**Coming straight from the Meta Construct Labs** Now you can wear workshop playermodels also in multiplayer! (Yes, others will see what you wear too!) --- You can test the addon on [Meta Construct](http://metastruct.net) servers. ### Download - [**Workshop**](http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=882463775) ### Main Feature Allows wearing many of the playermodels from workshop in multiplayer so that others will also see them. This happens during gameplay and not while connecting to server. ### Notice **Although the main functionality is working many additional features are not implemented yet.** **Known working gamemodes** - [x] Sandbox - [x] Base ### How to use? ![how to use](http://i.imgur.com/BCuhbp1.png "outfitter opens from context menu") ### Screenshots ![](http://i.imgur.com/hFsWKi4.png) ![](http://i.imgur.com/z8T362B.png) ### Planned extra features - [ ] Documentation! - [ ] Hooks - [ ] High performance mode (allows preventing loading more outfits during gameplay) - [ ] How to enforce models on players instead of letting them decide - [ ] Chat commands integration for admin mods - [ ] Further protections to make things less crashy and less exploitable (10% done) - [ ] Bodygroups support! (30% done) - [ ] Automatic wearing of outfit on join (0% done) - [ ] Hooks for servers to control various aspects of the addon (0% done) - [ ] Player Appearance Customizer 3 (PAC3) linking to autowear outfit with PAC! (0% done) - [ ] Blacklisting workshop addons based on title text (0% done) - [ ] Ignoring players (0% done, you can ignore non-steamfriends) - [ ] An external addon to make outfits lag-free in a VAC-safe way! (0% done) ### Questions / Support / Troubleshooting - [https://github.com/Metastruct/outfitter/issues](https://github.com/Metastruct/outfitter/issues) ### Planned bug fixes - [ ] Make blacklist less aggressive (20% done) - [ ] Disable debug printing (90% done) - [ ] Make certain outfits not lag when player dies (0% done) - [ ] Improve finding hands model for a model (0% done) ### Credits - [Meta Construct](http://metastruct.net) ### License The addon and all contributions to it are licensed to Meta Construct for use as seen fit (including selling [under a more permissive license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/)) to ensure further development (including relicensing the whole addon and all contributions under a more permissive license such as [AGPL/MIT](https://choosealicense.com/) in the future). Meta Construct may also transfer (not duplicate) its rights. The addon is licensed under [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License]( https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). ### Contributing By committing you put your code under the license above. Alternatively, declare your contributions under [Unlicense](http://unlicense.org). We will attempt to honor attribution the best we can.