Revert "Localized Spawnmenu Settings"

This reverts commit 7d747fda34.
This commit is contained in:
MokaAkashiya85 2024-11-11 10:17:45 +01:00
parent 1b336a5df8
commit 941161ca69
8 changed files with 29 additions and 266 deletions

View File

@ -929,37 +929,3 @@ Wenn Sie nicht sofort Zugang zu den ARC9 Premium-Boni erhalten haben, verbinden
Wenn Sie immer noch Probleme damit haben, oder wenn Sie immer noch keinen Premium-Zugang erhalten haben, dann besuchen Sie den Diamond Doves Discord Server und geben Sie einen gültigen Kaufnachweis an, und wir werden das Problem für Sie lösen.
////////////////////// Spawn Menu
-- L["spawnmenu.settings.desc"] = "Access the ARC9 settings by pressing this button without having to equip a weapon!"
-- L["spawnmenu.settings.button"] = "Open Settings Panel"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller"] = "Controller Mode"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.button.desc"] = [[Activate a controller-friendly mode for ARC9.
-- "Jump", "Reload" and "Use" can be used to Select, Deselect and Randomly select attachments.
-- Controller glyphs can be customized below!]]
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.input1"] = "Write which input the glyph should replace"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.input2"] = "Which glyph should appear; click on the one below"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.apply"] = "Add & Apply"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.remove"] = "Remove Selected"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.filter"] = "Filter by Controller Type"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.filter.all"] = "! Display All !"
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod"] = "Super Modifiers"
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.desc"] = "Add ANY modifier with ANY special condition!"
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.desc2"] = "Double-click to copy into text fields."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.input1"] = [[ Use the first list to select a stat to modify ]]
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.input2"] = [[ Enter a number value, 'true' or 'false' ]]
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.list1"] = "Open this list and select a stat to change."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.list2"] = "Then, open this list to select a modification type.\nSome stats do not have access to these."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.list3"] = "Lastly, open this list and select when it should apply, such as when crouching."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.examples"] = [[Here are some examples:
-- - "Overheat" "true" to disable overheating.
-- - "BottomlessClip" "true" to enable Bottomless Clip.
-- - "RecoilMultCrouch" "0.1" to reduce recoil by 90% when crouching.
-- - "RPMMultOddShot" "0.5" to make every other shot shoot half as fast.
-- ]]

View File

@ -990,37 +990,3 @@ If you have not immediately acquired access to the ARC9 Premium bonuses, please
If you are still having problems with it, or if you still have not been granted Premium, then do visit the Diamond Doves Discord server and provide valid proof of purchase, and we will have it fixed for you.
////////////////////// Spawn Menu
L["spawnmenu.settings.desc"] = "Access the ARC9 settings by pressing this button without having to equip a weapon!"
L["spawnmenu.settings.button"] = "Open Settings Panel"
L["spawnmenu.controller"] = "Controller Mode"
L["spawnmenu.controller.button.desc"] = [[Activate a controller-friendly mode for ARC9.
"Jump", "Reload" and "Use" can be used to Select, Deselect and Randomly select attachments.
Controller glyphs can be customized below!]]
L["spawnmenu.controller.input1"] = "Write which input the glyph should replace"
L["spawnmenu.controller.input2"] = "Which glyph should appear; click on the one below"
L["spawnmenu.controller.apply"] = "Add & Apply"
L["spawnmenu.controller.remove"] = "Remove Selected"
L["spawnmenu.controller.filter"] = "Filter by Controller Type"
L["spawnmenu.controller.filter.all"] = "! Display All !"
L["spawnmenu.supermod"] = "Super Modifiers"
L["spawnmenu.supermod.desc"] = "Add ANY modifier with ANY special condition!"
L["spawnmenu.supermod.desc2"] = "Double-click to copy into text fields."
L["spawnmenu.supermod.input1"] = [[ Use the first list to select a stat to modify ]]
L["spawnmenu.supermod.input2"] = [[ Enter a number value, 'true' or 'false' ]]
L["spawnmenu.supermod.list1"] = "Open this list and select a stat to change."
L["spawnmenu.supermod.list2"] = "Then, open this list to select a modification type.\nSome stats do not have access to these."
L["spawnmenu.supermod.list3"] = "Lastly, open this list and select when it should apply, such as when crouching."
L["spawnmenu.supermod.examples"] = [[Here are some examples:
- "Overheat" "true" to disable overheating.
- "BottomlessClip" "true" to enable Bottomless Clip.
- "RecoilMultCrouch" "0.1" to reduce recoil by 90% when crouching.
- "RPMMultOddShot" "0.5" to make every other shot shoot half as fast.

View File

@ -931,37 +931,3 @@ Si usted no ha adquirido inmediatamente el acceso a las bonificaciones ARC9 Prem
Si sigues teniendo problemas, o si todavía no se te ha concedido Premium, entonces visita el servidor Discord de Diamond Doves y proporciona una prueba válida de compra, y lo arreglaremos para ti.
////////////////////// Spawn Menu
-- L["spawnmenu.settings.desc"] = "Access the ARC9 settings by pressing this button without having to equip a weapon!"
-- L["spawnmenu.settings.button"] = "Open Settings Panel"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller"] = "Controller Mode"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.button.desc"] = [[Activate a controller-friendly mode for ARC9.
-- "Jump", "Reload" and "Use" can be used to Select, Deselect and Randomly select attachments.
-- Controller glyphs can be customized below!]]
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.input1"] = "Write which input the glyph should replace"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.input2"] = "Which glyph should appear; click on the one below"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.apply"] = "Add & Apply"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.remove"] = "Remove Selected"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.filter"] = "Filter by Controller Type"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.filter.all"] = "! Display All !"
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod"] = "Super Modifiers"
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.desc"] = "Add ANY modifier with ANY special condition!"
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.desc2"] = "Double-click to copy into text fields."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.input1"] = [[ Use the first list to select a stat to modify ]]
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.input2"] = [[ Enter a number value, 'true' or 'false' ]]
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.list1"] = "Open this list and select a stat to change."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.list2"] = "Then, open this list to select a modification type.\nSome stats do not have access to these."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.list3"] = "Lastly, open this list and select when it should apply, such as when crouching."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.examples"] = [[Here are some examples:
-- - "Overheat" "true" to disable overheating.
-- - "BottomlessClip" "true" to enable Bottomless Clip.
-- - "RecoilMultCrouch" "0.1" to reduce recoil by 90% when crouching.
-- - "RPMMultOddShot" "0.5" to make every other shot shoot half as fast.
-- ]]

View File

@ -928,37 +928,3 @@ L["premium.purchased.desc"] = [[
Если у вас все еще возникают проблемы или вы не получили Premium, зайдите на сервер Diamond Doves Discord и предоставьте действительное доказательство покупки, и мы все исправим.
////////////////////// Spawn Menu
-- L["spawnmenu.settings.desc"] = "Access the ARC9 settings by pressing this button without having to equip a weapon!"
-- L["spawnmenu.settings.button"] = "Open Settings Panel"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller"] = "Controller Mode"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.button.desc"] = [[Activate a controller-friendly mode for ARC9.
-- "Jump", "Reload" and "Use" can be used to Select, Deselect and Randomly select attachments.
-- Controller glyphs can be customized below!]]
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.input1"] = "Write which input the glyph should replace"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.input2"] = "Which glyph should appear; click on the one below"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.apply"] = "Add & Apply"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.remove"] = "Remove Selected"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.filter"] = "Filter by Controller Type"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.filter.all"] = "! Display All !"
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod"] = "Super Modifiers"
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.desc"] = "Add ANY modifier with ANY special condition!"
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.desc2"] = "Double-click to copy into text fields."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.input1"] = [[ Use the first list to select a stat to modify ]]
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.input2"] = [[ Enter a number value, 'true' or 'false' ]]
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.list1"] = "Open this list and select a stat to change."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.list2"] = "Then, open this list to select a modification type.\nSome stats do not have access to these."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.list3"] = "Lastly, open this list and select when it should apply, such as when crouching."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.examples"] = [[Here are some examples:
-- - "Overheat" "true" to disable overheating.
-- - "BottomlessClip" "true" to enable Bottomless Clip.
-- - "RecoilMultCrouch" "0.1" to reduce recoil by 90% when crouching.
-- - "RPMMultOddShot" "0.5" to make every other shot shoot half as fast.
-- ]]

View File

@ -929,37 +929,3 @@ Om du inte omedelbart får tillgång till ARC9 Premium bonusarna, vänligen åte
Om du fortfarande har problem med det, eller du inte fått tillgång till Premium, besök Diamond Doves Discord-servern och ge giltigt bevis av köp fixar vi till det åt dig.
////////////////////// Spawn Menu
L["spawnmenu.settings.desc"] = "Få tillgång till ARC9-inställningarna genom att trycka på denna knapp utan att ta fram ett vapen!"
L["spawnmenu.settings.button"] = "Öppna Inställningspanelen"
L["spawnmenu.controller"] = "Kontrollerläge"
L["spawnmenu.controller.button.desc"] = [[Aktivera ett kontrollervänligt läge till ARC9.
"Hoppa", "Ladda om" och "Använd" används för att Välja, Välja bort och Slumpmässigt välja tillbehör.
Kontroller glyfer kan anpassas nedanför!]]
L["spawnmenu.controller.input1"] = "Skriv vilken inmatning som skall ersättas"
L["spawnmenu.controller.input2"] = "Vilken glyf som ska visas; klicka på den nedanför"
L["spawnmenu.controller.apply"] = "Lägg till & Tillämpa"
L["spawnmenu.controller.remove"] = "Plocka bort vald"
L["spawnmenu.controller.filter"] = "Filtrera med Typ av Kontroller"
L["spawnmenu.controller.filter.all"] = "! Visa Alla !"
L["spawnmenu.supermod"] = "Super Modifierare"
L["spawnmenu.supermod.desc"] = "Lägg till vilken modifierare som helst med vilka villkor som helst!"
L["spawnmenu.supermod.desc2"] = "Dubbeltryck för att kopiera till textfälten."
L["spawnmenu.supermod.input1"] = [[ Använd första listan för att välja en statistik att ändra ]]
L["spawnmenu.supermod.input2"] = [[ Skriv in ett nummervärde, 'true' eller 'false' ]]
L["spawnmenu.supermod.list1"] = "Öppna denna lista för att välja en statistik att ändra."
L["spawnmenu.supermod.list2"] = "Öppna sedan denna lista och välj en modifikationstyp.\nVissa statistik har inte tillgång till dessa."
L["spawnmenu.supermod.list3"] = "Till sist, öppna denna lista och välj när den skall tillämpas, exempelvis när du är hukad."
L["spawnmenu.supermod.examples"] = [[Här är några exemplar:
- "Overheat" "true" för att avaktivera överhettning.
- "BottomlessClip" "true" för att aktivera Bottenlöst Magasin.
- "RecoilMultCrouch" "0.1" för att sänka rekylen med 90% när du är hukad.
- "RPMMultOddShot" "0.5" för att göra att vart andra skott skjuts hälften snabbt.

View File

@ -930,37 +930,3 @@ If you have not immediately acquired access to the ARC9 Premium bonuses, please
If you are still having problems with it, or if you still have not been granted Premium, then do visit the Diamond Doves Discord server and provide valid proof of purchase, and we will have it fixed for you.
////////////////////// Spawn Menu
-- L["spawnmenu.settings.desc"] = "Access the ARC9 settings by pressing this button without having to equip a weapon!"
-- L["spawnmenu.settings.button"] = "Open Settings Panel"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller"] = "Controller Mode"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.button.desc"] = [[Activate a controller-friendly mode for ARC9.
-- "Jump", "Reload" and "Use" can be used to Select, Deselect and Randomly select attachments.
-- Controller glyphs can be customized below!]]
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.input1"] = "Write which input the glyph should replace"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.input2"] = "Which glyph should appear; click on the one below"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.apply"] = "Add & Apply"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.remove"] = "Remove Selected"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.filter"] = "Filter by Controller Type"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.filter.all"] = "! Display All !"
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod"] = "Super Modifiers"
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.desc"] = "Add ANY modifier with ANY special condition!"
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.desc2"] = "Double-click to copy into text fields."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.input1"] = [[ Use the first list to select a stat to modify ]]
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.input2"] = [[ Enter a number value, 'true' or 'false' ]]
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.list1"] = "Open this list and select a stat to change."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.list2"] = "Then, open this list to select a modification type.\nSome stats do not have access to these."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.list3"] = "Lastly, open this list and select when it should apply, such as when crouching."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.examples"] = [[Here are some examples:
-- - "Overheat" "true" to disable overheating.
-- - "BottomlessClip" "true" to enable Bottomless Clip.
-- - "RecoilMultCrouch" "0.1" to reduce recoil by 90% when crouching.
-- - "RPMMultOddShot" "0.5" to make every other shot shoot half as fast.
-- ]]

View File

@ -929,37 +929,3 @@ L["premium.purchased.desc"] = [[
访 Discord
////////////////////// Spawn Menu
-- L["spawnmenu.settings.desc"] = "Access the ARC9 settings by pressing this button without having to equip a weapon!"
-- L["spawnmenu.settings.button"] = "Open Settings Panel"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller"] = "Controller Mode"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.button.desc"] = [[Activate a controller-friendly mode for ARC9.
-- "Jump", "Reload" and "Use" can be used to Select, Deselect and Randomly select attachments.
-- Controller glyphs can be customized below!]]
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.input1"] = "Write which input the glyph should replace"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.input2"] = "Which glyph should appear; click on the one below"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.apply"] = "Add & Apply"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.remove"] = "Remove Selected"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.filter"] = "Filter by Controller Type"
-- L["spawnmenu.controller.filter.all"] = "! Display All !"
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod"] = "Super Modifiers"
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.desc"] = "Add ANY modifier with ANY special condition!"
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.desc2"] = "Double-click to copy into text fields."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.input1"] = [[ Use the first list to select a stat to modify ]]
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.input2"] = [[ Enter a number value, 'true' or 'false' ]]
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.list1"] = "Open this list and select a stat to change."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.list2"] = "Then, open this list to select a modification type.\nSome stats do not have access to these."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.list3"] = "Lastly, open this list and select when it should apply, such as when crouching."
-- L["spawnmenu.supermod.examples"] = [[Here are some examples:
-- - "Overheat" "true" to disable overheating.
-- - "BottomlessClip" "true" to enable Bottomless Clip.
-- - "RecoilMultCrouch" "0.1" to reduce recoil by 90% when crouching.
-- - "RPMMultOddShot" "0.5" to make every other shot shoot half as fast.
-- ]]

View File

@ -1004,19 +1004,20 @@ if CLIENT then
local function menu_arc9_settings(panel)
local butt = vgui.Create( "DButton", panel )
butt:SetText( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.settings.button" ) ) -- "Open Settings Panel"
butt:SetText("Open settings panel!")
butt:SetPos(20, 50)
butt:SetSize(300, 50)
function butt:DoClick()
panel:ControlHelp( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.settings.desc" ) ) -- Settings Panel Description
panel:ControlHelp( "\nAccess the ARC9 settings by pressing this button without having to equip a weapon!" )
local function menu_client_controller(panel)
-- panel:AddControl( "header", { description = "Replace key names with controller glyphs." } )
panel:CheckBox("Activate Controller Mode", "arc9_controller")
-- panel:ControlHelp( "Activate controller-focused features in ARC9.\n- Keys are replaced with their bindnames.\n- JUMP and USE are used as Select and Deselect, respectively." )
panel:CheckBox( ARC9:GetPhrase( "settings.controller.controller.title" ), "arc9_controller") -- "Enable Controller Mode"
panel:ControlHelp( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.controller.button.desc" ) ) -- Controller Mode Description
panel:ControlHelp( "Activate a controller-friendly mode for ARC9.\n- JUMP, RELOAD and USE can be used to Select, Deselect and\nRandomly Select attachments.\n\nController glyphs can be customized down below!" )
-- panel:CheckBox("Controller Rumble w/ SInput", "arc9_controller_rumble")
-- panel:ControlHelp( "Use Fesiug's SInput to interact with ARC9.\nFound at" )
local listview = vgui.Create("DListView", panel)
@ -1028,13 +1029,13 @@ local function menu_client_controller(panel)
local tex_inp = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", panel )
local tex_out = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", panel )
-- panel:ControlHelp( "Glyph to show." ) -- Not necessary?
panel:ControlHelp( "Glyph to show." )
-- panel:ControlHelp( "Double-click to copy into text fields" )
panel:AddItem( tex_inp )
-- panel:ControlHelp( "Glyph or keyboard icon to be replaced.\nInputs are case-sensitive!" )
panel:AddItem( tex_out )
tex_inp:SetPlaceholderText( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.controller.input1" ) ) -- "Write which input the glyph should replace"
tex_out:SetPlaceholderText( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.controller.input2" ) ) -- "Which glyph should appear; click on the one below"
tex_inp:SetPlaceholderText("Write which input the glyph should replace")
tex_out:SetPlaceholderText("Which glyph should appear, or click on it below")
local but_add = vgui.Create( "DButton", panel )
local but_rem = vgui.Create( "DButton", panel )
@ -1046,8 +1047,8 @@ local function menu_client_controller(panel)
panel:AddItem( but_rem )
panel:AddItem( but_upd )
panel:AddItem( but_app )
but_add:SetText( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.controller.apply" ) ) -- "Add & Apply"
but_rem:SetText( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.controller.remove" ) ) -- "Remove Selected"
but_add:SetText("Add & Apply")
but_rem:SetText("Remove Selected")
but_upd:SetText("Restore From Memory")
@ -1114,7 +1115,7 @@ local function menu_client_controller(panel)
local matselect_filter = vgui.Create( "DComboBox", panel )
panel:AddItem( matselect_filter )
matselect_filter:AddChoice( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.controller.filter.all" ) , "" )
matselect_filter:AddChoice( "! Display All !", "" )
matselect_filter:AddChoice( "\"Shared\"", "shared_" )
matselect_filter:AddChoice( "PlayStation", "ps" )
matselect_filter:AddChoice( "Xbox", "xbox" )
@ -1138,7 +1139,7 @@ local function menu_client_controller(panel)
-- matselect_filter:AddChoice( "Xbox 360", "Xbox360/" )
-- matselect_filter:AddChoice( "Xbox One", "XboxOne/" )
-- matselect_filter:AddChoice( "Xbox Series X|S", "XboxSeries/" )
matselect_filter:SetValue( ARC9:GetPhrase("spawnmenu.controller.filter") ) -- "Filter by Controller Type"
matselect_filter:SetValue( "Filter by controller type" )
local matselect = ""
local function GenerateMatSelect()
@ -1317,7 +1318,7 @@ c3 = {
local function menu_server_modifiers(panel)
panel:AddControl( "header", { description = ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.supermod.desc" ) } ) -- "Add ANY modifier with ANY special conditions"
panel:AddControl( "header", { description = "Add ANY modifier with ANY special conditions." } )
local listview = vgui.Create("DListView", panel)
listview:SetSize( 99, 200 )
panel:AddItem( listview )
@ -1327,21 +1328,21 @@ local function menu_server_modifiers(panel)
local tex_inp = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", panel )
local tex_out = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", panel )
panel:ControlHelp( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.supermod.desc2" ) )
panel:ControlHelp( "Double-click to copy into text fields" )
panel:AddItem( tex_inp )
panel:AddItem( tex_out )
tex_inp:SetPlaceholderText( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.supermod.input1" ) ) -- "Use the first list to select a stat to modify"
tex_out:SetPlaceholderText( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.supermod.input2" ) ) -- "Enter a number value, 'true' or 'False'"
tex_inp:SetPlaceholderText("Use the first list to select a stat to modify")
tex_out:SetPlaceholderText("Enter a number value, 'true', or 'false'.")
local com_1 = vgui.Create( "DComboBox", panel )
local com_2 = vgui.Create( "DComboBox", panel )
local com_3 = vgui.Create( "DComboBox", panel )
panel:AddItem( com_1 )
panel:ControlHelp( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.supermod.list1" ) ) -- "Open this list and select a stat to change."
panel:ControlHelp( "Stat to change." )
panel:AddItem( com_2 )
panel:ControlHelp( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.supermod.list2" ) ) -- "Then, open this list to select a modification type. Some stats do not have access to these."
panel:ControlHelp( "Modification type. Some stats don't have these." )
panel:AddItem( com_3 )
panel:ControlHelp( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.supermod.list3" ) ) -- "Lastly, open this list and select when it should apply, such as when crouching."
panel:ControlHelp( "Special condition, like if you're crouching." )
function listview:DoDoubleClick( lineID, line )
tex_inp:SetValue( line:GetColumnText( 1 ) )
@ -1380,16 +1381,16 @@ local function menu_server_modifiers(panel)
panel:AddItem( but_rem )
panel:AddItem( but_upd )
panel:AddItem( but_app )
but_add:SetText( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.controller.apply" ) ) -- "Add & Apply"
but_rem:SetText( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.controller.remove" ) ) -- "Remove Selected"
but_add:SetText("Add & Apply")
but_rem:SetText("Remove Selected")
but_upd:SetText("Restore From Memory")
panel:ControlHelp( ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.supermod.examples" ) )
-- panel:ControlHelp( " - \"Overheat\" \"true\" to disable overheating." )
-- panel:ControlHelp( " - \"BottomlessClip\" \"true\" to enable Bottomless Clip." )
-- panel:ControlHelp( " - \"RecoilMultCrouch\" \"0.1\" to reduce recoil to 10% when crouching." )
-- panel:ControlHelp( " - \"RPMMultOddShot\" \"0.5\" to make every other shot 600RPM." )
panel:ControlHelp( "Examples:" )
panel:ControlHelp( " - \"Overheat\" \"true\" to disable overheating." )
panel:ControlHelp( " - \"BottomlessClip\" \"true\" to enable Bottomless Clip." )
panel:ControlHelp( " - \"RecoilMultCrouch\" \"0.1\" to reduce recoil to 10% when crouching." )
panel:ControlHelp( " - \"RPMMultOddShot\" \"0.5\" to make every other shot 600RPM." )
function listview:OnRowRightClick( lineID, line )
local menu = DermaMenu()
@ -1457,7 +1458,7 @@ end )
local clientmenus_ti = {
text = ARC9:GetPhrase( "settings.title" ), func = menu_arc9_settings
text = "ARC9 Settings", func = menu_arc9_settings
-- {
-- text = "Client", func = menu_client_ti
@ -1466,7 +1467,7 @@ local clientmenus_ti = {
-- text = "Client - Customization", func = menu_client_customization
-- },
text = ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.controller" ), func = menu_client_controller
text = "Controller Mode", func = menu_client_controller
-- {
-- text = "Client - Crosshair", func = menu_client_crosshair
@ -1484,7 +1485,7 @@ local clientmenus_ti = {
-- text = "Server - Ballistics", func = menu_server_ballistics
-- },
text = ARC9:GetPhrase( "spawnmenu.supermod" ), func = menu_server_modifiers
text = "Super Modifiers", func = menu_server_modifiers