actually fix sendmessagecolor

This commit is contained in:
StrawWagen 2022-01-13 18:05:25 -07:00 committed by Brandon Sturgeon
parent 2b138058fd
commit f595851daf

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@ -19,20 +19,20 @@ E2Helper.Descriptions["plyGetJumpPower"] = "Returns the jump power of the player
E2Helper.Descriptions["plyGetGravity"] = "Gets the gravity multiplier of the player."
E2Helper.Descriptions["plyGetSpeed"] = "Gets the speed of the player."
-- local plys = {}
local plys = {}
net.Receive("wire_expression2_playercore_sendmessage", function( len, ply )
-- local ply = net.ReadEntity()
-- if ply and not plys[ply] then
-- plys[ply] = true
-- -- printColorDriver is used for the first time on us by this chip
-- WireLib.AddNotify(msg1, NOTIFY_GENERIC, 7, NOTIFYSOUND_DRIP3)
-- WireLib.AddNotify(msg2, NOTIFY_GENERIC, 7)
-- chat.AddText(Color(255, 50, 50),"After this message, ", ply, " can send you a 100% realistically fake people talking, including admins.")
-- chat.AddText(Color(255, 50, 50),"Look the console to see if the message is form an expression2")
-- end
local ply = net.ReadEntity()
if ply and not plys[ply] then
plys[ply] = true
-- printColorDriver is used for the first time on us by this chip
WireLib.AddNotify(msg2, NOTIFY_GENERIC, 7)
chat.AddText(Color(255, 50, 50),"After this message, ", ply, " can send you a 100% realistically fake people talking, including admins.")
chat.AddText(Color(255, 50, 50),"Look the console to see if the message is form an expression2")
-- LocalPlayer():PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "[E2] " .. ply:Name() .. ": ")
-- chat.AddText(Color(255, 50, 50), "> ", Color(151, 211, 255), unpack(net.ReadTable()))
LocalPlayer():PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "[E2] " .. ply:Name() .. ": ")
chat.AddText(Color(255, 50, 50), "> ", Color(151, 211, 255), unpack(net.ReadTable()))
hook.Add("PlayerNoClip", "PlyCore", function(ply, state)