- Added a new analog display font, you can address it as "Segment16" on EGP and Starfall.
- The font will automatically download to clients if your server has sv_allowdownload enabled.
Added table-getter for turret motors
Added getter for turret gyroscopes, if they are dual or not
Added ring size and teeth count to turret data table
[E2] Fixed typeids for both table-getter functions, so E2 can actually use them
- Attempting to use the armor checker on any entity parented on top of a turret would throw errors due to the fact their rotator had no valid physics object.
- For whatever reason, physclipped entities wouldn't update their mass on ACF until looked at with the armor tool or anything that ran `ACF.Check` in the background.
Brought dev up to main with the scanner changes
New check for seat aliases, because apparently certain vehicles duped in certain ways will just not have the correct data applied when spawned in a dupe, so they were having the alias applied incorrectly
General change to player damage, now players are generally a little more able to survive getting shot in certain spots, and having armor (suit charge) is more important
Modified HEAT to simply cut off after a certain distance dependent on the breakup distance, to help cull the absolutely ridiculous jet distances; also penetration amount is modified by the jet mass percentage
Removed the filter being passed along to createExplosions when a HEAT round detonates; was causing issues regarding close explosions ignoring the entirety of the source gun's barrel filter (meaning potentially the entire front of a turret), it was also not consistent with HE
Stopped HEAT from instantly detonating whatever was able to detonate, leave that to normal damage! It was also completely bypassing damage perms
New debug library accessed with ACF.Debug, exactly the same as normal debugoverlay except it requires an extra convar, acf_developer, to be on. This should allow someone to debug certain things while using ACF while allowing them to not also see every single line drawn from ballistics or what have you