Should fix wep being null on bullet hit

This commit is contained in:
TheOnly8Z 2022-04-04 16:19:40 -04:00
parent 02bf9be118
commit 9003155c82

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@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ function ArcCW:BulletCallback(att, tr, dmg, bullet, phys)
local delta = phys and math.Clamp(bullet.Travelled / (bullet.Range / ArcCW.HUToM), 0, 1) or wep:GetRangeFraction(dist)
local calc_damage = (phys and Lerp(delta, bullet.DamageMax, bullet.DamageMin) or wep:GetDamage(dist, true)) * mul
local dmgtyp = phys and bullet.DamageType or wep:GetBuff_Override("Override_DamageType", wep.DamageType)
local dmgtyp = phys and bullet.DamageType or (IsValid(wep) and wep:GetBuff_Override("Override_DamageType", wep.DamageType)) or DMG_BULLET
local hit = {}
hit.att = att
@ -348,11 +348,11 @@ function ArcCW:BulletCallback(att, tr, dmg, bullet, phys)
local effect = phys and bullet.ImpactEffect or wep:GetBuff_Override("Override_ImpactEffect", wep.ImpactEffect)
local decal = phys and bullet.ImpactDecal or wep:GetBuff_Override("Override_ImpactDecal", wep.ImpactDecal)
local effect = phys and bullet.ImpactEffect or (IsValid(wep) and wep:GetBuff_Override("Override_ImpactEffect", wep.ImpactEffect))
local decal = phys and bullet.ImpactDecal or (IsValid(wep) and wep:GetBuff_Override("Override_ImpactDecal", wep.ImpactDecal))
-- Do our handling of damage types, if not ignored by the gun or some attachment
if !wep:GetBuff_Override("Override_DamageTypeHandled", wep.DamageTypeHandled) then
if IsValid(wep) and !wep:GetBuff_Override("Override_DamageTypeHandled", wep.DamageTypeHandled) then
local _, maxrng = wep:GetMinMaxRange()
-- ignite target
if dmg:IsDamageType(DMG_BURN) and hit.range <= maxrng then