Added envmap reflection fix

Included instructions on how to use this as well
This commit is contained in:
May Lian 2023-04-20 17:51:49 -04:00
parent fd6f2258ad
commit 21321663a9
2 changed files with 53 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
if SERVER then return end
local envmaptint = "$envmaptint"
local envmap = "$envmap"
local lastPos = Vector()
local lastValue = 0
matproxy.Add( {
name = "Arc9EnvMapTint",
init = function(self, mat, values)
local color = {1, 1, 1}
if (values.color != nil) then
color = string.Explode(" ", string.Replace(string.Replace(values.color, "[", ""), "]", ""))
self.min = values.min || 0
self.max = values.max || 1
self.color = Vector(color[1], color[2], color[3])
mat:SetTexture(envmap, values.envmap || "arc9/shared/envmaps/specularity_50")
bind = function(self, mat, ent)
if (!IsValid(ent)) then return end
if (!lastPos:IsEqualTol(ent:GetPos(), 1)) then
local c = render.GetLightColor(ent:GetPos())
lastValue = (c.x * 0.2126) + (c.y * 0.7152) + (c.z * 0.0722)
lastValue = math.min(lastValue * 2, 1)
lastPos = ent:GetPos()
ent.m_Arc9EnvMapTint = Lerp(10 * FrameTime(), ent.m_Arc9EnvMapTint || 0, lastValue)
mat:SetVector(envmaptint, self.color * Lerp(ent.m_Arc9EnvMapTint, self.min, self.max))
----- Add this to your VMT to fix garbage/shitty reflection
-- "Proxies"
-- {
-- "Arc9EnvMapTint"
-- {
-- "specularity" "0.5"
-- "min" "0"
-- "max" "0.2" // Change this if its too bright in game
-- }
-- }
-- }

Binary file not shown.