IR lasers & flashlights in mw, arctic, jmod nvgs

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Darsu 2025-01-30 23:53:37 +07:00
parent 58a71fbf84
commit 541c9cf66e
2 changed files with 93 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -2,12 +2,38 @@ local defaulttracemat = Material("arc9/laser2")
local defaultflaremat = Material("sprites/light_glow02_add", "mips smooth") local defaultflaremat = Material("sprites/light_glow02_add", "mips smooth")
local lasercolorred = Color(255, 0, 0) local lasercolorred = Color(255, 0, 0)
local lasercolor200 = Color(200, 200, 200) local lasercolor200 = Color(200, 200, 200)
local irlasercolor = Color(106, 255, 218)
local function checknvg(wpn)
local lp = LocalPlayer()
if lp.quadnodsonlight or lp:GetNWBool("nvg_on", false) then return true end -- arctic nvgs and mw nvgs
if lp.EZarmor and lp.EZarmor.effects and lp.EZarmor.effects.nightVision then return true end -- jmod
local sight = wpn:GetSight()
if sight and wpn:GetSightAmount() > 0.8 and !wpn.Peeking and sight.atttbl and sight.atttbl.RTScopeNightVision then return true end
return false
function SWEP:DrawLaser(pos, dir, atttbl, behav) function SWEP:DrawLaser(pos, dir, atttbl, behav)
behav = behav or false behav = behav or false
local strength = atttbl.LaserStrength or 1 local strength = atttbl.LaserStrength or 1
local flaremat = atttbl.LaserFlareMat or defaultflaremat local flaremat = atttbl.LaserFlareMat or defaultflaremat
local lasermat = atttbl.LaserTraceMat or defaulttracemat local lasermat = atttbl.LaserTraceMat or defaulttracemat
local width = math.Rand(0.1, 0.5) * strength
local nvgon
if atttbl.LaserIR then
nvgon = checknvg(self)
if nvgon then
width = width + 0.25
strength = strength + 1
if strength == 0 then return end
local owner = self:GetOwner() local owner = self:GetOwner()
local dist = 5000 local dist = 5000
@ -21,8 +47,6 @@ function SWEP:DrawLaser(pos, dir, atttbl, behav)
if tr.StartSolid then return end if tr.StartSolid then return end
local width = math.Rand(0.1, 0.5) * strength
local hit = tr.Hit local hit = tr.Hit
local hitpos = tr.HitPos local hitpos = tr.HitPos
@ -75,6 +99,10 @@ function SWEP:DrawLaser(pos, dir, atttbl, behav)
if (atttbl.LaserColorPlayer or atttbl.LaserPlayerColor) then color = colorplayer or color end if (atttbl.LaserColorPlayer or atttbl.LaserPlayerColor) then color = colorplayer or color end
if nvgon and atttbl.LaserIR then
color = irlasercolor
if !behav then if !behav then
render.SetMaterial(lasermat) render.SetMaterial(lasermat)
render.DrawBeam(pos, laspos, width * 0.2, 0, fraction, lasercolor200) render.DrawBeam(pos, laspos, width * 0.2, 0, fraction, lasercolor200)
@ -122,6 +150,7 @@ function SWEP:DrawLasers(wm, behav)
end end
local wmnotdrawn = wm and self.LastWMDrawn != UnPredictedCurTime() and owner != lp local wmnotdrawn = wm and self.LastWMDrawn != UnPredictedCurTime() and owner != lp
local nvgon = checknvg(self)
for _, model in ipairs(mdl) do for _, model in ipairs(mdl) do
local slottbl = model.slottbl local slottbl = model.slottbl
@ -135,8 +164,14 @@ function SWEP:DrawLasers(wm, behav)
model:SetAngles(ang) model:SetAngles(ang)
local a local a
if wmnotdrawn then
if atttbl.LaserAttachment then a = {
Pos = pos,
Ang = ang
a.Ang:RotateAroundAxis(a.Ang:Up(), -90)
elseif atttbl.LaserAttachment then
a = model:GetAttachment(atttbl.LaserAttachment) a = model:GetAttachment(atttbl.LaserAttachment)
else else
a = { a = {
@ -148,7 +183,6 @@ function SWEP:DrawLasers(wm, behav)
end end
if !a then return end if !a then return end
if wmnotdrawn then a.Pos, a.Ang = pos, ang end
local lasercorrectionangle = model.LaserCorrectionAngle local lasercorrectionangle = model.LaserCorrectionAngle
local lasang = a.Ang local lasang = a.Ang
@ -165,8 +199,14 @@ function SWEP:DrawLasers(wm, behav)
local colorplayer = !owner:IsNPC() and owner:GetWeaponColor():ToColor() local colorplayer = !owner:IsNPC() and owner:GetWeaponColor():ToColor()
if (atttbl.LaserColorPlayer or atttbl.LaserPlayerColor) then color = colorplayer or color end if (atttbl.LaserColorPlayer or atttbl.LaserPlayerColor) then color = colorplayer or color end
local flaresize = 0.075
if atttbl.LaserIR then
flaresize = 0
if nvgon then flaresize = 0.2 color = irlasercolor end
self:DrawLightFlare(a.Pos, lasang, color, 0.075, !wm, false, -lasang:Right()) self:DrawLightFlare(a.Pos, lasang, color, flaresize, !wm, false, -lasang:Right())
if !wm or owner == lp or wm and owner:IsNPC() then if !wm or owner == lp or wm and owner:IsNPC() then
if behav then if behav then
@ -175,7 +215,7 @@ function SWEP:DrawLasers(wm, behav)
self:DrawLaser(a.Pos, -lasang:Right(), atttbl, behav) self:DrawLaser(a.Pos, -lasang:Right(), atttbl, behav)
end end
else else
self:DrawLaser(a.Pos, self:GetShootDir():Forward(), atttbl, behav) self:DrawLaser(a.Pos, -lasang:Right(), atttbl, behav)
end end
end end
end end

View File

@ -11,14 +11,29 @@ function SWEP:GetHasFlashlights()
return false return false
end end
local nvgon = false
local function checknvg(wpn) -- this func a bit different than what in cl_laser
local lp = LocalPlayer()
if lp.quadnodsonlight or lp:GetNWBool("nvg_on", false) then return true end -- arctic nvgs and mw nvgs
if lp.EZarmor and lp.EZarmor.effects and lp.EZarmor.effects.nightVision then return true end -- jmod
local sight = wpn:GetSight()
if sight and wpn:GetSightAmount() > 0.8 and !wpn.Peeking and sight.atttbl and sight.atttbl.RTScopeNightVision and ARC9.RTScopeRender then return true end
return false
local arc9_allflash = GetConVar("arc9_allflash") local arc9_allflash = GetConVar("arc9_allflash")
local irflashcolor = Color(106, 255, 218)
function SWEP:CreateFlashlights() function SWEP:CreateFlashlights()
self:KillFlashlights() self:KillFlashlights()
self.Flashlights = {} self.Flashlights = {}
local total_lights = 0 local total_lights = 0
local lp = LocalPlayer()
nvgon = checknvg(self)
for _, k in ipairs(self:GetSubSlotList()) do for _, k in ipairs(self:GetSubSlotList()) do
if !k.Installed then continue end if !k.Installed then continue end
local atttbl = self:GetFinalAttTable(k) local atttbl = self:GetFinalAttTable(k)
@ -33,6 +48,11 @@ function SWEP:CreateFlashlights()
nodotter = atttbl.Flashlight360 nodotter = atttbl.Flashlight360
} }
if nvgon and atttbl.FlashlightIR then
newlight.col = irflashcolor = 1
total_lights = total_lights + 1 total_lights = total_lights + 1
local l = newlight.light local l = newlight.light
@ -52,6 +72,16 @@ function SWEP:CreateFlashlights()
l:SetColor(atttbl.FlashlightColor or color_white) l:SetColor(atttbl.FlashlightColor or color_white)
l:SetTexture(atttbl.FlashlightMaterial or "effects/flashlight001") l:SetTexture(atttbl.FlashlightMaterial or "effects/flashlight001")
l:SetBrightness(atttbl.FlashlightBrightness or 3) l:SetBrightness(atttbl.FlashlightBrightness or 3)
if nvgon and atttbl.FlashlightIR then
l:SetFOV((atttbl.FlashlightFOV or 50) * 1.5)
-- l:SetTexture(atttbl.FlashlightMaterial or "effects/flashlight001")
l:SetEnableShadows(true) l:SetEnableShadows(true)
l:Update() l:Update()
@ -64,7 +94,7 @@ function SWEP:CreateFlashlights()
end end
end end
if total_lights > 1 or (arc9_allflash:GetBool() and self:GetOwner() != LocalPlayer()) then -- you are a madman if total_lights > 1 or (arc9_allflash:GetBool() and self:GetOwner() != lp) then -- you are a madman
for i, k in ipairs(self.Flashlights) do for i, k in ipairs(self.Flashlights) do
if k.light:IsValid() then k.light:SetEnableShadows(false) end if k.light:IsValid() then k.light:SetEnableShadows(false) end
end end
@ -101,10 +131,13 @@ function SWEP:DrawFlashlightsWM()
if isotherplayer and lp:EyePos():DistToSqr(owner:EyePos()) > 2048^2 then self:KillFlashlights() return end if isotherplayer and lp:EyePos():DistToSqr(owner:EyePos()) > 2048^2 then self:KillFlashlights() return end
local wmnotdrawn = self.LastWMDrawn != UnPredictedCurTime() and isotherplayer local wmnotdrawn = self.LastWMDrawn != UnPredictedCurTime() and isotherplayer
local anydrawn = false
for i, k in ipairs(self.Flashlights) do for i, k in ipairs(self.Flashlights) do
local model = (k.slottbl or {}).WModel local model = (k.slottbl or {}).WModel
-- if !IsValid(model) then continue end -- if !IsValid(model) then continue end
anydrawn = true
if == 0 then continue end
local pos, ang local pos, ang
@ -148,6 +181,10 @@ function SWEP:DrawFlashlightsWM()
k.light:SetAngles(ang) k.light:SetAngles(ang)
k.light:Update() k.light:Update()
end end
if anydrawn and nvgon != checknvg(self) then
end end
function SWEP:DrawFlashlightsVM() function SWEP:DrawFlashlightsVM()
@ -159,10 +196,13 @@ function SWEP:DrawFlashlightsVM()
local lp = LocalPlayer() local lp = LocalPlayer()
local eyepos = owner:EyePos() local eyepos = owner:EyePos()
local anydrawn = false
for i, k in ipairs(self.Flashlights) do for i, k in ipairs(self.Flashlights) do
local model = (k.slottbl or {}).VModel local model = (k.slottbl or {}).VModel
if !IsValid(model) then continue end if !IsValid(model) then continue end
anydrawn = true
if == 0 then continue end
local pos, ang local pos, ang
@ -210,6 +250,10 @@ function SWEP:DrawFlashlightsVM()
k.light:SetAngles(ang) k.light:SetAngles(ang)
k.light:Update() k.light:Update()
end end
if anydrawn and nvgon != checknvg(self) then
end end
local flaremat = Material("effects/arc9_lensflare", "mips smooth") local flaremat = Material("effects/arc9_lensflare", "mips smooth")