mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 03:12:57 -05:00
Added ability to change decimal precision of offset and rotation sliders
Switched to using DForm:NumSlider to control the number of decimals places for x/y/z offset and pitch/yaw/roll rotation values. Added stacker_improved_offset_decimals and stacker_improved_rotate_decimals to allow the user to change the precision on the fly, with convar callbacks to rebuild the menu to use the new precision values.
This commit is contained in:
@ -182,33 +182,35 @@ TOOL.Information = {
if ( CLIENT ) then
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "mode" ] = improvedstacker.MODE_PROP
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "direction" ] = improvedstacker.DIRECTION_UP
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "count" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "freeze" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "weld" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "nocollide" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "ghostall" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "material" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "physprop" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "color" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "offsetx" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "offsety" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "offsetz" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "pitch" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "yaw" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "roll" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "relative" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "draw_halos" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_r" ] = "255"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_g" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_b" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_a" ] = "255"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "draw_axis" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "axis_labels" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "axis_angles" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "opacity" ] = "100"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "use_shift_key" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "mode" ] = improvedstacker.MODE_PROP
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "direction" ] = improvedstacker.DIRECTION_UP
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "count" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "freeze" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "weld" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "nocollide" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "ghostall" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "material" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "physprop" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "color" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "offsetx" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "offsety" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "offsetz" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "pitch" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "yaw" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "roll" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "relative" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "draw_halos" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_r" ] = "255"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_g" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_b" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_a" ] = "255"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "draw_axis" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "axis_labels" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "axis_angles" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "opacity" ] = "100"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "use_shift_key" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "offset_decimals" ] = "2"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "rotate_decimals" ] = "2"
-- Language Settings
@ -955,6 +957,8 @@ if ( CLIENT ) then
local cvarAxis = GetConVar( mode.."_draw_axis" )
local cvarAxisLbl = GetConVar( mode.."_axis_labels" )
local cvarAxisAng = GetConVar( mode.."_axis_angles" )
local cvarOffsetDecs = GetConVar( mode.."_offset_decimals" )
local cvarRotateDecs = GetConVar( mode.."_rotate_decimals" )
-- offsets for drawing the axis arrows
local o1 = Vector( 0, 0, 0.05 )
@ -1041,6 +1045,8 @@ if ( CLIENT ) then
cvarAxis = GetConVar( mode.."_draw_axis" )
cvarAxisLbl = GetConVar( mode.."_axis_labels" )
cvarAxisAng = GetConVar( mode.."_axis_angles" )
cvarOffsetDecs = GetConVar( mode.."_offset_decimals" )
cvarRotateDecs = GetConVar( mode.."_rotate_decimals" )
@ -1326,9 +1332,7 @@ if ( CLIENT ) then
end )
if ( CLIENT ) then
-- TOOL.BuildCPanel( panel )
@ -1344,31 +1348,35 @@ if ( CLIENT ) then
Folder = mode,
Options = {
[L(prefix.."combobox_default")] = {
[mode.."_mode"] = tostring(improvedstacker.MODE_PROP),
[mode.."_direction"] = tostring(improvedstacker.DIRECTION_UP),
[mode.."_count"] = "1",
[mode.."_freeze"] = "1",
[mode.."_weld"] = "1",
[mode.."_nocollide"] = "1",
[mode.."_ghostall"] = "1",
[mode.."_material"] = "1",
[mode.."_physprop"] = "1",
[mode.."_color"] = "1",
[mode.."_offsetx"] = "0",
[mode.."_offsety"] = "0",
[mode.."_offsetz"] = "0",
[mode.."_pitch"] = "0",
[mode.."_yaw"] = "0",
[mode.."_roll"] = "0",
[mode.."_relative"] = "1",
[mode.."_draw_halos"] = "0",
[mode.."_halo_r"] = "255",
[mode.."_halo_g"] = "0",
[mode.."_halo_b"] = "0",
[mode.."_halo_a"] = "255",
[mode.."_draw_axis"] = "1",
[mode.."_axis_labels"] = "1",
[mode.."_axis_angles"] = "0",
[mode.."_mode"] = tostring(improvedstacker.MODE_PROP),
[mode.."_direction"] = tostring(improvedstacker.DIRECTION_UP),
[mode.."_count"] = "1",
[mode.."_freeze"] = "1",
[mode.."_weld"] = "1",
[mode.."_nocollide"] = "1",
[mode.."_ghostall"] = "1",
[mode.."_material"] = "1",
[mode.."_physprop"] = "1",
[mode.."_color"] = "1",
[mode.."_offsetx"] = "0",
[mode.."_offsety"] = "0",
[mode.."_offsetz"] = "0",
[mode.."_pitch"] = "0",
[mode.."_yaw"] = "0",
[mode.."_roll"] = "0",
[mode.."_relative"] = "1",
[mode.."_draw_halos"] = "0",
[mode.."_halo_r"] = "255",
[mode.."_halo_g"] = "0",
[mode.."_halo_b"] = "0",
[mode.."_halo_a"] = "255",
[mode.."_draw_axis"] = "1",
[mode.."_axis_labels"] = "1",
[mode.."_axis_angles"] = "0",
[mode.."_opacity" ] = "100",
[mode.."_use_shift_key" ] = "0",
--[mode.."_offset_decimals" ] = "2",
--[mode.."_rotate_decimals" ] = "2",
CVars = {
@ -1397,6 +1405,10 @@ if ( CLIENT ) then
@ -1435,56 +1447,65 @@ if ( CLIENT ) then
cpanel:AddControl( "ComboBox", languages )
cpanel:ControlHelp( "\n" .. L(prefix.."label_credits") )
cpanel:AddControl( "Label", { Text = L(prefix.."label_presets") } )
cpanel:Help( L(prefix.."label_presets") )
cpanel:AddControl( "ComboBox", presets )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_freeze"), Command = mode.."_freeze" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_weld"), Command = mode.."_weld" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_nocollide"), Command = mode.."_nocollide" } )
cpanel:CheckBox( L(prefix.."checkbox_freeze"), mode.."_freeze" )
cpanel:CheckBox( L(prefix.."checkbox_weld"), mode.."_weld" )
cpanel:CheckBox( L(prefix.."checkbox_nocollide"), mode.."_nocollide" )
cpanel:AddControl( "ComboBox", relative )
cpanel:AddControl( "ComboBox", directions )
cpanel:AddControl( "Slider", { Label = L(prefix.."label_count"), Min = 1, Max = cvarMaxPerStack:GetInt(), Command = mode.."_count", Description = "How many props to create in each stack" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Button", { Label = L(prefix.."label_reset_offsets"), Command = mode.."_reset_offsets" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Slider", { Label = L(prefix.."label_x"), Type = "Float", Min = - cvarMaxOffX:GetInt(), Max = cvarMaxOffX:GetInt(), Value = 0, Command = mode.."_offsetx" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Slider", { Label = L(prefix.."label_y"), Type = "Float", Min = - cvarMaxOffY:GetInt(), Max = cvarMaxOffY:GetInt(), Value = 0, Command = mode.."_offsety" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Slider", { Label = L(prefix.."label_z"), Type = "Float", Min = - cvarMaxOffZ:GetInt(), Max = cvarMaxOffZ:GetInt(), Value = 0, Command = mode.."_offsetz" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Button", { Label = L(prefix.."label_reset_angles"), Command = mode.."_reset_angles" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Slider", { Label = L(prefix.."label_pitch"), Type = "Float", Min = -MAX_ANGLE, Max = MAX_ANGLE, Value = 0, Command = mode.."_pitch" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Slider", { Label = L(prefix.."label_yaw"), Type = "Float", Min = -MAX_ANGLE, Max = MAX_ANGLE, Value = 0, Command = mode.."_yaw" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Slider", { Label = L(prefix.."label_roll"), Type = "Float", Min = -MAX_ANGLE, Max = MAX_ANGLE, Value = 0, Command = mode.."_roll" } )
cpanel:NumSlider( L(prefix.."label_count"), mode.."_count", 1, cvarMaxPerStack:GetInt(), 0 ) -- How many props to create in each stack
cpanel:Button( L(prefix.."label_reset_offsets"), mode.."_reset_offsets" )
cpanel:NumSlider( L(prefix.."label_x"), mode.."_offsetx", -cvarMaxOffX:GetInt(), cvarMaxOffX:GetInt(), cvarOffsetDecs:GetInt() )
cpanel:NumSlider( L(prefix.."label_y"), mode.."_offsety", -cvarMaxOffY:GetInt(), cvarMaxOffY:GetInt(), cvarOffsetDecs:GetInt() )
cpanel:NumSlider( L(prefix.."label_z"), mode.."_offsetz", -cvarMaxOffZ:GetInt(), cvarMaxOffZ:GetInt(), cvarOffsetDecs:GetInt() )
cpanel:Button( L(prefix.."label_reset_angles"), mode.."_reset_angles" )
cpanel:NumSlider( L(prefix.."label_pitch"), mode.."_pitch", -MAX_ANGLE, MAX_ANGLE, cvarRotateDecs:GetInt() )
cpanel:NumSlider( L(prefix.."label_yaw"), mode.."_yaw", -MAX_ANGLE, MAX_ANGLE, cvarRotateDecs:GetInt() )
cpanel:NumSlider( L(prefix.."label_roll"), mode.."_roll", -MAX_ANGLE, MAX_ANGLE, cvarRotateDecs:GetInt() )
cpanel:AddControl( "Button", { Label = L(prefix.."label_"..(showSettings and "hide" or "show").."_settings"), Command = mode.."_show_settings" } )
cpanel:Button( L(prefix.."label_"..(showSettings and "hide" or "show").."_settings"), mode.."_show_settings" )
if ( showSettings ) then
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_use_shift_key"), Command = mode.."_use_shift_key", Description = "Toggles the ability to hold SHIFT and click the left and right mouse buttons to change stack size" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_relative"), Command = mode.."_relative", Description = "Stacks each prop relative to the prop right before it. This allows you to create curved stacks" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_material"), Command = mode.."_material", Description = "Applies the material of the original prop to all stacked props" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_color"), Command = mode.."_color", Description = "Applies the color of the original prop to all stacked props" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_physprop"), Command = mode.."_physprop", Description = "Applies the physical properties of the original prop to all stacked props" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_ghost"), Command = mode.."_ghostall", Description = "Creates every ghost prop in the stack instead of just the first ghost prop" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_axis"), Command = mode.."_draw_axis", } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_axis_labels"), Command = mode.."_axis_labels", } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_axis_angles"), Command = mode.."_axis_angles", } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_halo"), Command = mode.."_draw_halos", Description = "Gives halos to all of the props in to ghosted stack" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Slider", { Label = L(prefix.."label_opacity"), Type = "Integer", Min = 0, Max = 255, Command = mode.."_opacity" } )
cpanel:CheckBox( L(prefix.."checkbox_use_shift_key"), mode.."_use_shift_key" ) -- Toggles the ability to hold SHIFT and click the left and right mouse buttons to change stack size
cpanel:CheckBox( L(prefix.."checkbox_relative"), mode.."_relative" ) -- Stacks each prop relative to the prop right before it. This allows you to create curved stacks
cpanel:CheckBox( L(prefix.."checkbox_material"), mode.."_material" ) -- Applies the material of the original prop to all stacked props
cpanel:CheckBox( L(prefix.."checkbox_color"), mode.."_color" ) -- Applies the color of the original prop to all stacked props
cpanel:CheckBox( L(prefix.."checkbox_physprop"), mode.."_physprop" ) -- Applies the physical properties of the original prop to all stacked props
cpanel:CheckBox( L(prefix.."checkbox_ghost"), mode.."_ghostall" ) -- Creates every ghost prop in the stack instead of just the first ghost prop
cpanel:CheckBox( L(prefix.."checkbox_axis"), mode.."_draw_axis" )
cpanel:CheckBox( L(prefix.."checkbox_axis_labels"), mode.."_axis_labels" )
cpanel:CheckBox( L(prefix.."checkbox_axis_angles"), mode.."_axis_angles" )
cpanel:CheckBox( L(prefix.."checkbox_halo"), mode.."_draw_halos" ) -- Gives halos to all of the props in to ghosted stack
cpanel:NumSlider( L(prefix.."label_opacity"), mode.."_opacity", 0, 255, 0 )
cpanel:AddControl( "Color", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_halo_color"), Red = mode.."_halo_r", Green = mode.."_halo_g", Blue = mode.."_halo_b", Alpha = mode.."_halo_a" } )
concommand.Add( mode.."_show_settings", function( ply, cmd, args )
local function rebuildCPanel()
local cpanel = controlpanel.Get( mode )
if ( not IsValid( cpanel ) ) then return end
showSettings = not showSettings
buildCPanel( cpanel )
concommand.Add( mode.."_show_settings", function( ply, cmd, args )
showSettings = not showSettings
end )
-- listen for changes to the localify language and reload the tool's menu to update the localizations
cvars.AddChangeCallback( "localify_language", function( name, old, new )
local cpanel = controlpanel.Get( mode )
if ( not IsValid( cpanel ) ) then return end
buildCPanel( cpanel )
end, "improvedstacker" )
end, "improvedstacker_localify_language" )
cvars.AddChangeCallback( mode.."_offset_decimals", function( name, old, new )
end, "improvedstacker_offset_decimals")
cvars.AddChangeCallback( mode.."_rotate_decimals", function( name, old, new )
end, "improvedstacker_rotate_decimals")
TOOL.BuildCPanel = buildCPanel
Reference in New Issue
Block a user