Update to 1.1.20

This commit is contained in:
Kron4ek 2024-12-06 16:45:05 +03:00
parent 2ca033c711
commit 35ddcbea8b
3 changed files with 154 additions and 142 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
* Fixed launching NeoForge and new Fabric versions
* Multithreaded downloading is enabled by default now
* "Download missing libraries on game start" option is enabled by default now
* Fixed client assets downloading

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Define.s workingDirectory = RTrim(GetPathPart(ProgramFilename()), "/")
Global.s workingDirectory = RTrim(GetPathPart(ProgramFilename()), "/")
Global.s tempDirectory = GetTemporaryDirectory()
Global.i downloadOkButton
@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ Define.i downloadThread, downloadMissingLibraries, jsonArgumentsMember, jsonArgu
Define.i downloadMissingLibrariesGadget, downloadThreadsGadget, asyncDownloadGadget, saveSettingsButton, useCustomJavaGadget, useCustomParamsGadget, keepLauncherOpenGadget
Define.i i
Define.s playerNameDefault = "Name", ramAmountDefault = "700", javaBinaryPathDefault = "/usr/bin/java"
Define.s playerNameDefault = "PlayerName", ramAmountDefault = "2500", javaBinaryPathDefault = "/usr/bin/java"
Define.s customLaunchArgumentsDefault = "-Xss1M -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M"
Define.s customOldLaunchArgumentsDefault = "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M"
Define.i downloadThreadsAmountDefault = 10
Define.i asyncDownloadDefault = 0
Define.i downloadMissingLibrariesDefault = 0
Define.i downloadThreadsAmountDefault = 20
Define.i asyncDownloadDefault = 1
Define.i downloadMissingLibrariesDefault = 1
Define.i downloadAllFilesDefault = 0
Define.i versionsTypeDefault = 0
Define.i saveLaunchStringDefault = 0
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Define.i useCustomJavaDefault = 0
Define.i useCustomParamsDefault = 0
Define.i keepLauncherOpenDefault = 0
Define.s launcherVersion = "1.1.19"
Define.s launcherVersion = "1.1.20"
Define.s launcherDeveloper = "Kron4ek"
Declare assetsToResources(assetsIndex.s)
@ -53,11 +53,12 @@ Declare CreateDirectoryRecursive(path.s)
Declare generateProfileJson()
Declare.s parseVersionsManifest(versionType.i = 0, getClientJarUrl.i = 0, clientVersion.s = "")
Declare.s parseLibraries(clientVersion.s, prepareForDownload.i = 0)
Declare.s parseLibraries(clientVersion.s, prepareForDownload.i = 0, librariesString.s = "")
Declare.s fileRead(pathToFile.s)
Declare.s removeSpacesFromVersionName(clientVersion.s)
workingDirectory = RTrim(GetCurrentDirectory(), "/")
downloadThreadsAmount = ReadPreferenceInteger("DownloadThreads", downloadThreadsAmountDefault)
@ -67,27 +68,27 @@ DeleteFile(tempDirectory + "vlauncher_download_list.txt")
windowWidth = 250
windowHeight = 250
windowWidth = 350
windowHeight = 280
If OpenWindow(0, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Vortex Minecraft Launcher")
gadgetsWidth = windowWidth - 10
gadgetsHeight = 30
gadgetsHeight = 35
gadgetsIndent = 5
nameGadget = StringGadget(#PB_Any, gadgetsIndent, 5, gadgetsWidth, gadgetsHeight, ReadPreferenceString("Name", playerNameDefault))
SetGadgetAttribute(nameGadget, #PB_String_MaximumLength, 16)
ramGadget = StringGadget(#PB_Any, gadgetsIndent, 40, gadgetsWidth, gadgetsHeight, ReadPreferenceString("Ram", ramAmountDefault), #PB_String_Numeric)
ramGadget = StringGadget(#PB_Any, gadgetsIndent, 45, gadgetsWidth, gadgetsHeight, ReadPreferenceString("Ram", ramAmountDefault), #PB_String_Numeric)
GadgetToolTip(ramGadget, "Amount (megabytes) of memory to allocate for Minecraft")
SetGadgetAttribute(ramGadget, #PB_String_MaximumLength, 6)
versionsGadget = ComboBoxGadget(#PB_Any, gadgetsIndent, 75, gadgetsWidth, gadgetsHeight)
versionsGadget = ComboBoxGadget(#PB_Any, gadgetsIndent, 85, gadgetsWidth, gadgetsHeight)
playButton = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, gadgetsIndent, 120, gadgetsWidth, gadgetsHeight, "Play")
downloadButton = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, gadgetsIndent, 160, gadgetsWidth, gadgetsHeight, "Downloader")
settingsButton = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, gadgetsIndent, 200, gadgetsWidth, gadgetsHeight, "Settings")
playButton = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, gadgetsIndent, 130, gadgetsWidth, gadgetsHeight + 5, "Play")
downloadButton = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, gadgetsIndent, 175, gadgetsWidth, gadgetsHeight + 5, "Downloader")
settingsButton = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, gadgetsIndent, 220, gadgetsWidth, gadgetsHeight + 5, "Settings")
If LoadFont(0, "Arial", 10, #PB_Font_Bold)
SetGadgetFont(playButton, FontID(0))
@ -205,83 +206,84 @@ If OpenWindow(0, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Vortex Mine
If jsonInheritsFromMember
inheritsClientJar = GetJSONString(jsonInheritsFromMember)
If FileSize(clientJarFile) > 0
librariesString + parseLibraries(clientVersion, downloadMissingLibraries)
If jsonInheritsFromMember
inheritsClientJar = GetJSONString(jsonInheritsFromMember)
inheritsJson = ParseJSON(#PB_Any, fileRead("versions/" + inheritsClientJar + "/" + inheritsClientJar + ".json"))
inheritsJson = ParseJSON(#PB_Any, fileRead("versions/" + inheritsClientJar + "/" + inheritsClientJar + ".json"))
If inheritsJson
inheritsJsonObject = JSONValue(inheritsJson)
jsonInheritsArgumentsModernMember = GetJSONMember(inheritsJsonObject, "arguments")
If inheritsJson
inheritsJsonObject = JSONValue(inheritsJson)
jsonInheritsArgumentsModernMember = GetJSONMember(inheritsJsonObject, "arguments")
If jsonInheritsArgumentsModernMember
jsonArgumentsArray = GetJSONMember(jsonInheritsArgumentsModernMember, "game")
jsonJvmArray = GetJSONMember(jsonInheritsArgumentsModernMember, "jvm")
If jsonInheritsArgumentsModernMember
jsonArgumentsArray = GetJSONMember(jsonInheritsArgumentsModernMember, "game")
jsonJvmArray = GetJSONMember(jsonInheritsArgumentsModernMember, "jvm")
For i = 0 To JSONArraySize(jsonArgumentsArray) - 1
jsonArrayElement = GetJSONElement(jsonArgumentsArray, i)
If JSONType(jsonArrayElement) = #PB_JSON_String
clientArguments + " " + GetJSONString(jsonArrayElement) + " "
If jsonJvmArray
For i = 0 To JSONArraySize(jsonJvmArray) - 1
jsonArrayElement = GetJSONElement(jsonJvmArray, i)
For i = 0 To JSONArraySize(jsonArgumentsArray) - 1
jsonArrayElement = GetJSONElement(jsonArgumentsArray, i)
If JSONType(jsonArrayElement) = #PB_JSON_String
jvmArguments + " " + Chr(34) + GetJSONString(jsonArrayElement) + Chr(34) + " "
clientArguments + " " + GetJSONString(jsonArrayElement) + " "
If jsonJvmArray
For i = 0 To JSONArraySize(jsonJvmArray) - 1
jsonArrayElement = GetJSONElement(jsonJvmArray, i)
If JSONType(jsonArrayElement) = #PB_JSON_String
jvmArguments + " " + Chr(34) + GetJSONString(jsonArrayElement) + Chr(34) + " "
librariesString + parseLibraries(inheritsClientJar, downloadMissingLibraries, librariesString)
assetsIndex = GetJSONString(GetJSONMember(JSONValue(inheritsJson), "assets"))
releaseTimeMember = GetJSONMember(inheritsJsonObject, "releaseTime")
If releaseTimeMember
releaseTime = Val(StringField(GetJSONString(releaseTimeMember), 1, "-")) * 365 + Val(StringField(GetJSONString(releaseTimeMember), 2, "-")) * 30
MessageRequester("Error", inheritsClientJar + ".json file is missing!") : Break
If GetJSONMember(jsonObject, "assets")
assetsIndex = GetJSONString(GetJSONMember(jsonObject, "assets"))
ElseIf releaseTime > 0 And releaseTime < 734925
assetsIndex = "pre-1.6"
assetsIndex = "legacy"
If jsonInheritsFromMember And inheritsJson
loggingMember = GetJSONMember(inheritsJsonObject, "logging")
loggingMember = GetJSONMember(jsonObject, "logging")
If loggingMember
loggingClientMember = GetJSONMember(loggingMember, "client")
If loggingClientMember
loggingFileMember = GetJSONMember(loggingClientMember, "file")
If loggingFileMember
logConfArgument = "-Dlog4j.configurationFile=assets/log_configs/" + GetJSONString(GetJSONMember(loggingFileMember, "id"))
librariesString + parseLibraries(inheritsClientJar, downloadMissingLibraries)
assetsIndex = GetJSONString(GetJSONMember(JSONValue(inheritsJson), "assets"))
releaseTimeMember = GetJSONMember(inheritsJsonObject, "releaseTime")
If releaseTimeMember
releaseTime = Val(StringField(GetJSONString(releaseTimeMember), 1, "-")) * 365 + Val(StringField(GetJSONString(releaseTimeMember), 2, "-")) * 30
MessageRequester("Error", inheritsClientJar + ".json file is missing!") : Break
If GetJSONMember(jsonObject, "assets")
assetsIndex = GetJSONString(GetJSONMember(jsonObject, "assets"))
ElseIf releaseTime > 0 And releaseTime < 734925
assetsIndex = "pre-1.6"
assetsIndex = "legacy"
If inheritsJson
If jsonInheritsFromMember And inheritsJson
loggingMember = GetJSONMember(inheritsJsonObject, "logging")
loggingMember = GetJSONMember(jsonObject, "logging")
If loggingMember
loggingClientMember = GetJSONMember(loggingMember, "client")
If loggingClientMember
loggingFileMember = GetJSONMember(loggingClientMember, "file")
If loggingFileMember
logConfArgument = "-Dlog4j.configurationFile=assets/log_configs/" + GetJSONString(GetJSONMember(loggingFileMember, "id"))
If inheritsJson
If FileSize(clientJarFile) > 0
librariesString = parseLibraries(clientVersion, downloadMissingLibraries) + librariesString
clientMainClass = GetJSONString(GetJSONMember(jsonObject, "mainClass"))
@ -370,22 +372,20 @@ If OpenWindow(0, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Vortex Mine
Case downloadButton
*FileBuffer = ReceiveHTTPMemory("https://launchermeta.mojang.com/mc/game/version_manifest.json")
If *FileBuffer
If OpenWindow(1, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, 250, 140, "Client Downloader")
If OpenWindow(1, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, 300, 160, "Client Downloader")
DisableGadget(downloadButton, 1)
ComboBoxGadget(325, 5, 5, 240, 30)
ComboBoxGadget(325, 5, 5, 290, 35)
versionsDownloadGadget = 325
CheckBoxGadget(110, 5, 45, 240, 20, "Show all versions")
CheckBoxGadget(110, 5, 50, 240, 20, "Show all versions")
versionsTypeGadget = 110
SetGadgetState(versionsTypeGadget, ReadPreferenceInteger("ShowAllVersions", versionsTypeDefault))
CheckBoxGadget(817, 5, 70, 240, 20, "Redownload all files")
CheckBoxGadget(817, 5, 75, 240, 20, "Redownload all files")
downloadAllFilesGadget = 817
SetGadgetState(downloadAllFilesGadget, ReadPreferenceInteger("RedownloadFiles", downloadAllFilesDefault))
downloadVersionButton = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 100, 240, 30, "Download")
downloadVersionButton = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 110, 290, 40, "Download")
If IsThread(downloadThread) : DisableGadget(downloadVersionButton, 1) : EndIf
@ -484,34 +484,34 @@ If OpenWindow(0, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Vortex Mine
argsGadget = StringGadget(#PB_Any, 85, 5, 260, 30, ReadPreferenceString("LaunchArguments", customLaunchArgumentsDefault))
GadgetToolTip(argsGadget, "These parameters will be used to launch Minecraft")
javaBinaryPathTextGadget = TextGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 45, 80, 30, "Path to Java:")
javaBinaryPathTextGadget = TextGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 45, 80, 30, "Path to Java binary:")
javaPathGadget = StringGadget(#PB_Any, 85, 45, 260, 30, ReadPreferenceString("JavaPath", javaBinaryPathDefault))
GadgetToolTip(javaPathGadget, "Absolute path to Java binary")
GadgetToolTip(javaPathGadget, "Absolute path to the Java binary that will be used to run the game")
downloadThreadsTextGadget = TextGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 85, 80, 30, "Download threads:")
downloadThreadsGadget = StringGadget(#PB_Any, 85, 85, 260, 30, ReadPreferenceString("DownloadThreads", Str(downloadThreadsAmountDefault)), #PB_String_Numeric)
GadgetToolTip(downloadThreadsGadget, "Higher numbers may speedup downloads (works only with multi-threads downloads)")
GadgetToolTip(downloadThreadsGadget, "Higher numbers may speedup downloads on fast internet connection (works only with multi-threads downloads)")
SetGadgetAttribute(downloadThreadsGadget, #PB_String_MaximumLength, 3)
CheckBoxGadget(311, 5, 125, 340, 20, "Fast multi-thread downloads (experimental)")
CheckBoxGadget(311, 5, 125, 340, 20, "Fast multithreaded downloading")
asyncDownloadGadget = 311
SetGadgetState(asyncDownloadGadget, ReadPreferenceInteger("AsyncDownload", asyncDownloadDefault))
downloadMissingLibrariesGadget = CheckBoxGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 150, 340, 20, "Download missing libraries on game start")
SetGadgetState(downloadMissingLibrariesGadget, ReadPreferenceInteger("DownloadMissingLibs", downloadMissingLibrariesDefault))
saveLaunchStringGadget = CheckBoxGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 175, 340, 20, "Save launch string to file")
GadgetToolTip(saveLaunchStringGadget, "Full launch string will be saved to launch_string.txt file")
saveLaunchStringGadget = CheckBoxGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 175, 340, 20, "Save the launch string to a file")
GadgetToolTip(saveLaunchStringGadget, "The full game launch string will be saved to launch_string.txt")
SetGadgetState(saveLaunchStringGadget, ReadPreferenceInteger("SaveLaunchString", saveLaunchStringDefault))
CheckBoxGadget(312, 5, 200, 340, 20, "Use custom Java")
useCustomJavaGadget = 312
GadgetToolTip(useCustomJavaGadget, "Use custom Java instead of installed one")
GadgetToolTip(useCustomJavaGadget, "Use custom Java binary instead of the default one from the system")
SetGadgetState(useCustomJavaGadget, ReadPreferenceInteger("UseCustomJava", useCustomJavaDefault))
CheckBoxGadget(313, 5, 225, 340, 20, "Use custom launch parameters")
useCustomParamsGadget = 313
GadgetToolTip(useCustomParamsGadget, "Use custom parameters to launch Minecraft")
GadgetToolTip(useCustomParamsGadget, "Set custom parameters to launch the game")
SetGadgetState(useCustomParamsGadget, ReadPreferenceInteger("UseCustomParameters", useCustomParamsDefault))
CheckBoxGadget(689, 5, 250, 340, 20, "Keep the launcher open")
@ -528,10 +528,6 @@ If OpenWindow(0, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Vortex Mine
Case useCustomParamsGadget
DisableGadget(argsGadget, Bool(Not GetGadgetState(useCustomParamsGadget)))
Case asyncDownloadGadget
If GetGadgetState(asyncDownloadGadget)
MessageRequester("Warning", "This option is experimental and may cause crashes." + #CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "You have been warned!")
DisableGadget(downloadThreadsGadget, Bool(Not GetGadgetState(asyncDownloadGadget)))
Case useCustomJavaGadget
DisableGadget(javaPathGadget, Bool(Not GetGadgetState(useCustomJavaGadget)))
@ -678,14 +674,14 @@ Procedure.s parseVersionsManifest(versionType.i = 0, getClientJarUrl.i = 0, clie
SetGadgetState(versionsDownloadGadget, 0)
Procedure.s parseLibraries(clientVersion.s, prepareForDownload.i = 0)
Procedure.s parseLibraries(clientVersion.s, prepareForDownload.i = 0, librariesString.s = "")
Protected.i jsonLibrariesArray, jsonArrayElement, jsonFile, fileSize, downloadListFile, zipFile
Protected.i jsonArtifactsMember, jsonDownloadsMember, jsonUrlMember, jsonClassifiersMember, jsonNativesLinuxMember
Protected.i jsonRulesMember, jsonRulesOsMember
Protected.i i, k
Protected.i allowLib
Protected.i allowLib, skipLib
Protected.s libName, libsString, packFileName, url
Protected.s libName, libNameBase, libsString, packFileName, url
Protected.s jsonRulesOsName
Protected Dim libSplit.s(4)
@ -705,6 +701,7 @@ Procedure.s parseLibraries(clientVersion.s, prepareForDownload.i = 0)
jsonArrayElement = GetJSONElement(jsonLibrariesArray, i)
allowLib = 1
jsonRulesOsName = "empty"
skipLib = 0
jsonRulesMember = GetJSONMember(jsonArrayElement, "rules")
@ -735,8 +732,15 @@ Procedure.s parseLibraries(clientVersion.s, prepareForDownload.i = 0)
For k = 1 To 4
libSplit(k) = StringField(libName, k, ":")
libName = ReplaceString(libSplit(1), ".", "/") + "/" + libSplit(2) + "/" + libSplit(3) + "/" + libSplit(2) + "-" + libSplit(3)
libNameBase = ReplaceString(libSplit(1), ".", "/") + "/" + libSplit(2)
libName = libNameBase + "/" + libSplit(3) + "/" + libSplit(2) + "-" + libSplit(3)
If librariesString <> ""
If FindString(librariesString, libNameBase + "/")
skipLib = 1
If libSplit(4)
libName + "-" + libSplit(4)
@ -776,7 +780,9 @@ Procedure.s parseLibraries(clientVersion.s, prepareForDownload.i = 0)
If Not GetJSONMember(jsonArrayElement, "natives")
libsString + "libraries/" + libName + ".jar:"
If skipLib = 0
libsString + workingDirectory + "/libraries/" + libName + ".jar:"
If Not Right(libName, 13) = "natives-linux"
zipFile = OpenPack(#PB_Any, "libraries/" + libName + "-natives-linux.jar")
@ -840,8 +846,6 @@ Procedure downloadFiles(downloadAllFiles.i)
If IsGadget(downloadVersionButton) : DisableGadget(downloadVersionButton, 1) : EndIf
If IsGadget(progressBar) : SetGadgetAttribute(progressBar, #PB_ProgressBar_Maximum, linesTotal) : EndIf
If asyncDownload
While (Eof(file) = 0 Or currentDownloads > 0) And failedDownloads <= 5
For i = 0 To downloadThreadsAmount
@ -864,13 +868,13 @@ Procedure downloadFiles(downloadAllFiles.i)
lines - 1
ElseIf HTTPProgress(httpArray(i)) = #PB_Http_Success
ElseIf HTTPProgress(httpArray(i)) = #PB_HTTP_Success
currentDownloads - 1
lines - 1
httpArray(i) = 0
ElseIf HTTPProgress(httpArray(i)) = #PB_Http_Failed
ElseIf HTTPProgress(httpArray(i)) = #PB_HTTP_Failed
If retries(i) < allowedRetries

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Define.s workingDirectory = RTrim(GetPathPart(ProgramFilename()), "\")
Global.s workingDirectory = RTrim(GetPathPart(ProgramFilename()), "\")
Global.s tempDirectory = GetTemporaryDirectory()
Global Dim programFilesDir.s(1)
@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ Define.i downloadMissingLibraries, jsonArgumentsMember, jsonArgumentsModernMembe
Define.i downloadMissingLibrariesGadget, downloadThreadsGadget, asyncDownloadGadget, saveSettingsButton, useCustomJavaGadget, useCustomParamsGadget, keepLauncherOpenGadget
Define.i i
Define.s playerNameDefault = "Name", ramAmountDefault = "700"
Define.s playerNameDefault = "PlayerName", ramAmountDefault = "2500"
Define.s customLaunchArgumentsDefault = "-Xss1M -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M"
Define.s customOldLaunchArgumentsDefault = "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M"
Define.i downloadThreadsAmountDefault = 10
Define.i asyncDownloadDefault = 0
Define.i downloadMissingLibrariesDefault = 0
Define.i downloadThreadsAmountDefault = 20
Define.i asyncDownloadDefault = 1
Define.i downloadMissingLibrariesDefault = 1
Define.i downloadAllFilesDefault = 0
Define.i versionsTypeDefault = 0
Define.i saveLaunchStringDefault = 0
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Define.i keepLauncherOpenDefault = 0
Global.i useCustomJavaDefault = 0
Global.s javaBinaryPathDefault = "C:\jre8\bin\javaw.exe"
Define.s launcherVersion = "1.1.19"
Define.s launcherVersion = "1.1.20"
Define.s launcherDeveloper = "Kron4ek"
Declare assetsToResources(assetsIndex.s)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Declare CreateDirectoryRecursive(path.s)
Declare generateProfileJson()
Declare.s parseVersionsManifest(versionType.i = 0, getClientJarUrl.i = 0, clientVersion.s = "")
Declare.s parseLibraries(clientVersion.s, prepareForDownload.i = 0)
Declare.s parseLibraries(clientVersion.s, prepareForDownload.i = 0, librariesString.s = "")
Declare.s fileRead(pathToFile.s)
Declare.s removeSpacesFromVersionName(clientVersion.s)
@ -218,7 +218,10 @@ If OpenWindow(0, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Vortex Mine
If jsonInheritsFromMember
If FileSize(clientJarFile) > 0
librariesString + parseLibraries(clientVersion, downloadMissingLibraries)
If jsonInheritsFromMember
inheritsClientJar = GetJSONString(jsonInheritsFromMember)
inheritsJson = ParseJSON(#PB_Any, fileRead("versions\" + inheritsClientJar + "\" + inheritsClientJar + ".json"))
@ -250,7 +253,7 @@ If OpenWindow(0, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Vortex Mine
librariesString + parseLibraries(inheritsClientJar, downloadMissingLibraries)
librariesString + parseLibraries(inheritsClientJar, downloadMissingLibraries, librariesString)
assetsIndex = GetJSONString(GetJSONMember(JSONValue(inheritsJson), "assets"))
releaseTimeMember = GetJSONMember(inheritsJsonObject, "releaseTime")
@ -292,9 +295,7 @@ If OpenWindow(0, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Vortex Mine
If inheritsJson
If FileSize(clientJarFile) > 0
librariesString = parseLibraries(clientVersion, downloadMissingLibraries) + librariesString
clientMainClass = GetJSONString(GetJSONMember(jsonObject, "mainClass"))
@ -383,8 +384,6 @@ If OpenWindow(0, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Vortex Mine
Case downloadButton
*FileBuffer = ReceiveHTTPMemory("https://launchermeta.mojang.com/mc/game/version_manifest.json")
If *FileBuffer
If OpenWindow(1, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, 200, 120, "Client Downloader")
@ -503,27 +502,27 @@ If OpenWindow(0, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Vortex Mine
downloadThreadsTextGadget = TextGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 65, 80, 30, "Download threads:")
downloadThreadsGadget = StringGadget(#PB_Any, 70, 65, 260, 25, ReadPreferenceString("DownloadThreads", Str(downloadThreadsAmountDefault)), #PB_String_Numeric)
GadgetToolTip(downloadThreadsGadget, "Higher numbers may speedup downloads (works only with multi-threads downloads)")
GadgetToolTip(downloadThreadsGadget, "Higher numbers may speedup downloads on fast internet connection (works only with multi-threads downloads)")
SetGadgetAttribute(downloadThreadsGadget, #PB_String_MaximumLength, 3)
CheckBoxGadget(311, 5, 95, 300, 20, "Fast multi-thread downloads (experimental)")
CheckBoxGadget(311, 5, 95, 300, 20, "Fast multithreaded downloading")
asyncDownloadGadget = 311
SetGadgetState(asyncDownloadGadget, ReadPreferenceInteger("AsyncDownload", asyncDownloadDefault))
downloadMissingLibrariesGadget = CheckBoxGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 115, 300, 20, "Download missing libraries on game start")
SetGadgetState(downloadMissingLibrariesGadget, ReadPreferenceInteger("DownloadMissingLibs", downloadMissingLibrariesDefault))
saveLaunchStringGadget = CheckBoxGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 135, 300, 20, "Save launch string to file")
GadgetToolTip(saveLaunchStringGadget, "Full launch string will be saved to launch_string.txt file")
saveLaunchStringGadget = CheckBoxGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 135, 300, 20, "Save the launch string to a file")
GadgetToolTip(saveLaunchStringGadget, "The full game launch string will be saved to launch_string.txt")
SetGadgetState(saveLaunchStringGadget, ReadPreferenceInteger("SaveLaunchString", saveLaunchStringDefault))
useCustomJavaGadget = CheckBoxGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 155, 300, 20, "Use custom Java")
GadgetToolTip(useCustomJavaGadget, "Use custom Java instead of installed one")
GadgetToolTip(useCustomJavaGadget, "Use custom Java instead of the installed one")
SetGadgetState(useCustomJavaGadget, ReadPreferenceInteger("UseCustomJava", useCustomJavaDefault))
CheckBoxGadget(313, 5, 175, 300, 20, "Use custom launch parameters")
useCustomParamsGadget = 313
GadgetToolTip(useCustomParamsGadget, "Use custom parameters to launch Minecraft")
GadgetToolTip(useCustomParamsGadget, "Set custom parameters to launch the game")
SetGadgetState(useCustomParamsGadget, ReadPreferenceInteger("UseCustomParameters", useCustomParamsDefault))
CheckBoxGadget(689, 5, 195, 300, 20, "Keep the launcher open")
@ -542,10 +541,6 @@ If OpenWindow(0, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Vortex Mine
Case useCustomJavaGadget
DisableGadget(javaPathGadget, Bool(Not GetGadgetState(useCustomJavaGadget)))
Case asyncDownloadGadget
If GetGadgetState(asyncDownloadGadget)
MessageRequester("Warning", "This option is experimental and may cause crashes." + #CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "You have been warned!")
DisableGadget(downloadThreadsGadget, Bool(Not GetGadgetState(asyncDownloadGadget)))
Case saveSettingsButton
If GetGadgetText(downloadThreadsGadget) = "0" : SetGadgetText(downloadThreadsGadget, "5") : EndIf
@ -692,14 +687,14 @@ Procedure.s parseVersionsManifest(versionType.i = 0, getClientJarUrl.i = 0, clie
SetGadgetState(versionsDownloadGadget, 0)
Procedure.s parseLibraries(clientVersion.s, prepareForDownload.i = 0)
Procedure.s parseLibraries(clientVersion.s, prepareForDownload.i = 0, librariesString.s = "")
Protected.i jsonLibrariesArray, jsonArrayElement, jsonFile, fileSize, downloadListFile, zipFile
Protected.i jsonArtifactsMember, jsonDownloadsMember, jsonUrlMember, jsonClassifiersMember, jsonNativesLinuxMember
Protected.i jsonRulesMember, jsonRulesOsMember
Protected.i i, k
Protected.i allowLib
Protected.i allowLib, skipLib
Protected.s libName, libsString, packFileName, url
Protected.s libName, libNameBase, libsString, packFileName, url
Protected.s jsonRulesOsName
Protected Dim libSplit.s(4)
@ -719,6 +714,7 @@ Procedure.s parseLibraries(clientVersion.s, prepareForDownload.i = 0)
jsonArrayElement = GetJSONElement(jsonLibrariesArray, i)
allowLib = 1
jsonRulesOsName = "empty"
skipLib = 0
jsonRulesMember = GetJSONMember(jsonArrayElement, "rules")
@ -750,7 +746,14 @@ Procedure.s parseLibraries(clientVersion.s, prepareForDownload.i = 0)
libSplit(k) = StringField(libName, k, ":")
libName = ReplaceString(libSplit(1), ".", "\") + "\" + libSplit(2) + "\" + libSplit(3) + "\" + libSplit(2) + "-" + libSplit(3)
libNameBase = ReplaceString(libSplit(1), ".", "\") + "\" + libSplit(2)
libName = libNameBase + "\" + libSplit(3) + "\" + libSplit(2) + "-" + libSplit(3)
If librariesString <> ""
If FindString(librariesString, libNameBase + "\")
skipLib = 1
If libSplit(4)
libName + "-" + libSplit(4)
@ -790,7 +793,9 @@ Procedure.s parseLibraries(clientVersion.s, prepareForDownload.i = 0)
If Not GetJSONMember(jsonArrayElement, "natives")
libsString + "libraries\" + libName + ".jar;"
If skipLib = 0
libsString + workingDirectory + "\libraries\" + libName + ".jar;"
If Not Right(libName, 15) = "natives-windows"
zipFile = OpenPack(#PB_Any, "libraries\" + libName + "-natives-windows.jar")
@ -854,8 +859,6 @@ Procedure downloadFiles(downloadAllFiles.i)
If IsGadget(downloadVersionButton) : DisableGadget(downloadVersionButton, 1) : EndIf
If IsGadget(progressBar) : SetGadgetAttribute(progressBar, #PB_ProgressBar_Maximum, linesTotal) : EndIf
If asyncDownload
While (Eof(file) = 0 Or currentDownloads > 0) And failedDownloads <= 5
For i = 0 To downloadThreadsAmount
@ -878,13 +881,13 @@ Procedure downloadFiles(downloadAllFiles.i)
lines - 1
ElseIf HTTPProgress(httpArray(i)) = #PB_Http_Success
ElseIf HTTPProgress(httpArray(i)) = #PB_HTTP_Success
currentDownloads - 1
lines - 1
httpArray(i) = 0
ElseIf HTTPProgress(httpArray(i)) = #PB_Http_Failed
ElseIf HTTPProgress(httpArray(i)) = #PB_HTTP_Failed
If retries(i) < allowedRetries