WIP: Block outgoing damage

This commit is contained in:
Brandon Sturgeon 2024-11-11 21:29:12 -08:00
parent 29debb7616
commit 5f317a978a
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 4D9CA14556A023AD

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- Config Variables --
-- Time in seconds after moving for the first time that the player will lose spawn protection
local spawnProtectionMoveDelay = 2
local spawnProtectionMoveDelay = 0.25
-- Time in seconds before spawn protection wears off if no action is taken
local spawnProtectionDecayTime = 10
@ -133,12 +133,6 @@ local function createDelayedRemoveTimer( ply )
end )
-- Used to delay the removal of spawn protection
local function delayRemoveSpawnProtection( ply )
ply.disablingSpawnProtection = true
createDelayedRemoveTimer( ply )
local function playerSpawnedAtEnemySpawnPoint( ply )
local spawnPoint = ply.LinkedSpawnPoint
if not spawnPoint or not IsValid( spawnPoint ) then return false end
@ -154,13 +148,10 @@ local function playerIsInPvp( ply )
local function playerHasSpawnProtection( ply )
if not isValidPlayer( ply ) then return false end
return ply:GetNWBool( "HasSpawnProtection", false )
local function playerIsDisablingSpawnProtection( ply )
return ply.disablingSpawnProtection
local function weaponIsAllowed( weapon )
return allowedSpawnWeapons[weapon:GetClass()]
@ -172,10 +163,6 @@ local function setSpawnProtectionForPvpSpawn( ply )
if not isValidPlayer( ply ) then return end
if not playerIsInPvp( ply ) then return end
ply:Give( "weapon_physgun" )
ply:SelectWeapon( "weapon_physgun" )
ply.cfcSpawnProtectionIgnoreWeaponSwitch = nil
if playerSpawnedAtEnemySpawnPoint( ply ) then return end
setSpawnProtection( ply )
@ -205,15 +192,11 @@ local function spawnProtectionKeyPressCheck( ply, keyCode )
if not ply:Alive() then return end
if not playerHasSpawnProtection( ply ) then return end
if playerIsDisablingSpawnProtection( ply ) and movementKeys[keyCode] then
delayRemoveSpawnProtection( ply )
if ply.disablingSpawnProtection and movementKeys[keyCode] then
ply.disablingSpawnProtection = true
createDelayedRemoveTimer( ply )
local plyActiveWeapon = ply:GetActiveWeapon()
if attackKeys[keyCode] and plyActiveWeapon:IsValid() and not weaponIsAllowed( plyActiveWeapon ) then
instantRemoveSpawnProtection( ply, "You've attacked and lost spawn protection." )
-- Prevents damage if a player has spawn protection
@ -233,15 +216,6 @@ hook.Add( "PlayerExitPvP", "CFCremoveSpawnProtectionOnExitPvP", function( ply )
instantRemoveSpawnProtection( ply, "You've left pvp mode and lost spawn protection." )
end )
hook.Add( "PlayerSwitchWeapon", "CFCspawnProtectionSwitch", function( ply, _, wep )
if ply.cfcSpawnProtectionIgnoreWeaponSwitch then return end
if not playerHasSpawnProtection( ply ) then return end
if not weaponIsAllowed( wep ) then
instantRemoveSpawnProtection( ply, "You've switched weapons and lost spawn protection" )
end )
-- Remove spawn protection when player enters vehicle
hook.Add( "PlayerEnteredVehicle", "CFCremoveSpawnProtectionOnEnterVehicle", function( ply )
if not playerHasSpawnProtection( ply ) then return end
@ -249,20 +223,6 @@ hook.Add( "PlayerEnteredVehicle", "CFCremoveSpawnProtectionOnEnterVehicle", func
instantRemoveSpawnProtection( ply, "You've entered a vehicle and lost spawn protection." )
end )
-- CLoadout integration
hook.Add( "CLoadoutOverridePreferredWeapon", "CFCSpawnProtection", function( ply )
if not playerHasSpawnProtection( ply ) then return end
ply.cfcSpawnProtectionIgnoreWeaponSwitch = false
ply:Give( "weapon_physgun" )
return "weapon_physgun"
end )
hook.Add( "CLoadoutPreGiveWeapons", "CFCSpawnProtection", function( ply )
if not playerHasSpawnProtection( ply ) then return end
ply.cfcSpawnProtectionIgnoreWeaponSwitch = true
end )
-- Physgun activity
hook.Add( "OnPhysgunPickup", "CFCremoveSpawnProtectionOnPhysgunPickup", function( ply )
if not playerHasSpawnProtection( ply ) then return end
@ -272,9 +232,6 @@ end )
-- PlayerSetModel runs after PlayerLoadout, so we can use it to set spawn protection
hook.Add( "PlayerSetModel", "CFCsetSpawnProtection", setSpawnProtectionForPvpSpawn, HOOK_HIGH )
hook.Add( "PlayerSpawn", "CFCsetSpawnProtection", function( ply )
ply.cfcSpawnProtectionIgnoreWeaponSwitch = true
end )
-- Properly handle spawning in players
hook.Add( "PlayerFullLoad", "CFCResetInfiniteSpawnProtection", function( ply )
@ -291,3 +248,15 @@ hook.Add( "KeyPress", "CFCspawnProtectionKeyPressCheck", spawnProtectionKeyPress
-- Prevent entity damage while in spawn protection
hook.Add( "EntityTakeDamage", "CFCpreventDamageDuringSpawnProtection", preventDamageDuringSpawnProtection, HOOK_HIGH )
hook.Add( "CFC_PvP_ShouldBlockDamage", "CFC_SpawnProtection_BlockDamage", function( ent, _, attacker )
if playerHasSpawnProtection( ent ) then
return true, "Victim has spawn protection"
if not attacker then return end
if not playerHasSpawnProtection( attacker ) then return end
instantRemoveSpawnProtection( attacker, "You've attaked another player and lost spawn protection (Damage not dealt!)" )
return true, "Attacker has spawn protection"
end )