Adding ability to toggle use of SHIFT key with LMB/RMB

This commit is contained in:
Mista-Tea 2017-09-26 16:40:16 -06:00
parent a1edc4a7ae
commit 436f7296bc
2 changed files with 51 additions and 39 deletions

View File

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ localify.Bind( "en", prefix.."checkbox_freeze", "Freeze stacked props"
localify.Bind( "en", prefix.."checkbox_weld", "Weld stacked props" )
localify.Bind( "en", prefix.."checkbox_nocollide", "No-Collide stacked props with each other" )
localify.Bind( "en", prefix.."checkbox_nocollide_all", "No-Collide stacked props with EVERYTHING" )
localify.Bind( "en", prefix.."checkbox_use_shift_key", "Change stack size with SHIFT + left/right-click" )
localify.Bind( "en", prefix.."checkbox_relative", "Stack relative to new rotation" )
localify.Bind( "en", prefix.."checkbox_material", "Apply material" )
localify.Bind( "en", prefix.."checkbox_color", "Apply color" )
@ -157,6 +158,7 @@ localify.Bind( "bg", prefix.."checkbox_freeze", "Замрази нат
localify.Bind( "bg", prefix.."checkbox_weld", "Завари натрупаните предмети" )
localify.Bind( "bg", prefix.."checkbox_nocollide", "Не-сблъсък на натрупаните предмети един към друг" )
localify.Bind( "bg", prefix.."checkbox_nocollide_all", "Не-сблъсък на натрупаните предмети с ВСИЧКО" )
//localify.Bind( "bg", prefix.."checkbox_use_shift_key", "" )
localify.Bind( "bg", prefix.."checkbox_relative", "Натрупвай спрямо новата ориентация" )
localify.Bind( "bg", prefix.."checkbox_material", "Приложи текстура" )
localify.Bind( "bg", prefix.."checkbox_color", "Приложи цвят" )
@ -258,6 +260,7 @@ localify.Bind( "", prefix.."checkbox_freeze", "" )
localify.Bind( "", prefix.."checkbox_weld", "" )
localify.Bind( "", prefix.."checkbox_nocollide", "" )
localify.Bind( "", prefix.."checkbox_nocollide_all", "" )
localify.Bind( "", prefix.."checkbox_use_shift_key", "" )
localify.Bind( "", prefix.."checkbox_relative", "" )
localify.Bind( "", prefix.."checkbox_material", "" )
localify.Bind( "", prefix.."checkbox_color", "" )

View File

@ -174,32 +174,33 @@ TOOL.Information = {
if ( CLIENT ) then
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "mode" ] = improvedstacker.MODE_PROP
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "direction" ] = improvedstacker.DIRECTION_UP
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "count" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "freeze" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "weld" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "nocollide" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "ghostall" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "material" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "physprop" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "color" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "offsetx" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "offsety" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "offsetz" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "pitch" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "yaw" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "roll" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "relative" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "draw_halos" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_r" ] = "255"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_g" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_b" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_a" ] = "255"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "draw_axis" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "axis_labels" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "axis_angles" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "opacity" ] = "100"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "mode" ] = improvedstacker.MODE_PROP
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "direction" ] = improvedstacker.DIRECTION_UP
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "count" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "freeze" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "weld" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "nocollide" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "ghostall" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "material" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "physprop" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "color" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "offsetx" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "offsety" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "offsetz" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "pitch" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "yaw" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "roll" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "relative" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "draw_halos" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_r" ] = "255"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_g" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_b" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "halo_a" ] = "255"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "draw_axis" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "axis_labels" ] = "1"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "axis_angles" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "opacity" ] = "100"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "use_shift_key" ] = "0"
-- Language Settings
@ -571,6 +572,13 @@ function TOOL:GetDelay() return cvarDelay:GetFloat() end
function TOOL:GetOpacity() return self:GetClientNumber( "opacity" ) end
-- TOOL:GetUseShiftKey()
-- Returns true if the client has enabled the alternate use of SHIFT in combination
-- with left and right clicking. If enable, holding SHIFT and pressing LMB/RMB will
-- have the same effect as holding E and pressing LMB/RMB.
function TOOL:GetUseShiftKey() return self:GetClientNumber( "use_shift_key" ) == 1 end
-- Tool Functions
@ -584,8 +592,8 @@ function TOOL:GetOpacity() return self:GetClientNumber( "opacity" ) end
function TOOL:LeftClick( tr, isRightClick )
local ply = self:GetOwner()
-- check if the player is holding E
if ( ply:KeyDown( IN_USE ) or ply:KeyDown( IN_SPEED ) ) then
-- check if the player is holding E or SHIFT (as long as they've enabled it)
if ( ply:KeyDown( IN_USE ) or (self:GetUseShiftKey() and ply:KeyDown( IN_SPEED )) ) then
if ( CLIENT ) then return false end
-- increase their stack count by 1 (until it hits the stack max)
local newCount = self:GetStackSize() >= self:GetMaxPerStack() and self:GetMaxPerStack() or self:GetStackSize() + 1
@ -761,8 +769,8 @@ end
function TOOL:RightClick( tr )
local ply = self:GetOwner()
-- check if the player is holding E
if ( ply:KeyDown( IN_USE ) or ply:KeyDown( IN_SPEED ) ) then
-- check if the player is holding E or SHIFT (as long as they've enabled it)
if ( ply:KeyDown( IN_USE ) or (self:GetUseShiftKey() and ply:KeyDown( IN_SPEED )) ) then
if ( CLIENT ) then return false end
-- decrease the player's stack count by 1 (until a minimum of 1)
local count = self:GetStackSize()
@ -1447,15 +1455,16 @@ if ( CLIENT ) then
cpanel:AddControl( "Button", { Label = L(prefix.."label_"..(showSettings and "hide" or "show").."_settings"), Command = mode.."_show_settings" } )
if ( showSettings ) then
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_relative"), Command = mode.."_relative", Description = "Stacks each prop relative to the prop right before it. This allows you to create curved stacks." } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_material"), Command = mode.."_material", Description = "Applies the material of the original prop to all stacked props" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_color"), Command = mode.."_color", Description = "Applies the color of the original prop to all stacked props" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_physprop"), Command = mode.."_physprop", Description = "Applies the physical properties of the original prop to all stacked props" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_ghost"), Command = mode.."_ghostall", Description = "Creates every ghost prop in the stack instead of just the first ghost prop" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_axis"), Command = mode.."_draw_axis", } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_axis_labels"), Command = mode.."_axis_labels", } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_axis_angles"), Command = mode.."_axis_angles", } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_halo"), Command = mode.."_draw_halos", Description = "Gives halos to all of the props in to ghosted stack" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_use_shift_key"), Command = mode.."_use_shift_key", Description = "Toggles the ability to hold SHIFT and click the left and right mouse buttons to change stack size" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_relative"), Command = mode.."_relative", Description = "Stacks each prop relative to the prop right before it. This allows you to create curved stacks" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_material"), Command = mode.."_material", Description = "Applies the material of the original prop to all stacked props" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_color"), Command = mode.."_color", Description = "Applies the color of the original prop to all stacked props" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_physprop"), Command = mode.."_physprop", Description = "Applies the physical properties of the original prop to all stacked props" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_ghost"), Command = mode.."_ghostall", Description = "Creates every ghost prop in the stack instead of just the first ghost prop" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_axis"), Command = mode.."_draw_axis", } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_axis_labels"), Command = mode.."_axis_labels", } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_axis_angles"), Command = mode.."_axis_angles", } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Checkbox", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_halo"), Command = mode.."_draw_halos", Description = "Gives halos to all of the props in to ghosted stack" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Slider", { Label = L(prefix.."label_opacity"), Type = "Integer", Min = 0, Max = 255, Command = mode.."_opacity" } )
cpanel:AddControl( "Color", { Label = L(prefix.."checkbox_halo_color"), Red = mode.."_halo_r", Green = mode.."_halo_g", Blue = mode.."_halo_b", Alpha = mode.."_halo_a" } )