Fixed #38 - Optimize render hooks that involve traces

According to DBugR, switching the eye trace with the stacker tool check reduces the hook runtime from ~5 m/s to ~1.3 m/s. We don't need to perform eye traces when the player doesn't even have the tool selected.

I've also switched the same logic inside of the PreDrawHalos hook, though the performance difference seems to be neglible or nonexistent, but better safe than sorry.
This commit is contained in:
Mista-Tea 2020-06-18 11:47:53 -06:00
parent 67c9f0bb1a
commit 693fa6fbcc

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@ -1183,20 +1183,21 @@ if ( CLIENT ) then
-- will be called way more than it needs to be and causes horrible FPS drops in singleplayer.
hook.Add( "PreDrawHalos", mode.."_predrawhalos", function()
-- check if the player has fully initialized
local ply = LocalPlayer()
if ( not IsValid( ply ) ) then return end
-- check if we're looking at a valid entity
local lookingAt = ply:GetEyeTrace().Entity
if ( not ( IsValid( lookingAt ) and lookingAt:GetClass() == "prop_physics" ) ) then
-- check if they have the toolgun out and have stacker selected
local wep = ply:GetActiveWeapon()
if ( not ( IsValid( wep ) and wep:GetClass() == "gmod_tool" and cvarTool and cvarTool:GetString() == mode ) ) then
improvedstacker.SetLookedAt( nil )
-- check if they have the toolgun out and have stacker selected
local wep = ply:GetActiveWeapon()
if ( not ( IsValid( wep ) and wep:GetClass() == "gmod_tool" and cvarTool and cvarTool:GetString() == mode ) ) then
-- check if we're looking at a valid entity
local lookingAt = ply:GetEyeTrace().Entity
if ( not ( IsValid( lookingAt ) and lookingAt:GetClass() == "prop_physics" ) ) then
improvedstacker.SetLookedAt( nil )
@ -1255,24 +1256,26 @@ if ( CLIENT ) then
hook.Add( "PostDrawTranslucentRenderables", mode.."_directions", function( drawingDepth, drawingSky )
if ( drawingSky ) then return end
-- check if the player has fully initialized
local ply = LocalPlayer()
if ( not IsValid( ply ) ) then return end
-- check if we want to draw the axis at all
if ( not ( cvarAxis and cvarAxis:GetBool() ) ) then return end
-- check if we're looking at a valid entity
local ent = ply:GetEyeTrace().Entity
if ( not IsValid( ent ) ) then
-- check if they have the toolgun out and have stacker selected
local wep = ply:GetActiveWeapon()
if ( not ( IsValid( wep ) and wep:GetClass() == "gmod_tool" and cvarTool and cvarTool:GetString() == mode ) ) then
-- check if we're looking at a valid entity
local ent = ply:GetEyeTrace().Entity
if ( not IsValid( ent ) ) then
local pos = ent:GetPos()
local f = ent:GetForward()
@ -1673,4 +1676,4 @@ if ( CLIENT ) then
end )
end )