Slowly restore att inventory functionality

This commit is contained in:
Haodong Mo 2022-12-29 20:12:07 +10:00
parent 85aefe5556
commit cfc2276b16

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@ -155,8 +155,12 @@ local function enterfolder(self, scroll, slottbl, fname)
local strpath = string.Implode("/", self.BottomBarPath)
for _, att in pairs(self.BottomBarAtts) do
local qty = ARC9:PlayerGetAtts(self:GetOwner(), att)
local atttbl = ARC9.GetAttTable(att.att)
if qty <= 0 and !atttbl.Free then continue end
if atttbl.AdminOnly and !self:GetOwner():IsAdmin() then continue end
if (!atttbl.Folder and #self.BottomBarPath > 0) or (atttbl.Folder and atttbl.Folder != strpath) then continue end