen keyboard has been closed
struct FloatingGamepadTextInputDismissed_t
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 38 };
#pragma pack( pop )
@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
#include "isteamnetworkingsockets004.h"
#include "isteamnetworkingsockets006.h"
#include "isteamnetworkingsockets008.h"
#include "isteamnetworkingsockets009.h"
#include "isteamremotestorage.h"
#include "isteamremotestorage001.h"
#include "isteamremotestorage002.h"
@ -124,6 +125,7 @@
#include "isteamremotestorage011.h"
#include "isteamremotestorage012.h"
#include "isteamremotestorage013.h"
#include "isteamremotestorage014.h"
#include "isteamscreenshots.h"
#include "isteammusic.h"
#include "isteammusicremote.h"
@ -167,6 +169,7 @@
#include "isteamunifiedmessages.h"
#include "isteaminput.h"
#include "isteaminput001.h"
#include "isteaminput002.h"
#include "isteamremoteplay.h"
#include "isteamnetworkingmessages.h"
#include "isteamnetworkingsockets.h"
@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamUser_BLoggedOn( ISteamUser* self );
STEAMAPI_API uint64_steamid SteamAPI_ISteamUser_GetSteamID( ISteamUser* self );
STEAMAPI_API int SteamAPI_ISteamUser_InitiateGameConnection( ISteamUser* self, void * pAuthBlob, int cbMaxAuthBlob, uint64_steamid steamIDGameServer, uint32 unIPServer, uint16 usPortServer, bool bSecure );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamUser_TerminateGameConnection( ISteamUser* self, uint32 unIPServer, uint16 usPortServer );
STEAMAPI_API int SteamAPI_ISteamUser_InitiateGameConnection_DEPRECATED( ISteamUser* self, void * pAuthBlob, int cbMaxAuthBlob, uint64_steamid steamIDGameServer, uint32 unIPServer, uint16 usPortServer, bool bSecure );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamUser_TerminateGameConnection_DEPRECATED( ISteamUser* self, uint32 unIPServer, uint16 usPortServer );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamUser_TrackAppUsageEvent( ISteamUser* self, uint64_gameid gameID, int eAppUsageEvent, const char * pchExtraInfo );
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamUser_GetUserDataFolder( ISteamUser* self, char * pchBuffer, int cubBuffer );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamUser_StartVoiceRecording( ISteamUser* self );
@ -208,6 +210,9 @@ STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamUtils_IsSteamChinaLauncher( ISteamUtils* self )
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamUtils_InitFilterText( ISteamUtils* self, uint32 unFilterOptions );
STEAMAPI_API int SteamAPI_ISteamUtils_FilterText( ISteamUtils* self, ETextFilteringContext eContext, uint64_steamid sourceSteamID, const char * pchInputMessage, char * pchOutFilteredText, uint32 nByteSizeOutFilteredText );
STEAMAPI_API ESteamIPv6ConnectivityState SteamAPI_ISteamUtils_GetIPv6ConnectivityState( ISteamUtils* self, ESteamIPv6ConnectivityProtocol eProtocol );
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamUtils_IsSteamRunningOnSteamDeck( ISteamUtils* self );
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamUtils_ShowModalGamepadTextInput( ISteamUtils* self, EGamepadTextInputLineMode eLineInputMode );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamUtils_SetGameLauncherMode( ISteamUtils* self, bool bLauncherMode );
// ISteamMatchmaking
STEAMAPI_API ISteamMatchmaking *SteamAPI_SteamMatchmaking_v009();
@ -323,6 +328,7 @@ STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamParties_GetBeaconLocationData( ISteamParties* s
// ISteamRemoteStorage
STEAMAPI_API ISteamRemoteStorage *SteamAPI_SteamRemoteStorage_v014();
STEAMAPI_API ISteamRemoteStorage *SteamAPI_SteamRemoteStorage_v016();
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_FileWrite( ISteamRemoteStorage* self, const char * pchFile, const void * pvData, int32 cubData );
STEAMAPI_API int32 SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_FileRead( ISteamRemoteStorage* self, const char * pchFile, void * pvData, int32 cubDataToRead );
STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_FileWriteAsync( ISteamRemoteStorage* self, const char * pchFile, const void * pvData, uint32 cubData );
@ -378,6 +384,11 @@ STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_SetUserPublishedFileAct
STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_EnumeratePublishedFilesByUserAction( ISteamRemoteStorage* self, EWorkshopFileAction eAction, uint32 unStartIndex );
STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_EnumeratePublishedWorkshopFiles( ISteamRemoteStorage* self, EWorkshopEnumerationType eEnumerationType, uint32 unStartIndex, uint32 unCount, uint32 unDays, SteamParamStringArray_t * pTags, SteamParamStringArray_t * pUserTags );
STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCDownloadToLocation( ISteamRemoteStorage* self, UGCHandle_t hContent, const char * pchLocation, uint32 unPriority );
STEAMAPI_API int32 SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetLocalFileChangeCount( ISteamRemoteStorage* self );
STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetLocalFileChange( ISteamRemoteStorage* self, int iFile, ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange * pEChangeType, ERemoteStorageFilePathType * pEFilePathType );
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_BeginFileWriteBatch( ISteamRemoteStorage* self );
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_EndFileWriteBatch( ISteamRemoteStorage* self );
// ISteamUserStats
STEAMAPI_API ISteamUserStats *SteamAPI_SteamUserStats_v012();
@ -578,10 +589,16 @@ STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamHTTP_GetHTTPRequestWasTimedOut( ISteamHTTP* sel
// ISteamInput
STEAMAPI_API ISteamInput *SteamAPI_SteamInput_v001();
STEAMAPI_API ISteamInput *SteamAPI_SteamInput_v002();
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_Init( ISteamInput* self );
STEAMAPI_API ISteamInput *SteamAPI_SteamInput_v005();
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_Init( ISteamInput* self, bool bExplicitlyCallRunFrame );
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_Shutdown( ISteamInput* self );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_RunFrame( ISteamInput* self );
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_SetInputActionManifestFilePath( ISteamInput* self, const char * pchInputActionManifestAbsolutePath );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_RunFrame( ISteamInput* self, bool bReservedValue );
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_BWaitForData( ISteamInput* self, bool bWaitForever, uint32 unTimeout );
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_BNewDataAvailable( ISteamInput* self );
STEAMAPI_API int SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetConnectedControllers( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t * handlesOut );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_EnableDeviceCallbacks( ISteamInput* self );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_EnableActionEventCallbacks( ISteamInput* self, SteamInputActionEventCallbackPointer pCallback );
STEAMAPI_API InputActionSetHandle_t SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetActionSetHandle( ISteamInput* self, const char * pszActionSetName );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_ActivateActionSet( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle );
STEAMAPI_API InputActionSetHandle_t SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetCurrentActionSet( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle );
@ -592,17 +609,26 @@ STEAMAPI_API int SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetActiveActionSetLayers( ISteamInput* sel
STEAMAPI_API InputDigitalActionHandle_t SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetDigitalActionHandle( ISteamInput* self, const char * pszActionName );
STEAMAPI_API InputDigitalActionData_t SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetDigitalActionData( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputDigitalActionHandle_t digitalActionHandle );
STEAMAPI_API int SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetDigitalActionOrigins( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle, InputDigitalActionHandle_t digitalActionHandle, EInputActionOrigin * originsOut );
STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetStringForDigitalActionName( ISteamInput* self, InputDigitalActionHandle_t eActionHandle );
STEAMAPI_API InputAnalogActionHandle_t SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetAnalogActionHandle( ISteamInput* self, const char * pszActionName );
STEAMAPI_API InputAnalogActionData_t SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetAnalogActionData( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputAnalogActionHandle_t analogActionHandle );
STEAMAPI_API int SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetAnalogActionOrigins( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle, InputAnalogActionHandle_t analogActionHandle, EInputActionOrigin * originsOut );
STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetGlyphPNGForActionOrigin( ISteamInput* self, EInputActionOrigin eOrigin, ESteamInputGlyphSize eSize, uint32 unFlags );
STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetGlyphForActionOrigin( ISteamInput* self, EInputActionOrigin eOrigin );
STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetGlyphSVGForActionOrigin( ISteamInput* self, EInputActionOrigin eOrigin, uint32 unFlags );
STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetGlyphForActionOrigin_Legacy( ISteamInput* self, EInputActionOrigin eOrigin );
STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetStringForActionOrigin( ISteamInput* self, EInputActionOrigin eOrigin );
STEAMAPI_API const char * SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetStringForAnalogActionName( ISteamInput* self, InputAnalogActionHandle_t eActionHandle );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_StopAnalogActionMomentum( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputAnalogActionHandle_t eAction );
STEAMAPI_API InputMotionData_t SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetMotionData( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_TriggerVibration( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, unsigned short usLeftSpeed, unsigned short usRightSpeed );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_TriggerVibrationExtended( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, unsigned short usLeftSpeed, unsigned short usRightSpeed, unsigned short usLeftTriggerSpeed, unsigned short usRightTriggerSpeed );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_TriggerSimpleHapticEvent( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, EControllerHapticLocation eHapticLocation, uint8 nIntensity, char nGainDB, uint8 nOtherIntensity, char nOtherGainDB );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_SetLEDColor( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, uint8 nColorR, uint8 nColorG, uint8 nColorB, unsigned int nFlags );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_TriggerHapticPulse( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec, unsigned short usOffMicroSec, unsigned short unRepeat, unsigned int nFlags );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_Legacy_TriggerHapticPulse( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamInput_Legacy_TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec, unsigned short usOffMicroSec, unsigned short unRepeat, unsigned int nFlags );
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_ShowBindingPanel( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle );
STEAMAPI_API ESteamInputType SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetInputTypeForHandle( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle );
STEAMAPI_API InputHandle_t SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetControllerForGamepadIndex( ISteamInput* self, int nIndex );
@ -613,6 +639,7 @@ STEAMAPI_API EInputActionOrigin SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetActionOriginFromXboxOrig
STEAMAPI_API EInputActionOrigin SteamAPI_ISteamInput_TranslateActionOrigin( ISteamInput* self, ESteamInputType eDestinationInputType, EInputActionOrigin eSourceOrigin );
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetDeviceBindingRevision( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle, int * pMajor, int * pMinor );
STEAMAPI_API uint32 SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetRemotePlaySessionID( ISteamInput* self, InputHandle_t inputHandle );
STEAMAPI_API uint16 SteamAPI_ISteamInput_GetSessionInputConfigurationSettings( ISteamInput* self );
// ISteamController
STEAMAPI_API ISteamController *SteamAPI_SteamController_v007();
@ -739,6 +766,8 @@ STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_AddAppDependency( ISteamUGC* self
STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_RemoveAppDependency( ISteamUGC* self, PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID, AppId_t nAppID );
STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_GetAppDependencies( ISteamUGC* self, PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID );
STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_DeleteItem( ISteamUGC* self, PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID );
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_ShowWorkshopEULA( ISteamUGC* self );
STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_GetWorkshopEULAStatus( ISteamUGC* self );
// ISteamAppList
STEAMAPI_API ISteamAppList *SteamAPI_SteamAppList_v001();
@ -936,6 +965,7 @@ STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingCustomSignalingRecvContext_SendReject
// ISteamNetworkingUtils
STEAMAPI_API ISteamNetworkingUtils *SteamAPI_SteamNetworkingUtils_SteamAPI_v003();
STEAMAPI_API ISteamNetworkingUtils *SteamAPI_SteamNetworkingUtils_SteamAPI_v004();
STEAMAPI_API ISteamNetworkingUtils *SteamAPI_SteamNetworkingUtils_v003();
STEAMAPI_API SteamNetworkingMessage_t * SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_AllocateMessage( ISteamNetworkingUtils* self, int cbAllocateBuffer );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_InitRelayNetworkAccess( ISteamNetworkingUtils* self );
@ -976,6 +1006,7 @@ STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingUtils_SteamNetworkingIdentity_ParseSt
// ISteamGameServer
STEAMAPI_API ISteamGameServer *SteamAPI_SteamGameServer_v013();
STEAMAPI_API ISteamGameServer *SteamAPI_SteamGameServer_v014();
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetProduct( ISteamGameServer* self, const char * pszProduct );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetGameDescription( ISteamGameServer* self, const char * pszGameDescription );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetModDir( ISteamGameServer* self, const char * pszModDir );
@ -1003,6 +1034,7 @@ STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate( ISte
STEAMAPI_API uint64_steamid SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_CreateUnauthenticatedUserConnection( ISteamGameServer* self );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SendUserDisconnect( ISteamGameServer* self, uint64_steamid steamIDUser );
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_BUpdateUserData( ISteamGameServer* self, uint64_steamid steamIDUser, const char * pchPlayerName, uint32 uScore );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetAdvertiseServerActive( ISteamGameServer* self, bool bActive );
STEAMAPI_API HAuthTicket SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_GetAuthSessionTicket( ISteamGameServer* self, void * pTicket, int cbMaxTicket, uint32 * pcbTicket );
STEAMAPI_API EBeginAuthSessionResult SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_BeginAuthSession( ISteamGameServer* self, const void * pAuthTicket, int cbAuthTicket, uint64_steamid steamID );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_EndAuthSession( ISteamGameServer* self, uint64_steamid steamID );
@ -1019,6 +1051,9 @@ STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SetHeartbeatInterval( ISteamGameServ
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_ForceHeartbeat( ISteamGameServer* self );
STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_AssociateWithClan( ISteamGameServer* self, uint64_steamid steamIDClan );
STEAMAPI_API SteamAPICall_t SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_ComputeNewPlayerCompatibility( ISteamGameServer* self, uint64_steamid steamIDNewPlayer );
STEAMAPI_API bool SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate_DEPRECATED( ISteamGameServer* self, uint32 unIPClient, const void * pvAuthBlob, uint32 cubAuthBlobSize, CSteamID * pSteamIDUser );
STEAMAPI_API void SteamAPI_ISteamGameServer_SendUserDisconnect_DEPRECATED( ISteamGameServer* self, uint64_steamid steamIDUser );
// ISteamGameServerStats
STEAMAPI_API ISteamGameServerStats *SteamAPI_SteamGameServerStats_v001();
@ -311,11 +311,36 @@ enum { k_iClientSTARCallbacks = 5600 };
enum { k_iSteamRemotePlayCallbacks = 5700 };
enum { k_iClientCompatCallbacks = 5800 };
enum { k_iSteamChatCallbacks = 5900 };
enum { k_iClientNetworkingUtilsCallbacks = 6000 };
enum { k_iClientSystemManagerCallbacks = 6100 };
enum { k_iClientStorageDeviceManagerCallbacks = 6200 };
#ifdef _MSVC_VER
#pragma warning( pop )
// Macros used to annotate various Steamworks interfaces to generate the
// flat API
#ifdef API_GEN
# define STEAM_CLANG_ATTR(ATTR) __attribute__((annotate( ATTR )))
#define STEAM_OUT_STRUCT() STEAM_CLANG_ATTR( "out_struct: ;" )
#define STEAM_OUT_STRING() STEAM_CLANG_ATTR( "out_string: ;" )
#define STEAM_FLAT_NAME(NAME) STEAM_CLANG_ATTR("flat_name:" #NAME ";")
// CSteamAPIContext encapsulates the Steamworks API global accessors into
// a single object.
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "steam_api.h"
#include "isteamgameserver.h"
#include "isteamgameserver013.h"
#include "isteamgameserver012.h"
#include "isteamgameserver011.h"
#include "isteamgameserver010.h"
@ -29,10 +30,13 @@ enum EServerMode
/// Pass to SteamGameServer_Init to indicate that the same UDP port will be used for game traffic
/// UDP queries. In this case, Steam will not open up a socket to handle server browser queries,
/// and you must use ISteamGameServer::HandleIncomingPacket and ISteamGameServer::GetNextOutgoingPacket
/// to handle packets related to server discovery on your socket.
/// UDP queries for server browser pings and LAN discovery. In this case, Steam will not open up a
/// socket to handle server browser queries, and you must use ISteamGameServer::HandleIncomingPacket
/// and ISteamGameServer::GetNextOutgoingPacket to handle packets related to server discovery on your socket.
// DEPRECATED: This old name was really confusing.
// Initialize SteamGameServer client and interface objects, and set server properties which may not be changed.
@ -51,9 +55,10 @@ enum EServerMode
// - usGamePort is the port that clients will connect to for gameplay. You will usually open up your
// own socket bound to this port.
// - usQueryPort is the port that will manage server browser related duties and info
// pings from clients. If you pass MASTERSERVERUPDATERPORT_USEGAMESOCKETSHARE for usQueryPort, then it
// pings from clients. If you pass STEAMGAMESERVER_QUERY_PORT_SHARED for usQueryPort, then it
// will use "GameSocketShare" mode, which means that the game is responsible for sending and receiving
// UDP packets for the master server updater. See references to GameSocketShare in isteamgameserver.h.
// UDP packets for the master server updater. (See ISteamGameServer::HandleIncomingPacket and
// ISteamGameServer::GetNextOutgoingPacket.)
// - The version string should be in the form x.x.x.x, and is used by the master server to detect when the
// server is out of date. (Only servers with the latest version will be listed.)
@ -145,6 +145,9 @@ enum EResult
k_EResultNoLauncherSpecified = 117, // No launcher was specified, but a launcher was needed to choose correct realm for operation.
k_EResultMustAgreeToSSA = 118, // User must agree to china SSA or global SSA before login
k_EResultLauncherMigrated = 119, // The specified launcher type is no longer supported; the user should be directed elsewhere
k_EResultSteamRealmMismatch = 120, // The user's realm does not match the realm of the requested resource
k_EResultInvalidSignature = 121, // signature check did not match
k_EResultParseFailure = 122, // Failed to parse input
// Error codes for use with the voice functions
@ -1057,31 +1057,10 @@ enum ESteamNetworkingConfigValue
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Invalid = 0,
/// [global float, 0--100] Randomly discard N pct of packets instead of sending/recv
/// This is a global option only, since it is applied at a low level
/// where we don't have much context
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLoss_Send = 2,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLoss_Recv = 3,
/// [global int32]. Delay all outbound/inbound packets by N ms
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLag_Send = 4,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLag_Recv = 5,
/// [global float] 0-100 Percentage of packets we will add additional delay
/// to (causing them to be reordered)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketReorder_Send = 6,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketReorder_Recv = 7,
/// [global int32] Extra delay, in ms, to apply to reordered packets.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketReorder_Time = 8,
/// [global float 0--100] Globally duplicate some percentage of packets we send
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketDup_Send = 26,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketDup_Recv = 27,
/// [global int32] Amount of delay, in ms, to delay duplicated packets.
/// (We chose a random delay between 0 and this value)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketDup_TimeMax = 28,
// Connection options
/// [connection int32] Timeout value (in ms) to use when first connecting
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_TimeoutInitial = 24,
@ -1094,6 +1073,41 @@ enum ESteamNetworkingConfigValue
/// Default is 512k (524288 bytes)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SendBufferSize = 9,
/// [connection int64] Get/set userdata as a configuration option.
/// The default value is -1. You may want to set the user data as
/// a config value, instead of using ISteamNetworkingSockets::SetConnectionUserData
/// in two specific instances:
/// - You wish to set the userdata atomically when creating
/// an outbound connection, so that the userdata is filled in properly
/// for any callbacks that happen. However, note that this trick
/// only works for connections initiated locally! For incoming
/// connections, multiple state transitions may happen and
/// callbacks be queued, before you are able to service the first
/// callback! Be careful!
/// - You can set the default userdata for all newly created connections
/// by setting this value at a higher level (e.g. on the listen
/// socket or at the global level.) Then this default
/// value will be inherited when the connection is created.
/// This is useful in case -1 is a valid userdata value, and you
/// wish to use something else as the default value so you can
/// tell if it has been set or not.
/// HOWEVER: once a connection is created, the effective value is
/// then bound to the connection. Unlike other connection options,
/// if you change it again at a higher level, the new value will not
/// be inherited by connections.
/// Using the userdata field in callback structs is not advised because
/// of tricky race conditions. Instead, you might try one of these methods:
/// - Use a separate map with the HSteamNetConnection as the key.
/// - Fetch the userdata from the connection in your callback
/// using ISteamNetworkingSockets::GetConnectionUserData, to
// ensure you have the current value.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_ConnectionUserData = 40,
/// [connection int32] Minimum/maximum send rate clamp, 0 is no limit.
/// This value will control the min/max allowed sending rate that
/// bandwidth estimation is allowed to reach. Default is 0 (no-limit)
@ -1253,6 +1267,58 @@ enum ESteamNetworkingConfigValue
/// This value should not be read or written in any other context.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_LocalVirtualPort = 38,
// Simulating network conditions
// These are global (not per-connection) because they apply at
// a relatively low UDP layer.
/// [global float, 0--100] Randomly discard N pct of packets instead of sending/recv
/// This is a global option only, since it is applied at a low level
/// where we don't have much context
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLoss_Send = 2,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLoss_Recv = 3,
/// [global int32]. Delay all outbound/inbound packets by N ms
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLag_Send = 4,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLag_Recv = 5,
/// [global float] 0-100 Percentage of packets we will add additional delay
/// to (causing them to be reordered)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketReorder_Send = 6,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketReorder_Recv = 7,
/// [global int32] Extra delay, in ms, to apply to reordered packets.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketReorder_Time = 8,
/// [global float 0--100] Globally duplicate some percentage of packets we send
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketDup_Send = 26,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketDup_Recv = 27,
/// [global int32] Amount of delay, in ms, to delay duplicated packets.
/// (We chose a random delay between 0 and this value)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketDup_TimeMax = 28,
/// [global int32] Trace every UDP packet, similar to Wireshark or tcpdump.
/// Value is max number of bytes to dump. -1 disables tracing.
// 0 only traces the info but no actual data bytes
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_PacketTraceMaxBytes = 41,
// [global int32] Global UDP token bucket rate limits.
// "Rate" refers to the steady state rate. (Bytes/sec, the
// rate that tokens are put into the bucket.) "Burst"
// refers to the max amount that could be sent in a single
// burst. (In bytes, the max capacity of the bucket.)
// Rate=0 disables the limiter entirely, which is the default.
// Burst=0 disables burst. (This is not realistic. A
// burst of at least 4K is recommended; the default is higher.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakeRateLimit_Send_Rate = 42,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakeRateLimit_Send_Burst = 43,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakeRateLimit_Recv_Rate = 44,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakeRateLimit_Recv_Burst = 45,
// Callbacks
Reference in New Issue
Block a user