Added nade base to base nades off of

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Haodong Mo 2022-11-09 23:21:08 +10:00
parent 68d25c5c32
commit a41e064430

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
SWEP.Base = "arc9_base"
SWEP.PrintName = "ARC9 Base Grenade"
SWEP.Spawnable = false
SWEP.BottomlessClip = true
SWEP.ShootEnt = "arc9_proj_base"
SWEP.Throwable = true -- Set to true to give this weapon throwing capabilities.
SWEP.Tossable = true -- When grenade is enabled, right click will toss. Set to false to disable, allowing you to aim down sights.
SWEP.ThrowAnimSpeed = 1
SWEP.FuseTimer = -1 -- Length of time that the grenade will take to explode in your hands. -1 = Won't explode.
SWEP.ThrowForceMin = 500 -- Minimum force that the grenade will be thrown with.
SWEP.ThrowForceMax = 1000 -- Maximum force that the grenade will be thrown with.
SWEP.TossForce = 250 -- Force that the grenade will be thrown with when right clicked.
SWEP.ThrowChargeTime = 1 -- How long it takes to charge the grenade to its maximum throw force.
SWEP.ThrowTumble = true -- Grenade tumbles when thrown.
SWEP.Disposable = true